Example #1
/// SIFT matches
static void SIFT(const Image<unsigned char> &im1,
                 const Image<unsigned char> &im2,
                 std::vector<Match>& vec_matchings,
                 float fMatchRatio=0.6f) {
    //Convert images to float
    Image<float> If1, If2;
    libs::convertImage(im1, &If1);
    libs::convertImage(im2, &If2);

    siftPar param;
    param.MatchRatio = fMatchRatio;

    keypointslist keyp1, keyp2;
    compute_sift_keypoints(If1.data(), keyp1, If1.Width(), If1.Height(), param);
    std::cout<< "sift:: 1st image: " << keyp1.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;
    compute_sift_keypoints(If2.data(), keyp2, If2.Width(), If2.Height(), param);
    std::cout<< "sift:: 2nd image: " << keyp2.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;

    // Find putatives matches
    compute_sift_matches(keyp1, keyp2, vec_matchings, param);
    std::cout << "sift:: matches: " << vec_matchings.size() <<std::endl;
int compute_asift_keypoints(vector<float>& image, int width, int height, int num_of_tilts, int verb, vector< vector< keypointslist > >& keys_all, siftPar &siftparameters)
// Compute ASIFT keypoints in the input image.
// Input:
// image: input image
// width, height: width and height of the input image.
// num_of_tilts: number of tilts to simulate.
// verb: 1/0 --> show/don not show verbose messages. (1 for debugging) 
// keys_all (output): ASIFT keypoints. It is a 2D matrix with varying rows and columns. Each entry keys_all[tt][rr] 
//	stores the SIFT keypoints calculated on the image with the simulated tilt index tt and simulated rotation index rr (see the code below). In the coordinates of the keypoints,
//	the affine distortions have been compensated. 
// siftparameters: SIFT parameters.
// Output: the number of keypoints 
  vector<float> image_t, image_tmp1, image_tmp;	

  float t_min, t_k;
  int num_tilt, tt, num_rot_t2, rr;
  int fproj_o;
  float fproj_p, fproj_bg;
  char fproj_i;
  float *fproj_x4, *fproj_y4;
  //  float frot_b=0;
  float frot_b=128;
  char *frot_k;
  int  counter_sim=0, num_sim;
  int flag_dir = 1;
  float BorderFact=6*sqrt(2.);

  int num_keys_total=0;

  fproj_o = 3;
  fproj_p = 0;
  fproj_i = 0;
  fproj_bg = 0;
  fproj_x4 = 0;
  fproj_y4 = 0;

  frot_k = 0;

  num_rot_t2 = 10;

  t_min = 1;
  t_k = sqrt(2.);

  num_tilt = num_of_tilts;

  if ( num_tilt < 1)
    printf("Number of tilts num_tilt should be equal or larger than 1. \n");

  image_tmp1 = image;

  /* Calculate the number of simulations, and initialize keys_all */
  keys_all = std::vector< vector< keypointslist > >(num_tilt);	
  for (tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt; tt++)
    float t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);

    if ( t == 1 )
      counter_sim ++;

      keys_all[tt-1] = std::vector< keypointslist >(1);
      int num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2*t/2);        
      if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
        num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
      num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;
      counter_sim +=  num_rot1;

      keys_all[tt-1] = std::vector< keypointslist >(num_rot1);	

  num_sim = counter_sim;

  if ( verb )
    printf("%d affine simulations will be performed. \n", num_sim);

  counter_sim = 0;

  /* Affine simulation (rotation+tilt simulation) */
  // Loop on tilts. 
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for private(tt)
  for (tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt; tt++)
    float t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);

    float t1 = 1;
    float t2 = 1/t;

    // If tilt t = 1, do not simulate rotation. 	
    if ( t == 1 )
      // copy the image from vector to array as compute_sift_keypoints uses only array.				
      float *image_tmp1_float = new float[width*height];
      for (int cc = 0; cc < width*height; cc++)
        image_tmp1_float[cc] = image_tmp1[cc];


      delete[] image_tmp1_float;

