ImageSourceDir::ImageSourceDir(const char* directory, bool _keepFrames) { curImage = NULL; m_keepFrames = _keepFrames; strncpy (m_DirSpec, directory, strlen(directory)+1); countFiles(); setCurrentImage(0); }
FileModel::FileModel(QObject *parent) : MAbstractItemModel(parent), numFiles(-1), entryList(), buckets(), dateBuckets() { // Load sorting settings selectedBuckets = Settings::getSortMode(); numFiles = countFiles(); insertRows(0, numFiles, QModelIndex()); }
void countFiles(std::wstring dir, PKGItem *base, std::map<RPKGEntry *, PKGItem*>& itemMap) { for (int i = 0; i < base->childCount; i++) { if (base->childs[i].dataType == 3) countFiles(dir + fromASCII(base->childs[i].name) + L"/", &base->childs[i], itemMap); else { RPKGEntry *e = new RPKGEntry; e->name = dir + fromASCII(base->childs[i].name); itemMap[e] = &base->childs[i]; } } }
static void countFiles(lab_header *head, DIR *dir, const char *dirname, int additionalLen) { struct dirent *dirfile; while ((dirfile = readdir(dir))) { if (!strcmp(dirfile->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirfile->d_name, "..")) continue; if (dirfile->d_type == S_IFDIR) { char *d = appendPath(dirfile->d_name, dirname); DIR *subdir = opendir(d); countFiles(head, subdir, d, additionalLen + strlen(dirfile->d_name) + 1); free(d); closedir(subdir); } else { ++head->num_entries; head->string_table_size += strlen(dirfile->d_name) + 1 + additionalLen; } } }
void AttributesAndDateChangerThread::countFiles(QString path) const { WinFileInfoPtrList* filesInDirectory=WinFileInfo::listFiles(path); for(int i=0; i<filesInDirectory->count(); i++) { const WinFileInfo& fi=*filesInDirectory->at(i); if(isProcessableDir(fi)) { dirCounter_++; countFiles(fi.filePath()); } if(fi.isFile()) fileCounter_++; } delete filesInDirectory; }
int pkg2rpkg(const std::string& inputFile, const std::string& outputFile, Rangers::RPKGCompression compression) { ifstream pkgfile(inputFile.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in); std::map<RPKGEntry*, PKGItem*> itemMap; PKGItem *root = loadPKG(pkgfile); if (root->childCount != 1) { std::cout << "Incorrect input file" << endl; return -1; } countFiles(L"", root, itemMap); //FIXME: OH SHI~ std::vector<RPKGEntry> files; std::vector<PKGItem> pkgfiles; for (std::map<RPKGEntry*, PKGItem*>::iterator i = itemMap.begin(); i != itemMap.end(); i++) { files.push_back(*(i->first)); pkgfiles.push_back(*(i->second)); } int c = itemMap.size(); uint32_t headerSize = calculateRPKGHeaderSize(files); ofstream outfile(outputFile.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::out); //FIXME: Better way to fill file for (int i = 0; i < headerSize + 8; i++) outfile.put(0); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { wcout << files[i].name << endl; unsigned char *data = extractFile(pkgfiles[i], pkgfile); appendRPKGFile(outfile, files[i], (const char*)data, pkgfiles[i].size, compression); delete data; } outfile.seekp(0, ios_base::beg); writeRPKGHeader(outfile, files); cleanup(root); delete root; outfile.close(); pkgfile.close(); }
void run() { emitStarted(); QStringList l; for( KURL::List::const_iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) { const KURL& url = *it; if( !url.isLocalFile() ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDirSizeJob) no remote support." << endl; emitFinished( false ); return; } l.append( url.path() ); } emitFinished( countFiles( l, QString() ) ); }
/* Функция подготавливает список файлов для копирования и подсчитивает их колличество. Содержимое каталога строится в алфавитном порядке. (можно изменить с помощью переменной filesSort) При работе функции возможно возбуждение исключения CopyExcepion. При обработки символической ссылки в список копирования будет добавлен путь к файлу на который указывает эта ссылка */ int CopyJob::prepareCopy(int index, int level, const QString& sName, QString destDir, CopyInfoList& files) { QFileInfo sourceInfo(sName); qint64 countFiles(0); CopyExcepion::throwIf(breakCurrentWork, UserTerminate, "User terminate"); if ( !destDir.isEmpty() && !destDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) destDir += QLatin1Char('/'); CopyExcepion::throwIf(!sourceInfo.exists(), SourceNotExists, sourceInfo.absoluteFilePath()); if ( sourceInfo.isSymLink() ) sourceInfo.setFile(sourceInfo.symLinkTarget()); CopyInfo copyInfo; if ( sourceInfo.isFile() ){ copyInfo.fill(sourceInfo.fileName(), sourceInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/'), destDir, CopyInfo::FILE, sourceInfo.size(), index, level); files.append(copyInfo); countFiles++; } else if ( sourceInfo.isDir() ){ QDir sourceDir(sourceInfo.filePath()); copyInfo.fill(sourceDir.dirName(), "", destDir, CopyInfo::DIR, 0, index, level); files.append(copyInfo); countFiles++; QFileInfoList filesInDir = sourceDir.entryInfoList(filesFilter, filesSort); for ( int i = 0; i < filesInDir.size(); i++ ){ countFiles += prepareCopy(index, level + 1,, destDir + sourceDir.dirName(), files); } } else throw CopyExcepion(UnknownFileType, "Unknown file type"); return countFiles; }
