int parse_negative_option(char *opt, struct option_data *data) { size_t i; const char *name = strprefix(opt, negative_prefix); if (!name) return 0; for (i = 0; i < count_of(categories_info); i++) { struct extension_category_info *category = &categories_info[i]; if (strcmp(name, category->option_name)==0) { data->extensions &= ~(category->flags); return 1; } } for (i = 0; i < count_of(extensions_info); i++) { struct extension_info *extension = &extensions_info[i]; if (strcmp(name, extension->option_name)==0) { data->extensions &= ~(extension->flag); return 1; } } for (i = 0; i < count_of(html_flags_info); i++) { struct html_flag_info *html_flag = &html_flags_info[i]; if (strcmp(name, html_flag->option_name)==0) { data->html_flags &= ~(html_flag->flag); return 1; } } return 0; }
static void ChangeQuote(char **args) { if (args != 0) { new_quote(&leftquote, count_of(args) > 0 ? args[0] : L_QUOTE); new_quote(&rightquote, count_of(args) > 1 ? args[1] : R_QUOTE); } }
static void ChangeComment(char **args) { if (args != 0) { new_quote(&leftcmt, count_of(args) > 0 ? args[0] : L_CMT); new_quote(&rightcmt, count_of(args) > 1 ? args[1] : R_CMT); } }
void print_help(const char *basename) { size_t i; size_t e; /* usage */ printf("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]\n\n", basename); /* description */ printf("Process the Markdown in FILE (or standard input) and render it to standard output, using the Hoedown library. " "Parsing and rendering can be customized through the options below. The default is to parse pure markdown and output HTML.\n\n"); /* main options */ printf("Main options:\n"); print_option('n', "max-nesting=N", "Maximum level of block nesting parsed. Default is " str(DEF_MAX_NESTING) "."); print_option('t', "toc-level=N", "Maximum level for headers included in the TOC. Zero disables TOC (the default)."); print_option( 0, "html", "Render (X)HTML. The default."); print_option( 0, "html-toc", "Render the Table of Contents in (X)HTML."); print_option('T', "time", "Show time spent in rendering."); print_option('i', "input-unit=N", "Reading block size. Default is " str(DEF_IUNIT) "."); print_option('o', "output-unit=N", "Writing block size. Default is " str(DEF_OUNIT) "."); print_option('h', "help", "Print this help text."); print_option('v', "version", "Print Hoedown version."); printf("\n"); /* extensions */ for (i = 0; i < count_of(categories_info); i++) { struct extension_category_info *category = categories_info+i; printf("%s (--%s%s):\n", category->label, category_prefix, category->option_name); for (e = 0; e < count_of(extensions_info); e++) { struct extension_info *extension = extensions_info+e; if (extension->flag & category->flags) { print_option( 0, extension->option_name, extension->description); } } printf("\n"); } /* html-specific */ printf("HTML-specific options:\n"); for (i = 0; i < count_of(html_flags_info); i++) { struct html_flag_info *html_flag = html_flags_info+i; print_option( 0, html_flag->option_name, html_flag->description); } printf("\n"); /* ending */ printf("Flags and extensions can be negated by prepending 'no' to them, as in '--no-tables', '--no-span' or '--no-escape'. " "Options are processed in order, so in case of contradictory options the last specified stands.\n\n"); printf("When FILE is '-', read standard input. If no FILE was given, read standard input. Use '--' to signal end of option parsing. " "Exit status is 0 if no errors occurred, 1 with option parsing errors, 4 with memory allocation errors or 5 with I/O errors.\n\n"); }
/* Run some simple test cases */ int main () { llnodep lstA = EMPTY_LIST, lstB = EMPTY_LIST; // Build a simple list with push push(&lstA, 2); push(&lstA, 3); push(&lstA, 1); push(&lstA, 5); // Check out print_list print_list(lstA); print_list(lstB); // Check the length implementation printf("Length: %d\n", length(lstA)); printf("Length: %d\n", length(lstB)); // Try adding to and building a list with append append(&lstA, 9); append(&lstA, 3); append(&lstB, 20); append(&lstB, 30); append(&lstB, 40); append(&lstB, 50); print_list(lstA); print_list(lstB); // Check count_of printf("Count of 3: %d\n", count_of(lstA, 3)); printf("Count of 0: %d\n", count_of(lstA, 0)); printf("Count of 20: %d\n", count_of(lstB, 20)); printf("Count of 50: %d\n", count_of(lstB, 50)); // Try freeing up a list freelist(&lstA); printf("Length: %d\n", length(lstA)); // Try popping off a few values printf("Popped: %d\n", pop(&lstB)); printf("Popped: %d\n", pop(&lstB)); printf("Popped: %d\n", pop(&lstB)); // Check out reverse push(&lstA, -4); push(&lstA, 8); push(&lstA, 1); push(&lstA, 9); reverse(&lstA); print_list(lstA); // And finally, sort sort(&lstA); sort(&lstB); print_list(lstA); print_list(lstB); return 0; }
string string_() { check(!is_empty()); check(get()<count_of(literal_map)); return literal_map[get()]; }
static char* classify_adr_init(void) { unsigned i; if (!adr_classes[0].init) adr_classes[0].init = malloc(1); for (i = 0; i < count_of(adr_classes); ++i) classify_adr_init_1(&adr_classes[i]); }
static const char* classify_adr(void* a) { unsigned i; classify_adr_init(); for (i = 0; i < count_of(adr_classes); ++i) if (classify_adr_1(a, &adr_classes[i])) return adr_classes[i].name; return ""; }
