colormap read_colormap_from_string(const std::string &spec, const size_t steps) { std::istringstream iss(spec); std::vector<std::string> tokens{std::istream_iterator<std::string>{iss}, std::istream_iterator<std::string>{}}; auto it = default_colormaps.find(tokens[0]); if (it != default_colormaps.end()) { return colormap(it->second, steps); } // default return colormap(&colormap_basic_hot, steps); }
void depthFirstVisit( Visitor& vis, const vertex_descriptor& vroot ) { std::vector<boost::default_color_type > colormap( boost::num_vertices( _graph ), boost::white_color ); BOOST_FOREACH( const vertex_descriptor &vd, getVertices() ) { vis.initialize_vertex( vd, _graph ); }
void FrameView::appendFrame (unsigned long long from, unsigned long long to) { //qDebug("frame: dt=%f", to - from); QwtInterval interval(0.0f, 500.0f); QwtLinearColorMap colormap(Qt::darkCyan, Qt::red); colormap.addColorStop(0.1, Qt::cyan); colormap.addColorStop(0.6, Qt::green); colormap.addColorStop(0.8, Qt::yellow); colormap.addColorStop(0.95, Qt::red); QColor const c = colormap.color(interval, to - from); m_bars->m_values.push_back(to - from); m_bars->m_begins.push_back(from); m_bars->m_ends.push_back(to); m_bars->m_colors.push_back(c); m_bars->m_strvalues.push_back(QString("%1").arg(m_bars->m_values.size())); m_bars->setSamples(m_bars->m_values); m_bars->itemChanged(); m_bars->legendChanged(); }
void CapturedImage::create(Camera *cam) { QVector<QRgb> colormap(256); for(int i=0; i<256; i++) { colormap[i]=(0xFF000000 | (((unsigned char)(i))<<16) | (((unsigned char)(i))<<8) | ((unsigned char)(i))); } width=cam->getSizeWidth(); height=cam->getSizeHeight(); pixel_size=cam->getPixelByteSize(); qDebug()<<"Creata CapturedImage: "<<width<<"x"<<height<<"x"<<pixel_size*8; long size = width*height*pixel_size; unsigned char *data=new unsigned char[size]; qimage=new QImage((const unsigned char *)data, width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8); qimage->setColorTable(colormap); delete [] data; buffer.SetBuffer(qimage->bits(), size); created=true; }
void evtime() { vector<int> runs; vector<int> marks; vector<int> mcols; runs.push_back(13893); marks.push_back(2); mcols.push_back(2); runs.push_back(14009); marks.push_back(24); mcols.push_back(4); runs.push_back(14085); marks.push_back(25); mcols.push_back(3); runs.push_back(14234); marks.push_back(5); mcols.push_back(3); runs.push_back(14434); marks.push_back(28); mcols.push_back(3); string pre = "run"; string suf = "evt.root"; double tmax = 160; double emax = 180; new TCanvas; TH1* ph = new TH2F("hevtime", "Event vs. time; Time [sec]; Event", tmax, 0, tmax, emax, 0, emax); ph->SetStats(0); ph->Draw("axis"); TLegend* pleg = new TLegend(0.65,0.15,0.85,0.37); pleg->SetBorderSize(0); for ( unsigned int isam=0; isam<runs.size(); ++isam ) { int run = runs[isam]; int icol = dsindex(run); int col = colormap(icol); ostringstream ssrun; ssrun << run; string srun = ssrun.str(); ostringstream sst0; sst0 << t0map(run); string fname = pre + srun + suf; TFile* pfile = TFile::Open(fname.c_str(), "READ"); TTree* ptree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(pfile->Get("DXDisplay/EventTree")); ptree->SetMarkerStyle(marks[isam]); ptree->SetMarkerColor(col); cout << run << " " << col << " " << sst0.str() << endl; if ( ptree == 0 ) { cout << "Tree not found" << endl; pfile->ls(); return; } string sarg = "event:tlo-"; sarg += sst0.str(); sarg += ">>hevtime"; ptree->Draw(sarg.c_str(), "", "same"); pleg->AddEntry(ptree, srun.c_str(), "p"); } pleg->Draw(); }
/*! Create pixel values for grayscale, red and jet colormaps. \param color the value of color \return a QRgb which is a pixel representation using Qt Toolkit 4.0 */ QRgb ImageB::getPixelRGB( int color ) { const int gray=0, jet=1, pink=2; QRgb value; if (has_colormap != 1) { colormap = imgproc.createColorMap(); has_colormap = 1; } if (color > 255) { //cout << "Color Out of Range:" << color << endl; color = 255; } switch ( curr_colormap ) { case gray: value = qRgb(color,color,color); break; case jet: //transporta pra jet color = (int) round( (color*63)/255 ); //seta proporcional a 63, pois o vetor jet tem no máximo 63 cores if (color <= 0) color =1; if (color > 63) //garante valores entre 1 e 63 color = 63; value = qRgb( (int)colormap(color,1), (int) colormap(color,2), (int) colormap(color,3) ); break; case pink: value = qRgb((int) round((color*80)/100),0,(int) round((color*20)/100)); break; default: value = qRgb(0,0,0); } return value; }
//_____________________________________________________ gboolean ArgbHelper::styleSetHook( GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue* params, gpointer ) { // get widget from params GtkWidget* widget( GTK_WIDGET( g_value_get_object( params ) ) ); // check type if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( widget ) ) return FALSE; if( !GTK_IS_WINDOW( widget ) ) return TRUE; // make sure widget has not been realized already #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 20, 0) if( gtk_widget_get_realized( widget ) ) return TRUE; #else if( GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED( widget ) ) return TRUE; #endif // screen GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default(); if( !screen ) return TRUE; // colormap GdkColormap* colormap(gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap( screen ) ); if( !colormap ) return TRUE; // hint GtkWindow* window( GTK_WINDOW( widget ) ); GdkWindowTypeHint hint = gtk_window_get_type_hint( window ); if( hint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_MENU || hint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DROPDOWN_MENU || hint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_POPUP_MENU || hint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP || hint == GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_COMBO ) { #if OXYGEN_DEBUG std::cerr << "Oxygen::ArgbHelper::styleSetHook - " << widget << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME( widget ) << ")" << " hint: " << Gtk::TypeNames::windowTypeHint( hint ) << std::endl; #endif // assign argb colormap to widget gtk_widget_set_colormap( widget, colormap ); } return TRUE; }
std::vector<colormap> loadColorMapping(const resource_configuration& resconf) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; std::ifstream input(color_mapping_file, std::ifstream::binary); bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(input, root, false); if (!parsingSuccessful) { throw std::runtime_error(reader.getFormatedErrorMessages()); } std::vector<colormap> ret; auto members = root.getMemberNames(); for(const auto& membername : members) { const auto& member = root[membername]; std::vector<color> colors; if(!member[0u].isArray()) { int r = member[0u].asInt(); int g = member[1u].asInt(); int b = member[2u].asInt(); colors.push_back(color(r, g, b)); } else { for(const auto& col : member) { int r = col[0u].asInt(); int g = col[1u].asInt(); int b = col[2u].asInt(); colors.push_back(color(r, g, b)); } } bool found = false; for(int i = 0; i < num_terrain_types; i++) { if(resconf.resource_name[i] == membername) { for(const auto& col : colors) { ret.push_back(colormap(col, i)); } found = true; break; } } if(!found) { printf("Warning: invalid terrain name \"%s\"\n", membername.c_str()); } } return ret; }
QX11InfoData* QX11Info::getX11Data(bool def) const { QX11InfoData* res = 0; if (def) { res = new QX11InfoData; res->ref = 0; res->screen = appScreen(); res->depth = appDepth(); res->cells = appCells(); res->colormap = colormap(); res->defaultColormap = appDefaultColormap(); res->visual = (Visual*) appVisual(); res->defaultVisual = appDefaultVisual(); } else if (x11data) { res = new QX11InfoData; *res = *x11data; res->ref = 0; } return res; }
Volume3d::Volume3d(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> data) : mMaterial(MaterialSharedPtr(new Material(vertexShader, fragmentShader))), mBackFaceMaterial(MaterialSharedPtr(new Material(backFaceVertexShader, backFaceFragmentShader))), mBound(false), mVertexAttrib(-1), mBFVertexAttrib(-1), mProjectionUniform(-1), mModelViewUniform(-1), mDimensionsUniform(-1), mClipPlaneUniform(-1), mSpacingUniform(-1), mScreenSizeUniform(-1), mBFProjectionUniform(-1), mBFModelViewUniform(-1), mBFDimensionsUniform(-1), mBFSpacingUniform(-1), mTextureHandle(0), mBackFaceTextureHandle(0), mFrameBuffer(0) { android_assert(data); clearClipPlane(); // Check if the data dimension is 3 int dim = data->GetDataDimension(); LOGD("dimension = %d", dim); if (dim != 3) { throw std::runtime_error( "Volume: data is not 3D (dimension = " + Utility::toString(dim) + ")" ); } if (!data->GetPointData() || !data->GetPointData()->GetScalars()) throw std::runtime_error("IsoSurface: unsupported data"); data->GetDimensions(mDimensions); LOGD("dimensions %d %d %d", mDimensions[0], mDimensions[1], mDimensions[2]); double spacing[3]; data->GetSpacing(spacing); LOGD("spacing %f %f %f", spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]); mSpacing = Vector3(spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]);//.normalized(); data->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetRange(mRange); LOGD("range min=%f max=%f", mRange[0], mRange[1]); vtkDataArray* scalars = data->GetPointData()->GetScalars(); android_assert(scalars); unsigned int num = scalars->GetNumberOfTuples(); android_assert(num == static_cast<unsigned>(mDimensions[0]*mDimensions[1]*mDimensions[2])); mTexture.resize(num*4); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { double value = scalars->GetComponent(i, 0); double norm = (value-mRange[0]) / (mRange[1]-mRange[0]); float r, g, b; colormap(norm, r, g, b); mTexture[i*4+0] = r*255; mTexture[i*4+1] = g*255; mTexture[i*4+2] = b*255; mTexture[i*4+3] = (0.03+0.3*norm)*255; // mTexture[i*4+3] = (0.03+0.97*norm)*255; // mTexture[i*4+3] = 0.3*norm*255; // mTexture[i*4+3] = (0.3+0.7*norm)*255; // mTexture[i*4+3] = (0.1+0.7*norm)*255; // mTexture[i*4+3] = norm*255; } LOGD("loading finished"); }