static void generalStreamReg(HRSstream_t s, void *tf) { s->type = HRS_GENERALSTREAM; s->gs = (generalStream_s *) HRSmalloc(sizeof(generalStream_s), "generalStreamReg"); s->bs = NULL; s->ms = NULL; if (strcmp(s->streamName, "sfstdin") == 0 || (strcmp(s->streamName, "stdin") == 0)) { s->gs->numFileNames = 0; s->gs->numFilesinStream = 1; /* count standard in stream as one file */ s->gs->fileNames = NULL; s->gs->sio = 1; /* standard in stream */ } else if (isDir(s->streamName)) { s->gs->numFileNames = countFiles(s->streamName); s->gs->fileNames = (char **) HRSmalloc(sizeof(char *)*s->gs->numFileNames, "generalStreamReg"); getFileNames(s->streamName, s->gs->fileNames, 0); s->gs->numFilesinStream = s->gs->numFileNames; s->gs->sio = 0; } else { /* single file stream */ s->gs->numFileNames = 1; s->gs->fileNames = (char **) HRSmalloc(sizeof(char *)*s->gs->numFileNames, "generalStreamReg"); s->gs->fileNames[0] = (char *) HRSmalloc(strlen(s->streamName)+1, "generalStreamReg"); strcpy(s->gs->fileNames[0], s->streamName); checkStreamFile(s->gs->fileNames[0], 0); s->gs->numFilesinStream = s->gs->numFileNames; s->gs->sio = 0; } s->gs->count = 0; s->gs->translate = (int (*)(char, void *, Sfio_t *, char *))tf; s->gs->filter = NULL; }
static void binaryStreamReg(HRSstream_t s,int physicalSize, void *tf) { s->type = HRS_BINARYSTREAM; s->bs = (binaryStream_s *) HRSmalloc(sizeof(binaryStream_s), "binaryStreamReg"); s->gs = NULL; s->ms = NULL; s->bs->physicalSize = physicalSize; s->bs->temp = (char *) HRSmalloc(physicalSize, "binaryStreamReg"); if (strcmp(s->streamName, "sfstdin") == 0 || (strcmp(s->streamName, "stdin") == 0)) { s->bs->numFileNames = 0; s->bs->numFilesinStream = 1; /* count standard in stream as one file */ s->bs->fileNames = NULL; s->bs->sio = 1; /* standard in stream */ } else if (isDir(s->streamName)) { s->bs->numFileNames = countFiles(s->streamName); s->bs->fileNames = (char **) HRSmalloc(sizeof(char *)*s->bs->numFileNames, "binaryStreamReg"); getFileNames(s->streamName, s->bs->fileNames, physicalSize); s->bs->numFilesinStream = s->bs->numFileNames; s->bs->sio = 0; } else { /* single file stream */ s->bs->numFileNames = 1; s->bs->fileNames = (char **) HRSmalloc(sizeof(char *), "binaryStreamReg"); s->bs->fileNames[0] = (char *) HRSmalloc(strlen(s->streamName)+1, "binaryStreamReg"); strcpy(s->bs->fileNames[0], s->streamName); checkStreamFile(s->bs->fileNames[0], physicalSize); s->bs->numFilesinStream = s->bs->numFileNames; s->bs->sio = 0; } s->bs->count = 0; s->bs->translate = (int (*)(char, void *, char *, char *))tf; s->bs->filter = NULL; }
bool Corpus::loadRawCorpus( string directory) { DIR* dir = opendir( directory.c_str()); if( dir == 0) { debug( "error: directory don't exist when loading corpus\n"); } struct dirent* entry = readdir( dir); // read directory. newsgroupN = 0; while( entry) { if( entry->d_type == DT_DIR && entry->d_name[0] != '.') { // is newsgroup directory. debug( "loading corpus group: %s\n", entry->d_name); Mapper::newsgroupID[string(entry->d_name)] = newsgroupN; Mapper::newsgroupIDInv[newsgroupN] = string(entry->d_name); newsgroupN++; } entry = readdir(dir); } closedir(dir); documents = new Document**[newsgroupN]; D = new int[newsgroupN]; int groupi = 0; for( map<string,int>::iterator it = Mapper::newsgroupID.begin(); it != Mapper::newsgroupID.end(); it++, groupi++) { string sub_directory = directory+string((*it).first)+"/"; D[groupi] = countFiles(sub_directory); documents[groupi] = new Document*[D[groupi]]; int filei = 0; DIR* subdir = opendir( sub_directory.c_str()); while( (entry = readdir(subdir))) { if( entry->d_type == DT_DIR || entry->d_name[0] == '.') continue; ((documents[groupi])[filei]) = new Document(); ((documents[groupi])[filei])->name = entry->d_name; string file_path = sub_directory+entry->d_name; ((documents[groupi])[filei])->parseDocument(fopen(file_path.c_str(), "r")); ((documents[groupi])[filei])->newsgroupId = groupi; filei++; } closedir(subdir); } return true; }
bool K3b::DirSizeJob::run() { d->totalSize = 0; d->totalFiles = 0; d->totalDirs = 0; d->totalSymlinks = 0; QStringList l; for( QList<QUrl>::const_iterator it = d->urls.constBegin(); it != d->urls.constEnd(); ++it ) { const QUrl& url = *it; if( !url.isLocalFile() ) { qDebug() << "(K3b::DirSizeJob) no remote support."; return false; } l.append( url.toLocalFile() ); } return countFiles( l, QString() ); }
static int countFiles(char *dirName) { DIR *dirp, *dirp2; struct dirent *dfile; char filename[MAX_FILE_LENGTH]; int count = 0; dirp = opendir(dirName); while ((dfile = readdir(dirp))) { if (dfile->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", dirName, dfile->d_name); dirp2 = opendir(filename); if (dirp2) { closedir(dirp2); count += countFiles(filename); } else { count++; } } closedir(dirp); return count; }
void AttributesAndDateChangerThread::run() { emit(processMessage(tr("Counting files..."))); for(int i=0; i<files_->count(); i++) { const WinFileInfo& fi=*files_->at(i); if(isProcessableDir(fi)) { dirCounter_++; countFiles(fi.filePath()); } else if(fi.isFile()) fileCounter_++; } sumOfFilesAndDirectories_=fileCounter_+dirCounter_; emit(fileRangeMessage(0,sumOfFilesAndDirectories_)); processTimer_.start(); for(int i=0; i<files_->count(); i++) { const WinFileInfo& fi=*files_->at(i); if(isProcessableDir(fi)) { processFileOrDirectory(fi); if(properties_.processSubFolders_) processSubDirectory(fi); } else if(fi.isFile()) processFileOrDirectory(fi); } emit(operationFinished(this)); quit(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int32_t length; char versionName[5]; FILE *versionFile; if (argc == 3) { if (strcmpignorecase(argv[1], "-test") == 0) { testPak(argv[2]); exit(0); } } else if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage : pak <directory names> <outputname>\n"); printf("Example : pak data music gfx sound font edgar.pak\n"); exit(1); } pak = fopen(argv[argc - 1], "wb"); totalFiles = 0; for (i=1;i<argc-1;i++) { totalFiles += countFiles(argv[i]); } totalFiles++; printf("Will compress %d files\n", totalFiles); printf("Compressing 00%%...