Example #1
        void TestProxySerialization()
            filesystem::FileSystem filesystem;
            auto tempFile = filesystem.GetTempPath() / filesystem.UniquePath();

            TestProxyConfig<bool, std::string> config1(
                [](const std::string& v) { return v == "yes"; },
                [](bool v) { return v ? std::string("yes") : std::string("no"); },

                JsonOutputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config1, L"config");

            TestProxyConfig<bool, std::string> config2(
                [](const std::string& v) { return v == "yes"; },
                [](bool v) { return v ? std::string("yes") : std::string("no"); });

                JsonInputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config2, L"config");

            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(config1.GetValue(), config2.GetValue());

Example #2
        void TestStringSerialization()
            filesystem::FileSystem filesystem;
            auto tempFile = filesystem.GetTempPath() / filesystem.UniquePath();

            TestConfig<std::string> config1("hello");
            TestConfig<std::wstring> configW1(L"whello");

                JsonOutputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config1, L"config");
                ar.Serialize(configW1, L"configw");

            TestConfig<std::string> config2("hello");
            TestConfig<std::wstring> configW2(L"whello");

                JsonInputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config2, L"config");
                ar.Serialize(configW2, L"configw");

            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(config1.GetValue(), config2.GetValue());
            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(configW1.GetValue(), configW2.GetValue());

Example #3
 * @function SegmentFeasible
 * @brief Check if the segment between these two configurations is collision-free
bool MyFeasibilityChecker::SegmentFeasible( const Vector & a, const Vector & b )
   Eigen::VectorXd config1(ndim), config2(ndim);

   for( int i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
   { config1(i) = a[i]; 
     config2(i) = b[i];

   int n = (int)( (config2 - config1).norm() / stepsize );
   for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
      Eigen::VectorXd conf = (double)(n - i)/(double)n * config1 + (double)(i)/(double)n * config2;
      world->robots[robot]->setConf(links, conf, true);
      { return false; }

   return true;
Example #4
        void TestBoolSerialization()
            filesystem::FileSystem filesystem;
            auto tempFile = filesystem.GetTempPath() / filesystem.UniquePath();

            TestConfig<bool> config1(true);

                JsonOutputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config1, L"config");

            TestConfig<bool> config2;

                JsonInputArchive ar(tempFile.ToShortString());
                ar.Serialize(config2, L"config");

            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(config1.GetValue(), config2.GetValue());

Example #5
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
        return -1;

    m_wndClientArea.ModifyStyleEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, 0);

    // create a view to occupy the client area of the frame
    //if (!m_wndView.Create(IDD_ABOUTBOX, this))
    //m_wndView.Create(GetSafeHwnd(), CRect(10,300,100,330), _T("My button"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, NULL, 2);
    //if (!m_wndView.Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, NULL))
    //	TRACE0("Failed to create view window\n");
    //	return -1;
    // set the visual manager and style based on persisted value

    //// create a view to occupy the client area of the frame
    //if (!m_wndView.Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, NULL))
    //	TRACE0("Failed to create view window\n");
    //	return -1;

    boost::filesystem::path iniPath;
    CComPtr<IConfig> ini = CreateIConfig(AMT_INI, iniPath);
    CString config1( ini->Get(g_szConfigSection, RepLabel1, _T("0")) );
    CString config2( ini->Get(g_szConfigSection, RepLabel2, _T("1")) );

    m_splitter.Create(m_hWndMDIClient, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN);


    m_detailSheetView.SetTabStyles(CTCS_BOTTOM | CTCS_TOOLTIPS);
    m_detailSheetView.Create(m_splitter, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault);

    m_sourceEclView.Create(m_detailSheetView, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault);
    //TODO:  InitEclCommandMixin(this, this, &m_sourceEclView, this);
    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_sourceEclView, _T("Source ECL"));

    m_diffView.Create(m_detailSheetView, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault, _T(""), WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_diffView, _T("Differences"));

    m_targetEclView.Create(m_detailSheetView, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault);
    //TODO:  InitEclCommandMixin(this, this, &m_targetEclView, this);
    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_targetEclView, _T("Target ECL"));

    m_dependees.Create(m_detailSheetView, ATL::CWindow::rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_dependees, _T("Dependee Check"));

    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_logView, _T("Log"));

    WTL::CEdit edit;

    CString face = _T("MS Shell Dlg");
    int nPointSize = 8;

