bool initlogging(const char *identity, int facility_, int consolethres, int filethres, int syslogthres, bool logtimestamp) { facility = facility_ & 7; timestamp = logtimestamp; if(consolethres >= 0) consolethreshold = min(consolethres, (int)ACLOG_NUM); if(filethres >= 0) filethreshold = min(filethres, (int)ACLOG_NUM); if(syslogthres >= 0) syslogthreshold = min(syslogthres, (int)ACLOG_NUM); if(ident != identity) copystring(ident, identity); formatstring(ident_full)("ACR[%s]", identity); if(syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM) { #ifdef AC_USE_SYSLOG openlog(ident_full, LOG_NDELAY, facilities[facility]); #else if((logsock = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM)) == ENET_SOCKET_NULL || enet_address_set_host(&logdest, "localhost") < 0) syslogthreshold = ACLOG_NUM; #endif } static int lognum = 0; formatstring(filepath)("serverlog_%s_%s.part%d.txt", timestring(true), identity, ++lognum); if(fp) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } if(filethreshold < ACLOG_NUM) { fp = fopen(filepath, "w"); if(!fp) printf("failed to open \"%s\" for writing\n", filepath); } defformatstring(msg)("logging started: console(%s), file(%s", levelname[consolethreshold], levelname[fp ? filethreshold : ACLOG_NUM]); if(fp) concatformatstring(msg, ", \"%s\"", filepath); concatformatstring(msg, "), syslog(%s", levelname[syslogthreshold]); if(syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM) concatformatstring(msg, ", \"%s\", local%d", ident_full, facility); concatformatstring(msg, "), timestamp(%s)", timestamp ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"); enabled = consolethreshold < ACLOG_NUM || fp || syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM; if(enabled) printf("%s\n", msg); return enabled; }
void backup(char *name, char *backupname) { string backupfile; copystring(backupfile, findfile(backupname, "wb")); remove(backupfile); rename(findfile(name, "wb"), backupfile); }
char * expandEnv( char* in ) { char * out = in; int i; int possibleEnv = 0; int envStart; for (i = 0; i < strlen(out); i++) { if( out[i] == '$' ) { envStart = i; } if( out[i] == '{' && i == envStart+1 ) { possibleEnv = 1; } if( out[i] == '}' && possibleEnv ) { char temp[5000]; char * envVar; memcpy( temp, &out[envStart], i-envStart+1 ); temp[i-envStart+1] = '\0'; copystring( envVar, temp ); envVar = envVar + 2; envVar[i-envStart-2] = '\0'; out = replace( out, temp, getenv(envVar) ); } } return out; }
void Client::loadScene(const char* name) { if(load_world(name)) { copystring(clientmap, name); } CubeJ::MsgDataType<CubeJ::MSG_SND_SCENEINFO> data(clientmap, getworldsize(), getmapversion()); SendMessage(data); }
OSStatus pathtofsref ( bigstring bspath, FSRef *ref ) { /* 2009-08-30 aradke: mac-only helper function for converting from a pascal string (path) to an FSRef */ bigstring bs; CFStringRef csref; char str[256]; copystring(bspath, bs); // convert from colon-delimited to slash-delimited path stringswapall(':', '/', bs); insertstring ( BIGSTRING ( "\x09" "/Volumes/" ), bs ); // convert from Mac Roman to UTF-8 */ csref = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, bs, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); CFStringGetCString(csref, str, sizeof(str), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFRelease(csref); // finally, pass our temporary copy of the string to the underlying system function return FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*) str, ref, NULL); } /*pathtofsref*/