\r"); fileData = malloc(totalFiles * sizeof(FileData)); if (fileData == NULL) { printf("Failed to create File Data\n"); exit(1); } atexit(cleanup); snprintf(versionName, sizeof(versionName), "%0.2f", VERSION); versionFile = fopen(versionName, "wb"); fprintf(versionFile, "%s", versionName); fclose(versionFile); for (i=1;i<argc-1;i++) { recurseDirectory(argv[i]); } compressFile(versionName, NULL); remove(versionName); length = ftell(pak); for (i=0;i<totalFiles;i++) { if (fileData[i].fileSize == 0) { break; } fileData[i].offset = SWAP32(fileData[i].offset); fileData[i].compressedSize = SWAP32(fileData[i].compressedSize); fileData[i].fileSize = SWAP32(fileData[i].fileSize); fwrite(&fileData[i], sizeof(FileData), 1, pak); } length = SWAP32(length); totalFiles = SWAP32(totalFiles); fwrite(&length, sizeof(int32_t), 1, pak); fwrite(&totalFiles, sizeof(int32_t), 1, pak); fclose(pak); printf("Compressing 100%%\nCompleted\n"); return 0; }
void process() { switch (buff_obj[0]) { case 'V': writeString((char *)"{VER:008}"); return; case 'S': if (buff_value[0]=='E') writeString((char *)"{SYS:echo}"); /* else if (buff_value[0]=='H') { uint8_t i,itemCount; itemCount=countFiles(false); //if (file_from_wifi!=0) { writeString((char *)"{WIFI:"); writeInt(file_from_wifi,3); put('/'); writeInt(itemCount,3); put('}'); } }*/ else if (buff_value[0]=='L') { uint8_t i; uint8_t itemCount; if ( card.isFileOpen() ) { writeString((char *)"{SYS:BUSY}"); return; } //card.initsd(); //card.getWorkDirName(); itemCount = countFiles(true); if (itemCount==0) { card.initsd(); card.setroot(); itemCount = countFiles(true); } for (i=0;i<itemCount;i++) { ListFile(i,itemCount); } if (itemCount==0) { if (card.cardOK) i=101; else i=102; writeString((char *)"{ERR:"); writeInt(i,3); put('}'); } else writeString((char *)"{SYS:OK}"); } else if (buff_value[0]=='I') { int16_t t; writeString((char *)"{T0:"); t=degHotend(0); if (t>999) t=999; writeInt(t,3); put('/'); t=degTargetHotend(0); writeInt(t,3); put('}'); writeString((char *)"{T1:"); t=degHotend(1); if (t>999) t=999; writeInt(t,3); put('/'); t=degTargetHotend(1); writeInt(t,3); put('}'); writeString((char *)"{TP:"); t=degBed(); if (t>999) t=999; writeInt(t,3); put('/'); t=degTargetBed(); writeInt(t,3); put('}'); } else if (buff_value[0]=='F') { /*if (buff_value[1]=='X') { eeprom::setEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_TRIP, eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_LIFETIME, 0)); eeprom::setEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_TRIP + sizeof(int64_t), eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_LIFETIME + sizeof(int64_t), 0)); }*/ writeString((char *)"{TU:"); uint16_t total_hours; uint8_t total_minutes; //eeprom::getBuildTime(&total_hours, &total_minutes); total_hours=0; total_minutes=0; writeInt(total_hours,5); put('.'); writeInt(total_minutes,2); put('/'); uint8_t build_hours; uint8_t build_minutes; //host::getPrintTime(build_hours, build_minutes); build_hours=0; build_minutes=0; writeInt(build_hours,3); put('.'); writeInt(build_minutes,2); put('/'); uint32_t filamentUsedA,filamentUsedB,filamentUsed; char str[11]; //filamentUsedA=stepperAxisStepsToMM(eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_LIFETIME, 0), A_AXIS); //filamentUsedB=stepperAxisStepsToMM(eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_LIFETIME + sizeof(int64_t),0), B_AXIS); //filamentUsed=filamentUsedA+filamentUsedB; filamentUsed=0; itoa(filamentUsed,str,10); writeString((char *)str); put('/'); //filamentUsedA -= stepperAxisStepsToMM(eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_TRIP, 0), A_AXIS); //filamentUsedB -= stepperAxisStepsToMM(eeprom::getEepromInt64(eeprom_offsets::FILAMENT_TRIP + sizeof(int64_t),0), B_AXIS); //filamentUsed=filamentUsedA+filamentUsedB; filamentUsed=0; itoa(filamentUsed,str,10); writeString((char *)str); put('}'); } else if (buff_value[0]=='R' && buff_value[1]=='E' && buff_value[2]=='S' && buff_value[3]=='E' && buff_value[4]=='T') { //Motherboard::getBoard().reset(true); } /* else if (buff_value[0]=='S') { writeString((char *)"{SYS:P"); uint8_t i = command::pauseState(); writeInt(i,3); put('/'); put('H'); i=host::getHostState(); writeInt(i,3); put('}'); } break; */ case 'C': if (buff_value[0]=='P') { uint16_t t; t=atoi((const char*)buff_value+1); if (t<0 || t>150) return; setTargetBed(t); } else if (buff_value[0]=='T') { int16_t t; t=atoi((const char*)buff_value+2); if (t<0 || t>280) return; if (buff_value[1] == '0') { setTargetHotend(t,0); } else { setTargetHotend(t,1); } } else if (buff_value[0]=='S') { int16_t t; uint8_t i; t=atoi((const char*)buff_value+1); if (t<1) t=1; else if (t>50) t=50; feedmultiply=t*10; } break; case 'P': uint8_t i; if (buff_value[0]=='H') { enquecommand_P(PSTR("G28")); } else if (buff_value[0]=='C') { //host::startOnboardBuild(utility::TOOLHEAD_CALIBRATE); } else if (buff_value[0]=='X') { extern bool cancel_heatup; writeString((char *)"{SYS:CANCELING}"); //card.pauseSDPrint(); //disable_heater(); card.sdprinting = false; card.closefile(); quickStop(); if(SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE) { enquecommand_P(PSTR(SD_FINISHED_RELEASECOMMAND)); } autotempShutdown(); cancel_heatup = true; writeString((char *)"{SYS:STARTED}"); writeString((char *)"{U:RG1R180180120P0L1S0D0O1E1H0C0X1Y1Z1A2B2N3M0}"); } else if (buff_value[0]=='P') { writeString((char *)"{SYS:PAUSE}"); card.pauseSDPrint(); writeString((char *)"{SYS:PAUSED}"); } else if (buff_value[0]=='R') { writeString((char *)"{SYS:RESUME}"); card.startFileprint(); writeString((char *)"{SYS:RESUMED}"); } else if (buff_value[0]=='Z') { /*i=(buff_value[1]-'0')*100 + (buff_value[2]-'0')*10 + (buff_value[3]-'0'); float pauseAtZPos = i; command::pauseAtZPos(stepperAxisMMToSteps(pauseAtZPos, Z_AXIS));*/ } else { i=(buff_value[0]-'0')*100 + (buff_value[1]-'0')*10 + (buff_value[2]-'0'); card.getfilename(i); if (card.filenameIsDir) { writeString((char *)"{SYS:DIR}"); card.chdir(card.filename); } else { char cmd[30]; char* c; writeString((char *)"{PRINTFILE:"); if (card.longFilename[0]!