Example #1
 * \fn     smeSm_StopConnect
 * \brief  Stops the connect module
 * Stops the connect module (if the SME is stopped during a connect attempt
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return None
 * \sa     smeSm_Connect
void smeSm_StopConnect (TI_HANDLE hSme)
	TSme        *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
	TI_STATUS   tStatus;

	tStatus = conn_stop (pSme->hConn, DISCONNECT_DE_AUTH, STATUS_UNSPECIFIED,
	                     TI_TRUE, sme_ReportConnStatus, hSme);

Example #2
 * \fn     smeSm_StopConnect
 * \brief  Stops the connect module
 * Stops the connect module (if the SME is stopped during a connect attempt
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return None
 * \sa     smeSm_Connect
void smeSm_StopConnect (TI_HANDLE hSme)
    TSme        *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
    TI_STATUS   tStatus;

    tStatus = conn_stop (pSme->hConn, DISCONNECT_DE_AUTH, STATUS_UNSPECIFIED,
                         TI_TRUE, sme_ReportConnStatus, hSme);

    if (TI_OK != tStatus)
        TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "smeSm_StopConnect: conn_stop returned status %d\n", tStatus);
Example #3
 * \fn     smeSm_Disconnect
 * \brief  Starts a disconnect by calling the AP connection or connect modules
 * Starts a disconnect by calling the AP connection or connect modules
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return None
 * \sa     smeSm_DisconnectDone
void smeSm_Disconnect (TI_HANDLE hSme)
	TSme        *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
	TI_STATUS   tStatus;

	/* set the SCr group to connecting */
	scr_setGroup (pSme->hScr, SCR_GID_CONNECT);

	if (BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE == pSme->pCandidate->bssType) {
		/* Call the AP connection to perform disconnect */
		tStatus = apConn_stop (pSme->hApConn, TI_TRUE);
	} else {
		/* In IBSS disconnect is done directly with the connection SM */
		tStatus = conn_stop(pSme->hConn, DISCONNECT_DE_AUTH, STATUS_UNSPECIFIED,
		                    TI_TRUE, sme_ReportConnStatus, hSme);