double blue(double value) { double colors[] = PALETTE_BLUE; return colormap(value, colors, PALETTE_LENGTH); }
double green(double value) { double colors[] = PALETTE_GREEN; return colormap(value, colors, PALETTE_LENGTH); }
double red(double value) { double colors[] = PALETTE_RED; return colormap(value, colors, PALETTE_LENGTH); }
void MapTopo(struct elmapheaderV101 *map, struct Window *win, short MapAsSFC, short MakeWater, short Visible, double *Elev) { short eco = 0, understory = 0, notsnow = 0, NoAlias = 0, VolumeTexture = 0, Texture, QInterp = 1, ElInterp = 1, i, j, k, l, sum, Mode; long NewSubPixArraySize, SubPixWidth, SubPixHeight, MinX, MaxX, StartY, EndY, colval, x, y, zip, WtAvg; /* changed from float to double 10/19/95 */ double AAX[3], AAY[3], Xoffset, dist; double ecoline, snowline, m, h, d; struct QCvalues QC; UBYTE *PixPtr; struct ColorComponents CC[4]; double fred, fgrn, fblu; short PolyMinXPt, PolyMaxXPt, Tex, MinPt, MidPt, MaxPt, MinQPt, MaxQPt; double ElX, ElY, LatX, LatY, LonX, LonY, QX, QY, ElStart, LatStart, LonStart, QStart, ElPt, LatPt, LonPt, QPt, Temp, X5, Y5, Y4, X3, El3, EloQY; /* initialize */ Reflections = 0; /* enabled in WaterEco_Set() */ treedraw = undertreedraw = 0; /* enabled in ecoset() */ if (OldLightingModel) { h = sunlong - facelong * PiOver180 - diplong; if (h > Pi) h -= TwoPi; else if (h < -Pi) h += TwoPi; d = sunlat - facelat * PiOver180 - diplat; if (d > Pi) d -= TwoPi; else if (d < -Pi) d += TwoPi; sunangle = sqrt(h * h + d * d) * .7071; if (sunangle > HalfPi) sunangle = HalfPi; sunfactor = 1.0 - cos(sunangle); sunshade = sunfactor * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(22); sunshade += ((1.0 - sunshade) * cloudcover); } /* if */ /* compute fade and fog factors */ fade = (qqq - PARC_RNDR_MOTION(20)) / PARC_RNDR_MOTION(21); if (fade > 1.0) fade = 1.0; else if (fade < 0.0) fade = 0.0; if (fogrange == 0.0) fog = 0.0; else { fog = (el - PARC_RNDR_MOTION(23)) / fogrange; if (fog > 1.0) fog = 1.0; else if (fog < 0.0) fog = 0.0; } /* else */ /* if surface */ if (MapAsSFC) { short range; double gradfact; if (settings.reliefshade || (render & 0x01)) { FloatCol = 8.0 + 7.99 * sunfactor + ROUNDING_KLUDGE; ColMax = COL_SFC_MAX; } /* if shading by sun angle */ if ((! settings.reliefshade) || (render & 0x01)) { if (el < settings.surfel[1]) { gradfact = ((double)settings.surfel[1] - el) / (settings.surfel[1] - settings.surfel[0]); range = 0; } /* low gradient */ else if (el >= settings.surfel[1] && el < settings.surfel[2]) { gradfact = ((double)settings.surfel[2] - el) / (settings.surfel[2] - settings.surfel[1]); range = 1; } /* else if middle gradient */ else { gradfact = ((double)settings.surfel[3] - el) / (settings.surfel[3] - settings.surfel[2]); range = 2; } /* else upper gradient */ if (gradfact > 1.0) gradfact = 1.0; else if (gradfact < 0.0) gradfact = 0.0; FloatCol = 8.0 + 7.99 * gradfact + ROUNDING_KLUDGE; ColMax = COL_SFC_MAX; } /* if */ if (render & 0x01) { switch (range) { case 0: { CC[0].Red = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 0); CC[0].Red += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(6, 0) - CC[0].Red) * gradfact; CC[0].Grn = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 1); CC[0].Grn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(6, 1) - CC[0].Grn) * gradfact; CC[0].Blu = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 2); CC[0].Blu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(6, 2) - CC[0].Blu) * gradfact; break; } /* low range */ case 1: { CC[0].Red = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 0); CC[0].Red += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 0) - CC[0].Red) * gradfact; CC[0].Grn = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 1); CC[0].Grn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 1) - CC[0].Grn) * gradfact; CC[0].Blu = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 2); CC[0].Blu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(7, 2) - CC[0].Blu) * gradfact; break; } /* middle range */ case 2: { CC[0].Red = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(9, 0); CC[0].Red += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 0) - CC[0].Red) * gradfact; CC[0].Grn = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(9, 1); CC[0].Grn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 1) - CC[0].Grn) * gradfact; CC[0].Blu = PARC_RNDR_COLOR(9, 2); CC[0].Blu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(8, 2) - CC[0].Blu) * gradfact; break; } /* high range */ } /* switch color range */ CC[0].Red -= CC[0].Red * sunshade; CC[0].Grn -= CC[0].Grn * sunshade; CC[0].Blu -= CC[0].Blu * sunshade; } /* if render to RGB */ eco = understory = 50; goto EndDrawFace; } /* if surface */ /* compute the shading factors for normal (not water) ecosystems */ relfactor = relel + 100.0 * random; /* see if there is snow on the ground */ snowline = PARC_RNDRLN_ECO(1) + diplong * PARC_SKLN_ECO(1) + diplat * PARC_SKLT_ECO(1) + PARC_RNDRRE_ECO(1) * relfactor; if (settings.worldmap) snowline -= ((abs(facelat) - abs(settings.globreflat)) * settings.globecograd); if (settings.flatteneco) snowline += ( (PARC_RNDR_MOTION(13) - snowline) * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(12) ); if (el >= snowline) { if (slope >= PARC_MNSL_ECO(1) && slope <= PARC_MXSL_ECO(1)) { if (relfactor >= PARC_RNDRNR_ECO(1) && relfactor <= PARC_RNDRXR_ECO(1)) { FloatCol = 1.0 + 4.99 * sunfactor; ColMax = COL_SNOW_MAX; CC[0].Red = PARC_MCOL_ECO(1, 0); CC[0].Red -= pow(sunshade, 3.3) * CC[0].Red * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(22); CC[0].Grn = PARC_MCOL_ECO(1, 1); CC[0].Grn -= pow(sunshade, 3.4) * CC[0].Grn * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(22); CC[0].Blu = PARC_MCOL_ECO(1, 2); CC[0].Blu -= pow(sunshade, 3.8) * CC[0].Blu * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(22); } /* if relel matchup */ else notsnow = 1; } /* if slope matchup */ else notsnow = 1; } /* if el > snowline */ else notsnow = 1; /* We'll add some randomness to our colors for other than snow. ** Since "random" varies from -.1 to +.1, this will give us a variation of ** ±20 */ switch (dir) { case 0: redrand = random * 200.0; greenrand = random * 200.0; bluerand = 0; break; case 1: redrand = 0; greenrand = random * 200.0; bluerand = random * 200.0; break; case 2: redrand = random * 200.0; greenrand = 0; bluerand = random * 200.0; break; case 3: redrand = 0; greenrand = random * 200.0; bluerand = 0; break; } /* switch */ /* if below water level, make it wet */ if (MakeWater || el <= SeaLevel) { eco = WaterEco_Set(MakeWater, CC); understory = PAR_UNDER_ECO(eco); ecocount[eco] ++; goto EndDrawFace; } /* if make water */ /* Do the colormap thing. If it finds a result >= 0, we're outa here! */ if (cmap) { if ((eco = colormap(map, notsnow, CC, &understory)) >= 0) { ecocount[eco] ++; goto EndDrawFace; } } /* if cmap */ /* We now know whether there is snow on the ground and that this is not ** a color-mapped polygon. Now search for an ecosystem match between ** the physical terrain conditions and the ecosystem parameter list */ for (eco=12; eco<ECOPARAMS; eco++) { ecoline = PARC_RNDRLN_ECO(eco) + diplong * PARC_SKLN_ECO(eco) + diplat * PARC_SKLT_ECO(eco) + PARC_RNDRRE_ECO(eco) * relfactor; if (settings.worldmap) ecoline -= ((abs(facelat) - abs(settings.globreflat)) * settings.globecograd); if (settings.flatteneco) ecoline += ( (PARC_RNDR_MOTION(13) - ecoline) * PARC_RNDR_MOTION(12) ); if (el <= ecoline) { if (slope >= PARC_MNSL_ECO(eco) && slope <= PARC_MXSL_ECO(eco)) { if (relfactor >= PARC_RNDRNR_ECO(eco) && relfactor <= PARC_RNDRXR_ECO(eco)) { understory = ecoset(eco, notsnow, CC); break; } /* if relel matchup */ } /* if slope matchup */ } /* if elevation matchup */ } /* for eco=12... */ if (eco >= ECOPARAMS) { Log(WNG_ILL_VAL, "Ecosystem out of range."); eco = settings.defaulteco; understory = ecoset(eco, notsnow, CC); } /* if */ ecocount[eco] ++; /* Now hopefully, we have colors in all the CC arrays we need: ** CC[0] = the color of the bare ground (the understory's understory color ** unless there is snow). ** CC[1] = the understory texture color (only used if "undertreedraw" ** is 1 or more. It could be trees or rock texture, grass or whatever. ** CC[2] = the overstory color if there are trees or textures in the overstory. ** If the understory and overstory are the same ecosystem, this one will not ** be drawn since it would be rather redundant. ** We will now draw the plain polygon, unadorned by any bitmapped textures. ** If the ecosystem understory class is strata rock then the polygons will ** be given the strata treatment. */ EndDrawFace: if (Visible) { if (render & 0x100) { long ct; QC.compval1 = (long)(min(el, 32767.0)) * 65536 + eco * 256 + understory; ct = aspect < 0.0 ? 