void xyline2lab(int npts, float *x, float *y, float *y2, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, const char *ylab2, int id) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ymin2, ymax2; float overy, over = 0.1; /* Determine min and max values to plot and scaling: */ find_min_max_arr(npts, x, &xmin, &xmax); find_min_max_arr(npts, y, &ymin, &ymax); find_min_max_arr(npts, y2, &ymin2, &ymax2); overy = over * (ymax - ymin); ymax += overy; ymin -= overy; overy = over * (ymax2 - ymin2); ymax2 += overy; ymin2 -= overy; /* Choose the font: */ cpgscf(2); /* Setup the plot screen for the first set of y's: */ cpgpage(); cpgvstd(); cpgswin(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0, 0, "BNST", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("B", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, xlab); cpgmtxt("L", 2.6, 0.5, 0.5, ylab); /* Plot the points for the 1st y axis: */ cpgline(npts, x, y); /* Setup the plot screen for the second set of y's: */ cpgvstd(); cpgswin(xmin, xmax, ymin2, ymax2); cpgbox("", 0.0, 0, "CMST", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("R", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, ylab2); /* Plot the points for the 2nd y axis: */ cpgline(npts, x, y2); /* Add ID line if required */ if (id == 1) cpgiden(); }
void plot_spectrum(fcomplex * spect, int numspect, double lor, double dr, double T, double average) /* Plot a chunk of the Fourier power spectrum normalized by average */ /* The viewing area is left defined with the xvals as _bins_. */ { int ii; float *yvals, *xvals, maxy = 0.0; double offsetr, hir; char lab[100]; if (lor > 10000) { offsetr = floor(lor / 1000.0) * 1000.0; sprintf(lab, "Fourier Frequency - %.0f (bins)", offsetr); } else { offsetr = 0.0; sprintf(lab, "Fourier Frequency (bins)"); } lor = lor - offsetr; hir = lor + numspect * dr; xvals = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * numspect); yvals = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * numspect); for (ii = 0; ii < numspect; ii++) { xvals[ii] = lor + ii * dr; yvals[ii] = (spect[ii].r * spect[ii].r + spect[ii].i * spect[ii].i) / average; if (yvals[ii] > maxy) maxy = yvals[ii]; } maxy *= 1.1; /* Setup the plot screen for the first set of y's: */ cpgpage(); cpgvstd(); /* Draw the box for the frequency (Hz) axis */ cpgswin((lor + offsetr) / T, (hir + offsetr) / T, 0.0, maxy); cpgbox("BNST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("B", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Frequency (Hz)"); /* Draw the box for the Fourier frequency (bins) axis */ cpgswin(lor, hir, 0.0, maxy); cpgbox("CMST", 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("T", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, lab); cpgmtxt("L", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, "Normalized Power"); /* Plot the points */ cpgline(numspect, xvals, yvals); free(xvals); free(yvals); }
static int plot_dataview(dataview * dv, float minval, float maxval, float charhgt) /* The return value is offsetn */ { int ii, lon, hin, offsetn = 0, tmpn; double lot, hit, offsett = 0.0; float ns[MAXDISPNUM], hiavg[MAXDISPNUM], loavg[MAXDISPNUM]; float scalemin = 0.0, scalemax = 0.0, dscale; cpgsave(); cpgbbuf(); /* Set the "Normal" plotting attributes */ cpgsls(1); cpgslw(1); cpgsch(charhgt); cpgsci(1); cpgvstd(); /* Autoscale for the maximum value */ if (maxval > 0.5 * LARGENUM) scalemax = dv->maxval; else scalemax = maxval; /* Autoscale for the minimum value */ if (minval < 0.5 * SMALLNUM) scalemin = dv->minval; else scalemin = minval; dscale = 0.1 * (scalemax - scalemin); if (maxval > 0.5 * LARGENUM) maxval = scalemax + dscale; if (minval < 0.5 * SMALLNUM) minval = scalemin - dscale; lon = dv->lon; lot = lon * idata.dt; hin = lon + dv->numsamps; hit = hin * idata.dt; /* Time Labels (top of box) */ if ((hit - lot) / hit < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsett = 0.5 * (hit + lot); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Time - %.15g (s)", offsett); cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Time (s)"); } cpgswin(lot - offsett, hit - offsett, minval, maxval); cpgbox("CMST", 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0); /* Sample number labels */ if (lon > 10000000 || (double) (hin - lon) / (double) hin < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetn = (lon / 10000) * 10000; numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Sample - %d", offsetn); cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, "Sample"); } cpgswin(lon - offsetn, hin - offsetn, minval, maxval); cpgbox("BNST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); /* Plot the rawdata if required */ tmpn = lon - offsetn; if (plotstats == 0 || plotstats == 2) { if (dv->zoomlevel > 0) { for (ii = 0; ii < dv->dispnum; ii++) ns[ii] = tmpn + ii; cpgbin(dv->dispnum, ns, dv->vals, 0); } else { /* Plot the min/max values */ for (ii = 0; ii < dv->numchunks; ii++, tmpn += dv->chunklen) { cpgmove((float) tmpn, dv->mins[ii]); cpgdraw((float) tmpn, dv->maxs[ii]); } } } /* Plot the other statistics if requested */ if (plotstats == 0 || plotstats == 1) { tmpn = lon - offsetn; for (ii = 0; ii < dv->numchunks; ii++, tmpn += dv->chunklen) { ns[ii] = tmpn; hiavg[ii] = dv->avgmeds[ii] + dv->stds[ii]; loavg[ii] = dv->avgmeds[ii] - dv->stds[ii]; } if (dv->numchunks > 512) { if (plotstats == 1) { cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->mins); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->maxs); } cpgsci(AVGMED_COLOR); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->avgmeds); if (usemedian) cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Median"); else cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Average"); cpgsci(STDDEV_COLOR); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, hiavg); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, loavg); cpgmtxt("T", -2.6, 0.02, 0.0, "+/- 1 Std Dev"); } else { if (plotstats == 1) { cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->mins, 0); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->maxs, 0); } cpgsci(AVGMED_COLOR); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->avgmeds, 0); if (usemedian) cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Median"); else cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Average"); cpgsci(STDDEV_COLOR); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, hiavg, 0); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, loavg, 0); cpgmtxt("T", -2.6, 0.02, 0.0, "+/- 1 Std Dev"); } } cpgsci(1); cpgmtxt("L", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Sample Value"); cpgebuf(); cpgunsa(); return offsetn; }
int main() { char infile[] = "pih.fits"; char devtyp[16], idents[3][80], nlcprm[1], opt[2]; int c0[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; int i, ic, gcode[2], naxis[2], nkeyrec, nreject, nwcs, relax, status; float blc[2], trc[2]; double cache[257][4], grid1[1], grid2[1], nldprm[1]; struct wcsprm *wcs; nlfunc_t pgwcsl_; #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO char *header; fitsfile *fptr; #else char keyrec[81], header[28801]; int gotend, j, k; FILE *fptr; #endif /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); printf("Testing WCSLIB parser for FITS image headers (tpih2.c)\n" "------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */ #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO status = 0; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, infile, READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); return 1; } if (fits_hdr2str(fptr, 1, NULL, 0, &header, &nkeyrec, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); return 1; } fits_close_file(fptr, &status); #else if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0x0) { printf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile); return 1; } k = 0; nkeyrec = 0; gotend = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) { if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) { break; } if (strncmp(keyrec, " ", 8) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue; strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80); k += 80; nkeyrec++; if (strncmp(keyrec, "END ", 8) == 0) { /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */ gotend = 1; } } if (gotend) break; } fclose(fptr); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Found %d non-comment header keyrecords.