 * IO node send write request to Burst Buffer
 * @Params ns node state
 * 		   m message
 * 		   lp LP
void io_node_send_request(node_state * ns, node_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {
	printf("In Server send REQ\n");
	// check that we received the msg from the expected source
	// printf("In handle_node_recv_req num_svr_nodes is %d\n",num_svr_nodes);
	assert(m->id_clust_src % num_svr_nodes == ns->id_clust);

	// setup the response message through the forwarder
	forwarder_msg m_fwd;
	msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

	m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
	m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = (m->id_clust_src % num_svr_nodes)
			% num_burst_buffer_nodes;
	//m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = m->id_clust_src;
	m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_req;			//TO CHANGE WITH BB
	//m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_ack;

	// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
	//int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_burst_buffer_forwarders;
	int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_svr_forwarders;

	tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(dest_fwd_id,
			"svr_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
	ns->pvfs_ts_remote_write += pvfs_tp_write_local_mu;
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "svr", "req", dest_fwd_lpid,
			pvfs_file_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);

 * Burst Buffer send ACK (read operation) to IO node
 * @Params ns node state
 * 		   m message
 * 		   lp LP
void burst_buffer_send_ack(node_state * ns, node_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {

	printf("In Burst Buffer send ACK\n");
	// check that we received the msg from the expected source
	assert(m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes == ns->id_clust);

	// setup the response message through the forwarder
	forwarder_msg m_fwd;
	msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

	m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
	m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = (m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes)
			% num_svr_nodes;
	m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_ack;

	// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
	int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_svr_forwarders;

	// as the relative forwarder IDs are with respect to groups, the group
	// name must be used
	tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(dest_fwd_id,
			"bb_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
	ns->bb_cur_capacity -= pvfs_file_sz;
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "bb", "ack", dest_fwd_lpid,
			pvfs_file_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);
 * Compute node send write request to IO node
 * @Params ns node state
 * 		   m message
 * 		   lp LP
void compute_node_send_request(node_state * ns, node_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {
	printf("In handle_node_next\n");
	// we must be in cluster client for this function

	// generate a message to send to the forwarder
	forwarder_msg m_fwd;
	msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

	m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
	// compute the destination in cluster svr to req based on a simple modulo
	// of the logical indexes
	//printf("num_svr_nodes is %d\n",num_svr_nodes);
	m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust % num_svr_nodes;
	//printf("dest_node_clust_id is %d\n",m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id);
	m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_req;

	// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulo
	//printf("num_client_forwarders is %d\n",num_client_forwarders);
	int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_client_forwarders;
	// printf("dest_node_fwd_id is %d\n",dest_fwd_id);

	// as the relative forwarder IDs are with respect to groups, the group
	// name must be used
	tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(dest_fwd_id,
			"client_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
	//printf("dest_fwd_lpid is %d\n",(int)dest_fwd_lpid);
	// as cluster nodes have only one network type (+ annotation), no need to
	// use annotation-specific messaging
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id_client, "client", "req", dest_fwd_lpid,
			payload_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);
void handle_forwarder_recv(forwarder_state * ns, forwarder_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {
	//printf("In handle_forwarder_recv\n");
	// compute the node to relay the message to
	const char * dest_group;
	const char * annotation;
	char * category;
	int net_id;

	if (ns->is_in_client) {
		dest_group = "client_CLUSTER";
		annotation = "client";
		category = "ack";
		net_id = net_id_client;
	} else if (ns->is_in_server) {
		if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_req) {
			dest_group = "svr_CLUSTER";
			annotation = "svr";
			category = "req";
			net_id = net_id_svr;
		} else if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_ack) {
			dest_group = "svr_CLUSTER";
			annotation = "svr";
			category = "ack";
			net_id = net_id_svr;
	} else if (ns->is_in_bb) {
		if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_req) {
			dest_group = "bb_CLUSTER";
			annotation = "bb";
			category = "req";
			net_id = net_id_bb;
		} else if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_ack) {
			dest_group = "bb_CLUSTER";
			annotation = "bb";
			category = "ack";
			net_id = net_id_bb;
	} else {
		dest_group = "storage_CLUSTER";
		annotation = "str";
		category = "req";
		net_id = net_id_storage;

	tw_lpid dest_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(
			m->dest_node_clust_id, dest_group, "node", NULL, 0);

	node_msg m_node;
	msg_set_header(node_magic, m->node_event_type, lp->gid, &m_node.h);
	m_node.id_clust_src = m->src_node_clust_id;

