Example #1
VOID ServiceStart (DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv)
  pthread_t lprobeThread;
  TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];

  // Let the service control manager know that the service is
  // initializing.
  if (!ReportStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING,
    //goto cleanup;

  // Create a Stop Event
  hServerStopEvent = CreateEvent(

  if ( hServerStopEvent == NULL)
    goto cleanup;

  if(dwArgc > 0)
    _dwArgc = dwArgc, _lpszArgv = lpszArgv;
  else {
    char *progName = SZSERVICENAME;
    _dwArgc = 1, _lpszArgv = &progName;

  if (!ReportStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING,NO_ERROR,0)){
    goto cleanup;

  // createThread(&lprobeThread, invokelprobe, NULL);
  // J. R. Duarte: Create an argument string from the argument list
  convertArgListToArgString((LPTSTR)szAppParameters,0, dwArgc, lpszArgv);
  if(NULL == szAppParameters){
    _tprintf(TEXT("Could not create AppParameters string.\n"));

  AddToMessageLog(TEXT("About to start lprobe"));
  pthread_create(&lprobeThread, NULL, invokelprobe, (void*)strdup(szAppParameters));
  AddToMessageLog(TEXT("lprobe started"));

  // Wait for the stop event to be signalled.
  AddToMessageLog(TEXT("lprobe terminated"));

  if (hServerStopEvent)
Example #2
void installService(int argc, char **argv)
	SC_HANDLE   schService;
	SC_HANDLE   schSCManager;

	TCHAR szPath[512], szDescr[256];

	TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];

	char szParamKey[1025], szParamKey2[1025];


	// Get the full path and filename of this program
	if ( GetModuleFileName( NULL, szPath, 512 ) == 0 ){
		_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to install %s - %s\n"), TEXT(SZSERVICEDISPLAYNAME),
			GetLastErrorText(szErr, 256));

	// Next, get a handle to the service control manager

	if ( schSCManager ) {
		schService = CreateService(schSCManager,   // SCManager database
			TEXT(SZSERVICENAME),        // name of service
			TEXT(SZSERVICEDISPLAYNAME), // name to display
			SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,         // desired access
			SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,  // service type
			SERVICESTARTTYPE,           // start type
			SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,       // error control type
			szPath,                     // service's binary
			NULL,                       // no load ordering group
			NULL,                       // no tag identifier
			TEXT(SZDEPENDENCIES),       // dependencies
			NULL,                       // LocalSystem account
			NULL);                      // no password

		if (schService){
			_tprintf(TEXT("%s installed.\n"), TEXT(SZSERVICEDISPLAYNAME) );

			// Close the handle to this service object

			/* ****************************************** */
			// Set the service name. Courtesy of Yuri Francalacci <*****@*****.**>
			sprintf(szParamKey2, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s",SZSERVICENAME);
			strcpy(szDescr, "ntopng: Web-based network traffic monitor");

			// Set the file value (where the message resources are located.... in this case, our runfile.)
			if(0 != setStringValue((const unsigned char *)szDescr,
				strlen(szDescr) + 1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2,TEXT("Description")))
				_tprintf(TEXT("The Message File value could\nnot be assigned.\n"));
			/* ********************************************** */

			//Make a registry key to support logging messages using the service name.
			sprintf(szParamKey2, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\%s",SZSERVICENAME);
			if(0 != makeNewKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2)){
				_tprintf(TEXT("The EventLog subkey could not be created.\n"));

			// Set the file value (where the message resources are located.... in this case, our runfile.)
			if(0 != setStringValue((const unsigned char *) szPath,
				strlen(szPath) + 1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
				_tprintf(TEXT("The Message File value could\nnot be assigned.\n"));

			// Set the supported types flags.
			if(0 != setDwordValue(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2,TEXT("TypesSupported"))){
				_tprintf(TEXT("The Types Supported value could\nnot be assigned.\n"));

			// Try to create a subkey to hold the runtime args for the JavaVM and
			// Java application
			if(0 != makeNewKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey)){
				_tprintf(TEXT("Could not create Parameters subkey.\n"));
			} else {
				//Create an argument string from the argument list
				// J. R. Duarte: modified it to store the full command line
				convertArgListToArgString((LPTSTR) szAppParameters,0, argc, argv);
				if(NULL == szAppParameters){
					_tprintf(TEXT("Could not create AppParameters string.\n"));
				} else {
					HKEY hkey;
					DWORD disposition;
					_TCHAR data[] = "redis\0\0";

