Example #1
 * @brief Gets a colour.
 * @usage colour.new( "Red" ) -- Gets colour by name
 * @usage colour.new( "Red", 0.5 ) -- Gets colour by name with alpha 0.5
 * @usage colour.new() -- Creates a white (blank) colour
 * @usage colour.new( 1., 0., 0. ) -- Creates a bright red colour
 * @usage colour.new( 1., 0., 0., 0.5 ) -- Creates a bright red colour with alpha 0.5
 *    @luaparam r Red value of the colour.
 *    @luaparam g Green value of the colour.
 *    @luaparam b Blue value of the colour.
 *    @luaparam a Alpha value of the colour.
 *    @luareturn A newly created colour.
 * @luafunc new( r, g, b, a )
static int colL_new( lua_State *L )
    glColour *col;
    LuaColour lc;

    if (lua_gettop(L)==0) {
        lc.col.r = lc.col.g = lc.col.b = lc.col.a = 1.;
    else if (lua_isnumber(L,1)) {
        lc.col.r = luaL_checknumber(L,1);
        lc.col.g = luaL_checknumber(L,2);
        lc.col.b = luaL_checknumber(L,3);
        if (lua_isnumber(L,4))
            lc.col.a = luaL_checknumber(L,4);
            lc.col.a = 1.;
    else if (lua_isstring(L,1)) {
        col = col_fromName( lua_tostring(L,1) );
        if (col == NULL) {
            NLUA_ERROR( L, "Colour '%s' does not exist!", lua_tostring(L,1) );
            return 0;
        memcpy( &lc.col, col, sizeof(glColour) );
        if (lua_isnumber(L,2))
            lc.col.a = luaL_checknumber(L,2);
            lc.col.a = 1.;

    lua_pushcolour( L, lc );
    return 1;
Example #2
 * @brief Parses a single faction, but doesn't set the allies/enemies bit.
 *    @param temp Faction to load data into.
 *    @param parent Parent node to extract faction from.
 *    @return Faction created from parent node.
static int faction_parse( Faction* temp, xmlNodePtr parent )
   xmlNodePtr node;
   int player;
   char buf[PATH_MAX];

   /* Clear memory. */
   memset( temp, 0, sizeof(Faction) );

   temp->name = xml_nodeProp(parent,"name");
   if (temp->name == NULL) WARN("Faction from "FACTION_DATA" has invalid or no name");

   player = 0;
   node = parent->xmlChildrenNode;
   do {
      /* Can be 0 or negative, so we have to take that into account. */
      if (xml_isNode(node,"player")) {
         temp->player_def = xml_getFloat(node);
         player = 1;

      if (xml_isNode(node, "colour"))
         temp->colour = col_fromName(xml_raw(node));

      if (xml_isNode(node,"logo")) {
         snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, FACTION_LOGO_PATH"%s_small.png", xml_get(node));
         temp->logo_small = gl_newImage(buf, 0);

      if (xml_isNode(node,"static")) {
         faction_setFlag(temp, FACTION_STATIC);

      if (xml_isNode(node,"invisible")) {
         faction_setFlag(temp, FACTION_INVISIBLE);
   } while (xml_nextNode(node));

   if (player==0)
      DEBUG("Faction '%s' missing player tag.", temp->name);

   return 0;
Example #3
 * @brief Parses a single faction, but doesn't set the allies/enemies bit.
 *    @param temp Faction to load data into.
 *    @param parent Parent node to extract faction from.
 *    @return Faction created from parent node.
static int faction_parse( Faction* temp, xmlNodePtr parent )
   xmlNodePtr node;
   int player;
   char buf[PATH_MAX], *dat;
   uint32_t ndat;