void FMetaTable::CopyMeta (const FMetaTable *other) { const FMetaData *meta_src; FMetaData **meta_dest; FreeMeta (); meta_src = other->Meta; meta_dest = &Meta; while (meta_src != NULL) { FMetaData *newmeta = new FMetaData (meta_src->Type, meta_src->ID); switch (meta_src->Type) { case META_String: newmeta->Value.String = copystring (meta_src->Value.String); break; default: newmeta->Value = meta_src->Value; break; } *meta_dest = newmeta; meta_dest = &newmeta->Next; meta_src = meta_src->Next; } *meta_dest = NULL; }
static boolean odberrorroutine (bigstring bs, ptrvoid refcon) { #pragma unused (refcon) copystring (bs, bserror); return (false); /*consume the error*/ } /*odberrorroutine*/
static boolean minimessage (bigstring bs, boolean flbackgroundmsg) { #pragma unused (flbackgroundmsg) copystring (bs, (**minidata).bsmsg); return (minidrawmsg ()); } /*minimessage*/
char *ReadString (uint8_t **stream) { char *string = *((char **)stream); *stream += strlen (string) + 1; return copystring (string); }
static boolean compareforcopyvisit (hdlheadrecord hnode, ptrvoid refcon) { bigstring bs, bsnode; ptrdraginfo draginfo = (ptrdraginfo) refcon; if (hnode == (*draginfo).hcompare) return (true); opgetheadstring (hnode, bsnode); opgetheadstring ((*draginfo).hcompare, bs); if (!equalidentifiers (bsnode, bs)) return (true); copystring (BIGSTRING ("\x06" "CanÕt "), bs); pushstring (pcommand, bs); pushstring (BIGSTRING ("\x35" " because there are two or more selected items named Ò"), bs); pushstring (bsnode, bs); pushstring (BIGSTRING ("\x02" "Ó."), bs); alertdialog (bs); return (false); /*stop both traversals*/ } /*compareforcopyvisit*/
bool execcfg(const char *cfgfile, bool ignore_ret) { string s; copystring(s, cfgfile); char *buf = loadfile(path(s), NULL); if(!buf) return false; auto err = lapi::state.do_string(buf, lua::ERROR_TRACEBACK); if (types::get<0>(err)) logger::log(logger::ERROR, "%s\n", types::get<1>(err)); bool ret = true; if (!ignore_ret) { ret = lapi::state["OF_CFG_VERSION_PASSED"].to<bool>(); if (!ret) { conoutf( "Your OctaForge config file was too old to run with " "your current client. Initializing a default set." ); } lapi::state["OF_CFG_VERSION_PASSED"] = lua::nil; } delete[] buf; return ret; }
void ControlNPC::connect(DynamicEntity* de) { if(!de) fatal("Controler::Character : no valid Dynamic Entity. Exit!"); dynent = de; ///TODO: set name ActionInstance defformatstring(s)("%p", this); copystring(dynent->name, s); ///TODO: set and send basic infos like name, model ... // filtertext(dynent->name, lib.librarydescr, false, MAXNAMELEN); game::addmsg(SV_SWITCHNAME, "rs", dynent->name); dynent->controltype = CONTROL_NPC; dynent->lastupdate = lastmillis; ///TODO: spawn behaviour in edit and normal mode //first spawn, no actions defined in Actionlib // if(editmode) // { dynent->o = vec(game::player1->o); droptofloor(dynent->o, 0, 0); vec sp = vec(0,0,0); vecfromyawpitch(game::player1->yaw, 0, 50, 0, sp); dynent->o.add(sp); dynent->o.z += dynent->eyeheight; game::addmsg(SV_TRYSPAWN, "rc", dynent); // } Instance::init(); isinit = true; }
void readin(void) { int t; struct val *temp; if(absf==1) { if(xd.xlbf) absbot = xd.xlb; else if(xd.xf==log10) absbot = 1; } for(;;) { temp = (struct val *)realloc((char*)xx, (unsigned)(n+1)*sizeof(struct val)); if(temp==0) return; xx = temp; if(absf) xx[n].xv = n*dx + absbot; else if(!getfloat(&xx[n].xv)) return; if(!getfloat(&xx[n].yv)) return; xx[n].lblptr = -1; t = getstring(); if(t>0) xx[n].lblptr = copystring(t); n++; if(t<0) return; } }
static xml_data_node *add_child(xml_data_node *parent, const char *name, const char *value) { xml_data_node **pnode; xml_data_node *node; /* new element: create a new node */ node = (xml_data_node *)malloc(sizeof(*node)); if (node == nullptr) return nullptr; /* initialize the members */ node->next = nullptr; node->parent = parent; node->child = nullptr; node->name = copystring_lower(name); if (node->name == nullptr) { free(node); return nullptr; } node->value = copystring(value); if (node->value == nullptr && value != nullptr) { free((void *)node->name); free(node); return nullptr; } node->attribute = nullptr; /* add us to the end of the list of siblings */ for (pnode = &parent->child; *pnode; pnode = &(*pnode)->next) { } *pnode = node; return node; }
