scamper_source_t *scamper_source_cmdline_alloc(scamper_source_params_t *ssp, const char *cmd, char **arg, int arg_cnt) { scamper_source_t *source = NULL; size_t cmd_len, len = 0; char *buf = NULL; int i; ssp->type = SCAMPER_SOURCE_TYPE_CMDLINE; if((source = scamper_source_alloc(ssp)) == NULL) { goto err; } if(cmd != NULL) { cmd_len = strlen(cmd); for(i=0; i<arg_cnt; i++) { if(command_assemble(&buf, &len, cmd, cmd_len, arg[i]) != 0 || scamper_source_command(source, buf) != 0) { goto err; } } } else { for(i=0; i<arg_cnt; i++) { if(scamper_source_command(source, arg[i]) != 0) goto err; } } if(buf != NULL) free(buf); return source; err: if(source != NULL) scamper_source_free(source); if(buf != NULL) free(buf); return NULL; }
int main () { FILE * fp = fopen("opcode.txt","r"); char input_str[MAX_LEN_INPUT], command[MAX_LEN_COMMAND], argv[3][MAX_LEN_INPUT], *mnemonic = (char *) calloc(LEN_MNEMONIC, sizeof(char)); int i, j, error_flag, comma_flag, linking_loader_flag = 0, idx_input_str, idx_argv, opcode, format; hist_list * new_hist_elem = NULL; history_head = (hist_list *) calloc(1, sizeof(hist_list)); /* make opcode table */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { table_head[i] = (op_list *) calloc(1, sizeof(op_list)); } // opcode에 관한 정보를 받고 linked list에 저장한다. i = 0; while (i < NUM_OF_OPCODES) { fscanf(fp, "%02X %s %d/%*s\n", &opcode, mnemonic, &format); // TODO : opcode table에서 linking 시켜 op_list 를 굳이 새로 만들지 않게 할 것 && 이 부분도 함수로 moduling 할 것 && trash -> format && mnemonic 바로 받는 것도 생각해 보기 make_linking_table(&table_head[hash_func(mnemonic)], opcode, mnemonic, format); opcode_table[i].opcode = opcode; opcode_table[i].format = format; strcpy(opcode_table[i].mnemonic, mnemonic); i ++; } while (1) { /**************************************/ /********** initialization ************/ /**************************************/ error_flag = 0; comma_flag = 0; idx_input_str = 0; linking_loader_flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEN_COMMAND; i++) { command[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_LEN_INPUT; j++) { argv[i][j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEN_INPUT; i++) { input_str[i] = 0; } /********** initialization end ********/ printf("sicsim> "); /**************************************/ /****** input string handling *********/ /**************************************/ gets(input_str); /** get command name **/ while (input_str[idx_input_str] == ' ') { idx_input_str ++; } /* ignore front space */ // input consists of space, enter if (!input_str[idx_input_str]) { continue; } idx_argv = 0; while ((input_str[idx_input_str] != ' ' && input_str[idx_input_str] != '\t') && (input_str[idx_input_str] != 0)) { command[idx_argv++] = input_str[idx_input_str++]; } command[idx_argv] = 0; while (input_str[idx_input_str] == ' ' || input_str[idx_input_str] == '\t' || input_str[idx_input_str] == '\n') { idx_input_str++; } /* ---------- linking loader check and execute command ---------- */ if (!strcmp(command, "progaddr")) { error_flag = linking_loader_main(1, input_str + idx_input_str); linking_loader_flag = 1; } else if (!strcmp(command, "loader")) { error_flag = linking_loader_main(2, input_str + idx_input_str); linking_loader_flag = 1; } else if (!strcmp(command, "run")) { error_flag = linking_loader_main(3, input_str + idx_input_str); linking_loader_flag = 1; } else if (!strcmp(command, "bp")) { error_flag = linking_loader_main(4, input_str + idx_input_str); linking_loader_flag = 1; } if (error_flag) { continue; } /* ---------- linking loader check end --------- */ if (!linking_loader_flag) { /* get parameter name */ for (i = 0; i < 3 ;i++) { comma_flag = 0; /** i th(second, third, fourth) argument value **/ if (input_str[idx_input_str]) { // not end /* ignore front space and counting comma */ while (input_str[idx_input_str] == ' ' || input_str[idx_input_str] == ',') { if (input_str[idx_input_str] == ',') { comma_flag++; } idx_input_str ++; } error_flag = error_check_comma(i, comma_flag); idx_argv = 0; while (input_str[idx_input_str] != ' ' && (input_str[idx_input_str] != 0) && (input_str[idx_input_str] != ',') && input_str[idx_input_str] != '\n') { // except 0(end of string), ",", space argv[i][idx_argv++] = input_str[idx_input_str++]; } argv[i][idx_argv] = 0; } } /* error checking */ if (error_flag) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("COMMA"); continue; } else if(error_check_moreargv(input_str, idx_input_str)) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("OVERFULL ARGV"); continue; } } /****** input string handling end ********/ /*****************************************/ /*********** execute command *************/ /*****************************************/ if (!strcmp(command, "help") || !strcmp(command, "h")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_help(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "dir") || !strcmp(command, "d")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_dir(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "quit") || !strcmp(command, "q")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } break; } else