Example #1
File: elf.c Project: 8l/sel4-riscv
 * Inject data into the given vspace.
 * TODO: Don't keep these pages mapped in
static int load_segment_into_vspace(seL4_RISCV_PageDirectory dest_as,
                                    char *src, unsigned long segment_size,
                                    unsigned long file_size, unsigned long dst,
                                    unsigned long permissions) {
    assert(file_size <= segment_size);

    unsigned long pos;

    /* We work a page at a time in the destination vspace. */
    pos = 0;
    while(pos < segment_size) {
        seL4_Word paddr;
        seL4_CPtr sos_cap, tty_cap;
        seL4_Word vpage, kvpage;
        unsigned long kdst;
        int nbytes;
        int err;

        kdst   = dst + PROCESS_SCRATCH;
        vpage  = PAGE_ALIGN(dst);
        kvpage = PAGE_ALIGN(kdst);

        /* First we need to create a frame */
        paddr = ut_alloc(seL4_PageBits);
        conditional_panic(!paddr, "Out of memory - could not allocate frame");
        err = cspace_ut_retype_addr(paddr,
        conditional_panic(err, "Failed to retype to a frame object");

        /* Copy the frame cap as we need to map it into 2 address spaces */
        sos_cap = cspace_copy_cap(cur_cspace, cur_cspace, tty_cap, seL4_AllRights);
        conditional_panic(sos_cap == 0, "Failed to copy frame cap");

        /* Map the frame into tty_test address spaces */
        err = map_page(tty_cap, dest_as, vpage, permissions, 
        conditional_panic(err, "Failed to map to tty address space");
        /* Map the frame into sos address spaces */
        err = map_page(sos_cap, seL4_CapInitThreadPD, kvpage, seL4_AllRights, 
        conditional_panic(err, "Failed to map sos address space");

        /* Now copy our data into the destination vspace. */
        nbytes = PAGESIZE - (dst & PAGEMASK);
        if (pos < file_size){
            memcpy((void*)kdst, (void*)src, MIN(nbytes, file_size - pos));

        /* Not observable to I-cache yet so flush the frame */
       // seL4_ARM_Page_Unify_Instruction(sos_cap, 0, PAGESIZE);

        pos += nbytes;
        dst += nbytes;
        src += nbytes;
    return 0;
Example #2
File: main.c Project: gapry/AOS
 * This function need to be called after network_init
 * As it requires nfs to be mounted
static void
_filesystem_init(void) {
    int err;

    struct vnode* vn = malloc(sizeof(struct vnode));
    conditional_panic(vn == NULL, "Failed to allocate mountpoint vnode memory\n");

    vn->vn_name = (char*)malloc(strlen(ROOT_PATH));
    conditional_panic(vn->vn_name == NULL, "Failed to allocate mountpoint vnode memory\n");
    strcpy(vn->vn_name, ROOT_PATH);

    vn->vn_ops = malloc(sizeof(struct vnode_ops));
    conditional_panic(vn->vn_ops == NULL, "Failed to allocate mountpoint vnode memory\n");

    err = nfs_dev_init_mntpoint_vnode(vn, &mnt_point);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise mountpoint vnode\n");

    dprintf(3, "main mnt_poitn = %p\n", &mnt_point);

    vn->vn_opencount = 1;

    err = vfs_vnt_insert(vn);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to insert mountpoint vnode to vnode table\n");

    /* Setup the timeout for NFS */
Example #3
File: main.c Project: gapry/AOS
static void _sos_ipc_init(seL4_CPtr* ipc_ep, seL4_CPtr* async_ep){
    seL4_Word ep_addr, aep_addr;
    int err;

    /* Create an Async endpoint for interrupts */
    aep_addr = ut_alloc(seL4_EndpointBits);
    conditional_panic(!aep_addr, "No memory for async endpoint");
    err = cspace_ut_retype_addr(aep_addr,
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to allocate c-slot for Interrupt endpoint");

