Example #1
File: keyb.c Project: rbn42/rofi
void setup_abe ( void )
    for ( int iter = 0; iter < NUM_ABE; iter++ ) {
        int id = bindings[iter].id;
        // set pointer to name.
        abe[id].name         = bindings[iter].name;
        abe[id].keystr       = g_strdup ( bindings[iter].keybinding );
        abe[id].num_bindings = 0;
        abe[id].kb           = NULL;

        config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, abe[id].name, (void * *) &( abe[id].keystr ), "Keybinding" );
Example #2
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

    cmd_set_arguments ( argc, argv );

    // Version
    if ( find_arg (  "-v" ) >= 0 || find_arg (  "-version" ) >= 0 ) {
        fprintf ( stdout, "Version: "GIT_VERSION "\n" );
        fprintf ( stdout, "Version: "VERSION "\n" );
        exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );

    // Detect if we are in dmenu mode.
    // This has two possible causes.
    // 1 the user specifies it on the command-line.
    if ( find_arg (  "-dmenu" ) >= 0 ) {
        dmenu_mode = TRUE;
    // 2 the binary that executed is called dmenu (e.g. symlink to rofi)
        // Get the base name of the executable called.
        char *base_name = g_path_get_basename ( argv[0] );
        const char * const dmenu_str = "dmenu";
        dmenu_mode = ( strcmp ( base_name, dmenu_str ) == 0 );
        // Free the basename for dmenu detection.
        g_free ( base_name );
    TICK ();
    // Get the path to the cache dir.
    cache_dir = g_get_user_cache_dir ();

    // Create pid file path.
    const char *path = g_get_user_runtime_dir ();
    if ( path ) {
        pidfile = g_build_filename ( path, "rofi.pid", NULL );
    config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, "pid", (void * *) &pidfile, "Pidfile location" );

    if ( find_arg ( "-config" ) < 0 ) {
        const char *cpath = g_get_user_config_dir ();
        if ( cpath ) {
            config_path = g_build_filename ( cpath, "rofi", "config", NULL );
    else {
        char *c = NULL;
        find_arg_str ( "-config", &c );
        config_path = rofi_expand_path ( c );

    TICK ();
    // Register cleanup function.
    atexit ( cleanup );

    TICK ();
    // Get DISPLAY, first env, then argument.
    char *display_str = getenv ( "DISPLAY" );
    find_arg_str (  "-display", &display_str );

    if ( setlocale ( LC_ALL, "" ) == NULL ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set locale.\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    xcb->connection = xcb_connect ( display_str, &xcb->screen_nbr );
    if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to open display: %s", display_str );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    TICK_N ( "Open Display" );

    xcb->screen = xcb_aux_get_screen ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen_nbr );

    xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t *ac     = xcb_ewmh_init_atoms ( xcb->connection, &xcb->ewmh );
    xcb_generic_error_t      *errors = NULL;
    xcb_ewmh_init_atoms_replies ( &xcb->ewmh, ac, &errors );
    if ( errors ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to create EWMH atoms\n" );
        free ( errors );

    if ( xkb_x11_setup_xkb_extension ( xcb->connection, XKB_X11_MIN_MAJOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_MIN_MINOR_XKB_VERSION,
                                       XKB_X11_SETUP_XKB_EXTENSION_NO_FLAGS, NULL, NULL, &xkb.first_event, NULL ) < 0 ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "cannot setup XKB extension!\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    xkb.context = xkb_context_new ( XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS );
    if ( xkb.context == NULL ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "cannot create XKB context!\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    xkb.xcb_connection = xcb->connection;

    xkb.device_id = xkb_x11_get_core_keyboard_device_id ( xcb->connection );

        required_events =

        required_nkn_details =

        required_map_parts   =
            ( XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_TYPES |
              XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_SYMS |

        required_state_details =

    static const xcb_xkb_select_events_details_t details = {
        .affectNewKeyboard  = required_nkn_details,
        .newKeyboardDetails = required_nkn_details,
        .affectState        = required_state_details,
        .stateDetails       = required_state_details,
    xcb_xkb_select_events ( xcb->connection, xkb.device_id, required_events, /* affectWhich */
                            0,                                               /* clear */
                            required_events,                                 /* selectAll */
                            required_map_parts,                              /* affectMap */
                            required_map_parts,                              /* map */
                            &details );