0: aspect * PiUnder180 - 90.0; if (ct < 0) ct += 360; QC.compval2 = ((long)relfactor + 1000) * 65536 + ct; QC.compval3 = (short)(slope * PiUnder180) * 256 + (short)(sunangle * PiUnder180); } /* if render to QC buffer */ if (render & 0x01) { CC[3].Red = sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 0); /* ambient pre-calc */ CC[3].Grn = sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 1); CC[3].Blu = sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 2); /* This is now done on a pixel basis to facilitate texture mapping CC[0].Red += sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 0); /* ambient */ CC[0].Grn += sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 1); CC[0].Blu += sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 2); CC[0].Red += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 0) - CC[0].Red) * fade; CC[0].Red += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 0) - CC[0].Red) * fog; CC[0].Red *= redsun; CC[0].Grn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 1) - CC[0].Grn) * fade; CC[0].Grn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 1) - CC[0].Grn) * fog; CC[0].Grn *= greensun; CC[0].Blu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 2) - CC[0].Blu) * fade; CC[0].Blu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 2) - CC[0].Blu) * fog; CC[0].Blu *= bluesun; if (CC[0].Red > 255) red = 255; else red = (CC[0].Red < 0) ? 0: CC[0].Red; if (CC[0].Grn > 255) green = 255; else green = CC[0].Grn < 0 ? 0: CC[0].Grn; if (CC[0].Blu > 255) blue = 255; else blue = CC[0].Blu < 0 ? 0: CC[0].Blu; */ } /* if render to RGB */ /* determine which poly corner is largest and smallest along x axis */ /* temporary switch - should also be enabled in settings editor */ Texture = PAR_TYPE_ECO(PAR_UNDER_ECO(understory)); if (! MapAsSFC) { if (((Texture & 0x00ff) >= 100) && ((Texture & 0x00ff) < 150) && (PARC_RNDRDN_ECO(PAR_UNDER_ECO(understory)) > treerand2 * 100.0)) /* if procedural texture */ VolumeTexture = 1; } if (polyx[b][2] > polyx[b][0]) { if (polyx[b][2] > polyx[b][1]) { PolyMaxXPt = 2; PolyMinXPt = polyx[b][1] < polyx[b][0] ? 1: 0; } /* if */ else { PolyMaxXPt = 1; PolyMinXPt = polyx[b][2] < polyx[b][0] ? 2: 0; } /* else */ } /* if */ else { if (polyx[b][0] > polyx[b][1]) { PolyMaxXPt = 0; PolyMinXPt = polyx[b][2] < polyx[b][1] ? 2: 1; } /* if */ else { PolyMaxXPt = 1; PolyMinXPt = polyx[b][2] < polyx[b][0] ? 2: 0; } /* else */ } /* else */ if (polyy[b][0] < 0.0) yy[0] --; if (polyy[b][1] < 0.0) yy[1] --; if (polyy[b][2] < 0.0) yy[2] --; if (polyx[b][0] < 0.0) xx[0] --; if (polyx[b][1] < 0.0) xx[1] --; if (polyx[b][2] < 0.0) xx[2] --; MinX = xx[PolyMinXPt]; MaxX = xx[PolyMaxXPt]; if (MaxX < 0 || MinX > wide || yy[0] > high || yy[2] < 0) goto DrawTrees; SubPixWidth = 10 * (1 + MaxX - MinX); SubPixHeight = 10 * (1 + yy[2] - yy[0]); NewSubPixArraySize = SubPixWidth * SubPixHeight; if (NewSubPixArraySize > SubPixArraySize) { free_Memory(SubPix, SubPixArraySize); SubPixArraySize = 0; if ((SubPix = get_Memory(NewSubPixArraySize, MEMF_CLEAR)) == NULL) { NoAlias = 1; } else { SubPixArraySize = NewSubPixArraySize; } } /* if need larger array */ else { memset(SubPix, 0, NewSubPixArraySize); } /* else clear as much of array as needed */ if (EdgeSize < SubPixHeight * sizeof (short)) { free_Memory(Edge1, EdgeSize); free_Memory(Edge2, EdgeSize); EdgeSize = 0; Edge1 = (short *)get_Memory(SubPixHeight * sizeof (short), MEMF_CLEAR); Edge2 = (short *)get_Memory(SubPixHeight * sizeof (short), MEMF_CLEAR); if (! Edge1 || ! Edge2) { NoAlias = 1; } else { EdgeSize = SubPixHeight * sizeof (short); } } /* if need new edge arrays */ if (! NoAlias) { AAX[0] = 10.0 * (polyx[b][0] - MinX); AAX[1] = 10.0 * (polyx[b][1] - MinX); AAY[0] = 10.0 * (polyy[b][0] - yy[0]); AAY[1] = 10.0 * (polyy[b][1] - yy[0]); AAY[2] = 10.0 * (polyy[b][2] - yy[0]); if (polyy[b][0] == polyy[b][2]) m = 0.0; else m = (polyx[b][2] - polyx[b][0]) / (polyy[b][2] - polyy[b][0]); StartY = AAY[0] - (int)AAY[0] < .5 ? (int)AAY[0]: 1 + (int)AAY[0]; EndY = AAY[2] - (int)AAY[2] > .5 ? (int)AAY[2]: (int)AAY[2] - 1; Xoffset = AAX[0] + (StartY + .5 - AAY[0]) * m; for (y=StartY; y<=EndY; y++) { Edge1[y] = (int)Xoffset; Xoffset += m; } if (polyy[b][0] == polyy[b][1]) m = 0.0; else m = (polyx[b][1] - polyx[b][0]) / (polyy[b][1] - polyy[b][0]); EndY = AAY[1] - (int)AAY[1] > .5 ? (int)AAY[1]: (int)AAY[1] - 1; Xoffset = AAX[0] + (StartY + .5 - AAY[0]) * m; for (y=StartY; y<=EndY; y++) { Edge2[y] = (int)Xoffset; Xoffset += m; } PixPtr = &SubPix[StartY * SubPixWidth]; for (y=StartY; y<=EndY; y++) { if (Edge2[y] >= Edge1[y]) { for (x=Edge1[y]; x<=Edge2[y]; x++) { PixPtr[x] = 0x01; } } else { for (x=Edge2[y]; x<=Edge1[y]; x++) { PixPtr[x] = 0x01; } } PixPtr += SubPixWidth; } if (polyy[b][2] == polyy[b][1]) m = 0.0; else m = (polyx[b][2] - polyx[b][1]) / (polyy[b][2] - polyy[b][1]); StartY = AAY[1] - (int)AAY[1] < .5 ? (int)AAY[1]: 1 + (int)AAY[1]; EndY = AAY[2] - (int)AAY[2] > .5 ? (int)AAY[2]: (int)AAY[2] - 1; Xoffset = AAX[1] + (StartY + .5 - AAY[1]) * m; for (y=StartY; y<=EndY; y++) { Edge2[y] = (int)Xoffset; Xoffset += m; } PixPtr = &SubPix[StartY * SubPixWidth]; for (y=StartY; y<=EndY; y++) { if (Edge2[y] >= Edge1[y]) { for (x=Edge1[y]; x<=Edge2[y]; x++) { PixPtr[x] = 0x01; } } else { for (x=Edge2[y]; x<=Edge1[y]; x++) { PixPtr[x] = 0x01; } } PixPtr += SubPixWidth; } /* figure x and y gradients across polygon for lat, lon, Z and elev */ /* latitude */ if (polylat[b][2] > polylat[b][0]) { if (polylat[b][2] > polylat[b][1]) { MaxPt = 2; MinPt = polylat[b][1] < polylat[b][0] ? 1: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 1 ? 0: 1; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = polylat[b][2] < polylat[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* if */ else { if (polylat[b][0] > polylat[b][1]) { MaxPt = 0; MinPt = polylat[b][2] < polylat[b][1] ? 2: 1; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 1: 2; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = polylat[b][2] < polylat[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* else */ if (polylat[b][MaxPt] == polylat[b][MinPt]) { LatX = 0.0; LatY = 0.0; } /* that was easy */ else { Temp = (polylat[b][MidPt] - polylat[b][MinPt]) / (polylat[b][MaxPt] - polylat[b][MinPt]); X5 = Temp * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) + polyx[b][MinPt]; Y5 = Temp * (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) + polyy[b][MinPt]; if (polyy[b][MaxPt] == polyy[b][MinPt]) { LatY = LatX = 0.0; LatStart = facelat; goto StartLon; /* X3 = Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ X3 = polyx[b][MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); if (X5 == polyx[b][MidPt]) { LatY = LatX = 0.0; LatStart = facelat; goto StartLon; /* Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ Y4 = polyy[b][MidPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]) * (Y5 - polyy[b][MidPt]) / (X5 - polyx[b][MidPt]); if (polyx[b][MaxPt] != polyx[b][MinPt]) El3 = polylat[b][MinPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MinPt]) * (polylat[b][MaxPt] - polylat[b][MinPt]) / (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]); else if (polyy[b][MaxPt] != polyy[b][MinPt]) El3 = polylat[b][MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (polylat[b][MaxPt] - polylat[b][MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); else { LatY = LatX = 0.0; LatStart = facelat; goto StartLon; } /* else */ if (X3 != polyx[b][MidPt] && Y4 != polyy[b][MidPt]) { LatX = (El3 - polylat[b][MidPt]) / (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]); LatY = (El3 - polylat[b][MidPt]) / (polyy[b][MidPt] - Y4); } /* if */ else { LatY = LatX = 0.0; LatStart = facelat; goto StartLon; } /* else */ } /* else not so easy */ LatStart = polylat[b][MidPt] + (polyx[b][PolyMinXPt] - polyx[b][MidPt]) * LatX; LatStart += (polyy[b][0] - polyy[b][MidPt]) * LatY; /* longitude */ StartLon: if (polylon[b][2] > polylon[b][0]) { if (polylon[b][2] > polylon[b][1]) { MaxPt = 2; MinPt = polylon[b][1] < polylon[b][0] ? 1: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 1 ? 0: 1; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = polylon[b][2] < polylon[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* if */ else { if (polylon[b][0] > polylon[b][1]) { MaxPt = 0; MinPt = polylon[b][2] < polylon[b][1] ? 