 * @brief  Given an index of a cell in the costmap, place it into a priority queue for obstacle inflation
 * @param  grid The costmap
 * @param  index The index of the cell
 * @param  mx The x coordinate of the cell (can be computed from the index, but saves time to store it)
 * @param  my The y coordinate of the cell (can be computed from the index, but saves time to store it)
 * @param  src_x The x index of the obstacle point inflation started at
 * @param  src_y The y index of the obstacle point inflation started at
inline void InflationLayer::enqueue(unsigned char* grid, unsigned int index, unsigned int mx, unsigned int my,
                                            unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y)

  //set the cost of the cell being inserted
  if (!seen_[index])
    //we compute our distance table one cell further than the inflation radius dictates so we can make the check below
    double distance = distanceLookup(mx, my, src_x, src_y);

    //we only want to put the cell in the queue if it is within the inflation radius of the obstacle point
    if (distance > cell_inflation_radius_)

    //assign the cost associated with the distance from an obstacle to the cell
    unsigned char cost = costLookup(mx, my, src_x, src_y);
    unsigned char old_cost = grid[index];

      grid[index] = cost;
      grid[index] = std::max(old_cost, cost);
    //push the cell data onto the queue and mark
    seen_[index] = true;
    CellData data(distance, index, mx, my, src_x, src_y);
void InflationLayer::updateCosts(costmap_2d::Costmap2D& master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j)
  boost::unique_lock < boost::recursive_mutex > lock(*inflation_access_);
  if (!enabled_ || (cell_inflation_radius_ == 0))

  // make sure the inflation list is empty at the beginning of the cycle (should always be true)
  ROS_ASSERT_MSG(inflation_cells_.empty(), "The inflation list must be empty at the beginning of inflation");

  unsigned char* master_array = master_grid.getCharMap();
  unsigned int size_x = master_grid.getSizeInCellsX(), size_y = master_grid.getSizeInCellsY();

  if (seen_ == NULL) {
    ROS_WARN("InflationLayer::updateCosts(): seen_ array is NULL");
    seen_size_ = size_x * size_y;
    seen_ = new bool[seen_size_];
  else if (seen_size_ != size_x * size_y)
    ROS_WARN("InflationLayer::updateCosts(): seen_ array size is wrong");
    delete[] seen_;
    seen_size_ = size_x * size_y;
    seen_ = new bool[seen_size_];
  memset(seen_, false, size_x * size_y * sizeof(bool));

  // We need to include in the inflation cells outside the bounding
  // box min_i...max_j, by the amount cell_inflation_radius_.  Cells
  // up to that distance outside the box can still influence the costs
  // stored in cells inside the box.
  min_i -= cell_inflation_radius_;
  min_j -= cell_inflation_radius_;
  max_i += cell_inflation_radius_;
  max_j += cell_inflation_radius_;

  min_i = std::max(0, min_i);
  min_j = std::max(0, min_j);
  max_i = std::min(int(size_x), max_i);
  max_j = std::min(int(size_y), max_j);

  // Inflation list; we append cells to visit in a list associated with its distance to the nearest obstacle
  // We use a map<distance, list> to emulate the priority queue used before, with a notable performance boost

  // Start with lethal obstacles: by definition distance is 0.0
  std::vector<CellData>& obs_bin = inflation_cells_[0.0];
  for (int j = min_j; j < max_j; j++)
    for (int i = min_i; i < max_i; i++)
      int index = master_grid.getIndex(i, j);
      unsigned char cost = master_array[index];
      if (cost == LETHAL_OBSTACLE)
        obs_bin.push_back(CellData(index, i, j, i, j));

  // Process cells by increasing distance; new cells are appended to the corresponding distance bin, so they
  // can overtake previously inserted but farther away cells
  std::map<double, std::vector<CellData> >::iterator bin;
  for (bin = inflation_cells_.begin(); bin != inflation_cells_.end(); ++bin)
    for (int i = 0; i < bin->second.size(); ++i)
      // process all cells at distance dist_bin.first
      const CellData& cell = bin->second[i];

      unsigned int index = cell.index_;

      // ignore if already visited
      if (seen_[index])

      seen_[index] = true;

      unsigned int mx = cell.x_;
      unsigned int my = cell.y_;
      unsigned int sx = cell.src_x_;
      unsigned int sy = cell.src_y_;

      // assign the cost associated with the distance from an obstacle to the cell
      unsigned char cost = costLookup(mx, my, sx, sy);
      unsigned char old_cost = master_array[index];
      if (old_cost == NO_INFORMATION && (inflate_unknown_ ? (cost > FREE_SPACE) : (cost >= INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE)))
        master_array[index] = cost;
        master_array[index] = std::max(old_cost, cost);

      // attempt to put the neighbors of the current cell onto the inflation list
      if (mx > 0)
        enqueue(index - 1, mx - 1, my, sx, sy);
      if (my > 0)
        enqueue(index - size_x, mx, my - 1, sx, sy);
      if (mx < size_x - 1)
        enqueue(index + 1, mx + 1, my, sx, sy);
      if (my < size_y - 1)
        enqueue(index + size_x, mx, my + 1, sx, sy);