    /* Bind the Async endpoint to our TCB */
    err = seL4_TCB_BindAEP(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB, *async_ep);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to bind ASync EP to TCB");

    /* Create an endpoint for user application IPC */
    ep_addr = ut_alloc(seL4_EndpointBits);
    conditional_panic(!ep_addr, "No memory for endpoint");
    err = cspace_ut_retype_addr(ep_addr,
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to allocate c-slot for IPC endpoint");
Example #4
/* A faulting page walk. May need to alloc various frames for SOS and seL4
   page tables. */
int page_walk(sos_pcb *pcb, seL4_Word proc_vaddr, page_attrs attrs,
              page_table_cb cb, void *cb_data) {
    int err;
    seL4_Word pd_idx;

    dprintf(6, "page_walk: seeking %p\n", proc_vaddr);

    // malloc a structure to store all intermediate data
    page_walk_data *data = malloc(sizeof(struct page_walk_data));
    if (data == NULL) {
        dprintf(1, "sos_page_alloc: Could not allocate callback data (OOM)\n");
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_OOM;

    // Stash the attrs and callbacks for later
    data->attrs = attrs;
    data->cb = cb;
    data->cb_data = cb_data;
    data->pcb = pcb;

    // Sanity checks - if these fail, process has been corrupted
    // These are ok - no need to check for abort since synchronous call
    conditional_panic(((void*) pcb->sos_pd == NULL), "No page directory");
    conditional_panic((pcb->cspace == NULL), "Process cspace does not exist");

    // Grab PD and PT indices from the given vaddr
    pd_idx = PAGE_TABLE(proc_vaddr);
    data->pt_idx = PAGE_TABLE_ENTRY(proc_vaddr);

    // Index into page directory, which *must* exist (else process is corrupt)
    // pt stores the address of the pointer to the PT, i.e. (**)

    data->pt = (sos_page_table *) (pcb->sos_pd + pd_idx);

    dprintf(6, "page_walk: setting up alloc or finaliser\n");

    if ((*(data->pt)) == NULL) {
        // PT we want doesn't exist, so we alloc it
        dprintf(6, "page_walk: time for frame_alloc\n");
        err = frame_alloc(&_page_table_frame_alloc_cb, (void*) data);
        // frame_alloc is asynchronous - it will finalise for us
        return err;
    } else {
        // Return to syscall loop, then finalise
        dprintf(6, "page_walk: ready to finalise\n");
        err = sos_task_add_ready(&_sos_page_alloc_finalise, (void *) data,
        if (err) {
            dprintf(1, "sos_page_alloc: Could not finalise (%d)\n", err);
            // XXX Could tear down the process here
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_SUCCESS;
Example #5
/* Frame is being evicted. Synchronously update PTE with swap_num */
int sos_page_swapout(sos_pcb *pcb, seL4_Word proc_vaddr, seL4_Word swap_num) {
    int err;
    page_table_entry *pte;

    if (pcb->abort) {
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_ABORT;

    dprintf(5, "sos_page_swapout: pcb %p\tproc_vaddr %p\tswap_num %p\n",
            pcb, proc_vaddr, swap_num);

    // Walk the page table
    err = page_walk_nofault(pcb, proc_vaddr, &pte);
    if (err != SOS_PAGE_TABLE_SUCCESS) {
        // Attempt to swap out a page that's never been faulted or mapped!
        conditional_panic(err, "page_swapout: page walk failed unexpectedly");
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_INVAL;

    // Update PTE
    dprintf(6, "sos_page_swapout: updating attributes / swap number\n");
    pte->attrs.swapped = 1;
    pte->framenumber = swap_num;

    dprintf(6, "sos_page_swapout: done\n");
Example #6
File: main.c Project: gapry/AOS
int main(void) {
    int result;

    dprintf(0, "\nSOS Starting...\n");

    _sos_init(&_sos_ipc_ep_cap, &_sos_interrupt_ep_cap);