   /* Clear memory. */
   memset( temp, 0, sizeof(Faction) );

   temp->name = xml_nodeProp(parent,"name");
   if (temp->name == NULL)
      WARN("Faction from "FACTION_DATA_PATH" has invalid or no name");

   player = 0;
   node = parent->xmlChildrenNode;
   do {

      /* Only care about nodes. */

      /* Can be 0 or negative, so we have to take that into account. */
      if (xml_isNode(node,"player")) {
         temp->player_def = xml_getFloat(node);
         player = 1;

      if (xml_isNode(node, "colour")) {
         temp->colour = col_fromName(xml_raw(node));

      if (xml_isNode(node, "spawn")) {
         if (temp->sched_state != NULL)
            WARN("Faction '%s' has duplicate 'spawn' tag.", temp->name);
         nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "dat/factions/spawn/%s.lua", xml_raw(node) );
         temp->sched_state = nlua_newState();
         nlua_loadStandard( temp->sched_state, 0 );
         dat = ndata_read( buf, &ndat );
         if (luaL_dobuffer(temp->sched_state, dat, ndat, buf) != 0) {
            WARN("Failed to run spawn script: %s\n"
                  "Most likely Lua file has improper syntax, please check",
                  buf, lua_tostring(temp->sched_state,-1));
            lua_close( temp->sched_state );
            temp->sched_state = NULL;

      if (xml_isNode(node, "standing")) {
         if (temp->state != NULL)
            WARN("Faction '%s' has duplicate 'standing' tag.", temp->name);
         nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "dat/factions/standing/%s.lua", xml_raw(node) );
         temp->state = nlua_newState();
         nlua_loadStandard( temp->state, 0 );
         dat = ndata_read( buf, &ndat );
         if (luaL_dobuffer(temp->state, dat, ndat, buf) != 0) {
            WARN("Failed to run standing script: %s\n"
                  "Most likely Lua file has improper syntax, please check",
                  buf, lua_tostring(temp->state,-1));
            lua_close( temp->state );
            temp->state = NULL;

      if (xml_isNode(node, "known")) {
         faction_setFlag(temp, FACTION_KNOWN);

      if (xml_isNode(node, "equip")) {
         if (temp->equip_state != NULL)
            WARN("Faction '%s' has duplicate 'equip' tag.", temp->name);
         nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "dat/factions/equip/%s.lua", xml_raw(node) );
         temp->equip_state = nlua_newState();
         nlua_loadStandard( temp->equip_state, 0 );
         dat = ndata_read( buf, &ndat );
         if (luaL_dobuffer(temp->equip_state, dat, ndat, buf) != 0) {
            WARN("Failed to run equip script: %s\n"
                  "Most likely Lua file has improper syntax, please check",
                  buf, lua_tostring(temp->equip_state,-1));
            lua_close( temp->equip_state );
            temp->equip_state = NULL;

      if (xml_isNode(node,"logo")) {
         if (temp->logo_small != NULL)
            WARN("Faction '%s' has duplicate 'logo' tag.", temp->name);
         nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, FACTION_LOGO_PATH"%s_small.png", xml_get(node));
         temp->logo_small = gl_newImage(buf, 0);
         nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, FACTION_LOGO_PATH"%s_tiny.png", xml_get(node));
         temp->logo_tiny = gl_newImage(buf, 0);

      if (xml_isNode(node,"static")) {
         faction_setFlag(temp, FACTION_STATIC);

      if (xml_isNode(node,"invisible")) {
         faction_setFlag(temp, FACTION_INVISIBLE);

      /* Avoid warnings. */
      if (xml_isNode(node,"allies") || xml_isNode(node,"enemies"))

      DEBUG("Unknown node '%s' in faction '%s'",node->name,temp->name);
   } while (xml_nextNode(node));

   if (player==0)
      DEBUG("Faction '%s' missing player tag.", temp->name);
   if ((temp->state!=NULL) && faction_isFlag( temp, FACTION_STATIC ))
      WARN("Faction '%s' has Lua and is static!", temp->name);
   if ((temp->state==NULL) && !faction_isFlag( temp, FACTION_STATIC ))
      WARN("Faction '%s' has no Lua and isn't static!", temp->name);

   return 0;