Example #1
/// SIFT matches
static void SIFT(const Image<unsigned char> &im1,
                 const Image<unsigned char> &im2,
                 std::vector<Match>& vec_matchings,
                 float fMatchRatio=0.6f) {
    //Convert images to float
    Image<float> If1, If2;
    libs::convertImage(im1, &If1);
    libs::convertImage(im2, &If2);

    siftPar param;
    param.MatchRatio = fMatchRatio;

    keypointslist keyp1, keyp2;
    compute_sift_keypoints(If1.data(), keyp1, If1.Width(), If1.Height(), param);
    std::cout<< "sift:: 1st image: " << keyp1.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;
    compute_sift_keypoints(If2.data(), keyp2, If2.Width(), If2.Height(), param);
    std::cout<< "sift:: 2nd image: " << keyp2.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;

    // Find putatives matches
    compute_sift_matches(keyp1, keyp2, vec_matchings, param);
    std::cout << "sift:: matches: " << vec_matchings.size() <<std::endl;
Example #2
/// Usage: siftMatch imgIn imgIn2 fileOut [imgOut]
/// Output in text file fileOut the matches evaluated by SIFT method between
/// the images imgIn and imgIn2 (PNG format). If imgOut is in the argument list,
/// this is an image file where matches will be shown (PNG format).
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if(argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " imgIn imgIn2 fileOut [imgOut]"
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Input
	int w1, h1;
    float* ipixels1;
    if(! load(argv[1], ipixels1, w1, h1))
        return 1;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Input
    int w2, h2;
    float* ipixels2;
    if(! load(argv[2], ipixels2, w2, h2))
        return 1;

	///////////////////////////////////////// Applying Sift
	siftPar siftparameters;

	keypointslist keyp1, keyp2;
    std::cout<< "siftMatch:: 1st image: " << keyp1.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<< "siftMatch:: 2nd image: " << keyp2.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;

	matchingslist matchings;
    std::cout << "siftMatch:: matches: " << matchings.size() <<std::endl;

	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Save file with matches
    saveMatch(argv[3], matchings);

	//////////////////////////////////////////////// Output image containing line matches
    if(argc > 4) {
        int wo =  std::max(w1,w2);
        int ho = h1+h2;

        float *opixels = new float[wo*ho];
        for(int j = 0; j < h1; j++)
            for(int i = 0; i < w1; i++)  opixels[j*wo+i] = ipixels1[j*w1+i];
        for(int j = 0; j < h2; j++)
            for(int i = 0; i < w2; i++)  opixels[(h1 + j)*wo + i] = ipixels2[j*w2 + i];	

        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Draw matches
        matchingslist::iterator ptr = matchings.begin();
        for(; ptr != matchings.end(); ++ptr)
                      (int) ptr->x1, (int) ptr->y1,
                      (int) ptr->x2, (int) ptr->y2 + h1,
                      255.0f, wo, ho);

        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Save imgOut	
        io_png_write_f32(argv[4], opixels, (size_t)wo, (size_t)ho, 1);
        delete[] opixels;

	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Delete memory
    return 0;
int compute_asift_matches(int num_of_tilts1, int num_of_tilts2, int w1, int h1, int w2, int h2, int verb, vector< vector< keypointslist > >& keys1, vector< vector< keypointslist > >& keys2, matchingslist &matchings, siftPar &siftparameters)
// Match the ASIFT keypoints.
// Input:
// num_of_tilts1, num_of_tilts2: number of tilts that have been simulated on the two images. (They can be different.)
// w1, h1, w2, h2: widht/height of image1/image2.
// verb: 1/0 --> show/don not show verbose messages. (1 for debugging)
// keys1, keys2: ASIFT keypoints of image1/image2. (They should be calculated with compute_asift_keypoints.)
// matchings (output): the coordinates (col1, row1, col2, row2) of all the matching points.
// Output: the number of matching points.
	float t_min, t_k, t;
	int num_tilt1, num_tilt2, tt, num_rot_t2, num_rot1, rr;
	int cc;

	int tt2, rr2, num_rot1_2;
	float t_im2;