const char *findfile(const char *filename, const char *mode) { static string s; formatstring(s)("%s%s", homedir, filename); // homedir may be "" if(fileexists(s, mode)) return s; if(mode[0]=='w' || mode[0]=='a') { // create missing directories, if necessary string dirs; copystring(dirs, s); char *dir = strchr(dirs[0]==PATHDIV ? dirs+1 : dirs, PATHDIV); while(dir) { *dir = '\0'; if(!fileexists(dirs, "r") && !createdir(dirs)) return s; *dir = PATHDIV; dir = strchr(dir+1, PATHDIV); } return s; } loopv(packagedirs) { formatstring(s)("%s%s", packagedirs[i], filename); if(fileexists(s, mode)) return s; } return filename; }
void FBaseCVar::SetGenericRep (UCVarValue value, ECVarType type) { if ((Flags & CVAR_NOSET) && m_DoNoSet) { return; } else if ((Flags & CVAR_LATCH) && gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE && gamestate != GS_STARTUP) { FLatchedValue latch; latch.Variable = this; latch.Type = type; if (type != CVAR_String) latch.Value = value; else latch.Value.String = copystring(value.String); LatchedValues.Push (latch); } else if ((Flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO) && gamestate != GS_STARTUP && !demoplayback) { if (netgame && !players[consoleplayer].settings_controller) { Printf ("Only setting controllers can change %s\n", Name); return; } D_SendServerInfoChange (this, value, type); } else { ForceSet (value, type); } }
void SetKeyValue( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value ) { epair_t *ep; for ( ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next ) { if ( !strcmp (ep->key, key) ) { free (ep->value); ep->value = copystring(value); return; } } ep = malloc (sizeof(*ep)); ep->next = ent->epairs; ent->epairs = ep; ep->key = copystring(key); ep->value = copystring(value); }
int FStringTable::LoadLanguage (DWORD code, bool exactMatch, BYTE *start, BYTE *end) { const DWORD orMask = exactMatch ? 0 : MAKE_ID(0,0,0xff,0); int count = 0; code |= orMask; while (start < end) { const DWORD langLen = LELONG(*(DWORD *)&start[4]); if (((*(DWORD *)start) | orMask) == code) { start[3] = 1; const BYTE *probe = start + 8; while (probe < start + langLen) { int index = probe[0] | (probe[1]<<8); if (Strings[index] == NULL) { Strings[index] = copystring ((const char *)(probe + 2)); ++count; } probe += 3 + strlen ((const char *)(probe + 2)); } } start += langLen + 8; start += (4 - (ptrdiff_t)start) & 3; } return count; }
char *path(const char *s, bool copy) { static string tmp; copystring(tmp, s); path(tmp); return tmp; }
static int next(lua_State * L) { directory_iterator * self = reinterpret_cast<directory_iterator *>(luaL_checkudata(L, 1, MT)); if(!self->m_dir) return 0; struct dirent * entry = readdir(self->m_dir); if(!entry) return 0; char file[1024]; copystring(file, self->m_dir_path, sizeof(file)); concatstring(file, "/", sizeof(file)); concatstring(file, entry->d_name, sizeof(file)); struct stat info; if (stat(file, &info)) return 0; unsigned char file_type = DT_UNKNOWN; if (S_ISREG(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_REG; else if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_DIR; else if (S_ISFIFO(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_FIFO; else if (S_ISLNK(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_LNK; else if (S_ISBLK(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_BLK; else if (S_ISCHR(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_CHR; else if (S_ISSOCK(info.st_mode)) file_type = DT_SOCK; lua_pushinteger(L, file_type); lua_pushstring(L, entry->d_name); return 2; }
