bool xRedisClient::zscore(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, const string &member, string& score ){ if (0==key.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(SLAVE); return command_string(dbi, score, "ZSCORE %s %s", key.c_str(), member.c_str()); }
bool xRedisClient::spop(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const KEY& key, VALUE& member) { if (0 == key.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, member, "SPOP %s", key.c_str()); }
bool xRedisClient::rpop(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, string& value) { if (0 == key.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, value, "RPOP %s", key.c_str()); }
bool xRedisClient::rpoplpush(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key_src, const string& key_dest, string& value) { if ((0 == key_src.length()) || (0 == key_dest.length())) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, value, "RPOPLPUSH %s %s", key_src.c_str(), key_dest.c_str()); }
bool xRedisClient::mget(const DBIArray &vdbi, const KEYS & keys, ReplyData& vDdata) { bool bRet = false; size_t n = vdbi.size(); if (n!=keys.size()) { return bRet; } DataItem item; DBIArray::const_iterator iter_dbi = vdbi.begin(); KEYS::const_iterator iter_key = keys.begin(); for (;iter_key!=keys.end();++iter_key, ++iter_dbi) { const RedisDBIdx& dbi = *iter_dbi; SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(SLAVE); const string &key = *iter_key; if (key.length()>0) { bool ret = command_string(*iter_dbi, item.str, "GET %s", key.c_str()); if (!ret) { item.type = REDIS_REPLY_NIL; item.str = ""; } else { item.type = REDIS_REPLY_STRING; bRet = true; } vDdata.push_back(item); } } return bRet; }
bool xRedisClient::lindex(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, int64_t index, VALUE& value) { if (0 == key.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(SLAVE); return command_string(dbi, value, "LINDEX %s %lld", key.c_str(), index); }
bool xRedisClient::zincrby(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, const double &increment, const string& member, string& value ) { if (0==key.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, value, "ZINCRBY %s %f %s", key.c_str(), increment, member.c_str()); }
bool xRedisClient::echo(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& str, std::string &value) { if (0==str.length()) { return false; } SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, value, "echo %s", str.c_str()); }
void program_print(Program* program) { int i; char code[64]; for(i = 0; i < program->size; i++) { command_string(program->commands[i], code); printf("%d: %s\n", i, code); } }
char* get_command_proposal(char* name) { static char ans[100]; command* c; if(strcmp(name, "MCA") == 0) { c = init_command(name, "PWMD", "PWMI"); } else if(strcmp(name, "MCA") == 0) { c = init_command(name, "PWMF", "PWMB"); } else { c = init_command(name, "", ""); } strcpy(ans, command_string(c)); destroy_command(c); return ans; }
bool xRedisClient::spop(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const KEY& key, VALUE& member) { return command_string(dbi, member, "SPOP %s", key.c_str()); }
bool CRedisClient::zscore(const CString &key, const CString &member, CString &score) { return command_string(score, "ZSCORE %s %s", (LPCSTR)key, (LPCSTR)member); }
bool CRedisClient::rpop(const CString &key, CString &value) { return command_string(value, "RPOP %s", (LPCSTR)key); }
bool xRedisClient::getrange(const RedisDBIdx& dbi,const string& key, int start, int end, string& out) { SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(SLAVE); return command_string(dbi, out, "GETRANGE %s %d %d", key.c_str(), start, end); }
bool CRedisClient::get(const CString &key, CString &value) { return command_string(value, "GET %s", (LPCSTR)key); }
bool xRedisClient::hget(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, const string& field, string& value) { SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(SLAVE); return command_string(dbi, value, "HGET %s %s", key.c_str(), field.c_str()); }
int32 EnterCommand(const char* command_list , _Out_opt_ std::string* arguments_string , const char* line_start) { std::vector<std::string> command_array; std::string commands(command_list); bool newline_command = false; // split the command list into an array while(commands.length()) { std::string segment; // get the next command in the list and add it to the command array StringEditing::GetStringSegment(commands, segment, nullptr, ";"); command_array.push_back(segment); // remove the command from the commands string StringEditing::RemoveStringSegment(commands, nullptr, ";"); // if the user can just press enter, we need to know to interpret that as a command if(!"\n") && !newline_command) { newline_command = true; } } char command[128]; puts(""); // get the users command Console::ColorPrintF(Enums::_console_color_lightyellow, "%s: ", line_start); do { fgets(command, sizeof(command), stdin); //ignore newlines unless it is a valid command }while(!newline_command && command[0] == '\n'); // seperate into command and arguments std::string command_string(command); // if the command is just a newline no parsing is necessary if(command[0] != '\n') { StringEditing::GetStringSegment(command_string, command_string, nullptr, " \n"); } // if arguments are requested, set the passed strings value if(arguments_string) { // set the arguments string to the whole string, then remove the command arguments_string->assign(command); StringEditing::RemoveStringSegment(*arguments_string, nullptr, " "); StringEditing::GetStringSegment(*arguments_string, *arguments_string, nullptr, "\n"); } int index = 0; bool command_found = false; // iterate through the commands until a matching one is/is not found for( auto& command : command_array ) { if(! { command_found = true; break; } index++; } // return the index of the matching command, or -1 if it did not match return command_found ? index : -1; }
bool CRedisClient::lindex(const CString &key, int index, CString &value) { CString sIndex; sIndex.Format("%d", index); return command_string(value, "LINDEX %s %s", (LPCSTR)key, (LPCSTR)sIndex); }
bool CRedisClient::hget(const CString &key, const CString &field, CString &value) { return command_string(value, "HGET %s %s", (LPCSTR)key, (LPCSTR)field); }
bool xRedisClient::getset(const RedisDBIdx& dbi, const string& key, const string& newValue, string& oldValue) { SETDEFAULTIOTYPE(MASTER); return command_string(dbi, oldValue, "GETSET %s %s", key.c_str(), newValue.c_str()); }