	/* It stores the coordinates of ALL matches points of ALL affine simulations  */
	vector< vector <float> > Minfoall;

	int Tmin = 8;
	float nfa_max = -2;

	num_rot_t2 = 10;

	t_min = 1;
	t_k = sqrt(2.);

	num_tilt1 = num_of_tilts1;
	num_tilt2 = num_of_tilts2;

	if ( ( num_tilt1 < 1 ) || ( num_tilt2 < 1 ) )
		printf("Number of tilts num_tilt should be equal or larger than 1. \n");

	/* Initialize the vector structure for the matching points */
	std::vector< vector< vector < vector < matchingslist > > > > matchings_vec(num_tilt1);
	std::vector< vector< vector< vector< vector< vector <float> > > > > > Minfoall_vec(num_tilt1);
	for (tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt1; tt++)
		t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);
		if ( t == 1 )
			num_rot1 = 1;
			num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2*t/2);
			if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
				num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
			num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;


		for  ( rr = 1; rr <= num_rot1; rr++ )


			for (tt2 = 1; tt2 <= num_tilt2; tt2++)
				t_im2 = t_min * pow(t_k, tt2-1);
				if ( t_im2 == 1 )
					num_rot1_2 = 1;
					num_rot1_2 = round(num_rot_t2*t_im2/2);
					if ( num_rot1_2%2 == 1 )
						num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 + 1;
					num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 / 2;


	// * setup the tilt and rotation parameters
	// * for all the loops, this vector will hold
	// * the following parameters:
	// * tt, num_rot1, rr, tt2, num_rot1_2, rr2
	// */
	//vector<int> tilt_rot;
	///* loop on tilts for image 1 */
	//for (int tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt1; tt++)
	//    float t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);
	//    int num_rot1;
	//    /* if tilt t = 1, do not simulate rotation. */
	//    if ( 1 == tt )
	//		num_rot1 = 1;
	//    else
	//    {
	//		/* number of rotations to simulate */
	//		num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2 * t / 2);
	//		if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
	//			num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
	//		num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;
	//    }
	//    /* loop on rotations for image 1 */
	//    for  (int rr = 1; rr <= num_rot1; rr++ )
	//    {
	//		/* loop on tilts for image 2 */
	//		for (int tt2 = 1; tt2 <= num_tilt2; tt2++)
	//		{
	//			float t_im2 = t_min * pow(t_k, tt2-1);
	//			int num_rot1_2;
	//			if ( tt2 == 1 )
	//				num_rot1_2 = 1;
	//			else
	//			{
	//				num_rot1_2 = round(num_rot_t2 * t_im2 / 2);
	//				if ( num_rot1_2%2 == 1 )
	//					num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 + 1;
	//				num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 / 2;
	//			}
	//			/* loop on rotations for image 2 */
	//			for  (int rr2 = 1; rr2 <= num_rot1_2; rr2++ )
	//			{
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(tt);
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(num_rot1);
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(rr);
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(tt2);
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(num_rot1_2);
	//				tilt_rot.push_back(rr2);
	//			}
	//		}
	//    }

	/* Calculate the number of simulations */
#ifdef _OPENMP
	// loop on tilts for image 1.
#pragma omp parallel for private(tt)
	for (int tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt1; tt++)

		float t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);

		/* Attention: the t1, t2 do not follow the same convention as in compute_asift_keypoints */
		float t1 = t;
		float t2 = 1;

		int num_rot1;

		// If tilt t = 1, do not simulate rotation.
		if ( tt == 1 )
			num_rot1 = 1;
			// The number of rotations to simulate under the current tilt.
			num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2*t/2);
			if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
				num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
			num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;

		float delta_theta = PI/num_rot1;