if (!strcmp(command, "history") || !strcmp(command, "hi")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } // function check } else if (!strcmp(command, "dump") || !strcmp(command, "du")) { // exception handling - boundary error and existing thrid argv int start = strtoi(argv[0], &error_flag, 16), end = strtoi(argv[1], &error_flag, 16); /* error handling */ if (error_flag) { // does not integer SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("NOT INTEGER"); continue; } if ((start < 0) || (end < 0) || (start > 0xFFFFF) || (argv[1][0] && (start > end)) || start > 0xFFFFF || end > 0xFFFFF) { // boundary error SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("BOUNDARY ERROR"); continue; } if (argv[2][0]) { // argv[2] exists SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } // params don't exist if (!argv[0][0]) { start = -1; } else if (!argv[1][0]) { end = -1; } command_dump(start, end); } else if (!strcmp(command, "edit") || !strcmp(command, "e")) { int addr = strtoi(argv[0], &error_flag, 16), val = strtoi(argv[1], &error_flag, 16); /* error handling */ if (error_flag) { // does not integer SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("NOT INTEGER"); continue; } if (addr < 0x0 || addr > 0xFFFFF || val < 0 || val > 0xFF) { // boundary error SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("BOUNDARY ERROR"); continue; } if (!argv[0][0] || !argv[1][0] || argv[2][0]) { // argv[0] doesn't exist || argv[1] doesn't exist || argv[2] exist SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_edit(addr, val); } else if (!strcmp(command, "fill") || !strcmp(command, "f")) { int start = strtoi(argv[0], &error_flag, 16), end = strtoi(argv[1], &error_flag, 16), val = strtoi(argv[2], &error_flag, 16); /* error handling */ if (error_flag) { // does not integer SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("NOT INTEGER"); continue; } if ((start < 0) || (end < 0) || (start > 0xFFFFF)|| (argv[1][0] && (start > end)) || end > 0xFFFFF || val < 0 || val > 0xFF) { // boundary error SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("BOUNDARY ERROR"); continue; } if (!argv[0][0] || !argv[1][0] || !argv[2][0]) { // argv[0] doesn't exist || argv[1] doesn't exist || argv[2] exist SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_fill(start, end, val); } else if (!strcmp(command, "reset")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_reset(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "opcode")) { char input_mnem[LEN_MNEMONIC]; // argv[0] exist - error if (!argv[0][0] || argv[1][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } strcpy(input_mnem, argv[0]); command_opcode(input_mnem, &error_flag); if (error_flag == -1) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("THERE IS NO MATCHING MNEMONIC"); continue; } } else if (!strcmp(command, "opcodelist")) { // argv[0] exist - error if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_opcodelist(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "assemble")) { if (argv[1][0] || !argv[0][0]) { // argv[1][0] != 0 implies that second argument exists and argv[1][0] == 0 implies that first argument does not exist. SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } // TODO : Make a function deallocating a symbol_table if (!symbol_table) { // free symbol_table // FATAL it needs to be fixed. symbol_table = NULL; } if (strcmp(argv[0] + strlen(argv[0]) - 4, ".asm")) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("THIS IS NOT .asm file"); } command_assemble(argv[0], &error_flag); if (error_flag) { continue; } } else if (!strcmp(command, "type")) { if (argv[1][0] || !argv[0][0]) { // argv[1][0] != 0 implies that second argument exists and argv[1][0] == 0 implies that first argument does not exist. SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } command_type(argv[0], &error_flag); if (error_flag) { // error is occured continue; } } else if (!strcmp(command, "symbol")) { // XXX : error check! if (argv[0][0]) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH THIS COMMAND"); continue; } if (!complete_table) { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("THERE IS NO SYMBOL TABLE"); continue; } command_symbol(); } else if (linking_loader_flag) {} else { SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE("THIS COMMAND DOES NOT EXIST"); continue; } hist_list * tmp_hist; // store in hist_list(linked list for history has command lines of history new_hist_elem = (hist_list *) calloc(1, sizeof(hist_list)); strcpy(new_hist_elem->command_line, input_str); tmp_hist = history_head; while (tmp_hist->next) { tmp_hist = tmp_hist->next; } tmp_hist->next = new_hist_elem; if (!strcmp(command, "history") || !strcmp(command, "hi")) { command_history(); } } fclose(fp); // deallocating memory deallocate_opcode(); deallocate_history(); return 0; }