2: 1; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 1: 2; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = polylon[b][2] < polylon[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* else */ if (polylon[b][MaxPt] == polylon[b][MinPt]) { LonX = 0.0; LonY = 0.0; } /* that was easy */ else { Temp = (polylon[b][MidPt] - polylon[b][MinPt]) / (polylon[b][MaxPt] - polylon[b][MinPt]); X5 = Temp * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) + polyx[b][MinPt]; Y5 = Temp * (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) + polyy[b][MinPt]; if (polyy[b][MaxPt] == polyy[b][MinPt]) { LonY = LonX = 0.0; LonStart = facelong; goto StartZ; /* X3 = Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ X3 = polyx[b][MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); if (X5 == polyx[b][MidPt]) { LonY = LonX = 0.0; LonStart = facelong; goto StartZ; /* Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ Y4 = polyy[b][MidPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]) * (Y5 - polyy[b][MidPt]) / (X5 - polyx[b][MidPt]); if (polyx[b][MaxPt] != polyx[b][MinPt]) El3 = polylon[b][MinPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MinPt]) * (polylon[b][MaxPt] - polylon[b][MinPt]) / (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]); else if (polyy[b][MaxPt] != polyy[b][MinPt]) El3 = polylon[b][MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (polylon[b][MaxPt] - polylon[b][MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); else { LonY = LonX = 0.0; LonStart = facelong; goto StartZ; } /* else */ if (X3 != polyx[b][MidPt] && Y4 != polyy[b][MidPt]) { LonX = (El3 - polylon[b][MidPt]) / (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]); LonY = (El3 - polylon[b][MidPt]) / (polyy[b][MidPt] - Y4); } /* if */ else { LonY = LonX = 0.0; LonStart = facelong; goto StartZ; } /* else */ } /* else not so easy */ LonStart = polylon[b][MidPt] + (polyx[b][PolyMinXPt] - polyx[b][MidPt]) * LonX; LonStart += (polyy[b][0] - polyy[b][MidPt]) * LonY; StartZ: /* z buffer */ if (polyq[b][2] > polyq[b][0]) { if (polyq[b][2] > polyq[b][1]) { MaxQPt = 2; MinQPt = polyq[b][1] < polyq[b][0] ? 1: 0; MidPt = MinQPt == 1 ? 0: 1; } /* if */ else { MaxQPt = 1; MinQPt = polyq[b][2] < polyq[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinQPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* if */ else { if (polyq[b][0] > polyq[b][1]) { MaxQPt = 0; MinQPt = polyq[b][2] < polyq[b][1] ? 2: 1; MidPt = MinQPt == 2 ? 1: 2; } /* if */ else { MaxQPt = 1; MinQPt = polyq[b][2] < polyq[b][0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinQPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* else */ if (polyq[b][MaxQPt] == polyq[b][MinQPt]) { QX = 0.0; QY = 0.0; } /* that was easy */ else { Temp = (polyq[b][MidPt] - polyq[b][MinQPt]) / (polyq[b][MaxQPt] - polyq[b][MinQPt]); X5 = Temp * (polyx[b][MaxQPt] - polyx[b][MinQPt]) + polyx[b][MinQPt]; Y5 = Temp * (polyy[b][MaxQPt] - polyy[b][MinQPt]) + polyy[b][MinQPt]; if (polyy[b][MaxQPt] == polyy[b][MinQPt]) { QInterp = 0; QY = QX = 0.0; QStart = qqq; goto StartEl; /* X3 = Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ X3 = polyx[b][MinQPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinQPt]) * (polyx[b][MaxQPt] - polyx[b][MinQPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxQPt] - polyy[b][MinQPt]); if (X5 == polyx[b][MidPt]) { QInterp = 0; QY = QX = 0.0; QStart = qqq; goto StartEl; /* Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ Y4 = polyy[b][MidPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]) * (Y5 - polyy[b][MidPt]) / (X5 - polyx[b][MidPt]); if (polyx[b][MaxQPt] != polyx[b][MinQPt]) El3 = polyq[b][MinQPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MinQPt]) * (polyq[b][MaxQPt] - polyq[b][MinQPt]) / (polyx[b][MaxQPt] - polyx[b][MinQPt]); else if (polyy[b][MaxQPt] != polyy[b][MinQPt]) El3 = polyq[b][MinQPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinQPt]) * (polyq[b][MaxQPt] - polyq[b][MinQPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxQPt] - polyy[b][MinQPt]); else { QInterp = 0; QY = QX = 0.0; QStart = qqq; goto StartEl; } /* else */ if (X3 != polyx[b][MidPt] && Y4 != polyy[b][MidPt]) { QX = (El3 - polyq[b][MidPt]) / (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]); QY = (El3 - polyq[b][MidPt]) / (polyy[b][MidPt] - Y4); } /* if */ else { QInterp = 0; QY = QX = 0.0; QStart = qqq; goto StartEl; } /* else */ } /* else not so easy */ QStart = polyq[b][MidPt] + (polyx[b][PolyMinXPt] - polyx[b][MidPt]) * QX; QStart += (polyy[b][0] - polyy[b][MidPt]) * QY; /* elevation */ StartEl: if (Elev[2] > Elev[0]) { if (Elev[2] > Elev[1]) { MaxPt = 2; MinPt = Elev[1] < Elev[0] ? 1: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 1 ? 0: 1; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = Elev[2] < Elev[0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* if */ else { if (Elev[0] > Elev[1]) { MaxPt = 0; MinPt = Elev[2] < Elev[1] ? 2: 1; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 1: 2; } /* if */ else { MaxPt = 1; MinPt = Elev[2] < Elev[0] ? 2: 0; MidPt = MinPt == 2 ? 0: 2; } /* else */ } /* else */ if (Elev[MaxPt] == Elev[MinPt]) { ElX = 0.0; ElY = 0.0; } /* that was easy */ else { Temp = (Elev[MidPt] - Elev[MinPt]) / (Elev[MaxPt] - Elev[MinPt]); X5 = Temp * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) + polyx[b][MinPt]; Y5 = Temp * (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) + polyy[b][MinPt]; if (polyy[b][MaxPt] == polyy[b][MinPt]) { ElInterp = 0; ElY = ElX = 0.0; ElStart = el; goto StartDraw; /* X3 = Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ X3 = polyx[b][MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); if (X5 == polyx[b][MidPt]) { ElInterp = 0; ElY = ElX = 0.0; ElStart = el; goto StartDraw; /* Y4 = infinity;*/ } /* if */ Y4 = polyy[b][MidPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]) * (Y5 - polyy[b][MidPt]) / (X5 - polyx[b][MidPt]); if (polyx[b][MaxPt] != polyx[b][MinPt]) El3 = Elev[MinPt] + (X3 - polyx[b][MinPt]) * (Elev[MaxPt] - Elev[MinPt]) / (polyx[b][MaxPt] - polyx[b][MinPt]); else if (polyy[b][MaxPt] != polyy[b][MinPt]) El3 = Elev[MinPt] + (polyy[b][MidPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]) * (Elev[MaxPt] - Elev[MinPt]) / (polyy[b][MaxPt] - polyy[b][MinPt]); else { ElInterp = 0; ElY = ElX = 0.0; ElStart = el; goto StartDraw; } /* else */ if (X3 != polyx[b][MidPt] && Y4 != polyy[b][MidPt]) { ElX = (El3 - Elev[MidPt]) / (X3 - polyx[b][MidPt]); ElY = (El3 - Elev[MidPt]) / (polyy[b][MidPt] - Y4); } /* if */ else { ElInterp = 0; ElY = ElX = 0.0; ElStart = el; goto StartDraw; } /* else */ } /* else not so easy */ ElStart = Elev[MidPt] + (polyx[b][PolyMinXPt] - polyx[b][MidPt]) * ElX; ElStart += (polyy[b][0] - polyy[b][MidPt]) * ElY; StartDraw: if (QY != 0.0) EloQY = .001 * ElY / QY; else EloQY = 0.0; for (y=yy[0], k=0; y<=yy[2]; y++,k++,QStart+=QY,ElStart+=ElY,LatStart+=LatY,LonStart+=LonY) { if (y < 0) continue; if (y > oshigh) break; zip = scrnrowzip[y] + MinX; for (x=MinX, l=0, QPt=QStart, ElPt=ElStart, LatPt=LatStart, LonPt=LonStart; x<=MaxX; x++, l++, zip++, QPt+=QX, ElPt+=ElX, LatPt+=LatX, LonPt+=LonX) { if (x < 0) continue; if (x > wide) break; dist = *(zbuf + zip); if (! QInterp) QPt = qqq; else { if (QPt < polyq[b][MinQPt]) QPt = polyq[b][MinQPt]; else if (QPt > polyq[b][MaxQPt]) QPt = polyq[b][MaxQPt]; } /* else */ if (! ElInterp) ElPt = el; else { if (ElPt < Elev[MinPt]) ElPt = Elev[MinPt]; else if (ElPt > Elev[MaxPt]) ElPt = Elev[MaxPt]; } /* else */ if (QPt <= dist + PtrnOffset || (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] < 100) { sum = 0; PixPtr = &SubPix[k * 10 * SubPixWidth + l * 10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { for (j=0; j<10; j++) { sum += (unsigned int)PixPtr[j]; } /* for j=0... */ PixPtr += SubPixWidth; } /* for i=0... */ if (sum) { if (render & 0x01) { /* changed this from ptrnoffset to HalfPtrnOffset 1/2/96 to elliminate spider webs */ if (bytemap[zip] && (QPt >= dist || ((sum < 100) && (dist - QPt < HalfPtrnOffset)))) Mode = MODE_AVERAGE; else Mode = MODE_REPLACE; if (VolumeTexture) { if (Texture & 0x0200) /* if strata colors */ { Tex = ComputeTextureColor(ElPt, LatPt, LonPt, ElY, &CC[0]); CC[0].Red -= sunshade * CC[0].Red; /* shading */ CC[0].Grn -= sunshade * CC[0].Grn; CC[0].Blu -= sunshade * CC[0].Blu; } /* if */ else if (Texture & 0x0100) /* if plain strata */ { Tex = ComputeTexture(ElPt, LatPt, LonPt, ElY); } /* else if */ else Tex = 255; /* This is a test - replace with optional fracture texture Tex *= ((355 - MakeNoise(NoiseMap, 200, LatPt * 480.0, LonPt * 480.0)) / 255.0); if (Tex > 255) Tex = 255; */ } /* if strata */ /* else if (NoiseTexture) { Tex = ((255 - MakeNoise(NoiseMap, 75, LatPt * 480.0, LonPt * 480.0)) / 255.0); /* Tex = ComputeBumpMapTexture(LatPt, LonPt);*/ } /* else no strata */ */ else Tex = 255; fred = (Tex * CC[0].Red) / 255.; fgrn = (Tex * CC[0].Grn) / 255.; fblu = (Tex * CC[0].Blu) / 255.; fred += CC[3].Red; /* sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 0); ambient */ fgrn += CC[3].Grn; /* sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 1); */ fblu += CC[3].Blu; /* sunshade * PARC_RNDR_COLOR(1, 2); */ fred += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 0) - fred) * fade; fgrn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 1) - fgrn) * fade; fblu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 2) - fblu) * fade; fred += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 0) - fred) * fog; fgrn += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 1) - fgrn) * fog; fblu += (PARC_RNDR_COLOR(2, 2) - fblu) * fog; fred *= redsun; fgrn *= greensun; fblu *= bluesun; if (fred > 255.) fred = 255.; else if (fred < 0.) fred = 0.; if (fgrn > 255.) fgrn = 255.; else if (fgrn < 0.) fgrn = 0.; if (fblu > 255.) fblu = 255.; else if (fblu < 0.) fblu = 0.; if (Mode) { if ((unsigned int)bytemap[zip] >= 110) continue; /* added 9/25/95 */ WtAvg = (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] + sum >= 110 ? 110: (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] + sum; /* changed 9/25/95 */ sum = WtAvg - bytemap[zip]; /* added 9/25/95 */ colval = (*(bitmap[0] + zip) * (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] + fred * sum) / WtAvg; *(bitmap[0] + zip) = (UBYTE)colval; colval = (*(bitmap[1] + zip) * (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] + fgrn * sum) / WtAvg; *(bitmap[1] + zip) = (UBYTE)colval; colval = (*(bitmap[2] + zip) * (unsigned int)bytemap[zip] + fblu * sum) / WtAvg; *(bitmap[2] + zip) = (UBYTE)colval; } /* if already a value */ else { *(bitmap[0] + zip) = (UBYTE)fred; *(bitmap[1] + zip) = (UBYTE)fgrn; *(bitmap[2] + zip) = (UBYTE)fblu; } /* else first value */ } /* if render to bitmaps */ if (QPt < dist) { if (render & 0x10) { if (render & 0x01) { ScreenPixelPlot(win, bitmap, x + drawoffsetX, y + drawoffsetY, zip); } /* if render to bitmaps */ else { NoRGBScreenPixelPlot(win, FloatCol, ColMax, x + drawoffsetX, y + drawoffsetY); } /* else no bitmaps */ } /* if render to screen */ if (render & 0x100) { *(QCmap[0] + zip) = QC.compval1; *(QCmap[1] + zip) = QC.compval2; *(QCmap[2] + zip) = QC.compval3; *(QCcoords[0] + zip) = facelat; *(QCcoords[1] + zip) = facelong; } /* if render & 0x100 */ *(zbuf + zip) = QPt; if (Reflections && ReflectionMap) ReflectionMap[zip] = Reflections; if (ElevationMap) ElevationMap[zip] = ElPt; if (SlopeMap) SlopeMap[zip] = EloQY; } /* if lower QPt value */ bytemap[zip] += sum; } /* if at least one point */ } /* if QPt */ } /* for x=... */