=0) writeString(card.longFilename); else writeString(card.filename); put('}'); sprintf_P(cmd, PSTR("M23 %s"), card.filename); for(c = &cmd[4]; *c; c++) *c = tolower(*c); enquecommand(cmd); enquecommand_P(PSTR("M24")); } } break; case 'B': PrintingStatus(); break; /* case 'J': switch (buff_value[0]) { case 'S': BOARD_STATUS_SET(Motherboard::STATUS_MANUAL_MODE); jog_speed=atoi((const char*)buff_value+1); break; case 'E': steppers::enableAxes(0xff, false); BOARD_STATUS_CLEAR(Motherboard::STATUS_MANUAL_MODE); break; case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case 'A': case 'B': steppers::abort(); uint8_t dummy; Point position = steppers::getStepperPosition(&dummy); int32_t t; t=atoi((const char*)buff_value+1); if (buff_value[0]<='B') position[buff_value[0]-'A'+3] += (t<<4); else position[buff_value[0]-'X'] += (t<<4); steppers::setTargetNew(position, jog_speed, 0, 0); break; } break; */ /* case 'H': if (buff_value[0]=='R') { extern uint32_t homePosition[PROFILES_HOME_POSITIONS_STORED]; writeString((char *)"{H:R"); eeprom_read_block(homePosition, (void *)eeprom_offsets::AXIS_HOME_POSITIONS_STEPS, PROFILES_HOME_POSITIONS_STORED * sizeof(uint32_t)); writeInt(homePosition[0],5); put('/'); writeInt(homePosition[1],5); put('/'); writeInt(homePosition[2],5); put('/'); writeInt((int32_t)(eeprom::getEeprom32(eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS, 0)),5); put('/'); writeInt((int32_t)(eeprom::getEeprom32(eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS + sizeof(int32_t), 0)),5); put('}'); } else if (buff_value[0]=='W') { extern uint32_t homePosition[PROFILES_HOME_POSITIONS_STORED]; int32_t offset[2],t; uint8_t axis; axis=buff_value[1]-'X'; if (axis>=0 && axis<=2) { homePosition[axis]=atoi((const char*)buff_value+2); cli(); eeprom_write_block((void *)&homePosition[axis], (void*)(eeprom_offsets::AXIS_HOME_POSITIONS_STEPS + sizeof(uint32_t) * axis) , sizeof(uint32_t)); sei(); } axis=buff_value[1]-'x'; if (axis>=0 && axis<=1) { t=atoi((const char*)buff_value+2); int32_t offset[2]; bool smallOffsets; offset[0] = (int32_t)(eeprom::getEeprom32(eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS, 0)); offset[1] = (int32_t)(eeprom::getEeprom32(eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS + sizeof(int32_t), 0)); smallOffsets = abs(offset[0]) < ((int32_t)stepperAxisStepsPerMM(0) << 2); int32_t delta = stepperAxisMMToSteps((float)(t - 7) * 0.1f, axis); if ( !smallOffsets ) delta = -delta; int32_t new_offset = offset[axis] + delta; eeprom_write_block((uint8_t *)&new_offset, (uint8_t *)eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS + axis * sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int32_t)); } } break; */ /* case 'U': if (buff_value[0]=='R') { int temp; writeString((char *)"{U:RG"); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::OVERRIDE_GCODE_TEMP, 0) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('R'); temp=eeprom::getEeprom16(eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_SETTINGS + preheat_eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_LEFT_OFFSET, DEFAULT_PREHEAT_TEMP); writeInt(temp,3); //put('/'); temp=eeprom::getEeprom16(eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_SETTINGS + preheat_eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_RIGHT_OFFSET, DEFAULT_PREHEAT_TEMP); writeInt(temp,3); //put('/'); temp=eeprom::getEeprom16(eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_SETTINGS + preheat_eeprom_offsets::PREHEAT_PLATFORM_OFFSET, DEFAULT_PREHEAT_TEMP); writeInt(temp,3); put('P'); if (eeprom::hasHBP() != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('L'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::ACCELERATION_SETTINGS + acceleration_eeprom_offsets::ACCELERATION_ACTIVE, 0x01) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('S'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::COOL_PLAT, 0) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('D'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::DITTO_PRINT_ENABLED, 0) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('O'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SYSTEM, DEFAULT_TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SYSTEM) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('E'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::EXTRUDER_HOLD, DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_HOLD) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('H'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::HEAT_DURING_PAUSE, DEFAULT_HEAT_DURING_PAUSE) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('C'); if (eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::SD_USE_CRC, DEFAULT_SD_USE_CRC) != 0) put('1'); else put('0'); put('X'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_X_CURRENT, 0)); put('Y'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_Y_CURRENT, 0)); put('Z'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_Z_CURRENT, 0)); put('A'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_A_CURRENT, 0)); put('B'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_B_CURRENT, 0)); put('N'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::LANGUAGE, 0)); put('M'); put ('0' + eeprom::getEeprom8(eeprom_offsets::WIFI_SD, 0)); put('}'); } else if (buff_value[0]=='W') { uint8_t *c; uint8_t cmd=0; c=buff_value; while (*++c!