ENERGY_TYPE ICMGraph::optimize(int num_iterations) { for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < sites.size(); ++j) { Site * site = &sites[j]; /* Current cost */ ENERGY_TYPE min_cost = std::numeric_limits<ENERGY_TYPE>::max(); //site->data_cost + smooth_cost(j, site->label); for (std::size_t k = 0; k < site->labels.size(); ++k) { ENERGY_TYPE cost = site->data_costs[k] + smooth_cost(j, site->labels[k]); if (cost < min_cost) { min_cost = cost; site->data_cost = site->data_costs[k]; site->label = site->labels[k]; } } } } return compute_energy(); }
GCoptimization::EnergyType GCoptimization::expansion(int max_num_iterations ) { int curr_cycle = 1; EnergyType new_energy,old_energy; new_energy = compute_energy(); old_energy = new_energy+1; while ( old_energy > new_energy && curr_cycle <= max_num_iterations) { old_energy = new_energy; new_energy = oneExpansionIteration(); curr_cycle++; } return(new_energy); }
static void detector_process(MSFilter *f){ DetectorState *s=(DetectorState *)f->data; mblk_t *m; while ((m=ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0]))!=NULL){ ms_queue_put(f->outputs[0],m); if (s->nscans>0){ ms_bufferizer_put(s->buf,dupmsg(m)); } } if (s->nscans>0){ uint8_t *buf=alloca(s->framesize); while(ms_bufferizer_read(s->buf,buf,s->framesize)!=0){ float en=compute_energy((int16_t*)buf,s->framesize/2); if (en>energy_min_threshold*(32767.0*32767.0*0.7)){ int i; for(i=0;i<s->nscans;++i){ GoertzelState *gs=&s->tone_gs[i]; MSToneDetectorDef *tone_def=&s->tone_def[i]; float freq_en=goertzel_state_run(gs,(int16_t*)buf,s->framesize/2,en); if (freq_en>=tone_def->min_amplitude){ if (gs->dur==0) gs->starttime=f->ticker->time; gs->dur+=s->frame_ms; if (gs->dur>=tone_def->min_duration && !gs->event_sent){ MSToneDetectorEvent event; strncpy(event.tone_name,tone_def->tone_name,sizeof(event.tone_name)); event.tone_start_time=gs->starttime; ms_filter_notify(f,MS_TONE_DETECTOR_EVENT,&event); gs->event_sent=TRUE; } }else{ gs->event_sent=FALSE; gs->dur=0; gs->starttime=0; } } }else end_all_tones(s); } } }
MC::MC(std::shared_ptr<pele::BasePotential> potential, Array<double>& coords, const double temperature) : m_potential(potential), m_coords(coords.copy()), m_trial_coords(m_coords.copy()), m_take_step(NULL), m_nitercount(0), m_accept_count(0), m_E_reject_count(0), m_conf_reject_count(0), m_success(true), m_print_progress(false), m_niter(0), m_neval(0), m_temperature(temperature), m_report_steps(0), m_enable_input_warnings(true) { m_energy = compute_energy(m_coords); m_trial_energy = m_energy; /*std::cout<<"mcrunner Energy is "<<_energy<< "\n"; std::cout<<"mcrunner potential ptr is "<<_potential<< "\n";*/ }
/// main for SCF int main (int argc, char **argv) { // init MPI int myrank; int nprocs; int provided; #if defined (USE_ELEMENTAL) ElInitialize( &argc, &argv ); ElMPICommRank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank ); ElMPICommSize( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs ); MPI_Query_thread(&provided); #else MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs); #endif if (myrank == 0) { printf("MPI thread support: %s\n", MPI_THREAD_STRING(provided)); } #if 0 char hostname[1024]; gethostname (hostname, 