      // The number of rotations to simulate under the current tilt.   
      int num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2*t/2);        

      if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
        num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
      num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;
      float delta_theta = PI/num_rot1;		

      // Loop on rotations.    
#pragma omp parallel for private(rr)
      for ( int rr = 1; rr <= num_rot1; rr++ ) 
        float theta = delta_theta * (rr-1);
        theta = theta * 180 / PI;

        vector<float> image_t;
        int width_r, height_r;

        // simulate a rotation: rotate the image with an angle theta. (the outside of the rotated image are padded with the value frot_b)
        frot(image, image_t, width, height, &width_r, &height_r, &theta, &frot_b , frot_k);

        /* Tilt */			 
        int width_t = (int) (width_r * t1);
        int height_t = (int) (height_r * t2);  

        int fproj_sx = width_t;
        int fproj_sy = height_t;     

        float fproj_x1 = 0;
        float fproj_y1 = 0;
        float fproj_x2 = width_t;
        float fproj_y2 = 0;
        float fproj_x3 = 0;	     
        float fproj_y3 = height_t;

        /* Anti-aliasing filtering along vertical direction */
        /* sigma_aa = InitSigma_aa * log2(t);*/
        float sigma_aa = InitSigma_aa * t / 2;

        // simulate a tilt: subsample the image along the vertical axis by a factor of t.
        vector<float> image_tmp(width_t*height_t);			 
        fproj (image_t, image_tmp, width_r, height_r, &fproj_sx, &fproj_sy, &fproj_bg, &fproj_o, &fproj_p, &fproj_i , fproj_x1 , fproj_y1 , fproj_x2 , fproj_y2 , fproj_x3 , fproj_y3, fproj_x4, fproj_y4); 

        vector<float> image_tmp1 = image_tmp;	 

        if ( verb )
          printf("Rotation theta = %.2f, Tilt t = %.2f. w=%d, h=%d, sigma_aa=%.2f, \n", theta, t, width_t, height_t, sigma_aa);

        float *image_tmp1_float = new float[width_t*height_t];
        for (int cc = 0; cc < width_t*height_t; cc++)
          image_tmp1_float[cc] = image_tmp1[cc];	 

        // compute SIFT keypoints on simulated image. 	 
        keypointslist keypoints;
        keypointslist keypoints_filtered;

        delete[] image_tmp1_float;		

        /* check if the keypoint is located on the boundary of the parallelogram (i.e., the boundary of the distorted input image). If so, remove it to avoid boundary artifacts. */
        if ( keypoints.size() != 0 )
          for ( int cc = 0; cc < (int) keypoints.size(); cc++ )

            float x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ,x4, y4, d1, d2, d3, d4, scale1, theta1, sin_theta1, cos_theta1, BorderTh;

            x0 = keypoints[cc].x;
            y0 = keypoints[cc].y;
            scale1= keypoints[cc].scale;

            theta1 = theta * PI / 180;
            sin_theta1 = sin(theta1);
            cos_theta1 = cos(theta1);

            /* the coordinates of the 4 submits of the parallelogram */
            if ( theta <= 90 )
              x1 = height * sin_theta1;
              y1 = 0;
              y2 = width * sin_theta1;
              x3 = width * cos_theta1;
              x4 = 0;
              y4 = height * cos_theta1;
              x2 = x1 + x3;
              y3 = y2 + y4;

              /* note that the vertical direction goes from top to bottom!!! 
              The calculation above assumes that the vertical direction goes from the bottom to top. Thus the vertical coordinates need to be reversed!!! */
              y1 = y3 - y1;
              y2 = y3 - y2;
              y4 = y3 - y4;
              y3 = 0;

              y1 = y1 * t2;
              y2 = y2 * t2;
              y3 = y3 * t2;
              y4 = y4 * t2;
              y1 = -height * cos_theta1;
              x2 = height * sin_theta1;
              x3 = 0;
              y3 = width * sin_theta1;				 
              x4 = -width * cos_theta1;
              y4 = 0;
              x1 = x2 + x4;
              y2 = y1 + y3;