		// Loop on rotations for image 1.
#pragma omp parallel for private(rr)
		for  ( int rr = 1; rr <= num_rot1; rr++ )
			float theta = delta_theta * (rr-1);
			theta = theta * 180 / PI;

			/* Read the keypoints of image 1 */
			keypointslist keypoints1 = keys1[tt-1][rr-1];

			// loop on tilts for image 2.
#pragma omp parallel for private(tt2)
			for (int tt2 = 1; tt2 <= num_tilt2; tt2++)
				float t_im2 = t_min * pow(t_k, tt2-1);

				/* Attention: the t1, t2 do not follow the same convention as in asift_v1.c */
				float t_im2_1 = t_im2;
				float t_im2_2 = 1;

				int num_rot1_2;

				if ( tt2 == 1 )
					num_rot1_2 = 1;
					num_rot1_2 = round(num_rot_t2*t_im2/2);
					if ( num_rot1_2%2 == 1 )
						num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 + 1;
					num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 / 2;

				float delta_theta2 = PI/num_rot1_2;

#pragma omp parallel for private(rr2)
				// Loop on rotations for image 2.
				for  ( int rr2 = 1; rr2 <= num_rot1_2; rr2++ )
					float theta2 = delta_theta2 * (rr2-1);
					theta2 = theta2 * 180 / PI;

					/* Read the keypoints of image2. */
					keypointslist keypoints2 = keys2[tt2-1][rr2-1];

					// Match the keypoints of image1 and image2.
					matchingslist matchings1;

					if ( verb )
						printf("t1=%.2f, theta1=%.2f, num keys1 = %d, t2=%.2f, theta2=%.2f, num keys2 = %d, num matches=%d\n", t, theta, (int) keypoints1.size(), t_im2, theta2, (int) keypoints2.size(), (int) matchings1.size());

					/* Store the matches */
					if ( matchings1.size() > 0 )
						matchings_vec[tt-1][rr-1][tt2-1][rr2-1] = matchingslist(matchings1.size());

						for ( int cc = 0; cc < (int) matchings1.size(); cc++ )
							///// In the coordinates the affine transformations have been normalized already in compute_asift_keypoints. So no need to normalize here.
							// Normalize the coordinates of the matched points by compensating the simulate affine transformations
							//	compensate_affine_coor(matchings1[cc], w1, h1, w2, h2, t1, t2, theta, t_im2_1, t_im2_2, theta2);

							matchings_vec[tt-1][rr-1][tt2-1][rr2-1][cc] = matchings1[cc];

							vector<float> Minfo_1match(6);
							Minfo_1match[0] = t1;
							Minfo_1match[1] = t2;
							Minfo_1match[2] = theta;
							Minfo_1match[3] = t_im2_1;
							Minfo_1match[4] = t_im2_2;
							Minfo_1match[5] = theta2;
							Minfoall_vec[tt-1][rr-1][tt2-1][rr2-1][cc] = Minfo_1match;

	// Move the matches to a 1D vector
	for (tt = 1; tt <= num_tilt1; tt++)
		t = t_min * pow(t_k, tt-1);

		if ( t == 1 )
			num_rot1 = 1;
			num_rot1 = round(num_rot_t2*t/2);
			if ( num_rot1%2 == 1 )
				num_rot1 = num_rot1 + 1;
			num_rot1 = num_rot1 / 2;

		for  ( rr = 1; rr <= num_rot1; rr++ )
			for (tt2 = 1; tt2 <= num_tilt2; tt2++)
				t_im2 = t_min * pow(t_k, tt2-1);
				if ( t_im2 == 1 )
					num_rot1_2 = 1;
					num_rot1_2 = round(num_rot_t2*t_im2/2);
					if ( num_rot1_2%2 == 1 )
						num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 + 1;
					num_rot1_2 = num_rot1_2 / 2;