/* * ESC * b # M * * Set compresson method. * * This command is unique among PCL commands in that it is interpreted both * inside and outside of graphics mode, and its execution neither starts nor * ends graphic mode. * * It is not possible to use adaptive compression (mode 5) with mutliple plane * pixel encodings, but it is not possible to check for a conflict at this * point as the pixel encoding may be changed before any raster data is * transfered. Hence, the transfer raster data command must perform the required * check. */ static int set_compression_method( pcl_args_t * pargs, pcl_state_t * pcs ) { uint mode = uint_arg(pargs); if ( (mode < count_of(pcl_decomp_proc)) && ((pcl_decomp_proc[mode] != 0) || (mode == (uint)ADAPTIVE_COMPRESS)) ) pcs->raster_state.compression_mode = mode; return 0; }
int parse_flag_option(char *opt, struct option_data *data) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count_of(extensions_info); i++) { struct extension_info *extension = &extensions_info[i]; if (strcmp(opt, extension->option_name)==0) { data->extensions |= extension->flag; return 1; } } for (i = 0; i < count_of(html_flags_info); i++) { struct html_flag_info *html_flag = &html_flags_info[i]; if (strcmp(opt, html_flag->option_name)==0) { data->html_flags |= html_flag->flag; return 1; } } return 0; }
int init_grid() { grid_width_multiple = (float)GRID_MAX_WIDTH / (float)MAX_WIDTH; grid_height_multiple = (float)GRID_MAX_HEIGHT / (float)MAX_HEIGHT; printf("Grid scale: %f x %f\n", grid_width_multiple, grid_height_multiple); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count_of(grid); ++i) { grid[i] = (char*)malloc((size_t)(sizeof(char) * (3+GRID_MAX_WIDTH))); memset(grid[i], ' ', sizeof(char) * (2+GRID_MAX_WIDTH)); grid[i][GRID_MAX_WIDTH] = 0; } }
int parse_category_option(char *opt, struct option_data *data) { size_t i; const char *name = strprefix(opt, category_prefix); if (!name) return 0; for (i = 0; i < count_of(categories_info); i++) { struct extension_category_info *category = &categories_info[i]; if (strcmp(name, category->option_name)==0) { data->extensions |= category->flags; return 1; } } return 0; }
int clear_grid() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count_of(grid); ++i) { memset(grid[i], ' ', GRID_MAX_WIDTH * sizeof(char)); //grid[i][GRID_MAX_WIDTH] = 0; } // Put a ruler across the middle memset(grid[GRID_MAX_HEIGHT/2], '-', GRID_MAX_WIDTH * sizeof(char)); // Show the width and a vertical ruler across the middle for (i = 0; i < GRID_MAX_HEIGHT; ++i) { grid[i][GRID_MAX_WIDTH/2] = '|'; grid[i][GRID_MAX_WIDTH] = '|'; } }
/* * Check if we want to use the PANTONE color processing logic for the given * Separation color space. */ static bool client_pantone_install_Separation(client_custom_color_params_t * pparam, gs_color_space * pcs, gs_state * pgs) { const gs_separation_name name = pcs->params.separation.sep_name; int pan_index; byte * pname; uint name_size; gx_device * dev = pgs->device; int num_pantone_colors = count_of(pantone_list); bool use_custom_color_callback = false; /* Exit if we have already installed this color space. */ if (pcs->pclient_color_space_data != NULL) return true; /* * Get the character string and length for the component name. */ pcs->params.separation.get_colorname_string(dev->memory, name, &pname, &name_size); /* * Compare the colorant name to those in our PANTONE color list. */ for (pan_index = 0; pan_index < num_pantone_colors ; pan_index++) { const char * pan_name = pantone_list[pan_index].name; if (compare_names(pname, name_size, pan_name, strlen(pan_name))) { use_custom_color_callback = true; break; } } if (use_custom_color_callback) { demo_color_space_data_t * pclient_data = allocate_client_data_block(1, pcs->rc.memory->stable_memory); if (pclient_data == NULL) return false; pclient_data->color_index[0] = pan_index; pcs->pclient_color_space_data = (client_color_space_data_t *) pclient_data; } return use_custom_color_callback; }
bool WordFilterManager::doFilter(char* text, unsigned int len) { zRegex regex; bool ret = true; char copy[MAX_CHATINFO+1]; bzero(copy, sizeof(copy)); strncpy(copy, text, MAX_CHATINFO); for(DWORD i=0; i<strlen(copy) && i<(count_of(copy)-1); i++) { copy[i] = tolower(copy[i]); } std::string content(text); std::string content_copy(copy); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it=forbidMaps.begin(); for(; it!= forbidMaps.end(); ++it) { pos = content_copy.find(it->first.c_str(), 0); while(pos != std::string::npos) { BYTE val = 0; if(pos) { val = content_copy.c_str()[pos-1]; //是否是汉子后面的一半 } if(val >= 0x80) { pos = content_copy.find(it->first.c_str(), pos+1); } else { content.replace(pos, it->first.length(), it->second.c_str()); content_copy.replace(pos, it->first.length(), it->second.c_str()); pos = content_copy.find(it->first.c_str(), pos+it->first.length()); ret = false; } } } strncpy(text, content.c_str(), len); return ret; }
