int compare(Titem item1 , Titem item2) { if(compare_times(&item1, &item2)==1) return 1; else if(compare_times(&item1, &item2)==0) return 0; else return -1; }
struct time get_largest_time(struct time times[10]) { int i; struct time largest = times[0]; for(i=1; i <10; i ++) { // check whether element is bigger than largest if ( compare_times(times[i], largest) > 0 ) largest = times[i]; } return largest; }
struct node* lookup(struct node *temp) { struct node *temp1; temp1 = head; while (temp1) { if (temp1->txid == temp->txid) { bool query_same = false; /*Query Should be Same*/ bool checksum_zero = false; /*One of the packets checksum shoul be 0 (then it is spoofed)*/ bool ans_different = false; /*Answers should be completely different*/ bool time_diff = false; /*Time diff should be inside the threshold value*/ bool complex_stuff = false; query_same = compare_queries(temp1->question, temp->question); checksum_zero = compare_checksum(temp1->uh_sum, temp->uh_sum); // ans_different = compare_answers(temp1->answers, temp1->ans_count, // temp->answers, temp->ans_count); time_diff = compare_times(&(temp->tv), &(temp1->tv)); /*First arg is later time*/ if (ans_different) { if (checksum_zero) complex_stuff = true; } else { /*I'm really crazy here*/ if (checksum_zero) complex_stuff = true; } if (query_same && complex_stuff && time_diff) break; } temp1 = temp1->next; } return temp1; }
int compare(Titem item1 , Titem item2) { return compare_times(item1, item2); }
void android_main(struct android_app* state) { LOGD("android_main", "android_main() called"); engine e; app_dummy(); memset(&e, 0, sizeof(engine)); state->userData = &e; state->onAppCmd = engine_handle_cmd; state->onInputEvent = engine_handle_input; = state; int i = 0; int animating = FALSE; while (1) { int ident, events; struct android_poll_source* source; while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(0, NULL, &events, (void**) &source)) >= 0) { LOGD("call_order", "while ((ident=ALooper_pollAll..."); LOGD("ALooper_pollAll", "ALooper_pollAll"); if (source != NULL) { source->process(state, source); } if (state->destroyRequested != 0) { return; } } if (e.animating) { if(wake_from_paused) { init_sles_gain_focus(state); wake_from_paused = FALSE; } calc_frame_delta_time(); update_elapsed_time(); // calc_frame_rate(); // LOGD("android_main", "frame_delta %d", frame_delta); draw_frame(); if(!sles_init_called && elapsed_time > (1*SEC_IN_US)) { create_init_sles_thread(state); sles_init_called = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "sles_init_called = TRUE"); } if(!splash_fading_in && elapsed_time > (1*SEC_IN_US )) { splash_fading_in = TRUE; screens[0].is_showing = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "splash_fading_in = TRUE"); } if(!splash_bg_fading_in && elapsed_time > (3*SEC_IN_US)) { //3 splash_bg_fading_in = TRUE; screens[1].is_showing = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "splash_bg_fading_in = TRUE"); } if(sles_init_finished && splash_bg_fading_in && screens[1].alpha == 1.0) { sles_init_finished = FALSE; assign_time(&splash_fadeout_time); LOGD("android_main", "sles_init_finished"); } if(!splash_bg_fading_out && compare_times(splash_fadeout_time, (1*SEC_IN_US))) { splash_bg_fading_out = TRUE; screens[1].fading_in = FALSE; screens[1].fading_out = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "splash_bg_fading_out = TRUE"); } if(!splash_fading_out && compare_times(splash_fadeout_time, (4*SEC_IN_US))) { splash_fading_out = TRUE; screens[0].fading_in = FALSE; screens[0].fading_out = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "splash_fading_out = TRUE"); } if(!show_gameplay && compare_times(splash_fadeout_time, (6*SEC_IN_US))) { show_gameplay = TRUE; assign_time(&touch_enable_time); start_loop(); init_control_loop(); LOGD("android_main", "show_gameplay = TRUE"); } if(!touch_enabled && compare_times(touch_enable_time, (2*SEC_IN_US))) { touch_enabled = TRUE; LOGD("android_main", "touch_enabled = TRUE"); } if (show_gameplay && buttons_activated) { if (compare_times(buttons_activated_time, INTERACTIVE_TTL)) { if (!all_buttons_busy_fading) { buttons[2].fading_out = TRUE; } } } } } }
/* * Displays result lists. * Copies the array of entrants, then performs bubble search * on the copied array, to order entrants by total time. * All entrants that have not completed the race yet * are listed at the bottom of the list. */ void display_results(){ printf("\nFor which course? \n"); char c; scanf(" %c", &c); if(TOTAL_ENTRANTS!=count_entrants("CC")){ printf("WARNING: Some entrants are still on track.\n"); } int i = 0, count = 0; for(i; i<TOTAL_ENTRANTS;i++){ if(entrants[i].course->id==c) count++; } ENTRANT ents[count]; i = 0; int j = 0; for(i;i<TOTAL_ENTRANTS;i++){ if(entrants[i].course->id==c){ ents[j] = entrants[i]; j++; } } //Bubble sort. int swapped = 0; do{ i =0; swapped = 0; for(i; i<count-1; i++){ if(compare_times(&ents[i].total_time, &ents[i+1].total_time)<=0){ continue; } else{ //if items are in wrong order, they are swapped ENTRANT temp = ents[i]; ents[i] = ents[i+1]; ents[i+1] = temp; swapped = 1; } } }while(swapped!=0); // ends when not a single swap occurred printf("Place (Number) Name " " Time\n"); printf("===================================" "===============================\n"); i = 0; for(i;i<count;i++){ printf("%d", i+1); if(i+1<10) printf(" "); else if(i+1<100) printf(" "); else printf(" "); printf("(%02d) %s", ents[i].number, ents[i].name); int n = 0; //printing space between entrants name and time //so that everything is formated neatly for(n; n<50-strlen(ents[i].name); n++) printf(" "); if(ents[i].total_time.hours==99){ //no time displayed if entrant still on track printf("-:--\n"); }else display_time(ents[i].total_time); } }