1024); printf ("Rank %d of %d running on node %s\n", myrank, nprocs, hostname); #endif // create basis set BasisSet_t basis; CInt_createBasisSet(&basis); // input parameters and load basis set int nprow_fock; int npcol_fock; int nblks_fock; int nprow_purif; int nshells; int natoms; int nfunctions; int niters; if (myrank == 0) { if (argc != 8) { usage(argv[0]); MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); } // init parameters nprow_fock = atoi(argv[3]); npcol_fock = atoi(argv[4]); nprow_purif = atoi(argv[5]); nblks_fock = atoi(argv[6]); niters = atoi(argv[7]); assert(nprow_fock * npcol_fock == nprocs); assert(nprow_purif * nprow_purif * nprow_purif <= nprocs); assert(niters > 0); CInt_loadBasisSet(basis, argv[1], argv[2]); nshells = CInt_getNumShells(basis); natoms = CInt_getNumAtoms(basis); nfunctions = CInt_getNumFuncs(basis); assert(nprow_fock <= nshells && npcol_fock <= nshells); assert(nprow_purif <= nfunctions && nprow_purif <= nfunctions); printf("Job information:\n"); char *fname; fname = basename(argv[2]); printf(" molecule: %s\n", fname); fname = basename(argv[1]); printf(" basisset: %s\n", fname); printf(" charge = %d\n", CInt_getTotalCharge(basis)); printf(" #atoms = %d\n", natoms); printf(" #shells = %d\n", nshells); printf(" #functions = %d\n", nfunctions); printf(" fock build uses %d (%dx%d) nodes\n", nprow_fock * npcol_fock, nprow_fock, npcol_fock); printf(" purification uses %d (%dx%dx%d) nodes\n", nprow_purif * nprow_purif * nprow_purif, nprow_purif, nprow_purif, nprow_purif); printf(" #tasks = %d (%dx%d)\n", nblks_fock * nblks_fock * nprow_fock * nprow_fock, nblks_fock * nprow_fock, nblks_fock * nprow_fock); int nthreads = omp_get_max_threads(); printf(" #nthreads_cpu = %d\n", nthreads); } int btmp[8]; btmp[0] = nprow_fock; btmp[1] = npcol_fock; btmp[2] = nprow_purif; btmp[3] = nblks_fock; btmp[4] = niters; btmp[5] = natoms; btmp[6] = nshells; btmp[7] = nfunctions; MPI_Bcast(btmp, 8, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); nprow_fock = btmp[0]; npcol_fock = btmp[1]; nprow_purif = btmp[2]; nblks_fock = btmp[3]; niters = btmp[4]; natoms = btmp[5]; nshells = btmp[6]; nfunctions = btmp[7]; // broadcast basis set void *bsbuf; int bsbufsize; if (myrank == 0) { CInt_packBasisSet(basis, &bsbuf, &bsbufsize); MPI_Bcast(&bsbufsize, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(bsbuf, bsbufsize, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { MPI_Bcast(&bsbufsize, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); bsbuf = (void *)malloc(bsbufsize); assert(bsbuf != NULL); MPI_Bcast(bsbuf, bsbufsize, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); CInt_unpackBasisSet(basis, bsbuf); free(bsbuf); } // init PFock if (myrank == 0) { printf("Initializing pfock ...\n"); } PFock_t pfock; PFock_create(basis, nprow_fock, npcol_fock, nblks_fock, 1e-11, MAX_NUM_D, IS_SYMM, &pfock); if (myrank == 0) { double mem_cpu; PFock_getMemorySize(pfock, &mem_cpu); printf(" CPU uses %.3f MB\n", mem_cpu / 1024.0 / 1024.0); printf(" Done\n"); } // init purif purif_t *purif = create_purif(basis, nprow_purif, nprow_purif, nprow_purif); init_oedmat(basis, pfock, purif, nprow_fock, npcol_fock); // compute SCF if (myrank == 0) { printf("Computing SCF ...