Example #1
///listen_thread is spawned on each node from the mem_init call and it
///creates a connection to a socket on the OCM port. It also spawns
///inbound_thread to listen for new messages on this port
  static void *
listen_thread(void *arg) /* persistent */
  struct sockconn conn;
  struct sockconn newconn, *newp;
  pthread_t tid; /* not used */
  int ret = -1;
  char port[HOST_NAME_MAX];

  snprintf(port, HOST_NAME_MAX, "%d", node_file[myrank].ocm_port);
  printd("listening on port %s\n", port);
  if (conn_localbind(&conn, port))
    printf("Could not connect to local port %s for OCM - check that no other instance is running\n",port);
    goto out;

  while (true) {
    if ((ret = conn_accept(&conn, &newconn)))
    ret = -1;
    if (!(newp = malloc(sizeof(*newp))))
    *newp = newconn;
    if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, inbound_thread, (void*)newp))
    if (pthread_detach(tid))

  __detailed_print("oops, I shouldn't be exiting!\n");
  return NULL;
Example #2
void * backend_thread(){
	// connection for listening on a port
	// 2 conn_t cannot be allocated on stack (see comment on conn_t)
	// since cause a seg faults
	conn_t * pConnListen;
	conn_t * pConn;
    pid_t childpid;
    pthread_t thid;
	//int retval = 0;

	if( (pConnListen = conn_malloc(__FUNCTION__, NULL)) == NULL ) return NULL;

	fprintf(stderr, "**************************************\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d: hey, here server thread!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
	fprintf(stderr, "**************************************\n");

	// set up the connection
    // this allocates memory for the strm.rpkts, i.e., the array of packets
    if( (pConn = conn_malloc(__FUNCTION__, NULL)) == NULL ) return NULL;
	conn_accept(pConnListen, pConn);   // blocking

    printf("ACCEPTED A CONN***********\n");   
    pthread_create(&thid, NULL, handle_req, pConn); 

        //CLOSE THE other conn
Example #3
void * backend_thread(){
	// connection for listening on a port
	// 2 conn_t cannot be allocated on stack (see comment on conn_t)
	// since cause a seg faults
	conn_t * pConnListen;
	conn_t * pConn;
    pid_t childpid, childpid2;
    int status;

	//int retval = 0;

	// Network state
	// FIXME cuda_bridge_request_t == cuda_packet_t == rpkt_t, this is rediculous
	strm_hdr_t *hdr         = NULL;
	rpkt_t *rpkts           = NULL; // array of cuda packets

	if( (pConnListen = conn_malloc(__FUNCTION__, NULL)) == NULL ) return NULL;
	// this allocates memory for the strm.rpkts, i.e., the array of packets
	if( (pConn = conn_malloc(__FUNCTION__, NULL)) == NULL ) return NULL;

	fprintf(stderr, "**************************************\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d: hey, here server thread!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
	fprintf(stderr, "**************************************\n");

	// set up the connection
	conn_accept(pConnListen, pConn);   // blocking

    printf("ACCEPTED A CONN***********\n");    
    if((childpid = fork()) == 0)
    if((childpid2 = fork()) == 0)
    // CLOSE the listen connection
    //    conn_close(pConnListen);
	// Connection-related structures
	hdr = &pConn->strm.hdr;
	rpkts = pConn->strm.rpkts;   // an array of packets (MAX_REMOTE_BATCH_SIZE)
	// these are buffers for extra data transferred as
	pConn->pReqBuffer = NULL;
	pConn->pRspBuffer = NULL;

    while(1) {

    	p_debug("------------------New RPC--------------------\n");

		memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(strm_hdr_t));
		memset(rpkts, 0, MAX_REMOTE_BATCH_SIZE * sizeof(rpkt_t));
		pConn->request_data_size = 0;
		pConn->response_data_size = 0;

		pConn->pReqBuffer = freeBuffer(pConn->pReqBuffer);
		pConn->pRspBuffer = freeBuffer(pConn->pRspBuffer);

		//recv the header describing the batch of remote requests
		if (1 != get(pConn, hdr, sizeof(strm_hdr_t))) {
		p_debug(" received request header. Expecting  %d packets. And extra request buffer of data size %d\n",
				hdr->num_cuda_pkts, hdr->data_size);

		if (hdr->num_cuda_pkts <= 0) {
			p_warn("Received header specifying zero packets, ignoring\n");

        // Receive the entire batch.
		// first the packets, then the extra data (reqbuf)
		// let's assume that we have enough space. otherwise we have a problem
		// pConn allocates the buffers for incoming cuda packets
		// so we should be fine
		if(1 != get(pConn, rpkts, hdr->num_cuda_pkts * sizeof(rpkt_t))) {
		p_info("Received %d packets, each of size of (%lu) bytes\n",
				hdr->num_cuda_pkts, sizeof(rpkt_t));

		p_info( "Received method %s (method_id %d) from Thr_id: %lu.\n",
		 methodIdToString(rpkts[0].method_id), rpkts[0].method_id, rpkts[0].thr_id);

		// receiving the request buffer if any
		if(hdr->data_size > 0){
			p_info("Expecting data size/Buffer: %u, %d.\n",
					hdr->data_size, pConn->request_data_size);
			// let's assume that the expected amount of data will fit into
			// the buffer we have (size of pConn->request_data_buffer

			// allocate the right amount of memory for the request buffer
			pConn->pReqBuffer = malloc(hdr->data_size);
			if( mallocCheck(pConn->pReqBuffer, __FUNCTION__, NULL) == ERROR ){

			//assert(hdr->data_size <= TOTAL_XFER_MAX);
			if(1 != get(pConn, pConn->pReqBuffer, hdr->data_size)){
				pConn->pReqBuffer = freeBuffer(pConn->pReqBuffer);
			pConn->request_data_size = hdr->data_size;
			p_info( "Received request buffer (%d bytes)\n", pConn->request_data_size);

		// execute the request
		pkt_execute(&rpkts[0], pConn);

		// we need to send the one response packet + response_buffer if any

		// @todo you need to check if he method needs to send
		// and extended response - you need to provide the right
		// data_size

		if( strm_expects_response(&pConn->strm) ){

			// send the header about response
			p_debug( "pConn->response_data_size %d\n", pConn->response_data_size);
			if (conn_sendCudaPktHdr(&*pConn, 1, pConn->response_data_size) == ERROR) {
				p_info( "__ERROR__ after : Sending the CUDA packet response header: Quitting ... \n");

			// send the standard response (with cuda_error_t, and simple arguments etc)
			if (1 != put(pConn, rpkts, sizeof(rpkt_t))) {
				p_info("__ERROR__ after : Sending CUDA response packet: Quitting ... \n");
			p_info("Response packet sent.\n");

			// send the extra data if you have anything to send
			if( pConn->response_data_size > 0 ){
				if (1 != put(pConn, pConn->pRspBuffer, pConn->response_data_size)) {
					p_info("__ERROR__ after: Sending accompanying response buffer: Quitting ... \n"
				p_info( "Response buffer sent (%d) bytes.\n", pConn->response_data_size);



	return NULL;
    } //if(childpid2==0)   
    } //if(childpid==0)

        //CLOSE THE other conn
        waitpid(childpid, &status, NULL);