bool WordFilterManager::loadFile() { std::string f = Zebra::global["forbidWords"]; if("" == f) f = "Config/forbidWords.txt"; std::ifstream src(f.c_str()); if(!src) { Zebra::logger->error("[forbidWords]打开屏蔽词文件失败"); return false; } char buf[256]; bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); std::vector<std::string> vs; std::vector<std::string>::iterator word, replacer; while(src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf))) { vs.clear(); Zebra::stringtok(vs, buf, "\t\r"); if(vs.size() == 3) { replacer = vs.begin(); replacer++; word = replacer++; bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); word->copy(buf, word->length(), 0); for(DWORD i=0; i<word->length() && i<(count_of(buf)-1); i++) { buf[i] = tolower(buf[i]); } word->assign(buf); forbidMaps[*word] = *replacer; } } Zebra::logger->debug("[forbidWords]加载屏蔽词 %u 个",forbidMaps.size()); return true; }
/* Serialize. */ int fn_common_serialize(const gs_function_t * pfn, stream *s) { uint n; const gs_function_params_t * p = &pfn->params; int code = sputs(s, (const byte *)&pfn->head.type, sizeof(pfn->head.type), &n); const float dummy[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, (const byte *)&p->m, sizeof(p->m), &n); if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, (const byte *)&p->Domain[0], sizeof(p->Domain[0]) * p->m * 2, &n); if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, (const byte *)&p->n, sizeof(p->n), &n); if (code < 0) return code; if (p->Range == NULL && p->n * 2 > count_of(dummy)) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); /* Unimplemented. */ return sputs(s, (const byte *)(p->Range != NULL ? &p->Range[0] : dummy), sizeof(p->Range[0]) * p->n * 2, &n); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int blob_count = 0, i = 0; int main_channel = 2; /* red - botguy */ double time_of_snapshot = 0.0; double start = 0.0; printf("args: %d\n", argc); if (argc > 1) { if (argv[1][0] == '0') main_channel = 0; else if (argv[1][0] == '1') main_channel = 1; else if (argv[1][0] == '2') main_channel = 2; else if (argv[1][0] == '3') main_channel = 3; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("arg[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]); } printf("\n"); int area[NUM_TRACKING]; point2 center[NUM_TRACKING]; rectangle blob[NUM_TRACKING]; //int area1 = 0, areaX = 0; //point2 center; init_grid(); //wait_for_light(0); camera_open(); printf("Num channels: %d", get_channel_count()); camera_update(); time_of_snapshot = seconds(); msleep(300); start = seconds(); do { // Initialize memset(center, 0, sizeof(center)); memset(area, 0, sizeof(area)); clear_grid(); // Begin // Do not do anything with the camera until enough time has passed if (seconds() - time_of_snapshot >= 0.1) { camera_update(); time_of_snapshot = seconds(); blob_count = get_object_count(main_channel); //sprintf(msg, "#:%2d", blob_count); diag(); printf("#:%-2d ", blob_count); if (blob_count > count_of(area)) { blob_count = count_of(area); } if (blob_count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < blob_count; ++i) { area[i] = get_object_area(main_channel, i); center[i] = get_object_center(main_channel, i); blob[i] = get_object_bbox(main_channel, i); plot(&blob[i], i + '0'); } for (i = 0; i < blob_count; ++i) { printf(" %3d", blob[i].width * blob[i].height); } for (; i < count_of(blob); ++i) { printf(" "); } printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < blob_count; ++i) { printf(" %2dx%2d", blob[i].width, blob[i].height); } //show_xy(center[0].x, center[0].y); } //printf(" |%3d %4d <-> %4d %3d| %s\n", delta_left, left, right, delta_right, message); printf("%s\n", message); message[0] = 0; diag(); show_grid(); } //printf("The time is: %f %f\n", seconds(), seconds() - start); } while (seconds() - start <= 4.0); camera_close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int show_time = 0; //struct timespec start, end; /* buffers */ hoedown_buffer *ib, *ob; size_t iunit = DEF_IUNIT, ounit = DEF_OUNIT; /* files */ FILE *in = NULL; /* renderer */ int toc_level = 0; int renderer_type = RENDERER_HTML; /* document */ hoedown_document *document; unsigned int extensions = 0; size_t max_nesting = DEF_MAX_NESTING; /* HTML renderer-specific */ unsigned int html_flags = 0; /* option parsing */ int just_args = 0; int i, j; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (!arg[0]) continue; if (just_args || arg[0] != '-') { /* regular argument */ in = fopen(arg, "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file \"%s\": %s\n", arg, strerror(errno)); return 5; } continue; } if (!arg[1]) { /* arg is "-" */ in = stdin; continue; } if (arg[1] != '-') { /* parse short options */ char opt; const char *val; for (j = 1; (opt = arg[j]); j++) { if (opt == 'h') { print_help(argv[0]); return 1; } if (opt == 'v') { print_version(); return 1; } if (opt == 'T') { show_time = 1; continue; } /* options requiring value */ if (arg[++j]) val = arg+j; else if (argv[++i]) val = argv[i]; else { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong option '-%c' found.\n", opt); return 1; } long int num; int isNum = parseint(val, &num); if (opt == 'n' && isNum) { max_nesting = num; break; } if (opt == 't' && isNum) { toc_level = num; break; } if (opt == 'i' && isNum) { iunit = num; break; } if (opt == 'o' && isNum) { ounit = num; break; } fprintf(stderr, "Wrong option '-%c' found.