    WTL::CFont font;
    WTL::CLogFont logFont;
    logFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    logFont.lfHeight = nPointSize*10;
    ::_tcsncpy(logFont.lfFaceName, face, LF_FACESIZE);
    logFont.lfWeight = FW_LIGHT;
    logFont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
    logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS;
    if ( font.CreatePointFontIndirect(&logFont,0) )

    m_detailSheetView.AddTab(m_warnView, _T("Warnings"));

    m_splitter.SetSplitterPanes(m_repositoryDlg, m_detailSheetView);


    if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this))
        TRACE0("Failed to create status bar\n");
        return -1;      // fail to create

    m_wndStatusBar.AddElement(new CMFCRibbonStatusBarPane(ID_STATUSBAR_PANE1, _T(""), TRUE), _T(""));
    m_wndStatusBar.AddExtendedElement(new CMFCRibbonStatusBarPane(ID_STATUSBAR_PANE2, _T(""), TRUE), _T(""));
    CMFCRibbonProgressBar * elem = new CMFCRibbonProgressBar(ID_STATUSBAR_PANE3);
    m_wndStatusBar.AddExtendedElement(elem, _T("Progress"));
    elem->SetRange(1, 1);

    // enable Visual Studio 2005 style docking window behavior
    // enable Visual Studio 2005 style docking window auto-hide behavior

    // Enable enhanced windows management dialog

    HICON newIcon = LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME_AMT));
    HICON oldIcon = SetIcon(newIcon, false);
    HICON oldIcon2 = SetIcon(newIcon, true);

    if ( !m_bStreamInit )
        m_pOldBuf = std::cerr.rdbuf(&m_EditStrBuf);
        m_pOldBufW = std::wcerr.rdbuf(&m_EditStrBufW);
        m_bStreamInit = true;

    return 0;
Example #6
		void IMU::Initiate()
			XsPortInfoArray portInfoArray;

			if (!portInfoArray.size())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: failed to find IMU sensor");
				XsPortInfo portInfo(pDevice->port, XsBaud::numericToRate(pDevice->baudRate));
			pDevice->mtPort = portInfoArray.at(0);
			// Open the port with the detected device
			if (!pDevice->openPort(pDevice->mtPort))
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: could not open port.");

			// Put the device in configuration mode
			if (!pDevice->gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: could not put device into configuration mode");
			// Request the device Id to check the device type
			// Check if we have an MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
			if (!pDevice->mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: No MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device found.");
			// Check device type
			if (pDevice->mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
				XsOutputConfiguration config0(XDI_Quaternion, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config1(XDI_DeltaQ, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config2(XDI_DeltaV, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config3(XDI_Acceleration, pDevice->sampleRate);

				XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray;
				if (!pDevice->setOutputConfiguration(configArray))
					throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Could not configure MTmk4 pDevice-> Aborting.");
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Unknown device while configuring. Aborting.");
			// Put the device in measurement mode
			if (!pDevice->gotoMeasurement())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting.");
Example #7
	int c, m;
	Device *d;
	char *icp;

		return devnone;
	d = malloc(sizeof(Device));

	c = *f.charp++;
	switch(c) {
		cdiag("unknown type", c);
		return devnone;

	case '(':	/* (d+) one or multiple cat */
	case '[':	/* [d+] one or multiple interleave */
	case '{':	/* {d+} a mirrored device and optional mirrors */
		return config1(c);

	case 'f':	/* fd fake worm */
		d->type = Devfworm;
		d->fw.fw = config();

	case 'n':
		d->type = Devnone;

	case 'w':	/* w[#.]#[.#] wren	[ctrl] unit [lun] */
	case 'r':	/* r# worm side */
	case 'l':	/* l# labelled-worm side */
		icp = f.charp;
		d->type = Devwren;
		d->wren.ctrl = 0;
		d->wren.targ = cnumb();
		d->wren.lun = 0;
		m = *f.charp;
		if(m == '.') {
			d->wren.lun = cnumb();
			m = *f.charp;
			if(m == '.') {
				d->wren.ctrl = d->wren.targ;
				d->wren.targ = d->wren.lun;
				d->wren.lun = cnumb();
		if(f.nextiter >= 0)
			f.charp = icp-1;
		if(c == 'r')		/* worms are virtual and not uniqued */
			d->type = Devworm;
		else if(c == 'l')
			d->type = Devlworm;
			map(d);		/* subject wrens to optional mapping */