\n", nkeyrec); relax = WCSHDR_all; if ((status = wcspih(header, nkeyrec, relax, 2, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcspih ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]); } #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO free(header); #endif /* Plot setup. */ naxis[0] = 1024; naxis[1] = 1024; blc[0] = 0.5f; blc[1] = 0.5f; trc[0] = naxis[0] + 0.5f; trc[1] = naxis[1] + 0.5f; strcpy(devtyp, "/XWINDOW"); cpgbeg(0, devtyp, 1, 1); cpgvstd(); cpgwnad(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); cpgask(1); cpgpage(); /* Annotation. */ strcpy(idents[0], "Right ascension"); strcpy(idents[1], "Declination"); opt[0] = 'G'; opt[1] = 'E'; /* Compact lettering. */ cpgsch(0.8f); /* Draw full grid lines. */ cpgsci(1); gcode[0] = 2; gcode[1] = 2; grid1[0] = 0.0; grid2[0] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nwcs; i++) { if ((status = wcsset(wcs+i))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcsset ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]); continue; } /* Get WCSNAME out of the wcsprm struct. */ strcpy(idents[2], (wcs+i)->wcsname); printf("\n%s\n", idents[2]); /* Draw the celestial grid. The grid density is set for each world */ /* coordinate by specifying LABDEN = 1224. */ ic = -1; cpgsbox(blc, trc, idents, opt, 0, 1224, c0, gcode, 0.0, 0, grid1, 0, grid2, 0, pgwcsl_, 1, WCSLEN, 1, nlcprm, (int *)(wcs+i), nldprm, 256, &ic, cache, &status); /* Draw the frame. */ cpgbox("BC", 0.0f, 0, "BC", 0.0f, 0); cpgpage(); } status = wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs); return 0; }
int main() { /* Set up a 2 x 2 lookup table. */ const int M = 2; const int K[] = {K1, K2}; const int map[] = {0, 1}; const double crval[] = {0.0, 0.0}; char text[80]; int i, j, k, l, l1, l2, l3, lstep, m, stat[NP*NP], status; float array[NP][NP], clev[31], v0, v1, w; const float scl = 2.0f/(NP-1); float ltm[6]; double x[NP][NP][2], world[NP][NP][2]; struct tabprm tab; printf("Testing WCSLIB coordinate lookup table routines (ttab2.c)\n" "---------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* List status return messages. */ printf("\nList of tab status return values:\n"); for (status = 1; status <= 5; status++) { printf("%4d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); } printf("\n"); /* PGPLOT initialization. */ strcpy(text, "/xwindow"); cpgbeg(0, text, 1, 1); cpgvstd(); cpgsch(0.7f); /* The viewport is slightly oversized. */ cpgwnad(-0.65f, 1.65f, -0.65f, 1.65f); for (l = 0; l <= 30; l++) { clev[l] = 0.2f*(l-10); } ltm[0] = -scl*(1.0f + (NP-1)/4.0f); ltm[1] = scl; ltm[2] = 0.0f; ltm[3] = -scl*(1.0f + (NP-1)/4.0f); ltm[4] = 0.0f; ltm[5] = scl; /* Set up the lookup table. */ tab.flag = -1; if ((status = tabini(1, M, K, &tab))) { printf("tabini ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); return 1; } tab.M = M; for (m = 0; m < tab.M; m++) { tab.K[m] = K[m]; tab.map[m] = map[m]; tab.crval[m] = crval[m]; for (k = 0; k < tab.K[m]; k++) { tab.index[m][k] = (double)k; } } /* Subdivide the interpolation element. */ for (i = 0; i < NP; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NP; j++) { x[i][j][0] = j*(K1-1.0)*scl - 0.5 - crval[0]; x[i][j][1] = i*(K2-1.0)*scl - 0.5 - crval[1]; } } /* The first coordinate element is static. */ tab.coord[0] = 0.0; tab.coord[2] = 0.0; tab.coord[4] = 0.0; tab.coord[6] = 0.0; /* (k1,k2) = (0,0). */ tab.coord[1] = 0.0; /* The second coordinate element varies in three of the corners. */ for (l3 = 0; l3 <= 100; l3 += 20) { /* (k1,k2) = (1,1). */ tab.coord[7] = 0.01 * l3; for (l2 = 0; l2 <= 100; l2 += 20) { /* (k1,k2) = (0,1). */ tab.coord[5] = 0.01 * l2; cpgpage(); for (l1 = 0; l1 <= 100; l1 += 2) { /* (k1,k2) = (1,0). */ tab.coord[3] = 0.01 * l1; /* Compute coordinates within the interpolation element. */ tab.flag = 0; if ((status = tabx2s(&tab, NP*NP, 2, (double *)x, (double *)world, stat))) { printf("tabx2s ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); } /* Start a new plot. */ cpgbbuf(); cpgeras(); cpgsci(1); cpgslw(3); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0f, 0, "BCNSTV", 0.0f, 0); cpgmtxt("T", 0.7f, 0.5f, 0.5f, "-TAB coordinates: " "linear interpolation / extrapolation in 2-D"); /* Draw the boundary of the interpolation element in red. */ cpgsci(2); cpgmove(-0.5f, 0.0f); cpgdraw( 1.5f, 0.0f); cpgmove( 1.0f, -0.5f); cpgdraw( 1.0f, 1.5f); cpgmove( 1.5f, 1.0f); cpgdraw(-0.5f, 1.0f); cpgmove( 0.0f, 1.5f); cpgdraw( 0.0f, -0.5f); /* Label the value of the coordinate element in each corner. */ sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[1]); cpgtext(-0.09f, -0.05f, text); sprintf(text, "%.2f", tab.coord[3]); cpgtext( 1.02f, -0.05f, text); sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[5]); cpgtext(-0.13f, 1.02f, text); sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[7]); cpgtext( 1.02f, 1.02f, text); cpgsci(1); /* Contour labelling: bottom. */ v0 = world[0][0][1]; v1 = world[0][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(w+0.04f, -0.56f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: left. */ v0 = world[0][0][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][0][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(-0.52f, w-0.02f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: right. */ v0 = world[0][NP-1][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(1.52f, w-0.02f, 0.0f, 0.