\n", opt); return 1; } continue; } if (!arg[2]) { /* arg is "--" */ just_args = 1; continue; } /* parse long option */ char opt [100]; strncpy(opt, arg+2, 100); opt[99] = 0; char *val = strchr(opt, '='); long int num = 0; int isNum = 0; if (val) { *val = 0; val++; if (*val) isNum = parseint(val, &num); } int opt_parsed = 0; if (strcmp(opt, "help")==0) { print_help(argv[0]); return 1; } if (strcmp(opt, "version")==0) { print_version(); return 1; } if (strcmp(opt, "max-nesting")==0 && isNum) { opt_parsed = 1; max_nesting = num; } if (strcmp(opt, "toc-level")==0 && isNum) { opt_parsed = 1; toc_level = num; } if (strcmp(opt, "input-unit")==0 && isNum) { opt_parsed = 1; iunit = num; } if (strcmp(opt, "output-unit")==0 && isNum) { opt_parsed = 1; ounit = num; } if (strcmp(opt, "html")==0) { opt_parsed = 1; renderer_type = RENDERER_HTML; } if (strcmp(opt, "html-toc")==0) { opt_parsed = 1; renderer_type = RENDERER_HTML_TOC; } if (strcmp(opt, "null")==0) { opt_parsed = 1; renderer_type = RENDERER_NULL; } const char *name; size_t i; /* extension categories */ if ((name = strprefix(opt, category_prefix))) { for (i = 0; i < count_of(categories_info); i++) { struct extension_category_info *category = categories_info+i; if (strcmp(name, category->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; extensions |= category->flags; break; } } } /* extensions */ for (i = 0; i < count_of(extensions_info); i++) { struct extension_info *extension = extensions_info+i; if (strcmp(opt, extension->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; extensions |= extension->flag; break; } } /* html flags */ for (i = 0; i < count_of(html_flags_info); i++) { struct html_flag_info *html_flag = html_flags_info+i; if (strcmp(opt, html_flag->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; html_flags |= html_flag->flag; break; } } /* negations */ if ((name = strprefix(opt, negative_prefix))) { for (i = 0; i < count_of(categories_info); i++) { struct extension_category_info *category = categories_info+i; if (strcmp(name, category->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; extensions &= ~(category->flags); break; } } for (i = 0; i < count_of(extensions_info); i++) { struct extension_info *extension = extensions_info+i; if (strcmp(name, extension->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; extensions &= ~(extension->flag); break; } } for (i = 0; i < count_of(html_flags_info); i++) { struct html_flag_info *html_flag = html_flags_info+i; if (strcmp(name, html_flag->option_name)==0) { opt_parsed = 1; html_flags &= ~(html_flag->flag); break; } } } if (strcmp(opt, "time")==0) { opt_parsed = 1; show_time = 1; } if (!opt_parsed) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong option '%s' found.\n", arg); return 1; } } if (!in) in = stdin; /* reading everything */ ib = hoedown_buffer_new(iunit); while (!feof(in)) { if (ferror(in)) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O errors found while reading input.\n"); return 5; } hoedown_buffer_grow(ib, ib->size + iunit); ib->size += fread(ib->data + ib->size, 1, iunit, in); } if (in != stdin) fclose(in); /* creating the renderer */ hoedown_renderer *renderer = NULL; void (*renderer_free)(hoedown_renderer*) = NULL; switch (renderer_type) { case RENDERER_HTML: renderer = hoedown_html_renderer_new(html_flags, toc_level); renderer_free = hoedown_html_renderer_free; break; case RENDERER_HTML_TOC: renderer = hoedown_html_toc_renderer_new(toc_level); renderer_free = hoedown_html_renderer_free; break; case RENDERER_NULL: renderer = null_renderer_new(); renderer_free = null_renderer_free; break; }; /* performing markdown rendering */ ob = hoedown_buffer_new(ounit); document = hoedown_document_new(renderer, extensions, max_nesting); //clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); hoedown_document_render(document, ob, ib->data, ib->size); //clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); /* writing the result to stdout */ (void)fwrite(ob->data, 1, ob->size, stdout); /* showing rendering time */ if (show_time) { //TODO: enable this //long long elapsed = ( end.tv_sec*1000000000 + end.tv_nsec) // - (start.tv_sec*1000000000 + start.tv_nsec); //if (elapsed < 1000000000) // fprintf(stderr, "Time spent on rendering: %.2f ms.\n", ((double)elapsed)/1000000); //else // fprintf(stderr, "Time spent on rendering: %.3f s.\n", ((double)elapsed)/1000000000); } /* cleanup */ hoedown_buffer_free(ib); hoedown_buffer_free(ob); hoedown_document_free(document); renderer_free(renderer); if (ferror(stdout)) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O errors found while writing output.\n"); return 5; } return 0; }
/* * Check if we want to use the PANTONE color processing logic for the given * DeviceN color space. */ static bool client_pantone_install_DeviceN(client_custom_color_params_t * pparam, gs_color_space * pcs, gs_state * pgs) { const gs_separation_name *names = pcs->params.device_n.names; int num_comp = pcs->params.device_n.num_components; int i; int pan_index; byte * pname; uint name_size; gx_device * dev = pgs->device; int num_pantone_colors = count_of(pantone_list); bool pantone_found = false; bool other_separation_found = false; bool use_pantone; const char none_str[] = "None"; const uint none_size = strlen(none_str); const char cyan_str[] = "Cyan"; const uint cyan_size = strlen(cyan_str); const char magenta_str[] = "Magenta"; const uint magenta_size = strlen(magenta_str); const char yellow_str[] = "Yellow"; const uint yellow_size = strlen(yellow_str); const char black_str[] = "Black"; const uint black_size = strlen(black_str); int