	// here, we need to use the client or svr cluster's internal network, so we use
	// the annotated version of model_net_event
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id, annotation, category, dest_lpid,
			payload_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_node), &m_node, 0, NULL, lp);

void handle_forwarder_fwd(forwarder_state * ns, forwarder_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {
	// printf("In handle_forwarder_fwd\n");
	// compute the forwarder lpid to forward to
	int mod;
	const char * dest_group;
	char * category;
	if (ns->is_in_client) {
		//printf("Test Client forwarder \n");
		mod = num_svr_forwarders;
		dest_group = "svr_FORWARDERS";
		category = "req";
	} else if (ns->is_in_server) {
		if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_ack) {
			//printf("Test Server forwarder ACK\n");
			mod = num_client_forwarders;
			dest_group = "client_FORWARDERS";
			category = "ack";
		} else if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_req) {
			//printf("Test Server forwarder REQ\n");
			mod = num_burst_buffer_forwarders;
			dest_group = "bb_FORWARDERS";
			category = "req";
	} else if (ns->is_in_bb) {
		if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_ack) {
			//printf("Test Burst Buffer forwarder ACK\n");
			mod = num_svr_forwarders;
			dest_group = "svr_FORWARDERS";
			category = "ack";
		} else if (m->node_event_type == NODE_RECV_req) {
			//printf("Test Burst Buffer forwarder REQ\n");
			mod = num_storage_forwarders;
			dest_group = "storage_FORWARDERS";
			category = "req";
	} else {
		//printf("Test Storage forwarder ACK\n");
		mod = num_burst_buffer_forwarders;
		dest_group = "bb_FORWARDERS";
		category = "ack";

	// compute the ROSS id corresponding to the dest forwarder
	//printf("mod is %d\n",mod);
	tw_lpid dest_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(ns->id % mod,
			dest_group, "forwarder", NULL, 0);

	forwarder_msg m_fwd = *m;
	msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_RECV, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

	// here, we need to use the unannotated forwarding network, so we
	// use the annotation version of model_net_event
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id_forwarding, NULL, category, dest_lpid,
			payload_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);

Example #6
/*Returns the next neighbor to which the packet should be routed by using DOR (Taken from Ning's code of the torus model)*/
static void dimension_order_routing( nodes_state * s,
                                     tw_lpid * dst_lp,
                                     int * dim,
                                     int * dir )
    int dest[s->params->n_dims];
    int dest_id;

    /* dummys - check later */
    *dim = -1;
    *dir = -1;

    to_dim_id(codes_mapping_get_lp_relative_id(*dst_lp, 0, 1),
              s->params->n_dims, s->params->dim_length, dest);

    for(int i = 0; i < s->params->n_dims; i++ )
        if ( s->dim_position[ i ] - dest[ i ] > s->params->half_length[ i ] )
            dest_id = s->neighbour_plus_lpID[ i ];
            *dim = i;
            *dir = 1;
        if ( s->dim_position[ i ] - dest[ i ] < -s->params->half_length[ i ] )
            dest_id = s->neighbour_minus_lpID[ i ];
            *dim = i;
            *dir = 0;
        if ( ( s->dim_position[i] - dest[i] <= s->params->half_length[i] ) &&
                ( s->dim_position[ i ] - dest[ i ] > 0 ) )
            dest_id = s->neighbour_minus_lpID[ i ];
            *dim = i;
            *dir = 0;
        if (( s->dim_position[i] - dest[i] >= -s->params->half_length[i] ) &&
                ( s->dim_position[ i ] - dest[ i ] < 0) )
            dest_id = s->neighbour_plus_lpID[ i ];
            *dim = i;
            *dir = 1;