	case 'o':	/* o ro part of last cw */
		if(f.lastcw == 0) {
			cdiag("no cw to match", c);
			return devnone;
		return f.lastcw->cw.ro;

	case 'j':	/* DD jukebox */
		d->type = Devjuke;
		d->j.j = config();
		d->j.m = config();

	case 'c':	/* cache/worm */
		d->type = Devcw;
		d->cw.c = config();
		d->cw.w = config();
		d->cw.ro = malloc(sizeof(Device));
		d->cw.ro->type = Devro;
		d->cw.ro->ro.parent = d;
		f.lastcw = d;

	case 'p':	/* pd#.# partition base% size% */
		d->type = Devpart;
		d->part.d = config();
		d->part.base = cnumb();
		c = *f.charp++;
		if(c != '.')
			cdiag("dot expected", c);
		d->part.size = cnumb();

	case 'x':	/* xD swab a device's metadata */
		d->type = Devswab;
		d->swab.d = config();
	d->dlink = f.devlist;
	f.devlist = d;
	return d;
Example #8
int main() {
  typedef boost::mt19937 rng_type;
  typedef std::vector<unsigned int> vector_type;

  rng_type rng(seed);
  boost::variate_generator<rng_type&, boost::uniform_real<> >
    random(rng, boost::uniform_real<>(0, 1));

  std::cout << "[[random permutaion test 1]]\n";

  std::cout << "generating " << trial1 << " random permutations of "
       << n << " integers [0..." << n - 1 << "]\n";

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < trial1; ++i) {
    vector_type result(n);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j) result[j] = j;
    looper::random_shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(), random);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      std::cout << result[j] << '\t';
    std::cout << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\n[[random permutaion test 2 (with restrictions)]]\n";

  std::cout << "generating " << trial2 << " partitioned random permutations\n";

  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < trial2; t++) {
    vector_type config0(n);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      config0[i] = 2 * random();
    vector_type config1(config0);
    looper::random_shuffle(config1.begin(), config1.end(), random);

    std::cout << "conf0";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << '\t' << config0[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "conf1";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << '\t' << config1[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

    vector_type result(n);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j) result[j] = j;

    // generate partitioned permutation
    looper::partitioned_random_shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(),
                                       config0.begin(), config1.begin(),

    std::cout << "perm";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << '\t' << result[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "check";
    int chk = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      std::cout << '\t' << (config0[i] ^ config1[result[i]]);
      chk += (config0[i] ^ config1[result[i]]);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    if (chk > 0) { std::cout << "Error occurs!  Stop.\n"; std::exit(-1); }

    std::cout << std::endl;

config1() ;

xshift = 0 ;
yshift = 0 ;
zxshift = 0 ;
zyshift = 0 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == B ) {
	count = 1 ;
	height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
	width = carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
	    if( carray[pad]->padside != B ) {
		break ;
	    count++ ;
	    if( carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom > height ) {
		height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top
		   - carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
	    width += carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	maxHeight = height ;
	if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
	    space = coreWidth - width ;
	    separation = space / (count + 1) ;
	    if( separation < 0 ) {
		separation = 0 ;
		zxshift = ABS( space ) ;
	} else {
	    space = ( coreWidth >= width ) ? coreWidth : width ;
	 *   Shift all rows up by maxHeight + extraSpace
	yshift = maxHeight + extraSpace ;
	for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
	    rowArray[row].ypos += yshift ;

	for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numterms; pad++){
	    if( carray[pad]->padside == B ) {
		height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = separation + width / 2 ;
		} else {
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = padspace[ pad - numcells ]
							    * space ;
		carray[pad]->cycenter = maxHeight - height / 2 - 1 ;
		last = separation + width ;

		for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
		    if( carray[pad]->padside != B ) {
			break ;
		    height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			     carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		    width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		    if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
			carray[pad]->cxcenter = last + separation + 
						    width / 2 ;
		    } else {
			carray[pad]->cxcenter = 
				    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = maxHeight - 
						    height / 2 - 1 ;
		    last += separation + width ;

for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == T ) {
	count = 1 ;
	width = carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
	    if( carray[pad]->padside != T ) {
		break ;
	    count++ ;
	    width += carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
	    space = coreWidth - width ;
	    separation = space / (count + 1) ;
	    if( separation < 0 ) {
		separation = 0 ;
		if( ABS( space ) > zxshift ) {
		    zxshift = ABS( space ) ;
	} else {
	    space = (coreWidth >= width ) ? coreWidth : width ;
	 *   Keep all pads above rowArray[numRows].ypos +
	 *   rowHeight/2 + extraSpace + mttshift
	coreTop = rowArray[numRows].ypos + rowHeight / 2 + extraSpace +
							 mttshift ;