pantone_color_index[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; /* Exit if we have already installed this color space. */ if (pcs->pclient_color_space_data != NULL) return true; /* * Now check the names of the color components. */ for(i = 0; i < num_comp; i++ ) { bool match = false; /* * Get the character string and length for the component name. */ pcs->params.device_n.get_colorname_string(dev->memory, names[i], &pname, &name_size); /* * Postscript does not include /None as a color component but it is * allowed in PDF so we accept it. We simply skip components named * 'None'. */ if (compare_names(none_str, none_size, pname, name_size)) { pantone_color_index[i] = PANTONE_NONE; continue; } /* * Check if our color space includes the CMYK process colors. */ if (compare_names(cyan_str, cyan_size, pname, name_size)) { pantone_color_index[i] = PANTONE_CYAN; continue; } if (compare_names(magenta_str, magenta_size, pname, name_size)) { pantone_color_index[i] = PANTONE_MAGENTA; continue; } if (compare_names(yellow_str, yellow_size, pname, name_size)) { pantone_color_index[i] = PANTONE_YELLOW; continue; } if (compare_names(black_str, black_size, pname, name_size)) { pantone_color_index[i] = PANTONE_BLACK; continue; } /* * Compare the colorant name to those in our Pantone color list. */ for (pan_index = 0; pan_index < num_pantone_colors ; pan_index++) { const char * pan_name = pantone_list[pan_index].name; if (compare_names(pname, name_size, pan_name, strlen(pan_name))) { pantone_color_index[i] = pan_index; match = pantone_found = true; break; } } if (!match) { /* Exit if we find a non Pantone color */ other_separation_found = true; break; } } /* * Handle this color space as a 'pantone color space' if we have only * PANTONE colors and CMYK. Any other separations will force us to * use the normal Ghostscript processing for a DeviceN color space. */ use_pantone = pantone_found && !other_separation_found; if (use_pantone) { demo_color_space_data_t * pclient_data = allocate_client_data_block(1, pcs->rc.memory->stable_memory); if (pclient_data == NULL) return false; for(i = 0; i < num_comp; i++ ) pclient_data->color_index[i] = pantone_color_index[i]; pcs->pclient_color_space_data = (client_color_space_data_t *) pclient_data; } return use_pantone; }
/* Do per-instance interpreter allocation/init. No device is set yet */ static int /* ret 0 ok, else -ve error code */ ps_impl_allocate_interp_instance( pl_interp_instance_t **instance, /* RETURNS instance struct */ pl_interp_t *interp, /* dummy interpreter */ gs_memory_t *mem /* allocator to allocate instance from */ ) { #ifdef DEBUG_WITH_EXPERIMENTAL_GSOPTIONS_FILE # define MAX_ARGS 40 #else # define MAX_ARGS /* unspecified */ #endif int code = 0, exit_code; const char *argv[MAX_ARGS] = { "", "-dNOPAUSE", #ifndef DEBUG "-dQUIET", #else "-dOSTACKPRINT", // NB: debuggging postscript Needs to be removed. "-dESTACKPRINT", // NB: debuggging postscript Needs to be removed. #endif #if UFST_BRIDGE==1 "-dJOBSERVER", "-sUFST_PlugIn=" UFSTFONTDIR "mtfonts/pcl45/mt3/plug__xi.fco", "-sFCOfontfile=" UFSTFONTDIR "mtfonts/pclps2/mt3/pclp2_xj.fco", "-sFCOfontfile2=" UFSTFONTDIR "mtfonts/pcl45/mt3/wd____xh.fco", "-sFAPIfontmap=FCOfontmap-PCLPS2", "-sFAPIconfig=FAPIconfig-FCO", #endif 0 }; #ifndef DEBUG int argc = 9; #else int argc = 10; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_WITH_EXPERIMENTAL_GSOPTIONS_FILE char argbuf[1024]; #endif # undef MAX_ARGS ps_interp_instance_t *psi /****** SHOULD HAVE A STRUCT DESCRIPTOR ******/ = (ps_interp_instance_t *) gs_alloc_bytes( mem, sizeof(ps_interp_instance_t), "ps_allocate_interp_instance(ps_interp_instance_t)" ); #if UFST_BRIDGE!=1 argc -= 6; #endif /* If allocation error, deallocate & return */ if (!psi) { return gs_error_VMerror; } /* Initialize for pl_main_universe_dnit/pl_deallocate_interp_instance in case of gs_main_init_with_args returns with error code. */ psi->pl.interp = interp; /* Setup pointer to mem used by PostScript */ psi->plmemory = mem; psi->minst = gs_main_alloc_instance(mem->non_gc_memory); #ifdef DEBUG_WITH_EXPERIMENTAL_GSOPTIONS_FILE { /* Fetch more GS arguments (debug purposes only). Pulling debugging arguments from a file allows easy additions of postscript arguments to a debug system, it is not recommended for production systems since some options will conflict with commandline arguments in unpleasant ways. */ FILE *f = fopen("gsoptions", "rb"); /* Sorry we handle the current directory only. Assuming it always fails with no crash in a real embedded system. */ if (f != NULL) { int i; int l = fread(argbuf, 1, sizeof(argbuf) - 1, f); if (l >= sizeof(argbuf) - 1) errprintf("The gsoptions file is too big. Truncated to the buffer length %d.\n", l - 1); if (l > 0) { argbuf[l] = 0; if (argbuf[0] && argbuf[0] != '\r' && argbuf[0] != '\n') /* Silently skip empty lines. */ argv[argc++] = argbuf; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (argbuf[i] == '\r' || argbuf[i] == '\n') { argbuf[i] = 0; if (argbuf[i + 1] == 0 || argbuf[i + 1] == '\r' || argbuf[i + 1] == '\n') continue; /* Silently skip empty lines. */ if (argc >= count_of(argv)) { errprintf("The gsoptions file contains too many options. " "Truncated to the buffer length %d.\n", argc); break; } argv[argc++] = argbuf + i + 1; } } fclose(f); } } #endif *instance = (pl_interp_instance_t *)psi; code = gs_main_init_with_args(psi->minst, argc, (char**)argv); if (code<0) return code; /* General init of PS interp instance */ if ((code = gs_main_run_string_begin(psi->minst, 0, &exit_code, &psi->minst->error_object)) < 0) return exit_code; { gs_state *pgs = psi->minst->i_ctx_p->pgs; gsicc_init_iccmanager(pgs); } /* inialize fresh job to false so that we can check for a pdf file next job. */ psi->fresh_job = true; /* default is a postscript stream */ psi->pdf_stream = false; /* Return success */ return 0; }
