void set_width(t_env *e) { while (e->list->content[e->len] != 0) e->len++; if (e->len > 200) e->width = 1; else if (e->len > 100) e->width = 4; else if (e->len > 50) e->width = 20; else e->width = 40; initialise_mlx(&e->mlx); if (compute_coord(e) == -1) { ft_putstr("Invalid line length"); exit(1); } }
int main () { int n, nn, i, j, k, ni, nj, nk; int dims[3], grind[2], erind[2]; num_coord = NUM_I * NUM_J * NUM_K; num_element = (NUM_I - 1) * (NUM_J - 1) * (NUM_K - 1); xcoord = (float *) malloc(4 * num_coord * sizeof(float)); nmap = (int *) malloc((num_coord + 8 * num_element) * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == xcoord || NULL == nmap) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed for data\n"); exit(1); } ycoord = xcoord + num_coord; zcoord = ycoord + num_coord; solution = zcoord + num_coord; elements = nmap + num_coord; for (n = 0; n < num_coord; n++) solution[n] = (float)n; unlink("rind.cgns"); if (cg_open("rind.cgns", CG_MODE_WRITE, &cgfile)) cg_error_exit(); /*--- structured grid with rind ---*/ printf ("writing structured base with rind\n"); fflush (stdout); for (n = 0, k = 0; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_J; j++) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_I; i++) { compute_coord(n++, i, j, k); } } } if (cg_base_write(cgfile, "Structured", CellDim, PhyDim, &cgbase) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "end") || cg_dataclass_write(NormalizedByUnknownDimensional) || cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone", size, Structured, &cgzone)) cg_error_exit(); /* can't use cg_coord_write to write rind coordinates need to use cg_grid_write to create the node, cg_goto to set position at the node, then write rind and coordinates as an array */ dims[0] = NUM_I; dims[1] = NUM_J; dims[2] = NUM_K; if (cg_grid_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "GridCoordinates", &cggrid) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", cgzone, "GridCoordinates_t", cggrid, "end") || cg_rind_write(rind) || cg_array_write("CoordinateX", RealSingle, 3, dims, xcoord) || cg_array_write("CoordinateY", RealSingle, 3, dims, ycoord) || cg_array_write("CoordinateZ", RealSingle, 3, dims, zcoord)) cg_error_exit(); /* a similiar technique is used for the solution with rind, but we use cg_field_write instead of cg_array_write and the solution dimensions come from the zone sizes */ if (cg_sol_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "VertexSolution", Vertex, &cgsol) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", cgzone, "FlowSolution_t", cgsol, "end") || cg_rind_write(rind) || cg_field_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, cgsol, RealSingle, "Density", solution, &cgfld)) cg_error_exit(); /*--- unstructured with rind ---*/ printf ("writing unstructured base with rind\n"); fflush (stdout); /* rind here has dimension rind[2], so need to put all the rind coordinates at the beginning and/or end of the array. Just for grins, I'll put some at both ends, although it's probably best to put the rind coordinates at the end. I'll use the nmap array for building elements */ ni = size[0] + rind[0]; nj = size[1] + rind[2]; nk = size[2] + rind[4]; for (n = 0, i = 0; i < rind[0]; i++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_J; j++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } for (j = 0; j < rind[2]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni; i++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } for (k = 0; k < rind[4]; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni; i++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } grind[0] = n; for (k = rind[4]; k < nk; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni; i++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } grind[1] = num_coord - n; for (i = ni; i < NUM_I; i++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_J; j++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } for (j = nj; j < NUM_J; j++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni; i++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } for (k = nk; k < NUM_K; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni; i++) { compute_coord (n, i, j, k); nn = INDEX(i, j, k); nmap[nn] = ++n; } } } /* rind elements are like the coordinates, they need to go at the beginning and/or end of the element array, although at the end is probably best */ for (n = 0, i = 0; i < rind[0]; i++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K - 1; k++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_J - 1; j++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } for (j = 0; j < rind[2]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K - 1; k++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni - 1; i++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } for (k = 0; k < rind[4]; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj - 1; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni - 1; i++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } erind[0] = n; for (k = rind[4]; k < nk - 1; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj - 1; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni - 1; i++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } erind[1] = num_element - n; for (i = ni - 1; i < NUM_I - 1; i++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K - 1; k++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_J - 1; j++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } for (j = nj - 1; j < NUM_J - 1; j++) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_K - 1; k++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni - 1; i++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } for (k = nk - 1; k < NUM_K - 1; k++) { for (j = rind[2]; j < nj - 1; j++) { for (i = rind[0]; i < ni - 1; i++) { compute_element(n++, i, j, k); } } } /* create base, zone and write coordinates. As for the structured case, the rind coordinates and elements are not included in the zone totals */ dims[0] = num_coord - grind[0] - grind[1]; dims[1] = num_element - erind[0] - erind[1]; dims[2] = 0; if (cg_base_write(cgfile, "Unstructured", CellDim, PhyDim, &cgbase) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "end") || cg_dataclass_write(NormalizedByUnknownDimensional) || cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone", dims, Unstructured, &cgzone) || cg_grid_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "GridCoordinates", &cggrid) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", cgzone, "GridCoordinates_t", cggrid, "end") || cg_rind_write(grind) || cg_array_write("CoordinateX", RealSingle, 1, &num_coord, xcoord) || cg_array_write("CoordinateY", RealSingle, 1, &num_coord, ycoord) || cg_array_write("CoordinateZ", RealSingle, 1, &num_coord, zcoord)) cg_error_exit(); /* to write the elements with rind elements, write all the elements, then use goto to add rind */ if (cg_section_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Elements", HEXA_8, 1, num_element, 0, elements, &cgsect) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", cgzone, "Elements_t", cgsect, "end") || cg_rind_write(erind)) cg_error_exit(); /* write solution a vertices with rind */ if (cg_sol_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "VertexSolution", Vertex, &cgsol) || cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", cgzone, "FlowSolution_t", cgsol, "end") || cg_rind_write(grind) || cg_field_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, cgsol, RealSingle, "Density", solution, &cgfld)) cg_error_exit(); cg_close(cgfile); return 0; }