    /* Initialise the network hardware */
    network_init(badge_irq_ep(_sos_interrupt_ep_cap, IRQ_BADGE_NETWORK));

    /* Initialize timer driver */
    result = start_timer(badge_irq_ep(_sos_interrupt_ep_cap, IRQ_BADGE_TIMER));
    conditional_panic(result != CLOCK_R_OK, "Failed to initialize timer\n");

    /* Init file system */
    //frametable_test(TEST_1 | TEST_2);

    /* Start the user application */
    //start_first_process(TTY_NAME, _sos_ipc_ep_cap);

    starting_first_process = true;
    proc_create(TTY_NAME, strlen(TTY_NAME), _sos_ipc_ep_cap, first_process_created, NULL);

    dprintf(0, "\nSOS entering syscall loop\n");
    return 0;
Example #7
/* Initialise the fhandle_t for the swap file */
void _swap_file_init(task_cb cb, void *cookie) {
    enum rpc_stat err;

    // Put args on the heap for later
    swap_file_init_data *data = malloc(sizeof(struct swap_file_init_data));
    conditional_panic(!data, "Kernel OOM - cannot initialise swap file");
    data->cb = cb;
    data->cookie = cookie;

    // Build swap metadata table
    assert(SOS_SWAP_MAX * sizeof(struct swapped_frames) <= SWAP_META_SIZE);
    err = _range_alloc_retype_and_map(SWAP_META_START, SWAP_META_SIZE);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to allocate swap metadata table");

    err = nfs_lookup(&mnt_point, SWAP_FILE_NAME,
                     &_swap_file_ready, (uintptr_t) data);
    if (err) {
        dprintf(1, "swap_file_init: failed to create file. NFS rpc_stat = %d\n",
        assert(!"swap_file_init: failed to create");
Example #8
/* Frame retrieved from swapfile. Synchronously update PTE with frame_num */
int sos_page_swapin(sos_pcb *pcb, seL4_Word proc_vaddr, seL4_Word frame_num) {
    int err;
    page_table_entry *pte;

    if (pcb->abort) {
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_ABORT;

    // Walk the page table
    err = page_walk_nofault(pcb, proc_vaddr, &pte);
    if (err != SOS_PAGE_TABLE_SUCCESS) {
        // Fundamental assumption has been broken. Somehow, our page table has
        // been damaged, or this request is erroneous.
        conditional_panic(err, "page_swapin: page walk failed unexpectedly");
        return SOS_PAGE_TABLE_INVAL;

    // Update PTE
    pte->attrs.swapped = 0;
    pte->framenumber = frame_num;
Example #9
File: elf.c Project: 8l/sel4-riscv
int elf_load(seL4_RISCV_PageDirectory dest_as, char *elf_file) {

    int num_headers;
    int err;
    int i;

    /* Ensure that the ELF file looks sane. */
    if (elf_checkFile(elf_file)){
        return seL4_InvalidArgument;

    num_headers = elf_getNumProgramHeaders(elf_file);
    for (i = 0; i < num_headers; i++) {
        char *source_addr;
        unsigned long flags, file_size, segment_size, vaddr;

        /* Skip non-loadable segments (such as debugging data). */
        if (elf_getProgramHeaderType(elf_file, i) != PT_LOAD)

        /* Fetch information about this segment. */
        source_addr = elf_file + elf_getProgramHeaderOffset(elf_file, i);
        file_size = elf_getProgramHeaderFileSize(elf_file, i);
        segment_size = elf_getProgramHeaderMemorySize(elf_file, i);
        vaddr = elf_getProgramHeaderVaddr(elf_file, i);
        flags = elf_getProgramHeaderFlags(elf_file, i);

