Example #1
void VariantToBsonConverter::convertElement(bson_t *bson, const char *key, Variant v)
	switch (v.getType()) {
		case KindOfUninit:
		case KindOfNull:
			convertNull(bson, key);
		case KindOfBoolean:
			convertBoolean(bson, key, v.toBoolean());
		case KindOfInt64:
			convertInt64(bson, key, v.toInt64());
		case KindOfDouble:
			convertDouble(bson, key, v.toDouble());
		case KindOfPersistentString:
		case KindOfStaticString:
		case KindOfString:
			convertString(bson, key, v.toString());
		case KindOfArray:
		case KindOfPersistentArray:
		case KindOfObject:
			convertDocument(bson, key, v);
		case KindOfRef:
			convertElement(bson, key, *v.getRefData());
		case KindOfResource:
			throw MongoDriver::Utils::throwUnexpectedValueException("Got unsupported type 'resource'");
		case KindOfClass:
Example #2
void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
#define RequireAttr( attr, name, a ) \
    if( MissingAttr( attr, name, a ) ) return;

    if( rName == "Include" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        OSFactory *pFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
        string fullPath = m_path + pFactory->getDirSeparator() + attr["file"];
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "opening included XML file: %s", fullPath.c_str() );
        SkinParser subParser( getIntf(), fullPath.c_str(), m_path, m_pData );

    else if( rName == "IniFile" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        const BuilderData::IniFile iniFile( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"] );
        m_pData->m_listIniFile.push_back( iniFile );

    else if( rName == "Anchor" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "priority" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "points", "(0,0)" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "range", "10" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Anchor anchor( x + m_xOffset,
                y + m_yOffset, attr["lefttop"],
                atoi( attr["range"] ), atoi( attr["priority"] ),
                attr["points"], m_curLayoutId );
        m_pData->m_listAnchor.push_back( anchor );

    else if( rName == "Bitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "alphacolor" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        m_curBitmapId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Bitmap bitmap( m_curBitmapId,
                attr["file"], convertColor( attr["alphacolor"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "SubBitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "x" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "y" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        const BuilderData::SubBitmap bitmap( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                m_curBitmapId, atoi( attr["x"] ), atoi( attr["y"] ),
                atoi( attr["width"] ), atoi( attr["height"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listSubBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "BitmapFont" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "type", "digits" );

        const BuilderData::BitmapFont font( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], attr["type"] );
        m_pData->m_listBitmapFont.push_back( font );

    else if( rName == "PopupMenu" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );

        m_curPopupId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::PopupMenu popup( m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listPopupMenu.push_back( popup );

    else if( rName == "MenuItem" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "label" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );

        const BuilderData::MenuItem item( attr["label"], attr["action"],
                                          m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuItem.push_back( item );

    else if( rName == "MenuSeparator" )
        const BuilderData::MenuSeparator sep( m_popupPosList.back(),
                                              m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuSeparator.push_back( sep );

    else if( rName == "Button" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Button button( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up"], attr["down"], attr["over"], attr["action"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listButton.push_back( button );

    else if( rName == "Checkbox" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up1" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up2" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "state" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext1", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext2", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Checkbox checkbox( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up1"], attr["down1"], attr["over1"],
                attr["up2"], attr["down2"], attr["over2"], attr["state"],
                attr["action1"], attr["action2"], attr["tooltiptext1"],
                attr["tooltiptext2"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listCheckbox.push_back( checkbox );

    else if( rName == "Font" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "size", "12" );

        const BuilderData::Font fontData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], atoi( attr["size"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listFont.push_back( fontData );

    else if( rName == "Group" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );

        m_xOffset += atoi( attr["x"] );
        m_yOffset += atoi( attr["y"] );
        m_xOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["x"] ) );
        m_yOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["y"] ) );

    else if( rName == "Image" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "resize", "mosaic" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "art", "false" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Image imageData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["image"], attr["action"], attr["action2"], attr["resize"],
                attr["help"], convertBoolean( attr["art"] ),
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listImage.push_back( imageData );