\n"); } int rowstart = purif->srow_purif; int rowend = purif->nrows_purif + rowstart - 1; int colstart = purif->scol_purif; int colend = purif->ncols_purif + colstart - 1; double energy0 = -1.0; double totaltime = 0.0; double purif_flops = 2.0 * nfunctions * nfunctions * nfunctions; double diis_flops; // set initial guess if (myrank == 0) { printf(" initialing D ...\n"); } PFock_setNumDenMat(NUM_D, pfock); initial_guess(pfock, basis, purif->runpurif, rowstart, rowend, colstart, colend, purif->D_block, purif->ldx); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // compute nuc energy double ene_nuc = CInt_getNucEnergy(basis); if (myrank == 0) { printf(" nuc energy = %.10f\n", ene_nuc); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // main loop double t1, t2, t3, t4; for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; iter++) { if (myrank == 0) { printf(" iter %d\n", iter); } t3 = MPI_Wtime(); // fock matrix construction t1 = MPI_Wtime(); fock_build(pfock, basis, purif->runpurif, rowstart, rowend, colstart, colend, purif->ldx, purif->D_block, purif->F_block); if (myrank == 0) { printf("After fock build \n"); } // compute energy double energy = compute_energy(purif, purif->F_block, purif->D_block); t2 = MPI_Wtime(); if (myrank == 0) { printf(" fock build takes %.3f secs\n", t2 - t1); if (iter > 0) { printf(" energy %.10f (%.10f), %le\n", energy + ene_nuc, energy, fabs (energy - energy0)); } else { printf(" energy %.10f (%.10f)\n", energy + ene_nuc, energy); } } if (iter > 0 && fabs (energy - energy0) < 1e-11) { niters = iter + 1; break; } energy0 = energy; // compute DIIS t1 = MPI_Wtime(); compute_diis(pfock, purif, purif->D_block, purif->F_block, iter); t2 = MPI_Wtime(); if (myrank == 0) { if (iter > 1) { diis_flops = purif_flops * 6.0; } else { diis_flops = purif_flops * 2.0; } printf(" diis takes %.3f secs, %.3lf Gflops\n", t2 - t1, diis_flops / (t2 - t1) / 1e9); } #ifdef __SCF_OUT__ if (myrank == 0) { double outbuf[nfunctions]; char fname[1024]; sprintf(fname, "XFX_%d_%d.dat", nfunctions, iter); FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w+"); assert(fp != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < nfunctions; i++) { PFock_getMat(pfock, PFOCK_MAT_TYPE_F, USE_D_ID, i, i, USE_D_ID, nfunctions - 1, outbuf, nfunctions); for (int j = 0; j < nfunctions; j++) { fprintf(fp, "%.10e\n", outbuf[j]); } } fclose(fp); } #endif // purification MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); t1 = MPI_Wtime(); int it = compute_purification(purif, purif->F_block, purif->D_block); t2 = MPI_Wtime(); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (myrank == 0) { printf(" purification takes %.3f secs," " %d iterations, %.3f Gflops\n", t2 - t1, it, (it * 2.0 + 4.0) * purif_flops / (t2 - t1) / 1e9); } /* #if defined(USE_ELEMENTAL) ElGlobalArraysPrint_d( eldga, pfock->ga_D[USE_D_ID] ); #else GA_Print (pfock->ga_D[USE_D_ID]); #endif */ t4 = MPI_Wtime (); totaltime += t4 - t3; #ifdef __SCF_TIMING__ PFock_getStatistics(pfock); double purif_timedgemm; double purif_timepdgemm; double purif_timepass; double