					// Try to save the argument string under the new subkey
					if(0 != setStringValue(szAppParameters, strlen(szAppParameters)+1,
							_tprintf(TEXT("Could not save AppParameters value.\n"));


					if( RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey,
										0, "", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &disposition) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
						_tprintf(TEXT("Could not create service registry key"));

					strcpy(szAppParameters, "redis");
					// Try to save the argument string under the new subkey
					if(RegSetValueEx (hkey, TEXT("DependOnService"), 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE)data, strlen(data)+2) != 0) {
							_tprintf(TEXT("Could not save DependOnService value.\n"));


			_tprintf(TEXT("CreateService failed - %s\n"), GetLastErrorText(szErr, 256));

		// Close the handle to the service control manager database
		_tprintf(TEXT(SZSCMGRFAILURE), GetLastErrorText(szErr,256));
Example #3
void main(int argc, char **argv)
  // The StartServiceCtrlDispatcher requires this table to specify
  // the ServiceMain function to run in the calling process. The first
  // member in this example is actually ignored, since we will install
  // our service as a SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS service type. The NULL
  // members of the last entry are necessary to indicate the end of
  // the table;
  SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY serviceTable[] =
      { NULL, NULL }

  TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];

  if(!isWinNT()) {
    convertArgListToArgString((LPTSTR) szAppParameters,0, argc, argv);
    if(NULL == szAppParameters){
      _tprintf(TEXT("Could not create AppParameters string.\n"));

  isNtopAservice = 0;

  // This app may be started with one of three arguments, /i, /r, and
  // /c, or /?, followed by actual program arguments. These arguments
  // indicate if the program is to be installed, removed, run as a
  // console application, or to display a usage message.
  if(argc > 1){
      printf("NOTE: the default password for the 'admin' user has been set to 'admin'.");
    else if(!stricmp(argv[1],"/r")){
    else if(!stricmp(argv[1],"/c")){
      bConsole = TRUE;
      runService(argc, argv);
    else {
      printf("\nUnrecognized option: %s\n", argv[1]);
      printf("Available options:\n");
      printf("/i [ntopng options] - Install ntopng as service\n");
      printf("/c                  - Run ntopng on a console\n");
      printf("/r                  - Deinstall the service\n");
      printf("/h                  - Prints this help\n\n");



  // If main is called without any arguments, it will probably be by the
  // service control manager, in which case StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
  // must be called here. A message will be printed just in case this
  // happens from the console.
  printf("\nNOTE:\nUnder your version of Windows, ntopng is started as a service.\n");
  printf("Please open the services control panel to start/stop ntop,\n");
  printf("or type ntop /h to see all the available options.\n");

  isNtopAservice = 1;
  if(!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(serviceTable)) {
    printf("\n%s\n", SZFAILURE);
Example #4
void main(int argc, char **argv)
  // The StartServiceCtrlDispatcher requires this table to specify
  // the ServiceMain function to run in the calling process. The first
  // member in this example is actually ignored, since we will install
  // our service as a SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS service type. The NULL
  // members of the last entry are necessary to indicate the end of
  // the table;
  SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY serviceTable[] =
      { NULL, NULL }

  TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];

 // pthread_win32_process_attach_np();

  if(!isWinNT()) {
    convertArgListToArgString((LPTSTR) szAppParameters,0, argc, argv);
    if(NULL == szAppParameters){
      _tprintf(TEXT("Could not create AppParameters string.\n"));
  thisIsAservice = 0;

  // This app may be started with one of three arguments, /i, /r, and
  // /c, or /?, followed by actual program arguments. These arguments
  // indicate if the program is to be installed, removed, run as a
  // console application, or to display a usage message.
  if(argc > 1){
    char *service_name = "lprobe for Win32";

      if(argc >2)
	installService(argv[2], argc, argv);
	_tprintf(TEXT("/i requires the service name as parameter\n"));
    else if(!stricmp(argv[1],"/r")){
      if(argc >1)
	_tprintf(TEXT("/r requires the service name as parameter\n"));
    else if(!stricmp(argv[1],"/c")){
      bConsole = TRUE;
      if(stricmp(argv[1],"/h")) printf("\nUnrecognized option: %s\n", argv[1]);
      printf("Available options:\n");
      printf("/i <service name> [lprobe options] - Install lprobe as service\n");
      printf("/c [lprobe options]                - Run lprobe on a console\n");
      printf("/r <service name>                  - Deinstall the service\n\n");
	     "Install lprobe as a service: 'lprobe /i my_lprobe -i 0 -n'\n"
	     "Remove the lprobe service:   'lprobe /r my_lprobe'\n\n");
	     "1. Type 'lprobe /c -h' to see all options\n"
	     "1. In order to reinstall a service with new options\n"
	     "   it is necessary to first remove the service, then add it\n"
	     "   again with the new options.\n"
	     "2. Services are started/stopped using the Services\n"
	     "   control panel item.\n"
	     "3. You can install the lprobe service multiple times\n"
	     "   as long as you use different service names.\n\n");
  thisIsAservice = 1;