/** @brief Markers publication for the visualization of the calibration ressult on rviz @param[in] clouds ball center acquisitions in all sensors @param[in] lasers position of the sensors @return vector<visualization_msgs::Marker> */ vector<visualization_msgs::Marker> createTargetMarkers(vector<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> > clouds, vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> lasers, vector<string> deviceNames, const vector<double>& RPY, const vector<double>& translation ) { tf::Transform t_rpy; tf::Quaternion q; if (translation.empty() && RPY.empty()) //user does not want to translate/rotate clouds and sensors. { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0)) ); // no translation is done q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // no rotation t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } else if (translation.empty()) // only rotation given by the user, no translation { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0)) ); // no translation q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( RPY[0], RPY[1], RPY[2] ); // quaternion computation from given angles t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } else // rotation and translation given by the user { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(translation[0]), tfScalar(translation[1]), tfScalar(translation[2])) ); // translation given by the user q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( RPY[0], RPY[1], RPY[2] ); // quaternion computation from given angles t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } static Markers marker_list; int nLasers=lasers.size(); std::cout << "number of lasers: " << nLasers << std::endl; //Reduce the elements status, ADD to REMOVE and REMOVE to delete marker_list.decrement(); // Create a colormap class_colormap colormap("hsv", nLasers, 1, false); visualization_msgs::Marker marker_centers; visualization_msgs::Marker marker_lasers[nLasers*5]; // *5 to make space for Y, Z axis and square that represents the laser marker_centers.header.frame_id = "/my_frame3"; marker_centers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); marker_centers.ns = "centers"; = 0; marker_centers.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker_centers.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE_LIST; marker_centers.scale.x = 0.08; marker_centers.scale.y = 0.08; marker_centers.scale.z = 0.08; marker_centers.pose.orientation.x=q[0]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.y=q[1]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.z=q[2]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.w=q[3]; marker_lasers[0].color.a=1; marker_lasers[0].color.g=1; marker_lasers[1].color.b=1; marker_lasers[1].color.a=1; marker_lasers[2].color.r=1; marker_lasers[2].color.a=1; for(int n=0; n<clouds.size(); n++) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud = clouds[n]; std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; color = colormap.color(n); for ( int i = 0; i< cloud.points.size(); i++) { geometry_msgs::Point pt; pt.x= cloud.points[i].x; pt.y= cloud.points[i].y; pt.z= cloud.points[i].z; marker_centers.points.push_back(pt); marker_centers.colors.push_back(color); } //end for marker_list.update(marker_centers); } //position and orientation of laser int counter = 0; for(int n=0; n<lasers.size(); n++) { std::cout << "laser "<< n << std::endl; geometry_msgs::Pose laser = lasers[n]; tf::Transform t_laser; t_laser.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(laser.position.x, laser.position.y, laser.position.z) ); tf::Quaternion q_laser(laser.orientation.x, laser.orientation.y, laser.orientation.z, laser.orientation.w); t_laser.setRotation(q_laser); std::cout << "laser transform" << std::endl; for (int k=0; k<5; k++) { marker_lasers[counter].header.frame_id = "/my_frame3"; marker_lasers[counter].header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Laser " << n << "Marker: " << k; marker_lasers[counter].ns = ss.str(); marker_lasers[counter].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; if (k<3) { marker_lasers[counter].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; marker_lasers[counter].scale.x = 0.5; marker_lasers[counter].scale.y = 0.05; marker_lasers[counter].scale.z = 0.05; color.r = 0; color.g = 0; color.b = 0; color.a = 1; } else if (k == 3) { marker_lasers[counter].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; marker_lasers[counter].scale.x = 0.15; marker_lasers[counter].scale.y = 0.15; marker_lasers[counter].scale.z = 0.15; } else { marker_lasers[counter].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TEXT_VIEW_FACING; marker_lasers[counter].text = deviceNames[n]; marker_lasers[counter].scale.x = 0.15; marker_lasers[counter].scale.y = 0.15; marker_lasers[counter].scale.z = 0.15; std::cout << deviceNames[n] << std::endl; } tf::Transform t_aux; tf::Quaternion q_aux; t_aux.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0)) ); // no translation is done switch (k) { case 0: { q_aux = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // no rotation->this is the X axis color.r = 1.0; //std::cout << "2 " << k << " " << q[0] << " " << q[1] << " " << q[2] << " " << q[3] << " " << color << std::endl; break; } case 1: { q_aux = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2 ); // rotation to get Y axis from X color.g = 1.0; //std::cout << "2 " << k << " " << q[0] << " " << q[1] << " " << q[2] << " " << q[3] << " " << color << std::endl; break; } case 2: { q_aux = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0.0, -M_PI/2, 0.0); // rotation to get Z axis from X color.b = 1.0; //std::cout << "2 " << k << " " << q[0] << " " << q[1] << " " << q[2] << " " << q[3] << " " << color << std::endl; break; } case 3: { q_aux = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // no rotation->this is the square at the axes origin that represents the sensor color = colormap.color(n); //std::cout << "2 " << k << " " << q[0] << " " << q[1] << " " << q[2] << " " << q[3] << " " << color << std::endl; break; } default: { std::cout << "text" << std::endl; q_aux = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // no rotation->this is the square at the axes origin that represents the sensor color.r = 1.0; color.g = 1.0; color.b = 1.0; color.a = 1.0; } } t_aux.setRotation( q_aux ); tf::Transform transform_laser = t_rpy * t_laser * t_aux; tf::Quaternion rotation_laser = transform_laser.getRotation(); tf::Vector3 translation_laser = transform_laser.getOrigin(); std::cout << "Transformation" << std::endl; std::cout << "translation " << translation_laser[0] << " " << translation_laser[1] << " " << translation_laser[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "rotation " << rotation_laser[0] << " " << rotation_laser[1] << " " << rotation_laser[2] << " " << rotation_laser[3] << std::endl; marker_lasers[counter].pose.position.y=translation_laser[1]; if (k!=4) { marker_lasers[counter].pose.position.x=translation_laser[0]; marker_lasers[counter].pose.position.z=translation_laser[2]; std::cout << "k!4" << std::endl; } else { marker_lasers[counter].pose.position.x=translation_laser[0]+0.15; marker_lasers[counter].pose.position.z=translation_laser[2]+0.25; std::cout << "text" << std::endl; } marker_lasers[counter].pose.orientation.x=rotation_laser[0]; marker_lasers[counter].pose.orientation.y=rotation_laser[1]; marker_lasers[counter].pose.orientation.z=rotation_laser[2]; marker_lasers[counter].pose.orientation.w=rotation_laser[3]; std::cout << "pose" << std::endl; marker_lasers[counter].color=color; std::cout << "color" << std::endl; marker_list.update(marker_lasers[counter]); std::cout << "update" << std::endl; counter++; } } std::cout << "clean" << std::endl; //Remove markers that should not be transmitted marker_list.clean(); std::cout << "finished" << std::endl; //Clean the marker_vector and put new markers in it; return marker_list.getOutgoingMarkers(); } //end function