    xkb.keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device ( xkb.context, xcb->connection, xkb.device_id, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS );
    if ( xkb.keymap == NULL ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to get Keymap for current keyboard device.\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    xkb.state = xkb_x11_state_new_from_device ( xkb.keymap, xcb->connection, xkb.device_id );
    if ( xkb.state == NULL ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to get state object for current keyboard device.\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    xkb.compose.table = xkb_compose_table_new_from_locale ( xkb.context, setlocale ( LC_CTYPE, NULL ), 0 );
    if ( xkb.compose.table != NULL ) {
        xkb.compose.state = xkb_compose_state_new ( xkb.compose.table, 0 );
    else {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to get keyboard compose table. Trying to limp on.\n" );

    if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Connection has error\n" );
        exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );
    x11_setup ( &xkb );
    if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Connection has error\n" );
        exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *er = xcb_get_extension_data ( xcb->connection, &xcb_xinerama_id );
    if ( er ) {
        if ( er->present ) {
            xcb_xinerama_is_active_cookie_t is_active_req = xcb_xinerama_is_active ( xcb->connection );
            xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply_t  *is_active    = xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply ( xcb->connection, is_active_req, NULL );
            xcb->has_xinerama = is_active->state;
            free ( is_active );
    main_loop = g_main_loop_new ( NULL, FALSE );

    TICK_N ( "Setup mainloop" );
    // startup not.
    xcb->sndisplay = sn_xcb_display_new ( xcb->connection, error_trap_push, error_trap_pop );
    if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Connection has error\n" );
        exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    if ( xcb->sndisplay != NULL ) {
        xcb->sncontext = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment ( xcb->sndisplay, xcb->screen_nbr );
    if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Connection has error\n" );
        exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );
    TICK_N ( "Startup Notification" );

    // Initialize Xresources subsystem.
    config_parse_xresource_init ();
    TICK_N ( "Initialize Xresources system" );
    // Setup keybinding
    setup_abe ();
    TICK_N ( "Setup abe" );

    if ( find_arg ( "-no-config" ) < 0 ) {
        load_configuration ( );
    if ( !dmenu_mode ) {
        // setup_modi
        setup_modi ();

    if ( find_arg ( "-no-config" ) < 0 ) {
        // Reload for dynamic part.
        load_configuration_dynamic ( );
    // Dump.
    // catch help request
    if ( find_arg (  "-h" ) >= 0 || find_arg (  "-help" ) >= 0 || find_arg (  "--help" ) >= 0 ) {
        help ( argc, argv );
        exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );
    if ( find_arg (  "-dump-xresources" ) >= 0 ) {
        config_parse_xresource_dump ();
        exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );
    if ( find_arg (  "-dump-xresources-theme" ) >= 0 ) {
        config_parse_xresources_theme_dump ();
        exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );

    main_loop_source = g_water_xcb_source_new_for_connection ( NULL, xcb->connection, main_loop_x11_event_handler, NULL, NULL );

    TICK_N ( "X11 Setup " );

    rofi_view_workers_initialize ();

    // Setup signal handling sources.
    // SIGINT
    g_unix_signal_add ( SIGINT, main_loop_signal_handler_int, NULL );

    g_idle_add ( startup, NULL );

    // Start mainloop.
    g_main_loop_run ( main_loop );

    return return_code;
Example #3
void mode_set_config ( Mode *mode )
    snprintf ( mode->cfg_name_key, 128, "display-%s", mode->name );
    config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, mode->cfg_name_key, (void * *) &( mode->display_name ), "The display name of this browser" );
Example #4
void mode_setup_keybinding ( Mode *mode )
    g_assert ( mode != NULL );
    mode->keycfg = g_strdup_printf ( "key-%s", mode->name );
    config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, mode->keycfg, (void * *) &( mode->keystr ), "Keybinding" );