=0) { if (*c<='9' && *c>='0') { uint8_t value; value = *c - '0'; switch (cmd) { case 'G': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)eeprom_offsets::OVERRIDE_GCODE_TEMP,value); break; case 'P': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::HBP_PRESENT, value); break; case 'L': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::ACCELERATION_SETTINGS + acceleration_eeprom_offsets::ACCELERATION_ACTIVE, value); break; case 'S': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::COOL_PLAT, value); break; case 'D': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::DITTO_PRINT_ENABLED, value); break; case 'O': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SYSTEM, value); break; case 'E': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::EXTRUDER_HOLD, value); break; case 'H': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::HEAT_DURING_PAUSE, value); break; case 'C': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::SD_USE_CRC, value); break; case 'T': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::PSTOP_ENABLE, value); break; case 'X': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_X_CURRENT, value); break; case 'Y': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_Y_CURRENT, value); break; case 'Z': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_Z_CURRENT, value); break; case 'A': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_A_CURRENT, value); break; case 'B': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::STEPPER_B_CURRENT, value); break; case 'N': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::LANGUAGE, value); break; case 'M': eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)eeprom_offsets::WIFI_SD, value); break; default: break; } } else if (*c<='Z' && *c>='A') cmd = *c; } } else if (buff_value[0] == 'U' && buff_value[1] == 'P' && buff_value[2] == 'D' && buff_value[3] == 'A' && buff_value[4] == 'T' && buff_value[5] == 'E') { char r; cli(); wdt_disable(); while (1) { if (UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0)) { r = UDR0; UDR3 = r; } if (UCSR3A & (1<<RXC3)) { r = UDR3; UDR0 = r; } } } else { if (buff_value[0]=='E' && buff_value[1]=='R' && buff_value[2]=='A' && buff_value[3]=='S' && buff_value[4]=='E') { eeprom::factoryResetEEPROM(); Motherboard::getBoard().reset(true); } else if (buff_value[0]=='F' && buff_value[1]=='U' && buff_value[2]=='L' && buff_value[3]=='L' && buff_value[4]=='E' && buff_value[5]=='R' && buff_value[6]=='A' && buff_value[7]=='S' && buff_value[8]=='E') { eeprom::erase(); host::stopBuildNow(); } } break; */ default: break; } }
static int rpmtsPrepare(rpmts ts) { tsMembers tsmem = rpmtsMembers(ts); rpmtsi pi; rpmte p; int rc = 0; uint64_t fileCount = countFiles(ts); const char *dbhome = NULL; struct stat dbstat; fingerPrintCache fpc = fpCacheCreate(fileCount/2 + 10001, rpmtsPool(ts)); rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "computing %" PRIu64 " file fingerprints\n", fileCount); /* Reset actions, set skip for netshared paths and excluded files */ pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { rpmfiles files = rpmteFiles(p); if (rpmfilesFC(files) > 0) { rpmfs fs = rpmteGetFileStates(p); /* Ensure clean state, this could get called more than once. */ rpmfsResetActions(fs); if (rpmteType(p) == TR_ADDED) { skipInstallFiles(ts, files, fs); } else { skipEraseFiles(ts, files, fs); } } rpmfilesFree(files); } rpmtsiFree(pi); /* Open rpmdb & enter chroot for fingerprinting if necessary */ if (rpmdbOpenAll(ts->rdb) || rpmChrootIn()) { rc = -1; goto exit; } rpmtsNotify(ts, NULL, RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START, 6, tsmem->orderCount); /* Add fingerprint for each file not skipped. */ fpCachePopulate(fpc, ts, fileCount); /* check against files in the rpmdb */ checkInstalledFiles(ts, fileCount, fpc); dbhome = rpmdbHome(rpmtsGetRdb(ts)); /* If we can't stat, ignore db growth. Probably not right but... */ if (dbhome && stat(dbhome, &dbstat)) dbhome = NULL; pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { rpmfiles files = rpmteFiles(p);; if (files == NULL) continue; /* XXX can't happen */ (void) rpmswEnter(rpmtsOp(ts, RPMTS_OP_FINGERPRINT), 0); /* check files in ts against each other and update disk space needs on each partition for this package. */ handleOverlappedFiles(ts, fpc, p, files); /* Check added package has sufficient space on each partition used. */ if (rpmteType(p) == TR_ADDED) { /* * Try to estimate space needed for rpmdb growth: guess that the * db grows 4 times the header size (indexes and all). */ if (dbhome) { int64_t hsize = rpmteHeaderSize(p) * 4; rpmtsUpdateDSI(ts, dbstat.st_dev, dbhome, hsize, 0, 0, FA_CREATE); } rpmtsCheckDSIProblems(ts, p); } (void) rpmswExit(rpmtsOp(ts, RPMTS_OP_FINGERPRINT), 0); rpmfilesFree(files); } rpmtsiFree(pi); rpmtsNotify(ts, NULL, RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP, 6, tsmem->orderCount); /* return from chroot if done earlier */ if (rpmChrootOut()) rc = -1; /* On actual transaction, file info sets are not needed after this */ if (!(rpmtsFlags(ts) & (RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST|RPMTRANS_FLAG_BUILD_PROBS))) { pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { rpmteCleanFiles(p); } rpmtsiFree(pi); } exit: fpCacheFree(fpc); rpmtsFreeDSI(ts); return rc; }