/** @brief Markers publication for the visualization of the calibration ressult on rviz @param[in] clouds ball center acquisitions in all sensors @param[in] lasers position of the sensors @return vector<visualization_msgs::Marker> */ vector<visualization_msgs::Marker> createTargetMarkers(vector<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> > clouds, vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> lasers, const vector<double>& RPY, const vector<double>& translation ) { tf::Transform t_rpy; tf::Quaternion q; if (translation.empty() && RPY.empty()) //user does not want to translate/rotate clouds and sensors. { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0)) ); // no translation is done q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // no rotation t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } else if (translation.empty()) // only rotation given by the user, no translation { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0), tfScalar(0)) ); // no translation q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( RPY[0], RPY[1], RPY[2] ); // quaternion computation from given angles t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } else // rotation and translation given by the user { t_rpy.setOrigin( tf::Vector3 (tfScalar(translation[0]), tfScalar(translation[1]), tfScalar(translation[2])) ); // translation given by the user q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( RPY[0], RPY[1], RPY[2] ); // quaternion computation from given angles t_rpy.setRotation( q ); } static Markers marker_list; int nLasers=lasers.size(); //Reduce the elements status, ADD to REMOVE and REMOVE to delete marker_list.decrement(); // Create a colormap class_colormap colormap("hsv",10, 1, false); visualization_msgs::Marker marker_centers; visualization_msgs::Marker marker_lasers[nLasers]; marker_centers.header.frame_id = "/my_frame3"; marker_centers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); marker_centers.ns = "centers"; marker_centers.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker_centers.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE_LIST; marker_centers.scale.x = 0.08; marker_centers.scale.y = 0.08; marker_centers.scale.z = 0.08; marker_centers.pose.orientation.x=q[0]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.y=q[1]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.z=q[2]; marker_centers.pose.orientation.w=q[3]; /*marker_centers.color.b=1; marker_centers.color.a=1;*/ marker_lasers[0].color.a=1; marker_lasers[0].color.g=1; marker_lasers[1].color.b=1; marker_lasers[1].color.a=1; marker_lasers[2].color.r=1; marker_lasers[2].color.a=1; for(int n=0; n<clouds.size(); n++) { { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud = clouds[n]; std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; color = colormap.color(n); for ( int i = 0; i< cloud.points.size(); i++) { geometry_msgs::Point pt; pt.x= cloud.points[i].x; pt.y= cloud.points[i].y; pt.z= cloud.points[i].z; marker_centers.points.push_back(pt); marker_centers.colors.push_back(color); } //end for marker_list.update(marker_centers); } } //position and orientation of laser for(int n=0; n<lasers.size(); n++) { { marker_lasers[n].header.frame_id = "/my_frame3"; marker_lasers[n].header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Laser " << n; marker_lasers[n].ns = ss.str(); marker_lasers[n].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker_lasers[n].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; marker_lasers[n].scale.x = 0.2; marker_lasers[n].scale.y = 0.1; marker_lasers[n].scale.z = 0.1; geometry_msgs::Pose laser = lasers[n]; std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; color = colormap.color(n); tf::Transform t_laser; t_laser.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(laser.position.x, laser.position.y, laser.position.z) ); tf::Quaternion q_laser(laser.orientation.x, laser.orientation.y, laser.orientation.z, laser.orientation.w); t_laser.setRotation(q_laser); t_laser= t_rpy * t_laser; q_laser = t_laser.getRotation(); tf::Vector3 trans_laser = t_laser.getOrigin(); marker_lasers[n].pose.position.x=trans_laser[0]; marker_lasers[n].pose.position.y=trans_laser[1]; marker_lasers[n].pose.position.z=trans_laser[2]; marker_lasers[n].pose.orientation.x=q_laser[0]; marker_lasers[n].pose.orientation.y=q_laser[1]; marker_lasers[n].pose.orientation.z=q_laser[2]; marker_lasers[n].pose.orientation.w=q_laser[3]; marker_lasers[n].color=color; marker_list.update(marker_lasers[n]); } } //Remove markers that should not be transmitted marker_list.clean(); //Clean the marker_vector and put new markers in it; return marker_list.getOutgoingMarkers(); } //end function
void Visualization::draw_pyramid_level_flow(const VisualOdometry* odom, int level_num) { const OdometryFrame* ref_frame = odom->getReferenceFrame(); const OdometryFrame* target_frame = odom->getTargetFrame(); const PyramidLevel* ref_level = ref_frame->getLevel(level_num); const PyramidLevel* target_level = target_frame->getLevel(level_num); int width = ref_level->getWidth(); int height = ref_level->getHeight(); const MotionEstimator* estimator = odom->getMotionEstimator(); const FeatureMatch* matches = estimator->getMatches(); int num_matches = estimator->getNumMatches(); // current image bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 1); const uint8_t* target_gray = target_level->getGrayscaleImage(); int target_gray_stride = target_level->getGrayscaleImageStride(); int gray_texid = bot_lcmgl_texture2d(_lcmgl, target_gray, width, height, target_gray_stride, BOT_LCMGL_LUMINANCE, BOT_LCMGL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BOT_LCMGL_COMPRESS_NONE); bot_lcmgl_texture_draw_quad(_lcmgl, gray_texid, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , height , 0 , width , height , 0 , width , 0 , 0); float rgb[3]; #if 0 // draw target features bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 1, 0); bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 3.0f); bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS); for(int i=0, nfeatures=target_level->getNumKeypoints(); i<nfeatures; ++i) { const KeypointData& kpdata(*target_level->getKeypointData(i)); colormap(, rgb); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,,; } bot_lcmgl_end(_lcmgl); #endif #if 0 // draw 9x9 boxes around keypoints bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 1.0); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, .5, .5, 1); bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES); for(int i=0, num_kp=target_level->getNumKeypoints(); i < num_kp; ++i) { const KeypointData& kpdata(*target_level->getKeypointData(i)); colormap(, rgb); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v-4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v+4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v+4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v+4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v+4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v-4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v-4); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl,, kp.v-4); } bot_lcmgl_end(_lcmgl); #endif #if 1 // draw inliers bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 4.0f); bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS); for (int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) { const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i]; if (!match.inlier || match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num) continue; int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u; int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v; colormap(match.target_keypoint->xyz(2), rgb); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y); } bot_lcmgl_end(_lcmgl); #endif #if 1 // draw ref-to-target 'flow' //bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 1, 0); bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0f); bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES); for (int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) { const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i]; if (!match.inlier || match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num) continue; int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u; int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v; int prev_x = match.ref_keypoint->kp.u; int prev_y = match.ref_keypoint->kp.v; colormap(match.target_keypoint->xyz(2), rgb); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y); bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, prev_x, prev_y); } bot_lcmgl_end(_lcmgl); #endif if (level_num == 0) { //draw the ESM homography estimate bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0); bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 0); bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINE_STRIP); const Eigen::Matrix3d & H = odom->getInitialHomography(); Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(5, 3); vertices << 0 , 0 , 1, width , 0 , 1, width , height , 1, 0 , height , 1, 0 , 0 , 1; Eigen::MatrixXd warpedPoints = H*vertices.transpose(); warpedPoints.row(0) = warpedPoints.row(0).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array(); warpedPoints.row(1) = warpedPoints.row(1).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array(); for (int i=0;i<warpedPoints.cols();i++) { bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, warpedPoints(0, i) ,warpedPoints(1, i)); } bot_lcmgl_end(_lcmgl); } }
