void Spectrogram::updateLabels(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &, const QwtScaleMap &,
		const QwtRasterData::ContourLines &contourLines) const
	QwtValueList levels = contourLevels();
	const int numLevels = levels.size();
	int x_axis = xAxis();
	int y_axis = yAxis();
	for (int l = 0; l < numLevels; l++){
		const double level = levels[l];
		const QPolygonF &lines = contourLines[level];
		if (lines.isEmpty())

		PlotMarker *mrk = d_labels_list[l];
		if (!mrk)

		QSize size = mrk->label().textSize();
		int dx = int((d_labels_x_offset + mrk->xLabelOffset())*0.01*size.height());
		int dy = -int(((d_labels_y_offset + mrk->yLabelOffset())*0.01 + 0.5)*size.height());

		int i = (int)lines.size()/2;
		double x = lines[i].x();
		double y = lines[i].y();

		int x2 = d_graph->transform(x_axis, x) + dx;
		int y2 = d_graph->transform(y_axis, y) + dy;

		if (p->device()->logicalDpiX() == plot()->logicalDpiX() ||
			p->device()->logicalDpiY() == plot()->logicalDpiY())
			mrk->setValue(d_graph->invTransform(x_axis, x2),
							d_graph->invTransform(y_axis, y2));
void Spectrogram::drawContourLines (QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QwtRasterData::ContourLines &contourLines) const
	//QwtPlotSpectrogram::drawContourLines(p, xMap, yMap, contourLines);

	QwtValueList levels = contourLevels();
    const int numLevels = (int)levels.size();
    for (int l = 0; l < numLevels; l++){
        const double level = levels[l];

        QPen pen = defaultContourPen();
        if ( pen.style() == Qt::NoPen )
            pen = contourPen(level);

        if ( pen.style() == Qt::NoPen )


        const QPolygonF &lines = contourLines[level];
        for ( int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i += 2 ){
            const QPointF p1( xMap.xTransform(lines[i].x()),
                yMap.transform(lines[i].y()) );
            const QPointF p2( xMap.xTransform(lines[i + 1].x()),
                yMap.transform(lines[i + 1].y()) );

            p->drawLine(p1, p2);

	if (d_show_labels)
		updateLabels(p, xMap, yMap, contourLines);
void Spectrogram::createLabels()

	QwtValueList levels = contourLevels();
	const int numLevels = levels.size();
    for (int l = 0; l < numLevels; l++){
		PlotMarker *m = new PlotMarker(l, d_labels_angle);

		QwtText t = QwtText(QString::number(levels[l]));

		if (d_white_out_labels)

        int x_axis = xAxis();
        int y_axis = yAxis();
		m->setAxis(x_axis, y_axis);

        if (d_graph && d_show_labels)
		d_labels_list << m;
Spectrogram* Spectrogram::copy(Graph *g)
	Spectrogram *new_s = new Spectrogram(g, matrix());
	new_s->setDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ImageMode, testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ImageMode));
	new_s->setDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ContourMode, testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ContourMode));
	new_s->setAxis(xAxis(), yAxis());
	new_s->color_map_policy = color_map_policy;
	new_s->d_show_labels = d_show_labels;
	new_s->d_labels_angle = d_labels_angle;
	new_s->d_labels_color = d_labels_color;
	new_s->d_white_out_labels = d_white_out_labels;
	new_s->d_labels_font = d_labels_font;
	new_s->d_labels_x_offset = d_labels_x_offset;
	new_s->d_labels_y_offset = d_labels_y_offset;


	if (defaultContourPen().style() == Qt::NoPen && !d_color_map_pen)
		new_s->d_color_map_pen = d_color_map_pen;

	QList <PlotMarker *> lst = new_s->labelsList();
	int count = lst.size();
	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){
		PlotMarker *m = lst[i];
		PlotMarker *mrk = d_labels_list[i];
		if (m && mrk)
			m->setLabelOffset(mrk->xLabelOffset(), mrk->yLabelOffset());
	return new_s;
Example #5
void scribe3D (nvMapGL *map, OPTIONS *options, MISC *misc, NV_FLOAT32 *ar, NV_INT32 ncc, NV_INT32 nrr, NV_FLOAT64 xorig, NV_FLOAT64 yorig)
  NV_INT32                index_contour, num_points, i, num_interp, bytes, width;
  NV_FLOAT64              dcontour_x[CONTOUR_POINTS], dcontour_y[CONTOUR_POINTS], dcontour_z[CONTOUR_POINTS], dx, dy, cell_diag_length, segment_length;
  NV_FLOAT32              level, half_gridx, half_gridy, *contour_x, *contour_y, x[2], y[2], z[2], *xyz_x, *xyz_y, *xyz_z;