bool K3b::DirSizeJob::countDir( const QString& dir ) { QStringList l = QDir(dir).entryList( QDir::AllEntries|QDir::Hidden|QDir::System|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ); return countFiles( l, dir ); }
static int rpmtsPrepare(rpmts ts) { tsMembers tsmem = rpmtsMembers(ts); rpmtsi pi; rpmte p; rpmfi fi; int rc = 0; uint64_t fileCount = countFiles(ts); fingerPrintCache fpc = fpCacheCreate(fileCount/2 + 10001); rpmFpHash ht = rpmFpHashCreate(fileCount/2+1, fpHashFunction, fpEqual, NULL, NULL); rpmDiskSpaceInfo dsi; rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "computing %" PRIu64 " file fingerprints\n", fileCount); /* Skip netshared paths, not our i18n files, and excluded docs */ pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { if (rpmfiFC(rpmteFI(p)) == 0) continue; if (rpmteType(p) == TR_ADDED) { skipInstallFiles(ts, p); } else { skipEraseFiles(ts, p); } } rpmtsiFree(pi); /* Open rpmdb & enter chroot for fingerprinting if necessary */ if (rpmdbOpenAll(ts->rdb) || rpmChrootIn()) { rc = -1; goto exit; } rpmtsNotify(ts, NULL, RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START, 6, tsmem->orderCount); addFingerprints(ts, fileCount, ht, fpc); /* check against files in the rpmdb */ checkInstalledFiles(ts, fileCount, ht, fpc); dsi = rpmtsDbDSI(ts); pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { if ((fi = rpmteFI(p)) == NULL) continue; /* XXX can't happen */ (void) rpmswEnter(rpmtsOp(ts, RPMTS_OP_FINGERPRINT), 0); /* check files in ts against each other and update disk space needs on each partition for this package. */ handleOverlappedFiles(ts, ht, p, fi); rpmtsUpdateDSIrpmDBSize(p, dsi); /* Check added package has sufficient space on each partition used. */ if (rpmteType(p) == TR_ADDED) { rpmtsCheckDSIProblems(ts, p); } (void) rpmswExit(rpmtsOp(ts, RPMTS_OP_FINGERPRINT), 0); } rpmtsiFree(pi); rpmtsNotify(ts, NULL, RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP, 6, tsmem->orderCount); /* return from chroot if done earlier */ if (rpmChrootOut()) rc = -1; /* File info sets, fp caches etc not needed beyond here, free 'em up. */ pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, 0)) != NULL) { rpmteSetFI(p, NULL); } rpmtsiFree(pi); exit: rpmFpHashFree(ht); fpCacheFree(fpc); rpmtsFreeDSI(ts); return rc; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // parameters that you can set. string infF = ""; string infR = ""; string infPath = ""; string outI = "oIter.txt"; string outP = "oPar.txt"; string outCorr = "oCorr.txt"; string outCnt = "oCnt.txt"; string outPath = ""; string outStub = ""; //bool useemp = false; double truncLimit = 0.99; int verbose = 3; int lambdaD = 147; int minD = 130; int maxD = 180; int sampleSize = -1; int burnins = 1000; int iterations = 10000; int seed = -1; // Unknowns double lambdaF[2]; double lambdaR[2]; double pF[2]; double pR[2]; /* * Read and check input parameters */ string errorLine = "usage " + string(argv[0]) + " [parameters] \n" + "\t-iF <forward reads binary file> \n" + "\t-iR <reverse reads binary file> \n" + "\t-iPath <path to forward and reverse reads binary files \n" + " (overrides iR and iF if set)> \n" + "\t-oPath <outdirectory, where all output files are put. \n" + "\t NOT created - needs to exists. Defaults to where \n"+ "\t the program is executed from.>\n" + "\t-oStub <outfile names stub, \n" + "\t defaults -oIter to <-oStub_>oIter.txt, \n" + "\t defaults -oPar to <-oStub_>oPar.txt> \n" + "\t defaults -oCorr to <-oStub_>oCorr.txt> \n" + "\t defaults -oCnt to <-oStub_>oCnt.txt> \n" + "\t-oIter <outfile, where to write MCMC parameter\n" + "\t estimates for each iteration,default generated from -oStub>\n" + "\t-oPar <parameter-file, where to write MCMC\n" + "\t final parameter estimates, default generated from -oStub> \n" + /* "\t-oCorr <out-file, lists correlation coefficients between forward\n" + "\t and reverse reads in [mind,maxd] \n" + "\t default generated from -oStub> \n" + */ "\t-oCnt <out-file, lists forward and reverse read count frequencies\n" + "\t default generated from -oStub> \n" + "\t-trunc <truncation limit in (0,1], default 0.99.> \n" + "\t-size <sample size, default all observations.> \n" + "\t-burnin <number of MCMC burnin iterations,\n" + "\t default 1000.> \n" + "\t-iter <number of MCMC iterations\n" + "\t (non-burnin iterations), default 10000.> \n" + "\t-seed <set seed to random number generator.> \n" + "\t-ld <distance-lambda, default 147 bp.> \n" + "\t-mind <min distance, default 130 bp.> \n" + "\t-maxd <max distance, default 180 bp.> \n" + /* "\t-useemp <toggle use of data-driven distance distribution, or poisson\n" + "\t around distance-lambda. default off.>\n" + */ "\t-v <verbose level 0-3. default 2>"; bool fail = false; string failmessage = ""; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-iF") == 0) infF.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-iR") == 0) infR.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-iPath") == 0) infPath.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oPath") == 0) outPath.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oStub") == 0) outStub.