  // If main is called without any arguments, it will probably be by the
  // service control manager, in which case StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
  // must be called here. A message will be printed just in case this
  // happens from the console.
  printf("\nNOTE:\nUnder your version of Windows, lprobe is started as a service.\n");
  printf("Please open the services control panel to start/stop lprobe,\n");
  printf("or type lprobe /h to see all the available options.\n");

  if(!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(serviceTable)) {
    printf("\n%s\n", SZFAILURE);
Example #5
void installService(char *service_name, int argc, char **argv)
  SC_HANDLE   schService;
  SC_HANDLE   schSCManager;
  TCHAR szPath[512], szDescr[256];
  TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];
  char szParamKey[1025], szParamKey2[1025];

#if 0
  thisIsAservice = 1; bConsole = 0;
  if(argc >=1) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "argv[1] = %s", argv[1]);
  if(argc >=2) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "argv[2] = %s", argv[2]);
  if(argc >=3) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "argv[3] = %s", argv[3]);

  sprintf(szParamKey, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\\Parameters", service_name);

  // Get the full path and filename of this program
  if ( GetModuleFileName( NULL, szPath, 512 ) == 0 ){
    _tprintf(TEXT("Unable to install %s - %s\n"), TEXT(service_name),
	     GetLastErrorText(szErr, 256));

  // Next, get a handle to the service control manager
  schSCManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);

  if ( schSCManager ) {

    schService = CreateService(schSCManager,   // SCManager database
			       TEXT(service_name),        // name of service
			       TEXT(service_name), // name to display
			       SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,         // desired access
			       SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,  // service type
			       SERVICESTARTTYPE,           // start type
			       SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,       // error control type
			       szPath,                     // service's binary
			       NULL,                       // no load ordering group
			       NULL,                       // no tag identifier
			       TEXT(SZDEPENDENCIES),       // dependencies
			       NULL,                       // LocalSystem account
			       NULL);                      // no password

    if (schService){
      _tprintf(TEXT("%s installed.\n"), TEXT(service_name) );

      //Create an argument string from the argument list
      // J. R. Duarte: modified it to store the full command line
      convertArgListToArgString((LPTSTR) szAppParameters, 0, argc, argv);

      /* Modify the service description string */
      if(szAppParameters != NULL) {
	sdBuf.lpDescription = szAppParameters;

	if( !ChangeServiceConfig2(
				  schService,                 // handle to service
				  SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, // change: description
				  &sdBuf) )                   // value: new description
	    ; /* Failed */

      // Close the handle to this service object

      /* ****************************************** */
      // Set the service name. Courtesy of Yuri Francalacci <*****@*****.**>
      sprintf(szParamKey2, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s",service_name);
      snprintf(szDescr, sizeof(szDescr), "lprobe v.%s - NetFlow/IPFIX Probe. http://www.ltop.org/",

      // Set the file value (where the message resources are located.... in this case, our runfile.)
      if(0 != setStringValue((const unsigned char *)szDescr,
			     strlen(szDescr) + 1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2,TEXT("Description")))
	  _tprintf(TEXT("Unable to set service description .\n"));
      /* ********************************************** */

      //Make a registry key to support logging messages using the service name.
      sprintf(szParamKey2, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\%s", service_name);
      if(0 != makeNewKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2)){
	_tprintf(TEXT("The EventLog subkey could not be created.\n"));

      // Set the file value (where the message resources are located.... in this case, our runfile.)
      if(0 != setStringValue((const unsigned char *) szPath,
			     strlen(szPath) + 1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
	  _tprintf(TEXT("The Message File value could\nnot be assigned.\n"));

      // Set the supported types flags.
      if(0 != setDwordValue(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey2,TEXT("TypesSupported"))){
	_tprintf(TEXT("The Types Supported value could\nnot be assigned.\n"));

      // Try to create a subkey to hold the runtime args for the JavaVM and
      // Java application
      if(0 != makeNewKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey)){
	_tprintf(TEXT("Could not create Parameters subkey.\n"));
      } else {
	if(NULL == szAppParameters){
	  _tprintf(TEXT("Could not create AppParameters string.\n"));
	} else{
	  // Try to save the argument string under the new subkey
	  if(0 != setStringValue(szAppParameters, strlen(szAppParameters)+1,
	    _tprintf(TEXT("Could not save AppParameters value.\n"));
      _tprintf(TEXT("CreateService failed - %s\n"), GetLastErrorText(szErr, 256));

    // Close the handle to the service control manager database
    _tprintf(TEXT(SZSCMGRFAILURE), GetLastErrorText(szErr,256));