purif_timetr; MPI_Reduce(&purif->timedgemm, &purif_timedgemm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&purif->timepdgemm, &purif_timepdgemm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&purif->timepass, &purif_timepass, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&purif->timetr, &purif_timetr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (myrank == 0) { printf(" Purification Statistics:\n"); printf(" average totaltime = %.3f\n" " average timetr = %.3f\n" " average timedgemm = %.3f, %.3f Gflops\n" " average timepdgemm = %.3f, %.3f Gflops\n", purif_timepass / purif->np_purif, purif_timetr / purif->np_purif, purif_timedgemm / purif->np_purif, (it * 2.0 + 4.0) * purif_flops / (purif_timedgemm / purif->np_purif) / 1e9, purif_timepdgemm / purif->np_purif, (it * 2.0 + 4.0) * purif_flops / (purif_timepdgemm / purif->np_purif) / 1e9); } #endif } /* for (iter = 0; iter < NITERATIONS; iter++) */ if (myrank == 0) { printf(" totally takes %.3f secs: %.3f secs/iters\n", totaltime, totaltime / niters); printf(" Done\n"); } destroy_purif(purif); PFock_destroy(pfock); CInt_destroyBasisSet(basis); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
void mmas::mixing_product(int n) { delete mixed_product; mixed_product = new usm; real dm_bin = product->star_mass / n; real m_prev = 0, m_bin = 0; real Mtot = 0, Utot = 0, Vtot = 0, r_mean = 0; int n_in_bin = 0; int j = 0; real H1tot = 0, He4tot = 0, O16tot = 0, N14tot = 0, C12tot = 0, Ne20tot = 0, Mg24tot = 0, Si28tot = 0, Fe56tot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < product->get_num_shells(); i++) { mass_shell &shell_i = product->get_shell(i); real dm = shell_i.mass - m_prev; m_prev = shell_i.mass; r_mean += shell_i.radius; n_in_bin += 1; m_bin += dm; Mtot += dm; Vtot += dm/shell_i.density; H1tot += dm*shell_i.composition.H1; He4tot += dm*shell_i.composition.He4; O16tot += dm*shell_i.composition.O16; N14tot += dm*shell_i.composition.N14; C12tot += dm*shell_i.composition.C12; Ne20tot += dm*shell_i.composition.Ne20; Mg24tot += dm*shell_i.composition.Mg24; Si28tot += dm*shell_i.composition.Si28; Fe56tot += dm*shell_i.composition.Fe56; Utot += compute_energy(shell_i.density, shell_i.temperature, shell_i.mean_mu) * dm; if (m_bin > dm_bin) { // PRC(j); PRC(n); PRC(Mtot); PRC(m_bin); PRC(dm_bin); PRL(n_in_bin); mass_shell shell_j; j++; // mass_shell &shell_j = mixed_product->get_shell(j++); shell_j.radius = r_mean/n_in_bin; shell_j.mass = Mtot; shell_j.density = m_bin/Vtot; shell_j.composition.H1 = H1tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.He4 = He4tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.O16 = O16tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.N14 = N14tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.C12 = C12tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.Ne20 = Ne20tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.Mg24 = Mg24tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.Si28 = Si28tot/m_bin; shell_j.composition.Fe56 = Fe56tot/m_bin; #define am(x) (1.0+Amass[x]/2.0)/Amass[x] real Amass[] = {1, 4, 16, 14, 12, 20, 24, 28, 56}; shell_j.mean_mu = 2 * shell_j.composition.H1 + am(1) * shell_j.composition.He4 + am(2) * shell_j.composition.O16 + am(3) * shell_j.composition.N14 + am(4) * shell_j.composition.C12 + am(5) * shell_j.composition.Ne20 + am(6) * shell_j.composition.Mg24 + am(7) * shell_j.composition.Si28 + am(8) * shell_j.composition.Fe56; shell_j.mean_mu = 1.0/shell_j.mean_mu; shell_j.e_thermal = Utot/m_bin; shell_j.pressure = compute_pressure(shell_j.density, shell_j.e_thermal, shell_j.mean_mu); shell_j.temperature = compute_temperature(shell_j.density, shell_j.pressure, shell_j.mean_mu); shell_j.entropy = compute_entropy(shell_j.density, shell_j.temperature, shell_j.mean_mu); mixed_product->add_shell(shell_j); m_bin -= dm_bin; m_bin = Utot = Vtot = r_mean = 0; H1tot = He4tot = O16tot = N14tot = C12tot = Ne20tot = Mg24tot = Si28tot = Fe56tot = 0; n_in_bin = 0; } } mixed_product->build_hashtable(); }
void mmas::smooth_product() { int n_shells = product->get_num_shells(); /* number of shells in the product */ smoothing_params params; params.arr_x = new double[n_shells]; params.arr_y = new double[n_shells]; params.smoothed_y = new double[n_shells]; /* composition */ cerr << "Smoothing composition\n"; for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); params.arr_x[i] = shell.radius; params.arr_x[i] = shell.mass; params.arr_y[i] = (4.0/shell.mean_mu - 3.0)/5.0; } smoothing_integrate(params, n_shells); for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); shell.mean_mu = 4.0/(5.0*params.smoothed_y[i] + 3); } /* thermal energy */ cerr << "Smoothing thermal energy\n"; for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); params.arr_y[i] = compute_energy(shell.density, shell.temperature, shell.mean_mu); } smoothing_integrate(params, n_shells); for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); shell.e_thermal = params.smoothed_y[i]; // real x = params.arr_x[i]; // real y = params.arr_y[i]; // real ys = params.smoothed_y[i]; // PRC(x); PRC(y); PRL(ys); } /* density */ // cerr << "Smoothing density\n"; // for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { // mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); // params.arr_y[i] = shell.density; // } // smoothing_integrate(params, n_shells); // for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { // mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); // shell.density = params.smoothed_y[i]; // } for (int i = 0; i < n_shells; i++) { mass_shell &shell = product->get_shell(i); shell.pressure = compute_pressure(shell.density, shell.e_thermal, shell.mean_mu); shell.temperature = compute_temperature(shell.density, shell.pressure, shell.mean_mu); shell.entropy = compute_entropy(shell.density, shell.temperature, shell.mean_mu); } delete[] params.arr_x; delete[] params.arr_y; delete[] params.smoothed_y; }
/* 第1層になんらかの入力パターンを入力してから, この関数を呼び出す. 引数は,学習,反学習のフラグ. 1 or -1 この関数の仕事: 1. 入力をもとに,16通りの出力パターン,それぞれの 出現確率 q[i] を計算. 2. q[i] をもとに,層間の結合係数を学習もしくは反学習 以上. */ void learning_forward(int hebb){ int i, j, k, l; int start,end; int argmin; double e; double min; double sum; /* 出力層に出現するのは,隣あう PARAMETER_k 個が発火する N_OUTPUTS 個パターンのみと仮定.