	for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numterms; pad++){
	    if( carray[pad]->padside == T ) {
		height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = separation + width / 2 ;
		} else {
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = padspace[ pad - numcells ]
							    * space ;
		carray[pad]->cycenter = coreTop + height / 2 ;
		last = separation + width ;

		for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
		    if( carray[pad]->padside != T ) {
			break ;
		    height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			     carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		    width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		    if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
			carray[pad]->cxcenter = last + separation + 
							    width / 2 ;
		    } else {
			carray[pad]->cxcenter = 
				    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = coreTop + height / 2 ;
		    last += separation + width ;

for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == L ) {
	count = 1 ;
	height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
	width = carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
	    if( carray[pad]->padside != L ) {
		break ;
	    count++ ;
	    if( carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
		carray[pad]->tileptr->left  > width ) {
		width = carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			 carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
	    height += carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		      carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
	maxWidth = width ;
	if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
	    space = coreHeight - height ;
	    separation = space / (count + 1) ;
	    if( separation < 0 ) {
		separation = 0 ;
		zyshift = ABS( space ) ;
	} else {
	    space = (coreHeight >= height ) ? coreHeight : height ;
	 *   Shift all rows rite by maxWidth + extraSpace
	xshift = maxWidth + extraSpace ;
	for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
	    rowArray[row].startx += xshift ;
	    rowArray[row].endx   += xshift ;
	    if( rowArray[row].endx1 > 0 ) {
		rowArray[row].endx1   += xshift ;
		rowArray[row].startx2 += xshift ;

	for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numterms; pad++){
	    if( carray[pad]->padside == L ) {
		height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
			    rowHeight / 2 + separation + 
			    height / 2 - mbbshift ;
		} else {
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
			    rowHeight / 2 - mbbshift + 
			    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		carray[pad]->cxcenter = maxWidth - width / 2 - 1 ;
		last = rowArray[1].ypos - rowHeight / 2 + 
				separation + height - mbbshift ;

		for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
		    if( carray[pad]->padside != L ) {
			break ;
		    height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			     carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		    width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		    if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
			carray[pad]->cycenter = last + separation + 
						    height / 2 ;
		    } else {
			carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
			    rowHeight / 2 - mbbshift + 
			    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = maxWidth - 
						    width / 2 - 1 ;
		    last += separation + height ;

for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == R ) {
	count = 1 ;
	height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;

	for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
	    if( carray[pad]->padside != R ) {
		break ;
	    count++ ;
	    height += carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
		      carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
	if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
	    space = coreHeight - height ;
	    separation = space / (count + 1) ;
	    if( separation < 0 ) {
		separation = 0 ;
		if( ABS( space ) > zyshift ) {
		    zyshift = ABS( space ) ;
	} else {
	    space = (coreHeight >= height) ? coreHeight : height ;
	coreRite = coreWidth + xshift + extraSpace ;

	for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numterms; pad++){
	    if( carray[pad]->padside == R ) {
		height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			 carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			  carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
					rowHeight / 2 + separation + 
					height / 2 - mbbshift ;
		} else {
		    carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
				    rowHeight / 2 - mbbshift + 
				    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		carray[pad]->cxcenter = coreRite + width / 2 ;
		last = rowArray[1].ypos - rowHeight / 2 + 
			    separation + height - mbbshift ;

		for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
		    if( carray[pad]->padside != R ) {
			break ;
		    height = carray[pad]->tileptr->top -
			     carray[pad]->tileptr->bottom ;
		    width =  carray[pad]->tileptr->right -
			      carray[pad]->tileptr->left ;
		    if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
			carray[pad]->cycenter = last + separation + 
						    height / 2 ;
		    } else {
			carray[pad]->cycenter = rowArray[1].ypos - 
				    rowHeight / 2 - mbbshift + 
				    padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
		    carray[pad]->cxcenter = coreRite + width / 2 ;
		    last += separation + height ;

 *  Now its time to shift the macro blocks by the same amount
 *  the rows were shifted above during pad placement
for( macro = 1 ; macro <= numMacro ; macro++ ) {
    pad = padArray[macro] ;
    carray[pad]->cxcenter = macroArray[macro].mx + xshift ;
    carray[pad]->cycenter = macroArray[macro].my + yshift + 
						    mbbshift ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == B || carray[pad]->padside == T ) {
	carray[pad]->cxcenter += xshift ;