void CMap::Init() { m_vecBackLine.reserve((GRID_X_NUM + 1) * 2 + (GRID_Y_NUM + 1) * 2); //back line x for (int i = 0; i < GRID_X_NUM + 1; ++i) { Vec2F pt; pt.x = i * GRID_WIDTH; pt.y = 0; m_vecBackLine.push_back(pt); pt.x = i * GRID_WIDTH; pt.y = GRID_Y_NUM * GRID_HEIGHT; m_vecBackLine.push_back(pt); } //back line y for (int i = 0; i < GRID_Y_NUM + 1; ++i) { Vec2F pt; pt.x = 0; pt.y = i * GRID_HEIGHT; m_vecBackLine.push_back(pt); pt.x = GRID_X_NUM * GRID_WIDTH; pt.y = i * GRID_HEIGHT ; m_vecBackLine.push_back(pt); } m_vecGrid.reserve(GRID_X_NUM * GRID_Y_NUM); m_vecRect.reserve(GRID_X_NUM * GRID_Y_NUM); // grid for (int i = 0; i < GRID_X_NUM; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < GRID_Y_NUM; ++j) { stGrid grid;, j); grid.bBlock = false; m_vecGrid.push_back(grid); RectF rect; rect.SetRect(i * GRID_WIDTH, j * GRID_HEIGHT, (i + 1) * GRID_WIDTH, (j + 1) * GRID_HEIGHT); m_vecRect.push_back(rect); } } // block grid m_vecBlock.reserve(BLOCK_NUM); // BLOCK_NUM 个随机数,范围 num = [1 - GRID_X_NUM * GRID_Y_NUM) // 输出到坐标:row = num / GRID_X_NUM, col = num % GRID_X_NUM int grid_num[GRID_X_NUM * GRID_Y_NUM]; int size = count_of(grid_num); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { grid_num[i] = i; } // 打乱前BLOCK_NUM数 for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_NUM; ++i) { int index = random<int>(i, size - 1); rd_swap(grid_num[i], grid_num[index]); int num = grid_num[i]; int row = num / GRID_X_NUM; int col = num % GRID_X_NUM; m_vecGrid[num].bBlock = true; RectF rect; rect.SetRect(col * GRID_WIDTH, row * GRID_HEIGHT, (col + 1) * GRID_WIDTH, (row + 1) * GRID_HEIGHT); m_vecBlock.push_back(rect); } //随机生成人物的位置,在红色格子上 while (true) { int index = rand() % m_vecGrid.size(); if (! m_vecGrid[index].bBlock) { m_pos = m_vecGrid[index].pt; m_rect.SetRect(m_pos.x * GRID_WIDTH, m_pos.y * GRID_HEIGHT, (m_pos.x + 1) * GRID_WIDTH, (m_pos.y + 1) * GRID_HEIGHT); break; } } m_Astar.SetTileJudge(this); }
namespace antenna { /** * @addtogroup mission_atenna * @{ */ /** * @brief Type definition of the specific deployment step handler. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to deployment process state. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance */ typedef void DeploymentProcedure(const SystemState& state, // AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ); /** * @brief This deployment step performs regular deployment operation. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to the deployment process state object. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. */ static void RegularDeploymentStep(const SystemState& state, // AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ); /** * @brief This deployment step resets current hardware channel. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to the deployment process state object. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. */ static void ResetDriverStep(const SystemState& state, // AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ); /** * @brief This deployment step finalizes antenna deployment process. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to the deployment process state object. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. */ static void FinishDeploymentStep(const SystemState& state, // AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ); /** * @brief Deployment step retry limit. * * This value controls how many times each deployment step will be repeated * in case of errors before process can advance further. */ static constexpr std::uint8_t StepRetryLimit = 3; /** * @brief Hardware operation retry limit. * * This value controls how many times each hardware operation will be issued * in case of errors before declaring it as a failure. */ static constexpr std::uint8_t RetryLimit = 3; /** * @brief Class that describes single deployment step. * * The entire process is driven by the array of steps, each described by the object of this type. */ struct AntennaDeploymentStep final { /** * @brief Pointer to the procedure the performs current step. */ DeploymentProcedure* procedure; /** * @brief Hardware channel that should be used to perform this step. */ AntennaChannel channel; /** * @brief Identifier of the antenna that should be used/affected by this step. */ AntennaId antennaId; /** * @brief Antenna deployment process timeout in seconds. */ uint8_t deploymentTimeout; /** * @brief Flag indicating whether hardware deployment switches should be overriden. */ bool overrideSwitches; }; /** * @brief Default timeout value that should be enough in case there are no problems. */ constexpr std::uint8_t DefaultTimeout = 9; /** * @brief Extended timeout that should take care of the most of the problems. */ constexpr std::uint8_t MediumTimeout = 19; /** * @brief Long timeouts for heating problems. */ constexpr std::uint8_t LongTimeout = 39; /** * @brief Last resort timeout in case everything else fails. */ constexpr std::uint8_t EmergencyTimeout = 59; /** * @brief Array of antenna deployment steps. * * The entire process is composed of steps that are run in sequence from the beginning. Steps themselves are * grouped into series that together form logical variant of the antenna deployment process. * * Following is the list of the deployment stages that are defined in this array: * - Automatic deployment (primary hardware channel) * - Automatic deployment (backup hardware channel) * - Manual deployment (primary hardware channel) * - Manual deployment (backup hardware channel) * - Manual deployment with increased deployment timeout (primary hardware channel) * - Manual deployment with increased deployment timeout (backup hardware channel) * - Manual deployment with overridden deployment switches (primary hardware channel) * - Manual deployment with overridden deployment switches (backup hardware channel) * - Deployment finalization (primary hardware channel) * - Deployment finalization (backup hardware channel) */ static const AntennaDeploymentStep deploymentSteps[] = { {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, DefaultTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, MediumTimeout, false}, {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, LongTimeout, true}, {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {ResetDriverStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA1_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA2_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA3_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {RegularDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA4_ID, EmergencyTimeout, true}, {FinishDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, {FinishDeploymentStep, ANTENNA_BACKUP_CHANNEL, ANTENNA_AUTO_ID, 0, false}, }; /** * @brief Number of steps in the antenna deployment process. */ static constexpr uint8_t DeploymentStepLimit = count_of(deploymentSteps); /** * @brief Number of the first step in the deployment finalization phase. */ static constexpr uint8_t FinalizationStepIndex = count_of(deploymentSteps) - 2; static_assert(DeploymentStepLimit > FinalizationStepIndex, "There should be at least one finalization step"); AntennaMissionState::AntennaMissionState(AntennaDriver& antennaDriver) : _overrideState(false), // _inProgress(false), // _stepNumber(0), // _retryCount(0), // _driver(antennaDriver) { } void AntennaMissionState::Retry(std::uint8_t limit) { if ((this->_retryCount + 1) == limit) { NextStep(); } else { ++this->_retryCount; } } bool AntennaMissionState::IsFinished() const { return this->_stepNumber >= DeploymentStepLimit; } bool AntennaMissionState::IsDeploymentPartFinished() const { return this->_stepNumber >= FinalizationStepIndex; } void AntennaMissionState::Update(const AntennaDeploymentStatus& status) { this->_inProgress = status.IsDeploymentActive[0] | // status.IsDeploymentActive[1] | // status.IsDeploymentActive[2] | // status.IsDeploymentActive[3]; } std::uint8_t AntennaMissionState::StepCount() { return DeploymentStepLimit; } std::uint8_t AntennaMissionState::DeploymentStepCount() { return FinalizationStepIndex; } /** * @brief This procedure is supposed to stop any deployment process that may currently be active on the * passed hardware channel. * * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. * @param[in] channel Hardware channel that should be used for current operation. * @param[in] retryCount Number of step retry attempts in case of errors. * @return True if operation has been successfully completed, false otherwise. */ static bool EndDeployment(AntennaDriver& driver, AntennaChannel channel, std::uint8_t retryCount) { while (retryCount-- > 0) { const OSResult status = driver.FinishDeployment(&driver, channel); if (OS_RESULT_SUCCEEDED(status)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @brief This procedure is supposed to stop any deployment process that may currently be active on the * hardware channel used in the previous step. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to the deployment process state object. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. */ static void StopDeployment(const SystemState& state, AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(state); if (stateDescriptor.StepNumber() == 0) { return; } const AntennaDeploymentStep& step = deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor.StepNumber() - 1]; EndDeployment(driver,, RetryLimit); } /** * @brief This procedure is supposed to start deployment process described by the current step. * * @param[in] state Reference to global satellite state. * @param[in] stateDescriptor Reference to the deployment process state object. * @param[in] driver Reference to current antenna driver instance. */ static void BeginDeployment(const SystemState& state, AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(state); const AntennaDeploymentStep& step = deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor.StepNumber()]; std::uint8_t counter = RetryLimit; while (counter-- > 0) { const