				for  ( rr2 = 1; rr2 <= num_rot1_2; rr2++ )
					for ( cc=0; cc < (int) matchings_vec[tt-1][rr-1][tt2-1][rr2-1].size(); cc++ )

	if ( verb )
	  printf("The number of matches is %d \n", (int) matchings.size());

	if ( matchings.size() > 0 )
	  /* Remove the repetitive matches that appear in different simulations and retain only one. */
		// Since tilts are simuated on both image 1 and image 2, it is normal to have repetitive matches.
		matchingslist matchings_unique;
		vector< vector<float> > Minfoall_unique;
		unique_match1(matchings, matchings_unique, Minfoall, Minfoall_unique);
		matchings = matchings_unique;
		Minfoall = Minfoall_unique;

		if ( verb )
			  printf("The number of unique matches is %d \n", (int) matchings.size());

		// There often appear to be some one-to-multiple/multiple-to-one matches (one point in image 1 matches with many points in image 2/vice versa).
		// This is an artifact of SIFT on interpolated images, as the interpolation tends to create some auto-similar structures (steps for example).
		// These matches need to be removed.
		  /* Separating the removal of  multiple-to-one and one-to-multiple in two steps:
		 - first remove multiple-to-one
		 - then remove one-to-multiple
		 This allows to avoid removing some good matches: multiple-to-one matches is much more frequent than one-to-multiple. Sometimes some of the feature points in image 1 that take part in "multiple-to-one" bad matches have also correct matches in image 2. The modified scheme avoid removing these good matches. */

		// Remove to multiple-to-one matches
		clean_match2(matchings, matchings_unique, Minfoall, Minfoall_unique);
		matchings = matchings_unique;
		Minfoall = Minfoall_unique;

		// Remove to one-to-multiple matches
		clean_match1(matchings, matchings_unique, Minfoall, Minfoall_unique);
		matchings = matchings_unique;
		Minfoall = Minfoall_unique;

		if ( verb )
			printf("The number of final matches is %d \n", (int) matchings.size());

		// If enough matches to do epipolar filtering
		if ( (int) matchings.size() >= Tmin )
			//////// Use ORSA to filter out the incorrect matches.
			// store the coordinates of the matching points
			vector<Match> match_coor;
			for ( cc = 0; cc < (int) matchings.size(); cc++ )
				Match match1_coor;
				match1_coor.x1 = matchings[cc].first.x;
				match1_coor.y1 = matchings[cc].first.y;
				match1_coor.x2 = matchings[cc].second.x;
				match1_coor.y2 = matchings[cc].second.y;


			std::vector<float> index;
			// Guoshen Yu, 2010.09.23
			// index.clear();

			int t_value_orsa=10000;
			int verb_value_orsa=0;
			int n_flag_value_orsa=0;
			int mode_value_orsa=2;
			int stop_value_orsa=0;

			// epipolar filtering with the Moisan-Stival ORSA algorithm.
//			float nfa = orsa(w1, h1, match_coor, index, t_value_orsa, verb_value_orsa, n_flag_value_orsa, mode_value_orsa, stop_value_orsa);
			float nfa = orsa((w1+w2)/2, (h1+h2)/2, match_coor, index, t_value_orsa, verb_value_orsa, n_flag_value_orsa, mode_value_orsa, stop_value_orsa);

			// if the matching is significant, register the good matches
			if ( nfa < nfa_max )
				// extract meaningful matches
				for ( cc = 0; cc < (int) index.size(); cc++ )
				matchings = matchings_unique;
				Minfoall = Minfoall_unique;

				cout << "The two images match! " << matchings.size() << " matchings are identified. log(nfa)=" << nfa << "." << endl;
				cout << "The two images do not match. The matching is not significant: log(nfa)=" << nfa << "." << endl;
			cout << "The two images do not match. Not enough matches to do epipolar filtering." << endl;
		cout << "The two images do not match.\n" << endl;

	return matchings.size();
