bool Accelerometer::update(float dt)
    bool has_been_flipped = false;
    if (calibrating) {
    } else {
        if (accel.available());

        if (compute_acceleration() && has_moved()) {
            has_been_flipped = is_flipped();
            String log = (has_been_flipped ? "FLIPPED" : "MOVED");
            log += " (" + String(acc.x) + ", " + String(acc.y) + ", " + String(acc.z) + ")";
            if (has_been_flipped)
                Particle.publish("flip", log);
    return has_been_flipped;
Example #2
//main simulation loop
void run(const FLOAT t_max, const FLOAT eps, const FLOAT ErrTolIntAccuracy, struct Particle *particles_host, icl_buffer* particles_device, const UINT nParticles, icl_device* dev, struct Tree *tree, struct Particle *ref)
	UINT k = 0;
	UINT treeHeight = 0;
	//FLOAT dt=1.5e-6;
	//FLOAT dt=1.220703125e-5;
	FLOAT dt=3.05176e-06;
	FLOAT current_time = 0.0; //time before current full timestep (drift), kicks are at current_time-+dt/2.0
	FLOAT timeBetSnapshot = 1e-3;
	FLOAT timeLastSnapshot = 0.0;

	tree->nodelist[0].center_of_mass.x = 1;
	tree->nodelist[0].center_of_mass.y = 2;
	tree->nodelist[0].center_of_mass.z = 3;

	tree->nodelist[0].center_geometric.x = 1.3;
	tree->nodelist[0].center_geometric.y = 2.2;
	tree->nodelist[0].center_geometric.z = 3.1;

	tree->nodelist[0].mass = 77.0;
	tree->nodelist[0].l = 42.7;

	tree->nodelist[0][0].x = -3.0;
	tree->nodelist[0][0].y = -3.2;
	tree->nodelist[0][0].z = -3.3;
	tree->nodelist[0][1].x = 3.0;
	tree->nodelist[0][1].y = 3.2;
	tree->nodelist[0][1].z = 3.3;

	tree->nodelist[0].size = 8;
	tree->nodelist[0].level = 7;
	tree->nodelist[0].address = 17;

	tree->nodelist[0].left_child = 1;
	tree->nodelist[0].right_child = 2;
	tree->nodelist[0].split_dim = 3;
	// create root node in nodelist
	tree->nodelist[0].particlesLow = 0;
	tree->nodelist[0].particlesHigh = nParticles;
	tree->nodelist[0].level = 0;
	//tree->nodelist[0].bounding_box = bounding_box;
	tree->nodelist[0].address = 0;

	icl_buffer* nodelist = icl_create_buffer(dev, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(struct Node) * (nParticles * 2 - 1));
	// copy root node to ocl device
	icl_write_buffer(nodelist, CL_TRUE, sizeof(struct Node), &(tree->nodelist[0]), NULL, NULL);

	//snapshot_000 IC with computed code properties (acceleration...)
//	out_snapshot(particles_host, particles_device, nParticles, dev, 0.0); 

	// TODO particles have been resorted during tree construction. Upload them in original sorting for comparison, not needed for correctness REMOVE IT!
//	icl_write_buffer(particles_device, CL_TRUE, sizeof(struct Particle) * nParticles, &particles_host[0], NULL, NULL);

	//just for the first time, kick to half timestep
	treeHeight = compute_acceleration(1, nodelist, particles_device, nParticles, eps, treeHeight, dev, ref);
#if timing == 1
	//dt = calcTimestep(eps, ErrTolIntAccuracy, particles, nParticles);
	kick(dt/2.0, particles_device, nParticles, dev);

//	out_snapshot(particles_host, particles_device, nParticles, dev, 0.0); 

	icl_read_buffer(particles_device, CL_TRUE, sizeof(struct Particle) * nParticles, particles_host, NULL, NULL);
	printf("\tid: %d pos: %g %g %g vel: %g %g %g\n", particles_host[0].id,  particles_host[0].pos.x, particles_host[0].pos.y, particles_host[0].pos.z, particles_host[0].vel.x, particles_host[0].vel.y, particles_host[0].vel.z);
	printf("\tacc: %g %g %g\n", particles_host[0].acc.x, particles_host[0].acc.y, particles_host[0].acc.z);
	while(current_time < t_max)
		current_time += dt;
		printf("___step: %d time: %g\n", k++, current_time);
//		printf("\tid: %d pos: %g %g %g vel: %g %g %g\n", )
		//drift to next full timestep at current_time
		drift(dt, particles_device, nParticles, dev);
		//get new accelerations
		treeHeight = compute_acceleration(2, nodelist, particles_device, nParticles, eps, treeHeight, dev, ref); //TODO: mode 2: implement dynamic tree update
		//kick particles to current_time+dt/2.0
		kick(dt, particles_device, nParticles, dev);
		//output & energy statistic
		if(current_time-timeLastSnapshot > timeBetSnapshot)
			out_snapshot(particles_host, particles_device, nParticles, dev, current_time);
			timeLastSnapshot = current_time;

		icl_read_buffer(particles_device, CL_TRUE, sizeof(struct Particle) * nParticles, particles_host, NULL, NULL);
		printf("\tid: %d pos: %g %g %g vel: %g %g %g\n", particles_host[0].id,  particles_host[0].pos.x, particles_host[0].pos.y, particles_host[0].pos.z, particles_host[0].vel.x, particles_host[0].vel.y, particles_host[0].vel.z);
		printf("\tacc: %g %g %g\n", particles_host[0].acc.x, particles_host[0].acc.y, particles_host[0].acc.z);
	out_snapshot(particles_host, particles_device, nParticles, dev, current_time); //write a snapshot also for the final time
	printf("final time reached: %g\n", current_time);
	compute_acceleration(0, nodelist, particles_device, nParticles, eps, treeHeight, dev, ref); //clean up
