bool ParallelMcmcmc::restore(void){ if(stream.is_open()) stream.close();".stream").c_str(), std::fstream::in); size_t pos = stream.tellg(); size_t lastsample = pos; while(!stream.eof()){ fromStream(stream,false); lastsample = pos; pos = stream.tellg(); } if(numSteppingStones > 0) { int index = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < numSteppingStones; i++) { stream.clear(); stream.seekg(lastsample); stream >> currentGeneration; if(numChains > 1){ stream >> index; } chains[i]->fromStream(stream); chains[i]->setChainActive(i == 0); chains[i]->setChainHeat(computeBeta(delta,sigma,i)); chainIdxByHeat[i] = i; }
bool Optimize::eval_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number &obj_value) { UNUSED(n); UNUSED(new_x); if (updateCross(x) == false) return false; obj_value = 0; PointArray px = PointArray(x); Ipopt::Number t[3]; Ipopt::Number r = 0; double tmp; int i = 0, size = EnergyVertices.size(); for (; i < size; i++) { obj_value += computeBeta(i, x) / VerticesWeight[i]; } obj_value *= 2 * pOp->BendingEnergyCoef; i = 0; size = PositionConstraints.size(); for (; i < size; i++) { sub(px(PositionConstraints[i]), positions[i].data(), t); r += sqrnorm(t); } r *= pOp->PositionConstraintsWeight; obj_value += r; r = 0; i = 0; size = TangentConstraints.size(); for (; i < size; ++i) { computeTangentEdge(i, x, t); r += 1 - dot(t, tangents[i].data()); } obj_value += r * pOp->TangentConstraintsCoef; r = 0; i = 0; size = PlaneConstraints.size(); for (; i < size; ++i) { tmp = (getPoint(PlaneConstraints[i], x) | PlaneConstraintsInfo[i].first) + PlaneConstraintsInfo[i].second; r += tmp * tmp; } obj_value += r * pOp->PlaneConstraintsCoef; return true; }
GrabCut::GrabCut( Image<Color>* image ) { m_image = image; m_w = m_image->width(); m_h = m_image->height(); m_trimap = new Image<TrimapValue>( m_w, m_h ); m_trimap->fill(TrimapUnknown); m_GMMcomponent = new Image<unsigned int>( m_w, m_h ); m_hardSegmentation = new Image<SegmentationValue>( m_w, m_h ); m_hardSegmentation->fill(SegmentationBackground); m_softSegmentation = 0; // Not yet implemented m_TLinksImage = new Image<Color>(m_w, m_h); m_TLinksImage->fill(Color(0,0,0)); m_NLinksImage = new Image<Real>(m_w, m_h); m_NLinksImage->fill(0); m_GMMImage = new Image<Color>(m_w, m_h); m_GMMImage->fill(Color(0,0,0)); m_AlphaImage = new Image<Real>(m_w, m_h); m_AlphaImage->fill(0); m_foregroundGMM = new GMM(5); m_backgroundGMM = new GMM(5); //set some constants m_lambda = 50; computeL(); computeBeta(); m_NLinks = new Image<NLinks>( m_w, m_h ); computeNLinks(); m_graph = 0; m_nodes = new Image<Graph::node_id>( m_w, m_h ); }
Vertices<CoordType> SpatialModelMaximalRepulsion3D<CoordType>::drawSample(const int numPoints) { ENTER("Vertices<CoordType> SpatialModelMaximalRepulsion3D<CoordType>::drawSample(const int)"); const int outerSteps = getNumMonteCarloCycles(); const int innerSteps = numPoints; const CoordType beta = computeBeta(); const CoordType maxRadius = this->getTriMesh().equivalentRadius() / 50.0; Vertices<CoordType> vertices = SpatialModelHardcoreDistance3D<CoordType>::drawSample( numPoints ); RandomGenerator& randomGenerator = this->getRandomGenerator(); CoordType currentEnergy, newEnergy, deltaEnergy; Vector<CoordType> vertex; bool acceptTransition; int i, j, v; ConvergenceTest<CoordType> convergenceTest; CoordType sumEnergy; bool converged = false; _energyProfile.setZeros( outerSteps ); convergenceTest.setData( _energyProfile ); convergenceTest.setRange( 100 ); for (i = 0; !converged && i < outerSteps; ++i) { #if 0 if ( (i%20)==0 ) { string filename = "max-repulsion-vertices-" + StringTools::toString(i,4,'0') + ".vx"; filename, true ); } #endif for (j = 0, sumEnergy = 0.0; j < innerSteps; ++j) { v = randomGenerator.uniformL( numPoints ); vertex = vertices[v]; if ( j == 0 ) currentEnergy = energy( vertices ); moveVertex( vertices, v, maxRadius ); newEnergy = energy( vertices ); deltaEnergy = newEnergy - currentEnergy; acceptTransition = deltaEnergy <= .0 || randomGenerator.uniformLF() < exp( -beta*deltaEnergy ); if ( acceptTransition ) currentEnergy = newEnergy; else vertices[v] = vertex; sumEnergy += currentEnergy; } _energyProfile[i] = sumEnergy / innerSteps; converged = convergenceTest.isPositive( i ); } if ( !converged ) { Exception exception; exception.setWhere( "Vertices<CoordType> SpatialModelMaximalRepulsion3D<CoordType>::drawSample(const int)" ); exception.setWhat( "Convergence not reached after " + StringTools::toString(outerSteps) + " iterations" ); throw exception; } LEAVE(); return vertices; }
ParallelMcmcmc::ParallelMcmcmc(Model* m, const std::vector<Move*> &moves, const std::vector<Monitor*> &mons, std::string fn, std::string sT, int ev, int nc, int np, int si, double dt, double st, double sh, bool saveall, size_t ss) : Cloneable( ), filename(fn), numChains(nc), numProcesses(np), scheduleType(sT), every(ev), currentGeneration(0), swapInterval(si), delta(dt), sigma(st), startingHeat(sh), saveall(saveall), numSteppingStones(ss) { activeIndex = 0; std::vector<Monitor*> mons2 = mons; if(numSteppingStones > 0) mons2.clear(); size_t numMcmc = std::max(numSteppingStones,numChains); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMcmc; i++) { // get chain heat double b = computeBeta(delta,sigma,i) * startingHeat; // create chains bool a = (i == 0 ? true : false); Mcmc* oneChain = new Mcmc(m, moves, mons2, scheduleType, a, b, i); oneChain->setChainIndex(i); oneChain->startMonitors(); // add chain to team chains.push_back(oneChain); chainIdxByHeat.push_back(i); } numNodes = chains[0]->getNumNodes(); //std::cout << "\n"; steppingStones = std::vector<std::vector<double> >(numSteppingStones, std::vector<double>()); numMcmc = numSteppingStones > 0 ? numSteppingStones : numChains; if (numMcmc < numProcesses) numProcesses = numMcmc; // assign chains to processors #if defined (USE_LIB_OPENMP) omp_set_num_threads((unsigned)numProcesses); #endif chainsPerProcess.resize(numProcesses); for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < numMcmc; i++, j++) { if (j >= numProcesses) j = 0; chainsPerProcess[j].push_back(i); } }