*/ /* 出力パターン:その1 */ for (j = N_INPUTS+1; j <= N_INPUTS+PARAMETER_k ; j++){ X[j]=1.0; } for (j = N_INPUTS+PARAMETER_k+1; j <= N_NEURONS; j++){ X[j]=0.0; } argmin = N_INPUTS+1; min = compute_energy(); q[N_INPUTS+1] = min; /* 出力パターン:その2以降 */ for (j = N_INPUTS+2; j <= N_NEURONS; j++) { for (k = N_INPUTS+1; k <= N_NEURONS; k++){ X[k]=0.0; } for (k = j; k < j+PARAMETER_k; k++){ if ( k <= N_NEURONS ){ X[k]=1.0; } else{ X[N_INPUTS + (k % N_NEURONS) ]=1.0; } } e = compute_energy(); q[j] = e; if ( e < min ){ min = e; argmin = j; } } for (j = N_INPUTS+1; j <= N_NEURONS; j++){ q[j] = exp(-q[j]); } sum = 0.0; for (j = N_INPUTS+1; j <= N_NEURONS; j++){ sum += q[j]; } // printf("sum=%.2lf\n",sum); for (j = N_INPUTS+1; j <= N_NEURONS; j++){ q[j] = q[j]/sum; // printf("%.2lf ",q[j]); } // printf("\n"); /* 学習 */ for (j = N_INPUTS+1; j <= N_NEURONS; j++) { /* 出力層にパターンをひとつづつあてはめてみる */ for (k = N_INPUTS+1; k <= N_NEURONS; k++){ X[k]=0.0; } for (k = j; k < j+PARAMETER_k; k++){ if ( k <= N_NEURONS ){ X[k]=1.0; } else{ X[N_INPUTS + (k % N_NEURONS) ]=1.0; } } /* k番目の素子(入力層)と l番目の素子の学習 */ for (k=1; k<=N_INPUTS; k++) { for (l=N_INPUTS+1; l<=N_NEURONS; l++) { if ( X[k] > 0.5 && X[l] > 0.5 ){ if ( hebb == 1 ){ W[k][l] += ALPHA*q[j]; } else{ W[k][l] -= ALPHA*q[j]; } W[l][k] = W[k][l]; } } } } /* end of for j */ /* sum = 0.0; for (k=1; k<=N_INPUTS; k++) { for (l=N_INPUTS+1; l<=N_NEURONS; l++) { sum += W[k][l]*W[k][l]; } } for (k=1; k<=N_INPUTS; k++) { for (l=N_INPUTS+1; l<=N_NEURONS; l++) { W[k][l] = W[k][l]/sqrt(sum); W[l][k] = W[k][l]; } } */ for (j = N_INPUTS+2; j <= N_NEURONS; j++){ q[j] = q[j] + q[j-1]; printf("%.2lf ",q[j]); } printf("\n"); }
void ImplicitSampler::sample(Vector3* points, int* tris) { UniformGrid* uniform_grid = new UniformGrid(grid_res_x, grid_res_y, grid_res_z, ll_bound, ur_bound); int iteration = 0; bool sampling_satisfied = iteration == num_iterations; double start_radius = global_radius, end_radius = 2.0*global_radius; double prior_energy = 0; while(!sampling_satisfied) { // populate grid with new points for(int s = 0; s < num_points; s++) { if(iteration > 0) break; uniform_grid->add_point(sampled_pts[s]); } int periodicity = num_points/10; vector<GridPoint> new_samples; ComputationTimer timer("relaxation"); timer.start(); double total_energy = 0; // and perform repulsion for(int s = 0; s < num_points; s++) { if((s % periodicity) == 0) cout << "point["<<s<<"]" << endl; GridPoint sampler_pt = sampled_pts[s]; Vector3 pt =; // gather neighborhood vector<GridPoint> neighborhood; this->gather_neighborhood(sampler_pt, uniform_grid, &neighborhood); if(neighborhood.size() == 1) continue; // compute energy & repulsed point total_energy += compute_energy(sampler_pt, &neighborhood); Vector3 force_vector = construct_force(sampler_pt, &neighborhood); Vector3 repulsed_pt = pt + force_vector; // project point onto nearest triangle GridPoint new_pt = this->projection(repulsed_pt, sampler_pt); // assign new point, and update grid new_samples.push_back(new_pt); } for(unsigned s = 0; s < new_samples.size(); s++) update_samples(new_samples[s], uniform_grid); timer.end(); cout << timer.getComputation() << " : " << timer.getElapsedTime() << "s energy: " << total_energy << endl; bool energy_achieved = false; if(iteration > 0) { double energy_fraction = (prior_energy-total_energy)/total_energy; energy_achieved = iteration >= (min_iterations-1) && energy_fraction < 0.1; } iteration++; sampling_satisfied = energy_achieved || (iteration == num_iterations); prior_energy = total_energy; } delete uniform_grid; for(int s = 0; s < num_points; s++) points[s] = sampled_pts[s].pt; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv){ int *lattice; int neigh[4]; int n_side; int i_flip=0; int i,j; double r; double delta_E; double T = atof(argv[2]); double beta = 1.0/T; double E; double M; double alpha; double h; int n_steps; double average_m = 0.0; double average_E = 0.0; double average_E2 = 0.0; n_side = atoi(argv[1]); lattice = init_lattice(n_side); E = compute_energy(lattice, n_side); M = compute_magnetiza(lattice, n_side); /*printf("%f %f\n", E, M);*/ n_steps = n_side * n_side * 10; for(i=0;i<n_steps;i++){ i_flip = random_between(0,n_side*n_side-1); get_neighbors(lattice, n_side, i_flip, neigh); h = 0.0; for(j=0;j<4;j++){ h += lattice[neigh[j]]; } delta_E = 2.0 * h * lattice[i_flip]; r = MIN(1.0, exp(-beta * delta_E)); alpha = drand48(); if(alpha < r){ lattice[i_flip] = -lattice[i_flip]; E = E + delta_E; } M = compute_magnetiza(lattice, n_side); /*printf("%f %f\n", E, M);*/ if(i>30000){ average_m += fabs(M)/(n_side*n_side); average_E += E; average_E2 += E*E; } } average_m = average_m/(n_steps-30000); average_E = average_E/(n_steps-30000); average_E2 = average_E2/(n_steps-30000); double varE = average_E2 - average_E*average_E; printf("%f %f %f\n", T, average_m, varE); return 0; }
void SimpleSkeletonGrower::grow_exhaustive(int no_branch) { std::vector <LibraryElement> elements = _library._library_element; for(int i=0; i<no_branch; i++) { //pick a tail first BDLSkeletonNode *tail = pick_branch(); if(!tail) { printf("SimpleSkeletonGrower::grow():converged at %d-th step.\n", i+1); break; } //compute the node-->id dict std::map <BDLSkeletonNode *, int> dict; int id = 0; //bfs on source std::queue <BDLSkeletonNode *> Queue; Queue.push(_root); while(!Queue.empty()) { BDLSkeletonNode *front = Queue.front(); Queue.pop(); dict[front] = id; for(unsigned int j=0; j<front->_children.size(); j++) Queue.push(front->_children[j]); id++; } int tail_id = dict[tail]; //####trial starts#### int min_element_index = -1; int min_rotate = -1; float min_energy = -1.0f; for(unsigned int e=0; e<elements.size(); e++) for(int r=0; r<360; r+=30) { LibraryElement element_trial = elements[e]; //copy the original(_root) tree and find the corresponding tail BDLSkeletonNode *copy_root = BDLSkeletonNode::copy_tree(_root); BDLSkeletonNode *copy_tail = NULL; //bfs on target, Queue is now empty at this point id = 0; Queue.push(copy_root); while(!Queue.empty()) { BDLSkeletonNode *front = Queue.front(); Queue.pop(); if(id == tail_id) copy_tail = front; for(unsigned int j=0; j<front->_children.size(); j++) Queue.push(front->_children[j]); id++; } //branch replacement std::vector <BDLSkeletonNode *> subtree_trial = replace_branch(copy_tail, element_trial, r); prune(subtree_trial); //find energy float energy = compute_energy(copy_root); if(energy >= 0.0f && (min_energy == -1.0f || energy < min_energy)) { min_element_index = e; min_rotate = r; min_energy = energy; } //delete the copied tree BDLSkeletonNode::delete_this(copy_root); } //####trial ends#### //actual replacement if(min_energy != -1.0f) { std::vector <BDLSkeletonNode *> subtree = replace_branch(tail, elements[min_element_index], min_rotate); prune(subtree); } } }