    assert(*dim != -1 && *dir != -1);
    *dst_lp = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(dest_id, NULL, LP_CONFIG_NM,
              s->anno, 1);
 * IO node send ACK (read operation) to compute node
 * @Params ns node state
 * 		   m message
 * 		   lp LP
void io_node_send_ack(node_state * ns, node_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {
	printf("In Server send ACK\n");
	// setup the response message through the forwarder
	forwarder_msg m_fwd;
	msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);
	m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
	m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust % num_client_nodes;
	m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_ack;

	// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
	int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_svr_forwarders;

	// as the relative forwarder IDs are with respect to groups, the group
	// name must be used
	tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(dest_fwd_id,
			"svr_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
	ns->pvfs_ts_remote_write += pvfs_tp_write_local_mu;
	model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "svr", "ack", dest_fwd_lpid,
			payload_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);

 * Burst Buffer send write request to Storage node if it's full
 * Otherwise local write + write request to storage later
 * @Params ns node state
 * 		   m message
 * 		   lp LP
void burst_bufer_send_request(node_state * ns, node_msg * m, tw_lp * lp) {

	assert(m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes == ns->id_clust);

	if (ns->bb_cur_capacity + pvfs_file_sz >= burst_buffer_capacity) { // if full send to storage node
		printf("In Burst Buffer send REQ to storage\n");
		// setup the response message through the forwarder
		forwarder_msg m_fwd;
		msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

		m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
		m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = (m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes)
				% num_storage_nodes;
		m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_req;

		// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
		int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_burst_buffer_forwarders;

		// as the relative forwarder IDs are with respect to groups, the group
		// name must be used
		tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(
				dest_fwd_id, "bb_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
		ns->pvfs_ts_remote_write += pvfs_tp_write_local_mu;
		model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "bb", "req", dest_fwd_lpid,
				pvfs_file_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);
	} else {								// if enough room for local write
		printf("In Burst Buffer send ACK to Server and REQ to storage later\n");
		forwarder_msg m_fwd;										//send ack
		msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd.h);

		m_fwd.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
		m_fwd.dest_node_clust_id = (m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes)
				% num_svr_nodes;
		m_fwd.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_ack;

		// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
		int dest_fwd_id = ns->id_clust % num_svr_forwarders;

		// as the relative forwarder IDs are with respect to groups, the group
		// name must be used
		tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(
				dest_fwd_id, "bb_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
		ns->bb_ts_local_write += burst_buffer_local_mu;
		ns->bb_cur_capacity += pvfs_file_sz;
		model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "bb", "ack", dest_fwd_lpid,
				pvfs_file_sz, 0.0, sizeof(m_fwd), &m_fwd, 0, NULL, lp);

		forwarder_msg m_fwd2;
		msg_set_header(forwarder_magic, FORWARDER_FWD, lp->gid, &m_fwd2.h);

		m_fwd2.src_node_clust_id = ns->id_clust;
		m_fwd2.dest_node_clust_id = (m->id_clust_src % num_burst_buffer_nodes)
				% num_storage_nodes;
		m_fwd2.node_event_type = NODE_RECV_req;

		// compute the dest forwarder index, again using a simple modulus
		int dest_fwd_id2 = ns->id_clust % num_burst_buffer_forwarders;

		tw_lpid dest_fwd_lpid2 = codes_mapping_get_lpid_from_relative(
				dest_fwd_id2, "bb_FORWARDERS", "forwarder", NULL, 0);
		ns->pvfs_ts_remote_write += pvfs_tp_write_local_mu;
		tw_stime offset = tw_rand_integer(lp->rng, 0.0, 5.0);
		model_net_event_annotated(net_id_svr, "bb", "req", dest_fwd_lpid2,
				pvfs_file_sz, offset, sizeof(m_fwd2), &m_fwd2, 0, NULL, lp);