    else if( rName == "Layout" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minheight", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxheight", "-1" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );

        m_curLayoutId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Layout layout( m_curLayoutId,
                width, height,
                getDimension( attr["minwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["maxwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["minheight"], refHeight ),
                getDimension( attr["maxheight"], refHeight ),
                m_curWindowId );

        updateWindowPos( width, height );
        m_pData->m_listLayout.push_back( layout );
        m_curLayer = 0;

    else if( rName == "Panel" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        string panelId = uniqueId( "none" );
        const BuilderData::Panel panel( panelId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                width, height,
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listPanel.push_back( panel );
        // Add the panel to the stack
        m_panelStack.push_back( panelId );

    else if( rName == "Playlist" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "true" ); // Only difference here
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );
    else if( rName == "Playtree" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["fgcolor"], attr["playcolor"],
                attr["bgcolor1"], attr["bgcolor2"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );

    else if( rName == "RadialSlider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "sequence" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "nbimages" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minangle", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxangle", "360" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::RadialSlider radial( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["sequence"],
                atoi( attr["nbimages"] ), atof( attr["minangle"] ) * M_PI /180,
                atof( attr["maxangle"] ) * M_PI / 180, attr["value"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listRadialSlider.push_back( radial );

    else if( rName == "Slider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "points" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "thickness", "10" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        string newValue = attr["value"];
        if( m_curTreeId != "" )
            // Slider associated to a tree
            newValue = "playtree.slider";

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Slider slider( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["visible"], x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                width, height, attr["lefttop"],
                attr["rightbottom"], convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["up"], attr["down"],
                attr["over"], attr["points"], atoi( attr["thickness"] ),
                newValue, "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, attr["tooltiptext"],
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listSlider.push_back( slider );

    else if( rName == "SliderBackground" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbhoriz", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbvert", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padhoriz", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padvert", "0" );

        // Retrieve the current slider data
        BuilderData::Slider &slider = m_pData->m_listSlider.back();

        slider.m_imageId = attr["image"];
        slider.m_nbHoriz = atoi( attr["nbhoriz"] );
        slider.m_nbVert = atoi( attr["nbvert"] );
        slider.m_padHoriz = atoi( attr["padhoriz"] );
        slider.m_padVert = atoi( attr["padvert"] );

    else if( rName == "Text" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "text", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "color", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "scrolling", "auto" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alignment", "left" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "focus", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );

        const BuilderData::Text textData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["visible"], attr["font"],
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                convertColor( attr["color"] ),
                attr["scrolling"], attr["alignment"],
                attr["focus"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listText.push_back( textData );

    else if( rName == "Theme" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "version" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltipfont", "defaultfont" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "magnet", "15" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alpha", "255" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "movealpha", "255" );

        // Check the version
        if( strcmp( attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION ) )
            msg_Err( getIntf(), "bad theme version : %s (you need version %s)",
                     attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION );
            m_errors = true;
        const BuilderData::Theme theme( attr["tooltipfont"],
                atoi( attr["magnet"] ),
                convertInRange( attr["alpha"], 1, 255, "alpha" ),
                convertInRange( attr["movealpha"], 1, 255, "movealpha" ) );
        m_pData->m_listTheme.push_back( theme );

    else if( rName == "ThemeInfo" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "name", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "author", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "email", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "website", "" );
        msg_Info( getIntf(), "skin: %s  author: %s", attr["name"],
                  attr["author"] );

    else if( rName == "Video" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "autoresize", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        const BuilderData::Video videoData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["visible"], convertBoolean( attr["autoresize"] ),
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listVideo.push_back( videoData );

    else if( rName == "Window" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "dragdrop", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playondrop", "true" );

        m_curWindowId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Window window( m_curWindowId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                convertBoolean( attr["visible"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["dragdrop"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["playondrop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listWindow.push_back( window );
#undef  RequireAttr