    } else if( carray[pad]->padside == MTT ||
				    carray[pad]->padside == MBB ) {
	carray[pad]->cxcenter += xshift ;
	carray[pad]->cycenter += yshift ;

 *   Shift all rows rite by zxshift / 2 ( center the core 
 *   for pad limited cases )
for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
    rowArray[row].startx += zxshift / 2 ;
    rowArray[row].endx   += zxshift / 2 ;
    if( rowArray[row].endx1 > 0 ) {
	rowArray[row].endx1   += zxshift / 2 ;
	rowArray[row].startx2 += zxshift / 2 ;
for( macro = 1 ; macro <= numMacro ; macro++ ) {
    pad = padArray[macro] ;
    carray[pad]->cxcenter += zxshift / 2 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == R ) {
	carray[pad]->cxcenter += zxshift ;

    } else if( carray[pad]->padside == MTT ||
				    carray[pad]->padside == MBB ) {
	carray[pad]->cxcenter += zxshift / 2 ;
 *   Shift all rows up by zyshift / 2 ( center the core for
 *   pad limited cases )
yshift = maxHeight + rowHeight + extraSpace ;
for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
    rowArray[row].ypos += zyshift / 2 ;
for( macro = 1 ; macro <= numMacro ; macro++ ) {
    pad = padArray[macro] ;
    carray[pad]->cycenter += zyshift / 2 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numterms ; pad++ ) {
    if( carray[pad]->padside == T ) {
	carray[pad]->cycenter += zyshift ;

    } else if( carray[pad]->padside == MTT ||
				    carray[pad]->padside == MBB ) {
	carray[pad]->cycenter += zyshift / 2 ;

 *  Now its time to blast away the old barray and
 *  generate the new one.

 *  Find the number of blocks
block = 0 ;
for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
    block++ ;
    if( rowArray[row].endx1 > 0 ) {
	block++ ;
totalBlock = block ;
oldbarray = barray ;

blkToRow = (int *) safe_malloc( (totalBlock + 1) * sizeof(int) ) ;
barray = (BBOXPTR *) safe_malloc( (totalBlock + 1) * sizeof(BBOXPTR) ) ;
for( block = 1 ; block <= totalBlock ; block++ ) {
    barray[block] = (BBOXPTR) safe_malloc( sizeof(BBOX) ) ;

block = 0 ;
for( row = 1 ; row <= numRows ; row++ ) {
    boxptr = oldbarray[row] ;
    if( rowArray[row].endx1 > 0 ) {
	block++ ;
	blkToRow[block] = row ;
	barray[block]->bxcenter = (rowArray[row].startx +
				    rowArray[row].endx1 ) / 2 ;
	barray[block]->bycenter = rowArray[row].ypos ;
	barray[block]->bleft   = rowArray[row].startx -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bright  = rowArray[row].endx1 -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bbottom = boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->btop    = boxptr->btop ;
	barray[block]->bheight = boxptr->btop - boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->blength = rowArray[row].endx1 -
				    rowArray[row].startx ;
	barray[block]->bclass  = boxptr->bclass ;
	barray[block]->borient = boxptr->borient ;
	barray[block]->oldsize = 0 ;

	block++ ;
	blkToRow[block] = row ;
	barray[block]->bxcenter = (rowArray[row].startx2 +
				    rowArray[row].endx ) / 2 ;
	barray[block]->bycenter = rowArray[row].ypos ;
	barray[block]->bleft   = rowArray[row].startx2 -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bright  = rowArray[row].endx -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bbottom = boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->btop    = boxptr->btop ;
	barray[block]->bheight = boxptr->btop - boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->blength = rowArray[row].endx -
				    rowArray[row].startx2 ;
	barray[block]->bclass  = boxptr->bclass ;
	barray[block]->borient = boxptr->borient ;

