// Find the best result found, set best to the particle, and return the performance
double bestResult(double lbest[swarmsize][datasize], double lbestperf[swarmsize], double best[datasize]) {
  double perf;         // Current best performance
  int i;               // FOR-loop counters

  // Start with the first particle as best
  perf = lbestperf[0];

  // Iterate through the rest of the particles looking for better results
  for (i = 1; i < swarmsize; i++) {
    // If current performance of particle better than previous best, update previous best 
    if (lbestperf[i] > perf) {
      perf = lbestperf[i];

  return perf;
// Update the best performance of a single particle
void updateLocalPerf(double swarm[swarmsize][datasize], double perf[swarmsize], double lbest[swarmsize][datasize], double lbestperf[swarmsize], double lbestage[swarmsize]) {
  int i;                   // FOR-loop counters
  // If current performance of particle better than previous best, update previous best
  for (i = 0; i < swarmsize; i++) {
    if (perf[i] > lbestperf[i]) {
      lbestperf[i] = perf[i];
      lbestage[i] = 1.0;
// Update the best performance of a particle neighborhood
void updateNBPerf(double lbest[swarmsize][datasize], double lbestperf[swarmsize], 
		      double nbbest[swarmsize][datasize], double nbbestperf[swarmsize], 
		      int neighbors[swarmsize][swarmsize]) {
  int i,j;                   // FOR-loop counters

  // For each particle, check the best performances of its neighborhood (-NB to NB, with wraparound from swarmsize-1 to 0)
  for (i = 0; i < swarmsize; i++) {

    nbbestperf[i] = lbestperf[i];

    for (j = 0; j < swarmsize; j++) {

      // Make sure it's a valid particle
      if (!neighbors[i][j]) continue;

      // If current performance of particle better than previous best, update previous best
      if (lbestperf[j] > nbbestperf[i]) {
      	nbbestperf[i] = lbestperf[j];
Example #4
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List if2_s(Rcpp::NumericVector data, int T, int N, int NP, double coolrate, Rcpp::NumericVector params) {

	// params will be in the order R0, r, sigma, eta, berr, Sinit, Iinit, Rinit

	Rcpp::NumericMatrix statemeans(T, 3);
	Rcpp::NumericMatrix statedata(NP, 4);

	srand(time(NULL));		// Seed PRNG with system time

	double w[NP]; 			// particle weights

	Particle particles[NP]; 	// particle estimates for current step
	Particle particles_old[NP]; // intermediate particle states for resampling

	printf("Initializing particle states\n");

	// Initialize particle parameter states (seeding)
	// Note that they will all be the same for this code as we are only filtering over the states
	for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++) {

		particles[n].R0 	= params[0];
		particles[n].r 		= params[1];
		particles[n].sigma 	= params[2];
		particles[n].eta 	= params[3];
		particles[n].berr 	= params[4];
		particles[n].Sinit 	= params[5];
		particles[n].Iinit 	= params[6];
		particles[n].Rinit 	= params[7];



	printf("Starting filter\n");

	// seed initial states
	for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++) {

		double Iinitcan;

		double i_infec = particles[n].Iinit;

		do {
			Iinitcan = i_infec + i_infec*randn();
		} while (Iinitcan < 0 || N < Iinitcan);

		particles[n].S = N - Iinitcan;
		particles[n].I = Iinitcan;
		particles[n].R = 0.0;

		particles[n].B = (double) particles[n].R0 * particles[n].r / N;


	State sMeans;
	getStateMeans(&sMeans, particles, NP);
	statemeans(0,0) = sMeans.S;
	statemeans(0,1) = sMeans.I;
	statemeans(0,2) = sMeans.R;

	// start run through data
	for (int t = 1; t < T; t++) {

		// generate individual predictions and weight
		for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++) {

			exp_euler_SIR(1.0/7.0, 0.0, 1.0, N, &particles[n]);

			double merr_par = particles[n].sigma;
			double y_diff 	= data[t] - particles[n].I;
			w[n] = 1.0/(merr_par*sqrt(2.0*M_PI)) * exp( - y_diff*y_diff / (2.0*merr_par*merr_par) );


		// cumulative sum
		for (int n = 1; n < NP; n++) {
			w[n] += w[n-1];

		// save particle states to resample from
		for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++){
			copyParticle(&particles_old[n], &particles[n]);

		// resampling
		for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++) {

			double w_r = randu() * w[NP-1];
			int i = 0;
			while (w_r > w[i]) {

			// i is now the index to copy state from
			copyParticle(&particles[n], &particles_old[i]);

		State sMeans;
		getStateMeans(&sMeans, particles, NP);
		statemeans(t,0) = sMeans.S;
		statemeans(t,1) = sMeans.I;
		statemeans(t,2) = sMeans.R;


	// Get particle results to pass back to R
	for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++) {
		statedata(n, 0) = particles[n].S;
		statedata(n, 1) = particles[n].I;
		statedata(n, 2) = particles[n].R;
		statedata(n, 3) = particles[n].B;

	return Rcpp::List::create(	Rcpp::Named("statemeans") = statemeans,
                             	Rcpp::Named("statedata") = statedata 	);