static xml_attribute_node *add_attribute(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, const char *value) { xml_attribute_node *anode, **panode; /* allocate a new attribute node */ anode = (xml_attribute_node *)malloc(sizeof(*anode)); if (anode == nullptr) return nullptr; /* fill it in */ anode->next = nullptr; anode->name = copystring_lower(name); if (anode->name == nullptr) { free(anode); return nullptr; } anode->value = copystring(value); if (anode->value == nullptr) { free((void *)anode->name); free(anode); return nullptr; } /* add us to the end of the list of attributes */ for (panode = &node->attribute; *panode; panode = &(*panode)->next) { } *panode = anode; return anode; }
void setdefaultvalue() { const char *p = defaultvalueexp; char *r = executeret(p); copystring(input.buf, r ? r : ""); if(r) delete[] r; }
boolean resolveHashTable(bigstring bsnodetype, bigstring bsadrnodepath) { bigstring bsname; hdlhashtable ht; hdlhashnode hn; tyvaluerecord iconvalue; boolean flexpanded = false; boolean fllookup = false; pushhashtable (roottable); disablelangerror (); flexpanded = langexpandtodotparams (bsadrnodepath, &ht, bsname); enablelangerror (); pophashtable (); fllookup = hashtablelookup (ht, bsnodetype, &iconvalue, &hn); if (fllookup && iconvalue.valuetype == addressvaluetype) { copystring(*, bsadrnodepath); return resolveHashTable(bsnodetype, bsadrnodepath); } return fllookup; }
void export_ents(const char *fname) { string tmp; copystring(tmp, curr_map_id); tmp[strlen(curr_map_id) - 7] = '\0'; defformatstring(buf)("%smedia%c%s%c%s", homedir, PATHDIV, tmp, PATHDIV, fname); lua::push_external("entities_save_all"); lua_call(lua::L, 0, 1); const char *data = lua_tostring(lua::L, -1); lua_pop(lua::L, 1); if (fileexists(buf, "r")) { defformatstring(buff)("%s-%d.bak", buf, (int)time(0)); tools::fcopy(buf, buff); } FILE *f = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!f) { logger::log(logger::ERROR, "Cannot open file %s for writing.\n", buf); return; } fputs(data, f); fclose(f); }
/* ================= ParseEpair ================= */ epair_t *ParseEpair (void) { epair_t *e; e = malloc (sizeof(epair_t)); memset (e, 0, sizeof(epair_t)); if (strlen(token) >= MAX_KEY-1) Error ("ParseEpar: token too long"); e->key = copystring(token); GetToken (false); if (strlen(token) >= MAX_VALUE-1) Error ("ParseEpar: token too long"); e->value = copystring(token); return e; }
void ControlAi::init(DynamicEntity* de) { dynent = de; dynent->controltype = CONTROL_AI; copystring(dynent->name, "blood-ai"); isinit = true; }
static void setstatsmessage (short id) { bigstring bs; getstatsstring (id, bs); copystring (bs, (**statsdata).bsmessage); } /*setstatsmessage*/
void SetKeyValue(int iEntity, char *key, char *value) { epair_t *ep; for (ep = map.rgEntities[iEntity].epairs; ep; ep = ep->next) if (!strcmp(ep->key, key)) { free(ep->value); /* FIXME */ ep->value = copystring(value); return; } ep = AllocMem(OTHER, sizeof(epair_t), true); ep->next = map.rgEntities[iEntity].epairs; map.rgEntities[iEntity].epairs = ep; ep->key = copystring(key); ep->value = copystring(value); }
static char *ncopystring (const char *string) { if (string == NULL || string[0] == 0) { return NULL; } return copystring (string); }
void SetKeyValue (entity_t *ent, char *key, char *value) { epair_t *ep; for (ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next) if (!strcmp (ep->key, key) ) { FreeOther (ep->value); ep->value = copystring(value); return; } ep = AllocOther (sizeof(*ep)); ep->next = ent->epairs; ent->epairs = ep; ep->key = copystring(key); ep->value = copystring(value); }