RedirectedXCompositeWindow::RedirectedXCompositeWindow(WebPageProxy& webPage, const IntSize& initialSize, std::function<void()>&& damageNotify) : m_webPage(webPage) , m_display(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdk_window_get_display(gtk_widget_get_parent_window(webPage.viewWidget())))) , m_size(initialSize) { m_size.scale(m_webPage.deviceScaleFactor()); ASSERT(downcast<PlatformDisplayX11>(PlatformDisplay::sharedDisplay()).native() == m_display); Screen* screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(m_display); GdkVisual* visual = gdk_window_get_visual(gtk_widget_get_parent_window(webPage.viewWidget())); XUniqueColormap colormap(XCreateColormap(m_display, RootWindowOfScreen(screen), GDK_VISUAL_XVISUAL(visual), AllocNone)); // This is based on code from Chromium: src/content/common/gpu/ XSetWindowAttributes windowAttributes; windowAttributes.override_redirect = True; windowAttributes.colormap = colormap.get(); // CWBorderPixel must be present when the depth doesn't match the parent's one. // See windowAttributes.border_pixel = 0; m_parentWindow = XCreateWindow(m_display, RootWindowOfScreen(screen), WidthOfScreen(screen) + 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, gdk_visual_get_depth(visual), InputOutput, GDK_VISUAL_XVISUAL(visual), CWOverrideRedirect | CWColormap | CWBorderPixel, &windowAttributes); XMapWindow(m_display, m_parentWindow.get()); windowAttributes.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask; windowAttributes.override_redirect = False; // Create the window of at last 1x1 since X doesn't allow to create empty windows. m_window = XCreateWindow(m_display, m_parentWindow.get(), 0, 0, std::max(1, m_size.width()), std::max(1, m_size.height()), 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWEventMask, &windowAttributes); XMapWindow(m_display, m_window.get()); xDamageNotifier().add(m_window.get(), WTFMove(damageNotify)); while (1) { XEvent event; XWindowEvent(m_display, m_window.get(), StructureNotifyMask, &event); if (event.type == MapNotify && event.xmap.window == m_window.get()) break; } XSelectInput(m_display, m_window.get(), NoEventMask); XCompositeRedirectWindow(m_display, m_window.get(), CompositeRedirectManual); if (!m_size.isEmpty()) createNewPixampAndPixampSurface(); m_damage = XDamageCreate(m_display, m_window.get(), XDamageReportNonEmpty); }
void PltWin::drawIt(QPainter *p) { QString txt; double x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, xprev, yprev, shift, ubmin, ubmax, ub, alpha; int n, layer, lay, prev_layer, circDia, i, j, at, ichain, a, istart, iend, icurr, xs, ys; int idx, nmax; bool dum; QPen *pen = new QPen(); QBrush *brush = new QBrush(); QBrush *brush_unrld = new QBrush(); // antialiasing of primitives if ANTIALIASE is set to true if (!paintEPS) p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, ANTIALIASE); // plot the grain boundary line if (isGBfile && showGB) { x0 = ZFact*xyzMin(1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); x1 = ZFact*xyzMax(1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*gbYcoor - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawLine(p, x0, y, x1, y); } if (AtomPos==COMPOSITE) { if (!paintEPS) { brush_unrld->setColor( Qt::lightGray ); brush_unrld->setStyle( Qt::SolidPattern ); } } // plotting of atomic arrangement in the initial configuration prev_layer = -1; x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = 0; // need to construct the neighbor list in the relaxed configuration if (plotType == PLOT_ATOM_NEIGHBORS) { if (AtomPos == UNRELAXED && == NULL) InitNeighborList(this, NeighListInit, numNeighInit); if ((AtomPos == RELAXED || AtomPos == COMPOSITE) && == NULL) RelNeighborList(this, rcut, NeighListRel, numNeighRel); if (AtomPos == UNRELAXED) { nmax = -1; for (at=1; at<=NInit; at++) { n = numNeighInit(at); if (n > nmax) nmax = n; } colormap(nmax+1, cmap); } if (AtomPos == RELAXED) { nmax = -1; for (at=1; at<=NRel; at++) { n = numNeighRel(at); if (n > nmax) nmax = n; } colormap(nmax+1, cmap); } } if (plotType == PLOT_ATOM_TYPES) { nmax = -1; for (at=1; at<=NInit; at++) { n = atomType(at); if (n > nmax) nmax = n; } colormap(nmax, cmap); } // // Plot the atomic configuration such that the atoms in the front (in the top layer) are plotted // at the end. // for (i=1; i<=NInit; i++) { at = aorder(i); if (!zLayerSel(zLayer(at))) continue; layer = zLayer(at); circDia = zDiamLayer(layer); switch(plotType) { case PLOT_ATOM_LAYERS: layer = zLayer(at); if (!paintEPS && layer != prev_layer) { pen->setColor(zColorLayer(layer, 1)); pen->setWidth(zLineThickLayer(layer)); p->setPen(*pen); brush->setColor(zColorLayer(layer, 2)); brush->setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); p->setBrush(*brush); } break; case PLOT_ATOM_TYPES: lay = layer; layer = atomType(at); if (!paintEPS && layer != prev_layer) { pen->setColor(Qt::black); pen->setWidth(zLineThickLayer(lay)); p->setPen(*pen); if (layer == 0) { brush->setColor(Qt::lightGray); } else { brush->setColor(cmap[layer-1]); } brush->setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); p->setBrush(*brush); } break; case PLOT_ATOM_NEIGHBORS: lay = layer; if (AtomPos == UNRELAXED) layer = numNeighInit(at); else if (AtomPos == RELAXED || AtomPos == COMPOSITE) layer = numNeighRel(at); if (!paintEPS && layer != prev_layer) { pen->setColor(Qt::black); pen->setWidth(zLineThickLayer(lay)); p->setPen(*pen); if (layer == 0) brush->setColor(Qt::lightGray); else { brush->setColor(QColor(cmap[layer])); } brush->setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); p->setBrush(*brush); } break; } if (layer != prev_layer) prev_layer = layer; switch(AtomPos) { case UNRELAXED: x = ZFact*xyzInit(at,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*xyzInit(at,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, at, x, y, circDia); break; case RELAXED: x = ZFact*(xyzInit(at,1) + AtomDispScale*aDisp(at,1)) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*(xyzInit(at,2) + AtomDispScale*aDisp(at,2)) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, at, x, y, circDia); break; case COMPOSITE: if (!paintEPS) { p->setBrush( *brush_unrld ); } x = ZFact*xyzInit(at,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*xyzInit(at,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, -1, x, y, circDia); if (!paintEPS) { p->setBrush( *brush ); } x = ZFact*(xyzInit(at,1) + AtomDispScale*aDisp(at,1)) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*(xyzInit(at,2) + AtomDispScale*aDisp(at,2)) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, at, x, y, circDia); break; } if (x < x0) x0 = x; if (x > x1) x1 = x; if (y < y0) y0 = y; if (y > y1) y1 = y; // atom numbers if (AtomNumbers) { txt.sprintf("%d", at); shift = circDia/(2.0*factor); DrawText(p, x+shift, y+shift, txt); } } // plot the inert atoms if (InertAtoms) { if (!paintEPS) { pen->setColor(Qt::black); pen->setWidth(zLineThickLayer(layer)); p->setPen(*pen); brush->setColor(Qt::black); brush->setStyle(Qt::NoBrush); p->setBrush( *brush ); } for (at=1; at<=NInert; at++) { // plot only those atoms which belong to the selected (active) layers // if (!zLayerSel(zLayer(n))) // continue; x = ZFact*xyzInert(at,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*xyzInert(at,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, 0, x, y, circDia); } } // highlight the atoms picked if (!paintEPS && napicked > 0) { pen->setColor(Qt::green); pen->setWidth(2); p->setPen(*pen); brush->setStyle(Qt::NoBrush); p->setBrush(*brush); dum = ATOM_3DSPHERE; ATOM_3DSPHERE = false; for (n=1; n<=napicked; n++) { at = apicked(n); x = ZFact*xyzInit(at,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*xyzInit(at,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawAtom(p, at, x, y, circDia+4); if (n > 1) DrawLine(p, xprev, yprev, x, y); xprev = x; yprev = y; } ATOM_3DSPHERE = dum; } // highlight the atoms in selected chains if (!paintEPS && nchain > 0) { pen->setColor(Qt::green); pen->setWidth(2); p->setPen(*pen); for (ichain=1; ichain<=nchain; ichain++) { for (i=1; i<=nachain(ichain); i++) { a = achain(ichain,i); x = ZFact*xyzInit(a,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y = ZFact*xyzInit(a,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); if (i>1) DrawLine(p, x0, y0, x, y); x0 = x; y0 = y; } } if (!paintEPS && nchain >= 2) { QPen *pen2 = new QPen(); pen2->setColor(Qt::green); pen2->setStyle(Qt::DashLine); p->setPen(*pen2); for (i=1; i<nchain; i+=2) { x1 = ZFact*dposchain(i,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y1 = ZFact*dposchain(i,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); x2 = ZFact*dposchain(i+1,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y2 = ZFact*dposchain(i+1,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawLine(p, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } } // plotting the coordinate system centered at the initial position of // the dislocation line if (PlaneTraces) DrawPlaneTraces(p, x0, y0, x1, y1); // plotting of arrows if (arrNeighNum > 0) { if (!paintEPS) { pen->setColor(Qt::black); pen->setWidth(thicknessArrow); p->setPen(*pen); p->setBrush(Qt::black); } switch(DispComponent) { case EDGE: plotEdgeComponent(p); break; case SCREW: plotScrewComponent(p); break; case PROJ: plotScrewComponent(p); // plotted the same way as screw components break; case DIFF_EDGE: case DIFF_SCREW: plotDifference(p); break; } } // position of dislocation center if (DisloCenter) { DrawLine(p, xCore, y0, xCore, y1); DrawLine(p, x0, yCore, x1, yCore); } // small