              /* note that the vertical direction goes from top to bottom!!! 
              The calculation above assumes that the vertical direction goes from the bottom to top. Thus the vertical coordinates need to be reversed!!! */
              y1 = y2 - y1;
              y3 = y2 - y3;
              y4 = y2 - y4;
              y2 = 0;

              y1 = y1 * t2;
              y2 = y2 * t2;
              y3 = y3 * t2;
              y4 = y4 * t2;

            /* the distances from the keypoint to the 4 sides of the parallelogram */
            d1 = ABS((x2-x1)*(y1-y0)-(x1-x0)*(y2-y1)) / sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
            d2 = ABS((x3-x2)*(y2-y0)-(x2-x0)*(y3-y2)) / sqrt((x3-x2)*(x3-x2)+(y3-y2)*(y3-y2));
            d3 = ABS((x4-x3)*(y3-y0)-(x3-x0)*(y4-y3)) / sqrt((x4-x3)*(x4-x3)+(y4-y3)*(y4-y3));
            d4 = ABS((x1-x4)*(y4-y0)-(x4-x0)*(y1-y4)) / sqrt((x1-x4)*(x1-x4)+(y1-y4)*(y1-y4));

            BorderTh = BorderFact*scale1;

            if (!((d1<BorderTh) || (d2<BorderTh) || (d3<BorderTh) || (d4<BorderTh) ))
              // Normalize the coordinates of the matched points by compensate the simulate affine transformations
              compensate_affine_coor1(&x0, &y0, width, height, 1/t2, t1, theta);
              keypoints[cc].x = x0;
              keypoints[cc].y = y0;

        keys_all[tt-1][rr-1] = keypoints_filtered;

    for (tt = 0; tt < (int) keys_all.size(); tt++)
      for (rr = 0; rr < (int) keys_all[tt].size(); rr++)
        num_keys_total += (int) keys_all[tt][rr].size();
      printf("%d ASIFT keypoints are detected. \n", num_keys_total);

  return num_keys_total;
Example #3
/// Usage: siftMatch imgIn imgIn2 fileOut [imgOut]
/// Output in text file fileOut the matches evaluated by SIFT method between
/// the images imgIn and imgIn2 (PNG format). If imgOut is in the argument list,
/// this is an image file where matches will be shown (PNG format).
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if(argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " imgIn imgIn2 fileOut [imgOut]"
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Input
	int w1, h1;
    float* ipixels1;
    if(! load(argv[1], ipixels1, w1, h1))
        return 1;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Input
    int w2, h2;
    float* ipixels2;
    if(! load(argv[2], ipixels2, w2, h2))
        return 1;

	///////////////////////////////////////// Applying Sift
	siftPar siftparameters;

	keypointslist keyp1, keyp2;
    std::cout<< "siftMatch:: 1st image: " << keyp1.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<< "siftMatch:: 2nd image: " << keyp2.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;

	matchingslist matchings;
    std::cout << "siftMatch:: matches: " << matchings.size() <<std::endl;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Save file with matches
    saveMatch(argv[3], matchings);

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Output image containing line matches
    if(argc > 4) {
        int wo =  std::max(w1,w2);
        int ho = h1+h2;

        float *opixels = new float[wo*ho];
        for(int j = 0; j < h1; j++)
            for(int i = 0; i < w1; i++)  opixels[j*wo+i] = ipixels1[j*w1+i];
        for(int j = 0; j < h2; j++)
            for(int i = 0; i < w2; i++)  opixels[(h1 + j)*wo + i] = ipixels2[j*w2 + i];	

        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Draw matches
        matchingslist::iterator ptr = matchings.begin();
        for(; ptr != matchings.end(); ++ptr)
                      (int) ptr->x1, (int) ptr->y1,
                      (int) ptr->x2, (int) ptr->y2 + h1,
                      255.0f, wo, ho);

        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Save imgOut	
        io_png_write_f32(argv[4], opixels, (size_t)wo, (size_t)ho, 1);
        delete[] opixels;

	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Delete memory
    return 0;