        /* Copy it across into the vspace. */
        dprintf(1, " * Loading segment %08x-->%08x\n", (int)vaddr, (int)(vaddr + segment_size));
        err = load_segment_into_vspace(dest_as, source_addr, segment_size, file_size, vaddr,
                                       get_sel4_rights_from_elf(flags) & seL4_AllRights);
        conditional_panic(err != 0, "Elf loading failed!\n");

    return 0;
Example #10
File: main.c Project: gapry/AOS
static void _sos_init(seL4_CPtr* ipc_ep, seL4_CPtr* async_ep){
    seL4_Word dma_addr;
    seL4_Word low, high;
    int err;

    /* Retrieve boot info from seL4 */
    _boot_info = seL4_GetBootInfo();
    conditional_panic(!_boot_info, "Failed to retrieve boot info\n");
    if(verbose > 0){

    /* Initialise the untyped sub system and reserve memory for DMA */
    err = ut_table_init(_boot_info);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise Untyped Table\n");
    /* DMA uses a large amount of memory that will never be freed */
    dma_addr = ut_steal_mem(DMA_SIZE_BITS);
    conditional_panic(dma_addr == 0, "Failed to reserve DMA memory\n");

    /* find available memory */
    ut_find_memory(&low, &high);

    /* Initialise the untyped memory allocator */
    ut_allocator_init(low, high);

    /* Initialise the cspace manager */
    err = cspace_root_task_bootstrap(ut_alloc, ut_free, ut_translate,
                                     malloc, free);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise the c space\n");

    /* Initialise DMA memory */
    err = dma_init(dma_addr, DMA_SIZE_BITS);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to intiialise DMA memory\n");

    /* Initialise IPC */
    _sos_ipc_init(ipc_ep, async_ep);

    /* Initialise frame table */
    err = frame_init();
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise frame table\n");
Example #11
static void _enable_ipc(int err, seL4_Word sos_vaddr, void *cookie) {
    process_create_data *proc = (process_create_data *) cookie;

    if (err) {
        dprintf(6, "process_create_enable_ipc: could not pin IPC buf (%d)\n",
        _fail(err, proc);

    // Record the faulted frame address
    proc->pcb->ipc_vaddr = sos_vaddr;

    // Store the process capability for the IPC buffer into our PCB
    dprintf(6, "\t\tCopying process cap...\n");
    err = frame_process_cap(proc->pcb->ipc_vaddr,
    // Broken invariant if that failed
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to obtain IPC process cap");

    // Copy the fault endpoint to the user app to enable IPC
    dprintf(6, "\t\tMinting cap...\n");
    proc->pcb->ep_cap = cspace_mint_cap(proc->pcb->cspace,

    // Make sure fault endpoint is in the first cspace slot
    if (!(proc->pcb->ep_cap == 1)) {
        _fail(1, proc);

    // remainder of process creation
    dprintf(5, "\tCreating stack frame...\n");
    err = _create_stack_frame(proc->pcb);
    if (err) {
        _fail(err, proc);

    dprintf(5, "\tCreating heap...\n");
    err = _create_heap(proc->pcb);
    if (err) {
        _fail(err, proc);

    dprintf(5, "\tCreating seL4 TCB...\n");
    err = _create_tcb(proc->pcb, SOS_PROCESS_PRIORITY);
    if (err) {
        _fail(err, proc);

    dprintf(5, "\tLoading ELF...\n");
    err = _load_elf(proc->pcb, proc->pcb->app_name, proc);
    if (err) {
        _fail(err, proc);

    dprintf(5, "\tCreating children list...\n");
    proc->pcb->children = list_init();
    if (proc->pcb->children == NULL) {
        dprintf(5, "FAILED to create list head\n");
        _fail(SOS_PROCESS_OOM, proc);
Example #12
File: main.c Project: gapry/AOS
static inline seL4_CPtr badge_irq_ep(seL4_CPtr ep, seL4_Word badge) {
    seL4_CPtr badged_cap = cspace_mint_cap(cur_cspace, cur_cspace, ep, seL4_AllRights, seL4_CapData_Badge_new(badge | IRQ_EP_BADGE));
    conditional_panic(!badged_cap, "Failed to allocate badged cap");
    return badged_cap;