inset to show the active Z-layers if (!paintEPS && showZLayers) ShowActiveZLayers(p); // show color map if (!paintEPS && (plotType == PLOT_ATOM_TYPES || plotType == PLOT_ATOM_NEIGHBORS)) ShowColorMap(p); // lines showing the division of the block into cells (for the linked neighbor list) if (showNeighCells) { if (!paintEPS) { pen->setColor(Qt::black); p->setPen(*pen); } for (i=0; i<=ncell(1); i++) { x = ZFact*(xyzMin(1)+i*cellsize(1)) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y0 = ZFact*xyzMin(2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); y1 = ZFact*xyzMax(2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawLine(p, x, y0, x, y1); for (j=0; j<=ncell(2); j++) { y = ZFact*(xyzMin(2)+j*cellsize(2)) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); x0 = ZFact*xyzMin(1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); x1 = ZFact*xyzMax(1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); DrawLine(p, x0, y, x1, y); } } } // coordinate system of the block if (!paintEPS && showCSys) ShowCSys(p); // show the polygon that encompasses the dislocation center if (!paintEPS && ndpoly > 0) { pen->setColor(Qt::green); p->setPen(*pen); for (n=1; n<=ndpoly; n++) { x1 = ZFact*dpoly(n,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y1 = ZFact*dpoly(n,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); if (n<ndpoly) { x2 = ZFact*dpoly(n+1,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y2 = ZFact*dpoly(n+1,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); } else { x2 = ZFact*dpoly(1,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y2 = ZFact*dpoly(1,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); } DrawLine(p, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } if (!paintEPS && ndpath > 0) { pen->setColor(Qt::green); p->setPen(*pen); brush->setColor(Qt::green); brush->setStyle(Qt::NoBrush); p->setBrush(*brush); for (n=1; n<ndpath; n++) { x1 = ZFact*dpath(n,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y1 = ZFact*dpath(n,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); x2 = ZFact*dpath(n+1,1) - xPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(1); y2 = ZFact*dpath(n+1,2) - yPan - (ZFact-1)*xyzCen(2); DrawLine(p, x1, y1, x2, y2); if (n==1) { xyWorldToScreen(x1, y1, xs, ys); xs -= 2; ys -= 2; p->drawEllipse(xs, ys, 4, 4); } xyWorldToScreen(x2, y2, xs, ys); xs -= 2; ys -= 2; p->drawEllipse(xs, ys, 4, 4); } } }
void CreateMarkers(vector<visualization_msgs::Marker>& marker_vector,mtt::TargetList& target_msg,vector<t_listPtr>& list) { static map<pair<string,int>, pair<visualization_msgs::Marker,int> > marker_map; map<pair<string,int>, pair<visualization_msgs::Marker,int> >::iterator it; //limpar o vector todo marker_vector.clear(); //colocar todos os elementos em processo de elemincação for(it=marker_map.begin(); it!=marker_map.end(); it++) it->second.second--; std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; class_colormap colormap("hsv",10, 1, false); visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = pointData.header.frame_id;//target_msg.header.frame_id; // cout<<"fid:"<<target_msg.header.frame_id<<endl; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); marker.ns = "ids"; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.pose.position.z=0.3; marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TEXT_VIEW_FACING; marker.scale.x = 0.2; marker.scale.y = 0.2; marker.scale.z = 0.2; marker.color.r=0; marker.color.g=0; marker.color.b=0; marker.color.a=1;; for(uint i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if(list[i]->shape.lines.size()!=0) { marker.pose.position.x=list[i]->position.estimated_x; marker.pose.position.y=list[i]->position.estimated_y; marker.text = boost::lexical_cast<string>(list[i]->id);; marker_map[make_pair(marker.ns, ] = make_pair(marker,1);//isto substitui ou cria o novo marker no map } } marker.pose.position.x=0; marker.pose.position.y=0; marker.text = "origin";; marker_map[make_pair(marker.ns, ] = make_pair(marker,1);//isto substitui ou cria o novo marker no map // Markers for Line objects marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP; marker.ns = "objects"; marker.pose.position.x=0; marker.pose.position.y=0; marker.pose.position.z=0; marker.scale.x = 0.02; marker.scale.y = 0.1; marker.scale.z = 0.1; for(uint i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { marker.color = colormap.color(list[i]->id); geometry_msgs::Point p; p.z = 0.1; marker.points.clear(); uint l; for(l=0; l<list[i]->shape.lines.size(); l++) { p.x = list[i]->shape.lines[l]->xi; p.y = list[i]->shape.lines[l]->yi; marker.points.push_back(p); } p.x = list[i]->shape.lines[l-1]->xf; p.y = list[i]->shape.lines[l-1]->yf; marker.points.push_back(p);; marker_map[make_pair(marker.ns, ] = make_pair(marker,1);//isto substitui ou cria o novo marker no map } //para o map todo envio tudo, e meto tudo a false //envio todo e tudo o que ainda estiver a false vai com operaração de delete for(it=marker_map.begin(); it!=marker_map.end(); it++) { if( it->second.second==0 )//se for falso é para apagar it->second.first.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE; else if(it->second.second<=-1)//já foi apagado { /** \todo This should be erased but it is not working now marker_map.erase(it); */ continue; } marker_vector.push_back(it->second.first); } }
int initvolluts() { #ifdef MPI int comsize, rank; int indx; int *rhsizes; int *globalhist; int *roffsets; int *rhists = NULL; float *rminvalues; float *rmaxvalues; #endif int *hist = NULL; int hsize; float minvalue, maxvalue; /////////////////////////////// compute global color table /////////////////////////////////////// // compute local histogram and create a colormap from all local histograms hsize = histogram(&hist,, &minvalue, &maxvalue, volume.localdims.w, volume.localdims.h, volume.localdims.d); // broadcast hist, minvalue, maxvalue #ifdef MPI // MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comsize); // MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comsize); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); rminvalues = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * comsize); rmaxvalues = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * comsize); assert (rminvalues != NULL && rmaxvalues != NULL); rhsizes = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * comsize); assert (rhsizes != NULL); // allgatherv parameters roffsets = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * comsize); assert (roffsets != NULL); //MPI_Allgather( &minvalue, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rminvalues, 1, MPI_FLOAT, comm); MPI_Allgather( &minvalue, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rminvalues, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allgather( &maxvalue, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rmaxvalues, 1, MPI_FLOAT, comm); MPI_Allgather( &maxvalue, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rmaxvalues, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allgather( &hsize, 1, MPI_INT, rhsizes, 1, MPI_INT, comm); MPI_Allgather( &hsize, 1, MPI_INT, rhsizes, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); int d = 0; for (int i=0; i<comsize; i++) { roffsets[i] = d; d += rhsizes[i]; } rhists = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * d); assert (rhists != NULL); //MPI_Allgatherv(hist, hsize, MPI_INT, rhists, rhsizes, roffsets, MPI_INT, comm); MPI_Allgatherv(hist, hsize, MPI_INT, rhists, rhsizes, roffsets, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); float tmpmin = MAXFLOAT; float tmpmax = -MAXFLOAT; for (int i=0; i<comsize; i++) { minvalue = fmin(tmpmin, rminvalues[i]); maxvalue = fmax(tmpmax, rmaxvalues[i]); tmpmin = minvalue; tmpmax = maxvalue; } PRINTDEBUG("%3d: MINMAX- %f, %f\n", rank, minvalue, maxvalue); hsize = (int) ((maxvalue - minvalue) + 1); globalhist = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * hsize); assert(globalhist != NULL); for (int j=0; j<hsize; j++) globalhist[j] = 0; int rindx; for (int i=0; i<comsize; i++) { rindx = roffsets[i]; // get offset into individual histogram arrays indx = rminvalues[i] - minvalue; for (int j=0; j<rhsizes[i]; j++) { globalhist[indx+j] += rhists[rindx+j]; } } lut = (color4f *) malloc(hsize * sizeof(color4f)); maxlutindx = hsize - 1; assert (lut != NULL); colormap(lut, globalhist, hsize, minvalue, maxvalue); // free all the temp stuff free(rminvalues); free(rmaxvalues); free(rhsizes); free(rhists); free(roffsets); free(globalhist); #else lut = (color4f *) malloc(hsize * sizeof(color4f)); assert (lut != NULL); colormap(lut, hist, hsize, minvalue, maxvalue); #endif lutoffset = (int) (minvalue + 0.5); #ifdef GRAD /////////////////////////////// compute subvolume gradient ////////////////////////////////////// // local gradients are sufficient, i.e. a subvol does not need gradient values from another subvol // compute gradient and store with rest of volume data int n = volume.localdims.w; int m = volume.localdims.h; int p = volume.localdims.d; long long localsize = n * m * p; // allocate gradient storage volume.gradient = (vector4f *) malloc(localsize * sizeof(vector4f)); assert (volume.gradient != NULL); // local gradients are sufficient, i.e. a subvol does not need gradient values from another subvol gradient3d(volume.gradient,, n, m, p); #endif free(hist); return 0; }