Example #1
// Rotated Box and Circle collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Uses separating axis test on edges of box and radius of circle.
// If the circle center is outside the lines extended from the collision box
// edges (also known as the Voronoi region) then the nearest box corner is checked
// for collision using a distance check.
// The nearest corner is determined from the overlap tests.
//   Voronoi0 |   | Voronoi1
//         ---0---1---
//            |   |
//         ---3---2---
//   Voronoi3 |   | Voronoi2
// Pre: This entity must be box and other entity (ent) must be circle.
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collideRotatedBoxCircle(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    float min01, min03, max01, max03, center01, center03;

    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box

    // project circle center onto edge01
    center01 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge01, ent.getCenter());
    min01 = center01 - ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    max01 = center01 + ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale();
    if (min01 > edge01Max || max01 < edge01Min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible
    // project circle center onto edge03
    center03 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge03, ent.getCenter());
    min03 = center03 - ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    max03 = center03 + ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale();
    if (min03 > edge03Max || max03 < edge03Min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible

    // circle projection overlaps box projection
    // check to see if circle is in voronoi region of collision box
    if(center01 < edge01Min && center03 < edge03Min)    // if circle in Voronoi0
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[0], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > edge01Max && center03 < edge03Min)    // if circle in Voronoi1
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[1], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > edge01Max && center03 > edge03Max)    // if circle in Voronoi2
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[2], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 < edge01Min && center03 > edge03Max)    // if circle in Voronoi3
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[3], ent, collisionVector);

    // circle not in voronoi region so it is colliding with edge of box
    // set collision vector, uses simple center of circle to center of box
    collisionVector = *ent.getCenter() - *getCenter();
    return true;
Example #2
// Rotated Box and Circle collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Uses separating axis test on edges of box and radius of circle.
// If the circle center is outside the lines extended from the collision box
// edges (also known as the Voronoi region) then the nearest box corner is checked
// for collision using a distance check.
// The nearest corner is determined from the overlap tests.
//   Voronoi0 |   | Voronoi1
//         ---0---1---
//            |   |
//         ---3---2---
//   Voronoi3 |   | Voronoi2
// Pre: This entity must be rotated box and other entity (ent) must be circle.
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collideRotatedBoxCircle(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    float min01, min03, max01, max03, center01, center03, minOverlap, minOverlap2;

    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box

    // project circle center onto edge01
    center01 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge01, ent.getCenter());
    min01 = center01 - ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    max01 = center01 + ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale();
    if (min01 > edge01Max || max01 < edge01Min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible
    // project circle center onto edge03
    center03 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge03, ent.getCenter());
    min03 = center03 - ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    max03 = center03 + ent.getRadius()*ent.getScale();
    if (min03 > edge03Max || max03 < edge03Min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible

    // circle projection overlaps box projection
    // check to see if circle is in voronoi region of collision box
    if(center01 < edge01Min && center03 < edge03Min)    // if circle in Voronoi0
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[0], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > edge01Max && center03 < edge03Min)    // if circle in Voronoi1
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[1], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > edge01Max && center03 > edge03Max)    // if circle in Voronoi2
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[2], ent, collisionVector);
    if(center01 < edge01Min && center03 > edge03Max)    // if circle in Voronoi3
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[3], ent, collisionVector);

    // Circle not in voronoi region so it is colliding with edge of box
    // The edge with the smallest overlapping section is the edge where
    // the collision is occuring. The collision vector is created perpendicular
    // to the collision edge.
    // min01, min03, max01, max03 are the projection limits for one object and
    // edge01Min, edge01Max, edge03Min, edge03Max are the projection limits
    // for the other object. This code was contributed to the programming2dgames
    // forum by user stbn. The technique is described at 
    // www.metanetsoftware.com/technique/tutorialA.html
    if (min01 < edge01Min)
        minOverlap = max01 - edge01Min;
        collisionVector = corners[1] - corners[0];
        collisionCenter = corners[0];
        minOverlap = edge01Max - min01;
        collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[1];
        collisionCenter = corners[1];
    if (min03 < edge03Min)
        minOverlap2 = max03 - edge03Min;
        if (minOverlap2 < minOverlap)
            collisionVector = corners[3] - corners[0];
            collisionCenter = corners[0];
        minOverlap2 = edge03Max - min03;
        if (minOverlap2 < minOverlap)
            collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[3];
            collisionCenter = corners[3];
    return true;
Example #3
// Rotated Box and Circle collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Uses separating axis test on edges of box and radius of circle.
// If the circle center is outside the lines extended from the collision box
// edges (also known as the Voronoi region) then the nearest box corner is checked
// for collision using a distance check.
// The nearest corner is determined from the overlap tests.
//   Voronoi0 |   | Voronoi1
//         ---0---1---
//            |   |
//         ---3---2---
//   Voronoi3 |   | Voronoi2
// Pre: This entity (entA) must be rotated box and other entity (entB) must be circle.
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collideRotatedBoxCircle(Entity &entB, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    float center01, center03, overlap01, overlap03;

    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box

    // project circle center onto edge01
    center01 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge01, entB.getCenter());
    entB01min = center01 - entB.getRadius()*entB.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    entB01max = center01 + entB.getRadius()*entB.getScale();
    if (entB01min > entA01max || entB01max < entA01min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible
    // project circle center onto edge03
    center03 = graphics->Vector2Dot(&edge03, entB.getCenter());
    entB03min = center03 - entB.getRadius()*entB.getScale(); // min and max are Radius from center
    entB03max = center03 + entB.getRadius()*entB.getScale();
    if (entB03min > entA03max || entB03max < entA03min) // if projections do not overlap
        return false;                       // no collision is possible

    // circle projection overlaps box projection
    // check to see if circle is in voronoi region of collision box
    if(center01 < entA01min && center03 < entA03min)    // if circle in Voronoi0
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[0], entB, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > entA01max && center03 < entA03min)    // if circle in Voronoi1
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[1], entB, collisionVector);
    if(center01 > entA01max && center03 > entA03max)    // if circle in Voronoi2
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[2], entB, collisionVector);
    if(center01 < entA01min && center03 > entA03max)    // if circle in Voronoi3
        return collideCornerCircle(corners[3], entB, collisionVector);

    // Circle not in voronoi region so it is colliding with edge of box.
    // The edge with the smallest overlapping section is the edge where the
    // collision is occuring. The collision vector is created perpendicular
    // to the collision edge. The projection edges are 01 and 03.
    //                    entA01min
    //                   /   entB01min
    //                  /   /    entB01max 
    //                 /   /    /  entA01max
    //                /   /    /  /
    //            0--------------------1
    // entB03min..|        ___  
    // entA03min..|    ___/ B \__  
    // entB03max..|   |   \___/  |
    //            |   | A        |
    // entA03max..|   |__________|
    //            |         
    //            | 
    //            |   
    //            3
    if (entA01min < entB01min)   // if A left of B
        overlap01 = entA01max - entB01min;
        collisionVector = corners[1] - corners[0];
    else    // else, A right of B
        overlap01 = entB01max - entA01min;
        collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[1];
    if (entA03min < entB03min)   // if A above B
        overlap03 = entA03max - entB03min;
        if (overlap03 < overlap01)
            collisionVector = corners[3] - corners[0];
    else    // else, A below B
        overlap03 = entB03max - entA03min;
        if (overlap03 < overlap01)
            collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[3];
    return true;