Example #1
 * PerformCursorOpen
 *		Execute SQL DECLARE CURSOR command.
PerformCursorOpen(PlannedStmt *stmt, ParamListInfo params,
				  const char *queryString, bool isTopLevel)
	DeclareCursorStmt *cstmt = (DeclareCursorStmt *) stmt->utilityStmt;
	Portal		portal;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	if (cstmt == NULL || !IsA(cstmt, DeclareCursorStmt))
		elog(ERROR, "PerformCursorOpen called for non-cursor query");

	 * Disallow empty-string cursor name (conflicts with protocol-level
	 * unnamed portal).
	if (!cstmt->portalname || cstmt->portalname[0] == '\0')
				 errmsg("invalid cursor name: must not be empty")));

	 * If this is a non-holdable cursor, we require that this statement has
	 * been executed inside a transaction block (or else, it would have no
	 * user-visible effect).
	if (!(cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_HOLD))
		RequireTransactionChain((void *) cstmt, "DECLARE CURSOR");

	 * Allow using the SCROLL keyword even though we don't support its
	 * functionality (backward scrolling). Silently accept it and instead
	 * of reporting an error like before, override it to NO SCROLL.
	 * for information see: MPP-5305 and BIT-93
	if (cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL)
				 errmsg("scrollable cursors are not yet supported in Greenplum Database")));*/

		cstmt->options -= CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL;

	cstmt->options |= CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL;
	Assert(!(cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL && cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL));

	 * Create a portal and copy the plan and queryString into its memory.
	portal = CreatePortal(cstmt->portalname, false, false);

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(PortalGetHeapMemory(portal));

	stmt = copyObject(stmt);
	stmt->utilityStmt = NULL;	/* make it look like plain SELECT */

	stmt->qdContext = PortalGetHeapMemory(portal); /* Temporary! See comment in PlannedStmt. */

	queryString = pstrdup(queryString);

					  "SELECT", /* cursor's query is always a SELECT */

	portal->is_extended_query = true; /* cursors run in extended query mode */

	 * DeclareCursorStmt is a hybrid utility/select statement. Above, we've nullified
	 * the utilityStmt within PlannedStmt so this appears like plain SELECT. As a consequence,
	 * we lose access to the DeclareCursorStmt. To cope, we simply cover over the 
	 * is_simply_updatable calculation for consumption by CURRENT OF constant folding.
	portal->is_simply_updatable = cstmt->is_simply_updatable;

	 * Also copy the outer portal's parameter list into the inner portal's
	 * memory context.	We want to pass down the parameter values in case we
	 * had a command like DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT ... WHERE foo = $1 This
	 * will have been parsed using the outer parameter set and the parameter
	 * value needs to be preserved for use when the cursor is executed.
	params = copyParamList(params);


	portal->cursorOptions = cstmt->options;

	 * Set up options for portal.
	 * If the user didn't specify a SCROLL type, allow or disallow scrolling
	 * based on whether it would require any additional runtime overhead to do
	 * so.
	 * GPDB: we do not allow backward scans at the moment regardless
	 * of any additional runtime overhead. We forced CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL
	 * above. Comment out this logic.
	if (!(portal->cursorOptions & (CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL | CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL)))
		if (ExecSupportsBackwardScan(plan))
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL;
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL;

	 * Start execution, inserting parameters if any.
	PortalStart(portal, params, ActiveSnapshot,
				savedSeqServerHost, savedSeqServerPort);

	Assert(portal->strategy == PORTAL_ONE_SELECT);

	 * We're done; the query won't actually be run until PerformPortalFetch is
	 * called.
Example #2
 * PerformCursorOpen
 *		Execute SQL DECLARE CURSOR command.
 * The query has already been through parse analysis, rewriting, and planning.
 * When it gets here, it looks like a SELECT PlannedStmt, except that the
 * utilityStmt field is set.
PerformCursorOpen(PlannedStmt *stmt, ParamListInfo params,
				  const char *queryString, bool isTopLevel)
	DeclareCursorStmt *cstmt = (DeclareCursorStmt *) stmt->utilityStmt;
	Portal		portal;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	if (cstmt == NULL || !IsA(cstmt, DeclareCursorStmt))
		elog(ERROR, "PerformCursorOpen called for non-cursor query");

	 * Disallow empty-string cursor name (conflicts with protocol-level
	 * unnamed portal).
	if (!cstmt->portalname || cstmt->portalname[0] == '\0')
				 errmsg("invalid cursor name: must not be empty")));

	 * If this is a non-holdable cursor, we require that this statement has
	 * been executed inside a transaction block (or else, it would have no
	 * user-visible effect).
	if (!(cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_HOLD))
		RequireTransactionChain(isTopLevel, "DECLARE CURSOR");

