Example #1
int config_load_settings(running_machine *machine)
	const char *controller = options_get_string(mame_options(), OPTION_CTRLR);
	file_error filerr;
	config_type *type;
	mame_file *file;
	int loaded = 0;
	astring *fname;

	/* loop over all registrants and call their init function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		(*type->load)(CONFIG_TYPE_INIT, NULL);

	/* now load the controller file */
	if (controller[0] != 0)
		/* open the config file */
		fname = astring_assemble_2(astring_alloc(), controller, ".cfg");
		filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_CTRLR, astring_c(fname), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &file);

		if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
			fatalerror("Could not load controller file %s.cfg", controller);

		/* load the XML */
		if (!config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_CONTROLLER))
			fatalerror("Could not load controller file %s.cfg", controller);

	/* next load the defaults file */
	filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_CONFIG, "default.cfg", OPEN_FLAG_READ, &file);
	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT);

	/* finally, load the game-specific file */
	fname = astring_assemble_2(astring_alloc(), machine->basename, ".cfg");
	filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_CONFIG, astring_c(fname), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &file);

	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		loaded = config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_GAME);

	/* loop over all registrants and call their final function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		(*type->load)(CONFIG_TYPE_FINAL, NULL);

	/* if we didn't find a saved config, return 0 so the main core knows that it */
	/* is the first time the game is run and it should diplay the disclaimer. */
	return loaded;
Example #2
int config_load_settings(running_machine &machine)
	const char *controller = machine.options().ctrlr();
	config_type *type;
	int loaded = 0;

	/* loop over all registrants and call their init function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		type->load(CONFIG_TYPE_INIT, NULL);

	/* now load the controller file */
	if (controller[0] != 0)
		/* open the config file */
		emu_file file(machine.options().ctrlr_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
		file_error filerr = file.open(controller, ".cfg");

		if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
			throw emu_fatalerror(_("Could not load controller file %s.cfg"), controller);

		/* load the XML */
		if (!config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_CONTROLLER))
			throw emu_fatalerror(_("Could not load controller file %s.cfg"), controller);

	/* next load the defaults file */
	emu_file file(machine.options().cfg_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
	file_error filerr = file.open("default.cfg");
	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT);

	/* finally, load the game-specific file */
	filerr = file.open(machine.basename(), ".cfg");
	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		loaded = config_load_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_GAME);

	/* loop over all registrants and call their final function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		type->load(CONFIG_TYPE_FINAL, NULL);

	/* if we didn't find a saved config, return 0 so the main core knows that it */
	/* is the first time the game is run and it should diplay the disclaimer. */
	return loaded;