OSResult result = driver.DeployAntenna(&driver,, step.antennaId, TimeSpanFromSeconds(step.deploymentTimeout), step.overrideSwitches // ); if (OS_RESULT_SUCCEEDED(result)) { stateDescriptor.NextStep(); return; } } stateDescriptor.Retry(StepRetryLimit); } void RegularDeploymentStep(const SystemState& state, AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ) { StopDeployment(state, stateDescriptor, driver); BeginDeployment(state, stateDescriptor, driver); } void ResetDriverStep(const SystemState& state, AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(state); const AntennaDeploymentStep& step = deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor.StepNumber()]; std::uint8_t counter = RetryLimit; while (counter-- > 0) { const OSResult result = driver.Reset(&driver,; if (OS_RESULT_SUCCEEDED(result)) { stateDescriptor.NextStep(); return; } } stateDescriptor.Retry(StepRetryLimit); } void FinishDeploymentStep(const SystemState& state, AntennaMissionState& stateDescriptor, AntennaDriver& driver // ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(state); const AntennaDeploymentStep& step = deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor.StepNumber()]; if (EndDeployment(driver,, RetryLimit)) { stateDescriptor.NextStep(); } else { stateDescriptor.Retry(StepRetryLimit); } } /** * @brief This procedure is deployment action entry point. * * This procedure runs the antenna deployment process. * @param[in] state Pointer to global satellite state. * @param[in] param Pointer to the deployment condition private context. This pointer should point * at the object of AntennaMissionState type. */ static void AntennaDeploymentAction(const SystemState& state, void* param) { AntennaMissionState* stateDescriptor = (AntennaMissionState*)param; const AntennaDeploymentStep& step = deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor->StepNumber()]; DeploymentProcedure* procedure = step.procedure; procedure(state, *stateDescriptor, stateDescriptor->Driver()); } /** * @brief This procedure checks whether there is currently antenna deployment process in progress. * @param[in] deploymentState Current driver deployment state * @return True if at least one antenna is being deployed, false otherwise. */ static bool AreAllAntennasDeployed(const AntennaDeploymentStatus& deploymentState) { return deploymentState.DeploymentStatus[0] & // deploymentState.DeploymentStatus[1] & // deploymentState.DeploymentStatus[2] & // deploymentState.DeploymentStatus[3]; } /** * @brief Procedure that verifies whether the antenna deployment process should be executed. * @param[in] state Pointer to global satellite state. * @param[in] param Pointer to the deployment condition private context. This pointer should point * at the object of AntennaMissionState type. * * @return True if the deployment action should be performed, false otherwise. */ static bool AntennaDeploymentCondition(const SystemState& state, void* param) { AntennaMissionState* stateDescriptor = (AntennaMissionState*)param; const TimeSpan t = TimeSpanFromMinutes(40); if (TimeSpanLessThan(state.Time, t)) { return false; } if (stateDescriptor->IsDeploymentInProgress()) { return false; } return !stateDescriptor->IsFinished(); } /** * @brief This procedure is antenna deployment update descriptor entry point. * * This procedure updates the global satellite state as well as deployemnt process private state. * @param[in] state Pointer to global satellite state. * @param[in] param Pointer to the deployment condition private context. This pointer should point * at the object of AntennaMissionState type. * @return Operation status. */ static UpdateResult AntennaDeploymentUpdate(SystemState& state, void* param) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(state); AntennaMissionState* stateDescriptor = (AntennaMissionState*)param; if (stateDescriptor->IsFinished()) { return UpdateResult::Ok; } AntennaDeploymentStatus deploymentStatus; AntennaDriver& driver = stateDescriptor->Driver(); const OSResult result = driver.GetDeploymentStatus(&driver, deploymentSteps[stateDescriptor->StepNumber()].channel, &deploymentStatus // ); if (OS_RESULT_FAILED(result)) { return UpdateResult::Failure; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { state.Antenna.DeploymentState[i] = deploymentStatus.DeploymentStatus[i] || state.Antenna.DeploymentState[i]; } stateDescriptor->Update(deploymentStatus); if ( // !stateDescriptor->IsDeploymentPartFinished() && // !stateDescriptor->OverrideState() && // AreAllAntennasDeployed(deploymentStatus) // ) { stateDescriptor->OverrideStep(FinalizationStepIndex); } state.Antenna.Deployed = stateDescriptor->IsFinished(); return UpdateResult::Ok; } AntennaTask::AntennaTask(AntennaDriver& driver) : state(driver) { } ActionDescriptor<SystemState> AntennaTask::BuildAction() { ActionDescriptor<SystemState> descriptor; = "Deploy Antenna Action"; descriptor.param = &this->state; descriptor.condition = AntennaDeploymentCondition; descriptor.actionProc = AntennaDeploymentAction; return descriptor; } UpdateDescriptor<SystemState> AntennaTask::BuildUpdate() { UpdateDescriptor<SystemState> descriptor; = "Deploy Antenna Update"; descriptor.param = &this->state; descriptor.updateProc = AntennaDeploymentUpdate; return descriptor; } /** @}*/ }