  void contourMinMax (NV_FLOAT32, NV_FLOAT32);
  void contourEmphasis (NV_INT32);
  void contourMaxDensity (NV_INT32);
  void contourMaxPoints (NV_INT32);
  void contourLevels (NV_INT32 numLevels, NV_FLOAT32 *);
  NV_INT32 initContour (NV_FLOAT32, NV_INT32, NV_INT32, NV_FLOAT32 *);
  NV_INT32 getContour (NV_FLOAT32 *, NV_INT32 *, NV_INT32 *, NV_FLOAT32 *, NV_FLOAT32 *);

  //  Check the smoothing factor range and get the number of interpolation 
  //  points per unsmoothed contour segment

  if (options->smoothing_factor < 0) options->smoothing_factor = 0;
  if (options->smoothing_factor > 10) options->smoothing_factor = 10;

  dcontour_x[0] = xorig + (misc->x_grid_size * ncc) * 0.5;
  dcontour_y[0] = yorig + (misc->y_grid_size * nrr) * 0.5;
  dcontour_x[1] = dcontour_x[0] + misc->x_grid_size;
  dcontour_y[1] = dcontour_y[0] + misc->y_grid_size;

  map->map_to_screen (2, dcontour_x, dcontour_y, dcontour_z, x, y, z);

  dx = x[1] - x[0];
  dy = y[1] - y[0];

  cell_diag_length = sqrt (pow (dx, 2) + pow (dy, 2));

  segment_length = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_LENGTH / options->smoothing_factor;

  if (cell_diag_length > segment_length)
      num_interp = (NV_INT32) ((cell_diag_length / segment_length) + 0.5);
      num_interp = 1;

  /* allocate memory for contour arrays */

  if (options->smoothing_factor > 0)
      bytes = (((num_interp * (CONTOUR_POINTS - 1)) + 1) * sizeof (NV_FLOAT64));
      bytes = (CONTOUR_POINTS * sizeof (NV_FLOAT64));

  contour_x = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes / 2);
  contour_y = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes / 2);
  xyz_x = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes);
  xyz_y = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes);
  if ((xyz_z = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes)) == NULL)
      perror (__FILE__);
      exit (-1);

  //  Set the min and max contours, the index contour interval, the
  //  maximum contour density, and the number of points to be returned
  //  by the package.

  contourMinMax (misc->min_z * options->z_factor + options->z_offset, misc->max_z * options->z_factor + options->z_offset);
  contourMaxDensity (misc->maxd);
  contourMaxPoints (CONTOUR_POINTS);

  //  If the contour interval is set to 0.0 use the user defined levels.

  if (misc->abe_share->cint == 0.0) contourLevels (misc->abe_share->num_levels, misc->abe_share->contour_levels);

  //  Pass the grid array (arranged 1D) to the contouring package.

  initContour (misc->abe_share->cint, nrr, ncc, ar);

  //  Compute half of a grid cell in degrees.

  half_gridx = misc->x_grid_size * 0.5;
  half_gridy = misc->y_grid_size * 0.5;

  //  Get the contours from the package until all are drawn.

  while (getContour (&level, &index_contour, &num_points, contour_x, contour_y))
      //  Convert from grid points (returned contours) to position.
      for (i = 0 ; i < num_points ; i++)
          dcontour_x[i] = xorig + (contour_x[i] * misc->x_grid_size) + half_gridx;
          dcontour_y[i] = yorig + (contour_y[i] * misc->y_grid_size) + half_gridy;
          dcontour_z[i] = -level;

      //  Convert from position to pixels.

      map->map_to_screen (num_points, dcontour_x, dcontour_y, dcontour_z, xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z);

      //  smooth out the contour (don't do this sooner for the sake of efficiency -- smooth in xy plot space)

      if (options->smoothing_factor > 0) smooth_contour (num_interp, &num_points, xyz_x, xyz_y);

      //  If this is the zero contour, thicken the line.