void viscosity(void) { int i,j,k; i=j=k=0; double visc, viscm,div_v; double res,fac,facp; double res2,fac2; double res3,fac3; double resd,facd; double res4; visc = 0; viscm = 0; compute_energy(); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for collapse(3) private(i,j,k,visc,viscm,div_v) #endif for(k=0;k<size_z;k++) { for(j=1;j<size_y-1;j++) { for(i=0;i<size_x;i++) { visc = params.alpha*energy[l]*energy[l]*sqrt(ymed(j)*ymed(j)*ymed(j)); viscm = params.alpha*.5*(energy[l]*energy[l]+energy[lym]*energy[lym])*sqrt(ymin(j)*ymin(j)*ymin(j)); div_v = 0.0; div_v += (vx[lxp]-vx[l])*SurfX(j,k); div_v += (vy[lyp]*SurfY(j+1,k)-vy[l]*SurfY(j,k)); div_v *= 2.0/3.0*InvVol(j,k); tauxx[l] = visc*dens[l]*(2.0*(vx[lxp]-vx[l])/zone_size_x(j,k) - div_v); tauxx[l] += visc*dens[l]*(vy[lyp]+vy[l])/ymed(j); tauyy[l] = visc*dens[l]*(2.0*(vy[lyp]-vy[l])/(ymin(j+1)-ymin(j)) - div_v); tauxy[l] = viscm*.25*(dens[l]+dens[lxm]+dens[lym]+dens[lxm-pitch])*((vy[l]-vy[lxm])/(dx*ymin(j)) + (vx[l]-vx[lym])/(ymed(j)-ymed(j-1))-.5*(vx[l]+vx[lym])/ymin(j)); //centered on left, inner vertical edge in z } } } i = j = k = 0; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp for private(j,viscm) #endif for(j=1;j<size_y-1;j++) { viscm = params.alpha*.5*(energy[l]*energy[l]+energy[lym]*energy[lym])*sqrt(ymin(j)*ymin(j)*ymin(j)); tauxyavg[j] = viscm*.5*(dbar[j]+dbar[j-1])*( (vxbar[j]-vxbar[j-1])/(ymed(j)-ymed(j-1))-.5*(vxbar[j]+vxbar[j-1])/ymin(j)); } #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp for collapse(2) private(i,j,k,res,fac,facp,resd,res2,res3,fac2,fac3,facd,res4) #endif for(k=0;k<size_z;k++) { for(j=1;j<size_y-2;j++) { res = 0; resd = 0; res3 = 0; res2 = 0; res4 = 0; for(i=0;i<size_x;i++) { // X resd += dens[l]; fac3 = 2.0*(tauxx[l]-tauxx[lxm])/(zone_size_x(j,k)*(dens[l]+dens[lxm])); res3 += fac3; vx_temp[l] += fac3*dt; fac = (ymin(j+1)*ymin(j+1)*tauxy[lyp]-ymin(j)*ymin(j)*tauxy[l])/((ymin(j+1)-ymin(j))*ymed(j)); //facp = (ymin(j+1)*ymin(j+1)*tauxy[lxp+pitch]-ymin(j)*ymin(j)*tauxy[lxp])/((ymin(j+1)-ymin(j))*ymed(j)); fac2 = fac*2.0/(ymed(j)*(dens[l]+dens[lxm])); //res2 += .5*fac2 + .5*facp*2.0/(ymed(j)*(dens[lxp]+dens[l])); res2 += fac2; vx_temp[l] += fac2*dt; res += fac; //res4 += fac; // Y vy_temp[l] += 2.0*(ymed(j)*tauyy[l]-ymed(j-1)*tauyy[lym])/((ymed(j)-ymed(j-1))*(dens[l]+dens[lym])*ymin(j))*dt; vy_temp[l] += 2.0*(tauxy[lxp]-tauxy[l])/(dx*ymin(j)*(dens[l]+dens[lym]))*dt; vy_temp[l] -= (tauxx[l]+tauxx[lym])/(ymin(j)*(dens[l]+dens[lym]))*dt; //res += .5*(fac+facp); } res2 /= (double)nx; res3 /= (double)nx; resd /= (double)nx; res /= (double)nx; res4 /= (double)nx; LamdepS[j + size_y*3] += dt*res3*ymed(j)*resd; LamdepS[j + size_y*2] += dt*res2*ymed(j)*resd; drFt[j] += -dt*res; dtLd_rhs[j] += res*ymed(j); //drFd[j] = -(ymin(j+1)*ymin(j+1)*tauxyavg[j+1]*SurfY(j+1,k) - ymin(j)*ymin(j)*tauxyavg[j]*SurfY(j,k))*InvVol(j,k); facd = -dt*(ymin(j+1)*ymin(j+1)*tauxyavg[j+1]-ymin(j)*ymin(j)*tauxyavg[j])/((ymin(j+1)-ymin(j))*ymed(j)); LamdepS[j + size_y*5] += facd; //-dt*res; drFd[j] += facd; //-dt*res; drFnu[j] += facd; drFdB[j] += facd; //-dt*res; } } #ifdef _OPENMP } #endif return; }