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oIter") == 0) outI.assign(argv[++i]); else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oPar") == 0) outP.assign(argv[++i]); /* else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oCorr") == 0) outCorr.assign(argv[++i]); */ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-oCnt") == 0) outCnt.assign(argv[++i]); /* else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-useemp") == 0) useemp = true; */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-v") == 0) verbose = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-seed") == 0) seed = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-trunc") == 0) truncLimit = atof(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-size") == 0) sampleSize = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-burnin") == 0) burnins = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-iter") == 0) iterations = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ld") == 0) lambdaD = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-mind") == 0) minD = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-maxd") == 0) maxD = atoi(argv[++i]); else { failmessage.assign("Unknown argument: "); failmessage.append(argv[i]); failmessage.append("\n"); fail = true; } } if (truncLimit <= 0 || truncLimit > 1) { failmessage.append("-trunc value does not make sense.\n"); fail = true; } bool infPathSpec = false; if (strcmp(infPath.c_str(), "") != 0) { infPathSpec = true; DIR *d = opendir(infPath.c_str()); if(d) { closedir(d); } else { failmessage.append("-iPath does not exist.\n"); fail = true; } } if (strcmp(infF.c_str(), "") == 0) { if (!infPathSpec) { failmessage.append("-iF or -iPath must be specified.\n"); fail = true; } } if (strcmp(infR.c_str(), "") == 0) { if (!infPathSpec) { failmessage.append("-iR or -iPath must be specified.\n"); fail = true; } } if (strcmp(outI.c_str(), "") == 0) { failmessage.append("invalid -oIter.\n"); fail = true; } if (strcmp(outP.c_str(), "") == 0) { failmessage.append("invalid -oPar.\n"); fail = true; } if (strcmp(outCorr.c_str(), "") == 0) { failmessage.append("invalid -oCorr.\n"); fail = true; } if (strcmp(outCnt.c_str(), "") == 0) { failmessage.append("invalid -oCnt.\n"); fail = true; } if (strcmp(outPath.c_str(), "") != 0) { DIR* d = opendir(outPath.c_str()); if(d) { closedir(d); } else { failmessage.append("-oPath does not exist.\n"); fail = true; } } int infFCnt = 1; if (infPathSpec) { infFCnt = countFiles(infPath); if (infFCnt < 1) { failmessage.append("ERROR: infile path \""); failmessage.append(infPath.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" does not contain a positive number of F and R binary files, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } } if (fail) { cerr << endl << failmessage.c_str() << endl << errorLine << endl; return(-1); } if(strcmp(outStub.c_str(),"") != 0) { outI = outStub + "_" + outI; outP = outStub + "_" + outP; outCorr = outStub + "_" + outCorr; outCnt = outStub + "_" + outCnt; } if(strcmp(outPath.c_str(),"") != 0) { outI = outPath + outI; outP = outPath + outP; outCorr = outPath + outCorr; outCnt = outPath + outCnt; } if (seed < -1) seed = -1; ifstream iff[infFCnt]; ifstream ifr[infFCnt]; string fileNames[infFCnt]; if (infPathSpec) { if (openFiles(infPath, iff, ifr, fileNames) != infFCnt) { failmessage.append("ERROR: all files in \""); failmessage.append(infPath.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be opened, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } } else { iff[0].open(infF.c_str(),ios::binary); ifr[0].open(infR.c_str(),ios::binary); if (iff[0].fail()) { failmessage.append("ERROR: Forward reads binary file \""); failmessage.append(infF.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be opened, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } if (ifr[0].fail()) { failmessage.append("ERROR: Reverse reads binary file \""); failmessage.append(infR.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be opened, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } } /*,ios::binary); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Forward reads binary file \""); failmessage.append(infF.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be opened, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } ifstream ifr;,ios::binary); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Reverse reads binary file \""); failmessage.append(infR.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be opened, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } */ ofstream ofi;,ios::trunc); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Output file \""); failmessage.append(outI.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be created, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } ofstream ofc;,ios::trunc); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Output file \""); failmessage.append(outCorr.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be created, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } ofstream ofcnt;,ios::trunc); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Output file \""); failmessage.append(outCnt.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be created, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } ofstream ofp; int truncValF,truncValR; int estMinD = minD, estMaxD = maxD, estLambdaD = lambdaD; double* distDens; vector<string> distDensV;,ios::trunc); if ( { failmessage.append("ERROR: Paramater file \""); failmessage.append(outP.c_str()); failmessage.append("\" could not be created, aborting.