	ratio = (double) barray[block - 1]->blength / (double) 
	     (barray[block - 1]->blength + barray[block]->blength) ;
	barray[block]->desire = 1 + (int)((1.0 - ratio) * 
				    rowArray[row].desiredL) ;
	barray[block - 1]->desire = 1 + (int)(ratio * 
				    rowArray[row].desiredL) ;
	barray[block]->oldsize = 0 ;
    } else {
	block++ ;
	blkToRow[block] = row ;
	barray[block]->bxcenter = (rowArray[row].startx +
				    rowArray[row].endx ) / 2 ;
	barray[block]->bycenter = rowArray[row].ypos ;
	barray[block]->bleft   = rowArray[row].startx -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bright  = rowArray[row].endx -
				    barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	barray[block]->bbottom = boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->btop    = boxptr->btop ;
	barray[block]->bheight = boxptr->btop - boxptr->bbottom ;
	barray[block]->blength = rowArray[row].endx -
				    rowArray[row].startx ;
	barray[block]->bclass  = boxptr->bclass ;
	barray[block]->borient = boxptr->borient ;
	barray[block]->desire  = rowArray[row].desiredL ;
	barray[block]->oldsize = 0 ;
 *  Now blow array the old block array, rowArray, macroArray
for( row = 1 ; row <= numblock ; row++ ) {
    safe_free( oldbarray[row] ) ;
safe_free( oldbarray ) ;
numblock = totalBlock ;

fprintf(fpo,"\n******************\nBLOCK DATA\n");
desiredL = 0 ;
for( block = 1 ; block <= numblock ; block++ ) {
    desiredL += barray[block]->desire ;
    fprintf(fpo,"block:%d desire:%d\n",block,barray[block]->desire);
    barray[block]->bright  += 0.10 * barray[block]->blength ;
    barray[block]->blength += 0.10 * barray[block]->blength ;
fprintf(fpo,"Total Desired Length: %d\n", desiredL ) ;
ckt_size_factor = (double) desiredL ;

 *  And now, folks, its time for cell placement, that is,
 *  real random cell placement

filledTo = (int *) safe_malloc( (numblock + 1) * sizeof( int ) ) ;
endRow = (int *) safe_malloc( (numblock + 1) * sizeof( int ) ) ;
for( row = 1 ; row <= numblock ; row++ ) {
    filledTo[row] = barray[row]->bxcenter + barray[row]->bleft ;
    endRow[row]  = barray[row]->bxcenter + barray[row]->bright ;
 *  On first pass, place the cells with specific block assignments
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
    cellptr = carray[cell] ;
    row = cellptr->cblock ;
    if( row == 0 ) {
	continue ;
    blk = RtoB( row , cellptr->cycenter ) ;

    borient = barray[blk]->borient ;
    cellptr->cblock = blk ;

    width = cellptr->tileptr->right - cellptr->tileptr->left ;
    if( cellptr->cycenter > 0 ) {
	carray[cell]->cxcenter = barray[blk]->bxcenter + 
				    barray[blk]->bleft + 
				    cellptr->cxcenter + width / 2 ;
	carray[cell]->cycenter = barray[blk]->bycenter ;
    } else {
	carray[cell]->cxcenter = barray[blk]->bxcenter + 
				    barray[blk]->bright + 
		    cellptr->cxcenter - (width - width / 2) ;
	carray[cell]->cycenter = barray[blk]->bycenter ;

    if( borient == 2 ) {
	cellptr->corient = 1 ;
    } else {  /* borient was 1 */
	cellptr->corient = 0 ;

 *  Final pass, place all unassigned cells
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
    if( carray[cell]->cblock != 0 ) {
	continue ;
     *  cute strategy:  place cell in the most empty row
    empty = -32000 ;
    for( row = 1 ; row <= numblock ; row++ ) {
	if( endRow[row] - filledTo[row] > empty ) {
	    empty = endRow[row] - filledTo[row] ;
	    block = row ;
    borient = barray[block]->borient ;
    width = carray[cell]->tileptr->right - carray[cell]->tileptr->left ;
    carray[cell]->cblock = block ;
    if( borient > 0 ) {
	carray[cell]->cxcenter = filledTo[block] + width / 2 ;
	carray[cell]->cycenter = barray[block]->bycenter ;
	if( borient == 2 ) {
	    carray[cell]->corient = 1 ;
	} else {  /* borient was 1 */
	    carray[cell]->corient = 0 ;
    } else {
	carray[cell]->cycenter = filledTo[block] + width / 2 ;
	carray[cell]->cxcenter = barray[block]->bxcenter ;
	if( borient == -2 ) {
	    carray[cell]->corient = 4 ;
	} else {  /* borient was -1 */
	    carray[cell]->corient = 7 ;
    filledTo[block] += width ;

 * Ah ha, done
return ;