Example #1
ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeEuiDistant(
   const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
   const std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts) const
   ossimEquDistCylProjection* proj = 0;

   // Get the scale.
   ossimDpt scale;
   computeScaleInDecimalDegrees(hdr, gpts, scale);

   if (scale.hasNans())
      return proj;
   // Make the projection.
   proj = new ossimEquDistCylProjection();

   // Shift the tie to the center of the pixel.
   ossimGpt tiePoint;
   tiePoint.latd(gpts[0].latd() - (scale.y/2.0));
   tiePoint.lond(gpts[0].lond() + (scale.x/2.0));

   // Set the tie points.

   // Set the scale.

   return proj;
ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeEuiDistant(
   const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
   const std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts) const
   ossimEquDistCylProjection* proj = 0;

   // Get the scale.
   ossimDpt scale;
   computeScaleInDecimalDegrees(hdr, gpts, scale);

   if (scale.hasNans())
      return proj;
   // Make the projection.
   proj = new ossimEquDistCylProjection();

   if ( scale.x )
      ossimGpt origin = proj->getOrigin();

      // ossimEquDistCylProjection uses the origin_latitude for meters per pixel (gsd)
      // computation.  So is not set in tiff tags, compute to achieve the proper
      // horizontal scaling.
      origin.lat = ossim::acosd(scale.y/scale.x);


   // Shift the tie to the center of the pixel.
   ossimGpt tiePoint;
   tiePoint.latd(gpts[0].latd() - (scale.y/2.0));
   tiePoint.lond(gpts[0].lond() + (scale.x/2.0));

   // Set the tie points.

   // Set the scale.

ossimKeywordlist tempKwl;
std::cout << tempKwl << std::endl;;
   return proj;
ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic(
   const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
   const ossimString& coordinateSysetm) const
   ossimProjection* proj = 0;

   if (hdr)
      // To hold corner points.
      std::vector<ossimGpt> gpts;
      // Get the corner points.
      // Look for points from the BLOCKA tag.  This may or may not be present.
      // If present since it has six digit precision use it for the points.
      if ( getBlockaPoints(hdr, gpts) == false )
         ossimString geographicLocation = hdr->getGeographicLocation();

         if ( geographicLocation.size() )
            if (traceDebug())
                  << "ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic DEBUG:"
                  << "\ngeographicLocation: " << geographicLocation
                  << std::endl;
            if (coordinateSysetm == "G")
               // If coord system is G then format is:
               // Lat = ddmmssX
               //       where d is degrees and m is minutes
               //       and s is seconds and X is either N (North) or S (South).
               // Lon = dddmmssX
               //       where d is degrees and m is minutes
               //       and s is seconds and X is either N (North) or S (South).
               parseGeographicString(geographicLocation, gpts);
            else if (coordinateSysetm == "D")
               // If coor system is D then format is:
               // +-dd.ddd +-dd.ddd four times where + is northern hemispher and
               // - is souther hemisphere for lat and longitude
               // + is easting and - is westing.
               parseDecimalDegreesString(geographicLocation, gpts);
         } // matches: if ( geographicLocation.size() )
      } // matches: if ( getBlockaPoints(hdr, gpts) == false )
      if (gpts.size() == 4)
         ossimDpt scaleTest;
         computeScaleInDecimalDegrees(hdr, gpts, scaleTest);

         if (!isSkewed(gpts)&&(ossim::abs(scaleTest.y/scaleTest.x) <= 1.0))
            proj = makeEuiDistant(hdr, gpts);
            // Image is rotated.  Make a Bilinear.
            proj = makeBilinear(hdr, gpts);

      if (traceDebug() && proj)
            << "ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic DEBUG:"
            << "\nUpper left corner:   " << gpts[0]
            << "\nUpper right corner:  " << gpts[1]
            << "\nLower right corner:  " << gpts[2]
            << "\nLower left corner:   " << gpts[3] << "\n";
         proj->print( ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG));
   } // matches: if (hdr)

   return proj;