\n"); fail = true; } if (fail) { cerr << endl << failmessage.c_str() << endl << errorLine << endl; return(-1); } ofi << "! Command:"; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) ofi << " " << argv[i]; ofi << endl; vlevel = verbose; /* * Check file lengths */ int minPos[infFCnt], maxPos[infFCnt], minF[infFCnt], maxF[infFCnt], minR[infFCnt], maxR[infFCnt]; checkFileLengths(iff, ifr, minPos, maxPos, minR, minF, maxF, maxR, infFCnt); /* * Estimate parameters */ ofp << "! Command:"; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) ofp << " " << argv[i]; ofp << endl; vcerr(1) << "*** Identifying truncation limits and data distributions ***" << endl; calculateTruncVal(iff,ifr,&ofcnt, &truncValF, &truncValR, truncLimit, minPos, maxPos, minR, minF, maxF, maxR, infFCnt); ofcnt.close(); distDens = new double[maxD-minD+1]; if (infFCnt == 1) { estimateDistance(&iff[0],&ifr[0],&ofc, &estMinD, &estMaxD, &estLambdaD, minD, maxD, minPos[0], maxPos[0], minR[0], minF[0], maxF[0], maxR[0], truncValF, truncValR,distDens,0.3); ofc.close(); } /* if (useemp) { vcerr(2) << "\t* Estimating forward-reverse distance" << endl; estimateDistance(&iff,&ifr,&ofc, &estMinD, &estMaxD, &estLambdaD, minD, maxD, minPos, maxPos, minR, minF, maxF, maxR, truncValF, truncValR,distDens,0.3); ofc.close(); } else { */ for (int dist = minD; dist <= maxD; dist++) distDens[dist-minD] = gsl_ran_poisson_pdf(dist, lambdaD); /* } */ vcerr(1) << "*** Parameter estimation ***" << endl; if (estimateParameters(iff,ifr,&ofi, estMinD,estMaxD,estLambdaD, pF, pR, lambdaF, lambdaR, sampleSize,burnins,iterations, seed, minPos, maxPos, minR, minF, maxF, maxR, truncValF, truncValR, infFCnt) < 0) { cerr << "ERROR: estimateParameters failed, aborting." << endl; for (int i=0; i<infFCnt; i++) { iff[i].close(); ifr[i].close(); } ofi.close(); ofp.close(); delete[] distDens; return(-1); } else { if (writeParameters(&ofp, pF, pR, lambdaF, lambdaR, lambdaD, truncValF, truncValR, minD, maxD, estLambdaD, estMinD, estMaxD, distDens) < 0) { cerr << "WARNING: could not write parameters to file, skipping." << endl; } } ofi.close(); ofp.close(); for (int i=0; i<infFCnt; i++) { iff[i].close(); ifr[i].close(); } delete[] distDens; vcerr(3) << setprecision(3); vcerr(3) << endl << "\t\tParameter estimates:" << endl; vcerr(3) << "\t\tpF: S = " << pF[0] << " NotS = " << pF[1] << endl; vcerr(3) << "\t\tpR: E = " << pR[0] << " NotE = " << pR[1] << endl; vcerr(3) << "\t\tlambdaF: S = " << lambdaF[0] << " NotS = " << lambdaF[1] << endl; vcerr(3) << "\t\tlambdaR: E = " << lambdaR[0] << " NotE = " << lambdaR[1] << endl; vcerr(3) << "\t\testMinD: = " << estMinD << " estMaxd = " << estMaxD << endl; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { help(); } if (argc < 4) { usage(); exit(1); } const char *type = argv[1]; const char *dirname = argv[2]; const char *out = argv[3]; uint8_t g_type; if (!strcmp(type, "--grim")) { g_type = GT_GRIM; } else if (!strcmp(type, "--emi")) { g_type = GT_EMI; } else { usage(); exit(1); } DIR *dir = opendir(dirname); if (dir == 0) { printf("Can not open source dir: %s\n", dirname); exit(2); } lab_header head; head.num_entries = 0; head.string_table_size = 0; countFiles(&head, dir, dirname, 0); // printf("%d files, string table of size %d\n", head.num_entries, head.string_table_size); lab_entry *entries = (lab_entry *)malloc(head.num_entries * sizeof(lab_entry)); char *str_table = (char *)malloc(head.string_table_size); if (!str_table || !entries) { printf("Could not allocate memory\n"); exit(3); } rewinddir(dir); uint32_t offset = 16 + head.num_entries * sizeof(lab_entry) + head.string_table_size + 16; createEntries(dir, entries, str_table, dirname, offset); closedir(dir); // Open the output file after we've finished with the dir, so that we're sure // we don't include the lab into itself if it was asked to be created into the same dir. FILE *outfile = fopen(out, "wb"); if (!outfile) { printf("Could not open file %s for writing\n", out); exit(2); } fwrite("LABN", 1, 4, outfile); fwrite("\x00\x00\x01\x00", 1, 4, outfile); //version writeUint32(outfile, head.num_entries); writeUint32(outfile, head.string_table_size); if (g_type == GT_GRIM) { uint32_t s_offset = 0; // First entry of the table has offset 0 for Grim fwrite(&s_offset, 1, 4, outfile); fseek(outfile, -4, SEEK_CUR); } else { // EMI has an offset instead. writeUint32(outfile, 20 + head.num_entries * sizeof(lab_entry) + 0x13d0f); } fwrite(entries, 1, head.num_entries * sizeof(lab_entry), outfile); if (g_type == GT_GRIM) { fwrite(str_table, 1, head.string_table_size, outfile); } else { char *s = (char *)malloc(head.string_table_size); memset(s, 0, head.string_table_size); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < head.string_table_size; j++) { if (str_table[j] != 0) s[j] = str_table[j] ^ 0x96; } fwrite(s, 1, head.string_table_size, outfile); free(s); } uint32_t bufsize = 1024*1024; char *buf = (char *)malloc(bufsize); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < head.num_entries; ++i) { lab_entry &entry = entries[i]; const char *fname = str_table + READ_LE_UINT32(&entry.fname_offset); char *path = appendPath(fname, dirname); FILE *file = fopen(path, "rb"); free(path); uint32_t offset = READ_LE_UINT32(&entry.start); uint32_t size = READ_LE_UINT32(&entry.size); if (size > bufsize) { char *newbuf = (char *)realloc(buf, size); if (!newbuf) { free(buf); printf("Could not allocate memory\n"); exit(3); } bufsize = size; buf = newbuf; } // printf("writing file %s, at offset %d and of size %d\n", fname, offset, size); fread(buf, 1, size, file); fseek(outfile, offset, SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf, 1, size, outfile); fclose(file); } fclose(outfile); free(buf); free(entries); free(str_table); return 0; }
bool countDir( const QString& dir ) { const QString& dot = KGlobal::staticQString( "." ); const QString& dotdot = KGlobal::staticQString( ".." ); QStringList l = QDir(dir).entryList( QDir::All|QDir::Hidden|QDir::System ); l.remove( dot ); l.remove( dotdot ); return countFiles( l, dir ); }