	 * Create a portal and copy the plan and queryString into its memory.
	portal = CreatePortal(cstmt->portalname, false, false);

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(PortalGetHeapMemory(portal));

	stmt = copyObject(stmt);
	stmt->utilityStmt = NULL;	/* make it look like plain SELECT */

	queryString = pstrdup(queryString);

					  "SELECT", /* cursor's query is always a SELECT */

	 * Also copy the outer portal's parameter list into the inner portal's
	 * memory context.	We want to pass down the parameter values in case we
	 * had a command like
	 * This will have been parsed using the outer parameter set and the
	 * parameter value needs to be preserved for use when the cursor is
	 * executed.
	params = copyParamList(params);


	 * Set up options for portal.
	 * If the user didn't specify a SCROLL type, allow or disallow scrolling
	 * based on whether it would require any additional runtime overhead to do
	 * so.	Also, we disallow scrolling for FOR UPDATE cursors.
	portal->cursorOptions = cstmt->options;
	if (!(portal->cursorOptions & (CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL | CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL)))
		if (stmt->rowMarks == NIL &&
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL;
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL;

	 * Start execution, inserting parameters if any.
	PortalStart(portal, params, GetActiveSnapshot());

	Assert(portal->strategy == PORTAL_ONE_SELECT);

	 * We're done; the query won't actually be run until PerformPortalFetch is
	 * called.
Example #3
 * PerformCursorOpen
 *		Execute SQL DECLARE CURSOR command.
PerformCursorOpen(DeclareCursorStmt *cstmt, ParamListInfo params,
				  const char *queryString, bool isTopLevel)
	Query	   *query = (Query *) cstmt->query;
	List	   *rewritten;
	PlannedStmt *plan;
	Portal		portal;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	Assert(IsA(query, Query));	/* else parse analysis wasn't done */

	 * Disallow empty-string cursor name (conflicts with protocol-level
	 * unnamed portal).
	if (!cstmt->portalname || cstmt->portalname[0] == '\0')
				 errmsg("invalid cursor name: must not be empty")));

	 * If this is a non-holdable cursor, we require that this statement has
	 * been executed inside a transaction block (or else, it would have no
	 * user-visible effect).
	if (!(cstmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_HOLD))
		RequireTransactionChain(isTopLevel, "DECLARE CURSOR");

	 * Parse analysis was done already, but we still have to run the rule
	 * rewriter.  We do not do AcquireRewriteLocks: we assume the query either
	 * came straight from the parser, or suitable locks were acquired by
	 * plancache.c.
	 * Because the rewriter and planner tend to scribble on the input, we make
	 * a preliminary copy of the source querytree.  This prevents problems in
	 * the case that the DECLARE CURSOR is in a portal or plpgsql function and
	 * is executed repeatedly.  (See also the same hack in EXPLAIN and
	 * PREPARE.)  XXX FIXME someday.
	rewritten = QueryRewrite((Query *) copyObject(query));

	/* SELECT should never rewrite to more or less than one query */
	if (list_length(rewritten) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "non-SELECT statement in DECLARE CURSOR");

	query = (Query *) linitial(rewritten);

	if (query->commandType != CMD_SELECT)
		elog(ERROR, "non-SELECT statement in DECLARE CURSOR");

	/* Plan the query, applying the specified options */
	plan = pg_plan_query(query, cstmt->options, params);

	 * Create a portal and copy the plan and queryString into its memory.
	portal = CreatePortal(cstmt->portalname, false, false);

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(PortalGetHeapMemory(portal));

	plan = copyObject(plan);

	queryString = pstrdup(queryString);

					  "SELECT", /* cursor's query is always a SELECT */

	 * Also copy the outer portal's parameter list into the inner portal's
	 * memory context.  We want to pass down the parameter values in case we
	 * had a command like
	 * This will have been parsed using the outer parameter set and the
	 * parameter value needs to be preserved for use when the cursor is
	 * executed.
	params = copyParamList(params);


	 * Set up options for portal.
	 * If the user didn't specify a SCROLL type, allow or disallow scrolling
	 * based on whether it would require any additional runtime overhead to do
	 * so.  Also, we disallow scrolling for FOR UPDATE cursors.
	portal->cursorOptions = cstmt->options;
	if (!(portal->cursorOptions & (CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL | CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL)))
		if (plan->rowMarks == NIL &&
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL;
			portal->cursorOptions |= CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL;

	 * Start execution, inserting parameters if any.
	PortalStart(portal, params, 0, GetActiveSnapshot());

	Assert(portal->strategy == PORTAL_ONE_SELECT);

	 * We're done; the query won't actually be run until PerformPortalFetch is
	 * called.