Example #1
// Perform collision detection between this entity and the other Entity.
// Each entity must use a single collision type. Complex shapes that require
// multiple collision types may be done by treating each part as a separate
// entity or by using PIXEL_PERFECT collision.
// Typically called once per frame.
// The collision types: CIRCLE, BOX, ROTATED_BOX or PIXEL_PERFECT.
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collidesWith(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    // if either entity is not active then no collision may occcur
    if (!active || !ent.getActive())    
        return false;

    // If both entities are using CIRCLE collision
    if (collisionType == entityNS::CIRCLE && ent.getCollisionType() == entityNS::CIRCLE)
        return collideCircle(ent, collisionVector);
    // If both entities are using BOX collision
    if (collisionType == entityNS::BOX && ent.getCollisionType() == entityNS::BOX)
        return collideBox(ent, collisionVector);
    // All other combinations use separating axis test
    // If neither entity uses CIRCLE collision
    if (collisionType != entityNS::CIRCLE && ent.getCollisionType() != entityNS::CIRCLE)
        return collideRotatedBox(ent, collisionVector);
    else    // one of the entities is a circle
        if (collisionType == entityNS::CIRCLE)  // if this entity uses CIRCLE collision
            // Check for collision from other box with our circle
            bool collide = ent.collideRotatedBoxCircle(*this, collisionVector); 
            // Put the collision vector in the proper direction
            collisionVector *= -1;              // reverse collision vector
            return collide;
        else    // the other entity uses CIRCLE collision
            return collideRotatedBoxCircle(ent, collisionVector);
    return false;
Example #2
// Perform collision detection between this entity and the other Entity.
// Each entity must use a single collision type. Complex shapes that require
// multiple collision types may be done by treating each part as a separate
// entity.
// Typically called once per frame.
// The collision types: CIRCLE, BOX, or ROTATED_BOX.
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collidesWith(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    // if either entity is not active then no collision may occcur
    if (!active || !ent.getActive())    
        return false;

    // If both entities are CIRCLE collision
    if (collisionType == entityNS::CIRCLE && ent.getCollisionType() == entityNS::CIRCLE)
        return collideCircle(ent, collisionVector);
    // If both entities are BOX collision
    if (collisionType == entityNS::BOX && ent.getCollisionType() == entityNS::BOX)
        return collideBox(ent, collisionVector);
    // All other combinations use separating axis test
    // If neither entity uses CIRCLE collision
    if (collisionType != entityNS::CIRCLE && ent.getCollisionType() != entityNS::CIRCLE)
        return collideRotatedBox(ent, collisionVector);
    else    // one of the entities is a circle
        if (collisionType == entityNS::CIRCLE)    // if this entity uses CIRCLE collision
            return ent.collideRotatedBoxCircle(*this, collisionVector); 
        else    // the other entity uses CIRCLE collision
            return collideRotatedBoxCircle(ent, collisionVector);
    return false;