      width = options->contour_width;
      if (level == 0.0)
          switch (width)
            case 1:
              width = 3;

            case 2:
              width = 4;

            case 3:
              width = 5;

      //  Draw the contours.
      for (i = 0 ; i < num_points ; i++) map->setLines (xyz_x[i], xyz_y[i], xyz_z[i], options->contour_color, width, Qt::SolidLine, i, NVFalse);

      //  Check the event queue to see if the user wants to interrupt the contouring.

      if (qApp->hasPendingEvents ())
          qApp->processEvents ();
          if (misc->drawing_canceled) break;

  free (contour_x);
  free (contour_y);
  free (xyz_x);
  free (xyz_y);
  free (xyz_z);

  map->setLines (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Qt::black, 1, Qt::SolidLine, 0, NVTrue);

  map->flush ();
QString Spectrogram::saveToString()
QString s = "<spectrogram>\n";
s += "\t<matrix>" + QString(d_matrix->objectName()) + "</matrix>\n";
s += "\t<useMatrixFormula>" + QString::number(d_use_matrix_formula) + "</useMatrixFormula>\n";
s += "\t<xAxis>" + QString::number(xAxis()) + "</xAxis>\n";
s += "\t<yAxis>" + QString::number(yAxis()) + "</yAxis>\n";

if (color_map_policy != Custom)
	s += "\t<ColorPolicy>" + QString::number(color_map_policy) + "</ColorPolicy>\n";
	s += ColorMapEditor::saveToXmlString(color_map);
s += "\t<Image>"+QString::number(testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ImageMode))+"</Image>\n";

bool contourLines = testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ContourMode);
s += "\t<ContourLines>"+QString::number(contourLines)+"</ContourLines>\n";
if (contourLines){
	QwtValueList levels = contourLevels();
	s += "\t\t<Levels>" + QString::number(levels.size()) + "</Levels>\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++)
		s += "\t\t<z>" + QString::number(levels[i]) + "</z>\n";

	bool defaultPen = defaultContourPen().style() != Qt::NoPen;
	s += "\t\t<DefaultPen>" + QString::number(defaultPen) + "</DefaultPen>\n";
	if (defaultPen){
		s += "\t\t\t<PenColor>" + defaultContourPen().color().name() + "</PenColor>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<PenWidth>" + QString::number(defaultContourPen().widthF()) + "</PenWidth>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<PenStyle>" + QString::number(defaultContourPen().style() - 1) + "</PenStyle>\n";
	} else if (!d_color_map_pen && !d_pen_list.isEmpty()){
		s += "\t\t<PenList>\n";
		for (int i = 0; i < d_pen_list.size(); i++){
			QPen pen = d_pen_list[i];
			s += "\t\t\t<pen>" + pen.color().name () + "," + QString::number(pen.widthF()) + ",";
			s += QString::number(PenStyleBox::styleIndex(pen.style())) + "</pen>\n";
		s += "\t\t</PenList>\n";

	if (d_show_labels){
		s += "\t\t<Labels>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<Color>" + d_labels_color.name() + "</Color>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<WhiteOut>" + QString::number(d_white_out_labels) +"</WhiteOut>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<Angle>" + QString::number(d_labels_angle) + "</Angle>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<xOffset>" + QString::number(d_labels_x_offset) + "</xOffset>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<yOffset>" + QString::number(d_labels_y_offset) + "</yOffset>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<Font>" + d_labels_font.toString() + "</Font>\n";
		foreach(PlotMarker *m, d_labels_list){
			if (m->xLabelOffset() != 0.0 || m->xLabelOffset() != 0.0){
				s += "\t\t\t<offset>" + QString::number(m->index()) + ",";
				s += QString::number(m->xLabelOffset()) + ",";
				s += QString::number(m->yLabelOffset()) + "</offset>\n";
		s += "\t\t</Labels>\n";

QwtScaleWidget *colorAxis = d_graph->axisWidget(color_axis);
if (colorAxis && colorAxis->isColorBarEnabled()){
	s += "\t<ColorBar>\n\t\t<axis>" + QString::number(color_axis) + "</axis>\n";
	s += "\t\t<width>" + QString::number(colorAxis->colorBarWidth()) + "</width>\n";
	s += "\t</ColorBar>\n";
s += "\t<Visible>"+ QString::number(isVisible()) + "</Visible>\n";
return s+"</spectrogram>\n";