gboolean corosync_initialize_nodelist(void *cluster, gboolean force_member, xmlNode * xml_parent) { int lpc = 0; int rc = CS_OK; int retries = 0; gboolean any = FALSE; cmap_handle_t cmap_handle; do { rc = cmap_initialize(&cmap_handle); if (rc != CS_OK) { retries++; crm_debug("API connection setup failed: %s. Retrying in %ds", cs_strerror(rc), retries); sleep(retries); } } while (retries < 5 && rc != CS_OK); if (rc != CS_OK) { crm_warn("Could not connect to Cluster Configuration Database API, error %d", rc); return FALSE; } crm_peer_init(); crm_trace("Initializing corosync nodelist"); for (lpc = 0;; lpc++) { uint32_t nodeid = 0; char *name = NULL; char *key = NULL; key = g_strdup_printf("nodelist.node.%d.nodeid", lpc); rc = cmap_get_uint32(cmap_handle, key, &nodeid); g_free(key); if (rc != CS_OK) { break; } name = corosync_node_name(cmap_handle, nodeid); if (name != NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if(node && node->uname && strcasecmp(node->uname, name) == 0) { if (node->id && node->id != nodeid) { crm_crit("Nodes %u and %u share the same name '%s': shutting down", node->id, nodeid, name); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } } } if (nodeid > 0 || name != NULL) { crm_trace("Initializing node[%d] %u = %s", lpc, nodeid, name); crm_get_peer(nodeid, name); } if (nodeid > 0 && name != NULL) { any = TRUE; if (xml_parent) { xmlNode *node = create_xml_node(xml_parent, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); crm_xml_add_int(node, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid); crm_xml_add(node, XML_ATTR_UNAME, name); if (force_member) { crm_xml_add(node, XML_ATTR_TYPE, CRM_NODE_MEMBER); } } } free(name); } cmap_finalize(cmap_handle); return any; }
static void pcmk_quorum_notification(quorum_handle_t handle, uint32_t quorate, uint64_t ring_id, uint32_t view_list_entries, uint32_t * view_list) { int i; GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; static gboolean init_phase = TRUE; if (quorate != crm_have_quorum) { crm_notice("Membership " U64T ": quorum %s (%lu)", ring_id, quorate ? "acquired" : "lost", (long unsigned int)view_list_entries); crm_have_quorum = quorate; } else { crm_info("Membership " U64T ": quorum %s (%lu)", ring_id, quorate ? "retained" : "still lost", (long unsigned int)view_list_entries); } if (view_list_entries == 0 && init_phase) { crm_info("Corosync membership is still forming, ignoring"); return; } init_phase = FALSE; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { node->last_seen = 0; } for (i = 0; i < view_list_entries; i++) { uint32_t id = view_list[i]; char *name = NULL; crm_debug("Member[%d] %u ", i, id); node = crm_get_peer(id, NULL); if (node->uname == NULL) { crm_info("Obtaining name for new node %u", id); name = corosync_node_name(0, id); node = crm_get_peer(id, name); } crm_update_peer_state(__FUNCTION__, node, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, ring_id); free(name); } crm_trace("Reaping unseen nodes..."); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if (node->last_seen != ring_id && node->state) { crm_update_peer_state(__FUNCTION__, node, CRM_NODE_LOST, 0); } else if (node->last_seen != ring_id) { crm_info("State of node %s[%u] is still unknown", node->uname, node->id); } } if (quorum_app_callback) { quorum_app_callback(ring_id, quorate); } }
static void pcmk_quorum_notification(quorum_handle_t handle, uint32_t quorate, uint64_t ring_id, uint32_t view_list_entries, uint32_t * view_list) { int i; GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; static gboolean init_phase = TRUE; if (quorate != crm_have_quorum) { if (quorate) { crm_notice("Quorum acquired " CRM_XS " membership=%" U64T " members=%lu", ring_id, (long unsigned int)view_list_entries); } else { crm_warn("Quorum lost " CRM_XS " membership=%" U64T " members=%lu", ring_id, (long unsigned int)view_list_entries); } crm_have_quorum = quorate; } else { crm_info("Quorum %s " CRM_XS " membership=%" U64T " members=%lu", (quorate? "retained" : "still lost"), ring_id, (long unsigned int)view_list_entries); } if (view_list_entries == 0 && init_phase) { crm_info("Corosync membership is still forming, ignoring"); return; } init_phase = FALSE; /* Reset last_seen for all cached nodes so we can tell which ones aren't * in the view list */ g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { node->last_seen = 0; } /* Update the peer cache for each node in view list */ for (i = 0; i < view_list_entries; i++) { uint32_t id = view_list[i]; crm_debug("Member[%d] %u ", i, id); /* Get this node's peer cache entry (adding one if not already there) */ node = crm_get_peer(id, NULL); if (node->uname == NULL) { char *name = corosync_node_name(0, id); crm_info("Obtaining name for new node %u", id); node = crm_get_peer(id, name); free(name); } /* Update the node state (including updating last_seen to ring_id) */ crm_update_peer_state(__FUNCTION__, node, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, ring_id); } /* Remove any peer cache entries we didn't update */ crm_reap_unseen_nodes(ring_id); if (quorum_app_callback) { quorum_app_callback(ring_id, quorate); } }
char * get_node_name(uint32_t nodeid) { char *name = NULL; const char *isolation_host = NULL; enum cluster_type_e stack; if (nodeid == 0) { isolation_host = getenv("OCF_RESKEY_"CRM_META"_isolation_host"); if (isolation_host) { return strdup(isolation_host); } } stack = get_cluster_type(); switch (stack) { case pcmk_cluster_heartbeat: break; #if SUPPORT_PLUGIN case pcmk_cluster_classic_ais: name = classic_node_name(nodeid); break; #else # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC case pcmk_cluster_corosync: name = corosync_node_name(0, nodeid); break; # endif #endif #if SUPPORT_CMAN case pcmk_cluster_cman: name = cman_node_name(nodeid); break; #endif default: crm_err("Unknown cluster type: %s (%d)", name_for_cluster_type(stack), stack); } if(name == NULL && nodeid == 0) { struct utsname res; int rc = uname(&res); if (rc == 0) { crm_notice("Defaulting to uname -n for the local %s node name", name_for_cluster_type(stack)); name = strdup(res.nodename); } if (name == NULL) { crm_err("Could not obtain the local %s node name", name_for_cluster_type(stack)); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } if (name == NULL) { crm_notice("Could not obtain a node name for %s nodeid %u", name_for_cluster_type(stack), nodeid); } return name; }
gboolean corosync_initialize_nodelist(void *cluster, gboolean force_member, xmlNode * xml_parent) { int lpc = 0; cs_error_t rc = CS_OK; int retries = 0; gboolean any = FALSE; cmap_handle_t cmap_handle; int fd = -1; uid_t found_uid = 0; gid_t found_gid = 0; pid_t found_pid = 0; int rv; do { rc = cmap_initialize(&cmap_handle); if (rc != CS_OK) { retries++; crm_debug("API connection setup failed: %s. Retrying in %ds", cs_strerror(rc), retries); sleep(retries); } } while (retries < 5 && rc != CS_OK); if (rc != CS_OK) { crm_warn("Could not connect to Cluster Configuration Database API, error %d", rc); return FALSE; } rc = cmap_fd_get(cmap_handle, &fd); if (rc != CS_OK) { crm_err("Could not obtain the CMAP API connection: %s (%d)", cs_strerror(rc), rc); goto bail; } /* CMAP provider run as root (in given user namespace, anyway)? */ if (!(rv = crm_ipc_is_authentic_process(fd, (uid_t) 0,(gid_t) 0, &found_pid, &found_uid, &found_gid))) { crm_err("CMAP provider is not authentic:" " process %lld (uid: %lld, gid: %lld)", (long long) PCMK__SPECIAL_PID_AS_0(found_pid), (long long) found_uid, (long long) found_gid); goto bail; } else if (rv < 0) { crm_err("Could not verify authenticity of CMAP provider: %s (%d)", strerror(-rv), -rv); goto bail; } crm_peer_init(); crm_trace("Initializing corosync nodelist"); for (lpc = 0; TRUE; lpc++) { uint32_t nodeid = 0; char *name = NULL; char *key = NULL; key = crm_strdup_printf("nodelist.node.%d.nodeid", lpc); rc = cmap_get_uint32(cmap_handle, key, &nodeid); free(key); if (rc != CS_OK) { break; } name = corosync_node_name(cmap_handle, nodeid); if (name != NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if(node && node->uname && strcasecmp(node->uname, name) == 0) { if (node->id && node->id != nodeid) { crm_crit("Nodes %u and %u share the same name '%s': shutting down", node->id, nodeid, name); crm_exit(CRM_EX_FATAL); } } } } if (nodeid > 0 || name != NULL) { crm_trace("Initializing node[%d] %u = %s", lpc, nodeid, name); crm_get_peer(nodeid, name); } if (nodeid > 0 && name != NULL) { any = TRUE; if (xml_parent) { xmlNode *node = create_xml_node(xml_parent, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); crm_xml_set_id(node, "%u", nodeid); crm_xml_add(node, XML_ATTR_UNAME, name); if (force_member) { crm_xml_add(node, XML_ATTR_TYPE, CRM_NODE_MEMBER); } } } free(name); } bail: cmap_finalize(cmap_handle); return any; }