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: top. */ v0 = world[NP-1][0][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(w+0.04f, 1.52f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Draw contours for the second coordinate element. */ for (i = 0; i < NP; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NP; j++) { array[i][j] = world[i][j][1]; } } cpgsci(4); cpgslw(2); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev, 10, ltm); cpgsci(7); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev+10, 1, ltm); cpgsci(5); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev+11, 20, ltm); cpgebuf(); } } } cpgend(); tabfree(&tab); return 0; }
static double plot_fftview(fftview * fv, float maxpow, float charhgt, float vertline, int vertline_color) /* The return value is offsetf */ { int ii; double lor, lof, hir, hif, offsetf = 0.0; float *freqs; cpgsave(); cpgbbuf(); /* Set the "Normal" plotting attributes */ cpgsls(1); cpgslw(1); cpgsch(charhgt); cpgsci(1); cpgvstd(); if (maxpow == 0.0) /* Autoscale for the maximum value */ maxpow = 1.1 * fv->maxpow; lor = fv->lor; lof = lor / T; hir = lor + fv->dr * DISPLAYNUM; hif = hir / T; offsetf = 0.0; /* Period Labels */ if (fv->zoomlevel >= 0 && lof > 1.0) { double lop, hip, offsetp = 0.0; lop = 1.0 / lof; hip = 1.0 / hif; offsetp = 0.0; if ((lop - hip) / hip < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetp = 0.5 * (hip + lop); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Period - %.15g (s)", offsetp); cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Period (s)"); } cpgswin(lop - offsetp, hip - offsetp, 0.0, maxpow); cpgbox("CIMST", 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0); } /* Frequency Labels */ if ((hif - lof) / hif < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetf = 0.5 * (hif + lof); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Frequency - %.15g (Hz)", offsetf); cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, "Frequency (Hz)"); } cpgswin(lof - offsetf, hif - offsetf, 0.0, maxpow); /* Add zapboxes if required */ if (numzaplist) { double zaplo, zaphi; cpgsave(); cpgsci(15); cpgsfs(1); for (ii = 0; ii < numzaplist; ii++) { zaplo = zaplist[ii].lobin; zaphi = zaplist[ii].hibin; if ((zaplo < hir && zaplo > lor) || (zaphi < hir && zaphi > lor)) { cpgrect(zaplo / T - offsetf, zaphi / T - offsetf, 0.0, 0.95 * maxpow); } } cpgunsa(); } /* Add a background vertical line if requested */ if (vertline != 0.0 && vertline_color != 0) { cpgsave(); cpgsci(vertline_color); cpgmove(vertline / T - offsetf, 0.0); cpgdraw(vertline / T - offsetf, maxpow); cpgunsa(); } if (fv->zoomlevel >= 0 && lof > 1.0) cpgbox("BINST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); else cpgbox("BCINST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); /* Plot the spectrum */ freqs = gen_fvect(DISPLAYNUM); for (ii = 0; ii < DISPLAYNUM; ii++) freqs[ii] = fv->rs[ii] / T - offsetf; if (fv->zoomlevel > 0) { /* Magnified power spectrum */ cpgline(DISPLAYNUM, freqs, fv->powers); } else { /* Down-sampled power spectrum */ for (ii = 0; ii < DISPLAYNUM; ii++) { cpgmove(freqs[ii], 0.0); cpgdraw(freqs[ii], fv->powers[ii]); } } vect_free(freqs); cpgmtxt("L", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Normalized Power"); cpgebuf(); cpgunsa(); return offsetf; }
int main (int argc,char **argv) { int argPos, argNum = argc; char charBuffer [RGPBufferSIZE], panelTitle [RGPBufferSIZE], *outFile = (char *) "rgisplot"; int panelRow, panelCol, panelRowNum,panelColNum, defaultLW; DBInt dataNum, entryNum = 0; DBInt ret, mode = 0, device = 0, format = 0, layout = 0; float x0, y0, x1, y1, pWidth = -1.0, pHeight = -1.0; DBObjData *dbData; for (argPos = 1;argPos < argNum; ) { if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-m","--mode")) { const char *modes [] = { "interactive", "batch", (char *) NULL }; if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing mode!"); return (CMfailed); } if ((mode = CMoptLookup (modes,argv [argPos],true)) == DBFault) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid mode %s",argv [argPos]); goto Usage; } if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-d","--device")) { const char *devices [] = { "screen", "file", (char *) NULL }; if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing device!"); return (CMfailed); } if ((device = CMoptLookup (devices,argv [argPos],true)) == DBFault) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid device %s",argv [argPos]); goto Usage; } if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-p","--psize")) { if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing psize!"); return (CMfailed); } if ((argv [argPos] == (char *) NULL) || (sscanf (argv [argPos],"%f,%f",&pWidth,&pHeight) != 2)) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid page size %s",argv [argPos]); goto Usage; } if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-f","--format")) { const char *formats [] = { "eps", "gif", "ppm", (char *) NULL }; if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing format!"); return (CMfailed); } if ((format = CMoptLookup (formats,argv [argPos],true)) == DBFault) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid format %s",argv [argPos]); goto Usage; } if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-l","--layout")) { const char *layouts [] = { "portrait","landscape", (char *) NULL }; if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing layout!"); return (CMfailed); } if ((layout = CMoptLookup (layouts,argv [argPos],true)) == DBFault) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid layout %s",argv [argPos]); goto Usage; } if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-o","--output")) { if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing output!"); return (CMfailed); } if (argv [argPos] == (char *) NULL) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid output file"); goto Usage; } outFile = argv [argPos]; if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break; continue; } if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-h","--help")) { Usage: CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Usage: rgisPlot [-m <>] [-d <>] [-f <>] [-l <>] [-o <>] -h"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -m, --mode <interactive | batch>"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -d, --device <screen | file>"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -p, --psize width,height"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -f, --format <eps | gif>"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -l, --layout <landscape | portrait>"); CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError," -o, --output <filename>"); argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum); return (DBSuccess); } if ((argv [argPos][0] == '-') && (strlen (argv [argPos]) > 1)) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Unknown option: %s!",argv [argPos]); return (CMfailed); } argPos++; } switch (device) { case 0: cpgopen ("/XWINDOW"); break; case 1: { char *formatStrings [] = { (char *) "CPS", (char *) "GIF", (char *) "PPM" }; sprintf (charBuffer,layout == 0 ? "%s/V%s" : "%s/%s", outFile, formatStrings [format]); cpgopen (charBuffer); } break; default: return (CMfailed); } cpgscrn (0,"WHITE",&ret); if ((pWidth > 0.0) && (pHeight > 0.0)) cpgpap (pWidth, pHeight / pWidth); do { RGPPrintMessage (mode,&entryNum,"Panel Layout [horizontal,vertical]:"); while (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 1,stdin) == (char *) NULL); if (sscanf (charBuffer,"%d,%d",&panelColNum,&panelRowNum) == 2) break; else if (RGPPrintError (mode,entryNum,"Panel layout input error")) goto Stop; } while (true); RGPInitPenColors (); cpgsubp (panelColNum,panelRowNum); cpgqlw (&defaultLW); ret = DBSuccess; for (panelRow = 0;panelRow < panelRowNum;++panelRow) for (panelCol = 0;panelCol < panelColNum; ++panelCol) { cpgpanl (panelCol + 1,panelRow + 1); cpgsch (1.8); cpgvstd (); do { sprintf (charBuffer,"Panel Title [%d,%d]:",panelRow,panelCol); RGPPrintMessage (mode,&entryNum,charBuffer); if (fgets (panelTitle,sizeof (panelTitle) - 1,stdin) != (char *) NULL) { if (panelTitle [strlen (panelTitle) - 1] == '\n') panelTitle [strlen (panelTitle) - 1] = '\0'; if (strlen (panelTitle) > 0) break; } RGPPrintError (mode,entryNum,"Panel Title input error"); goto Stop; } while (true); dataNum = 0; do { RGPPrintMessage (mode,&entryNum,"Mapextent [X0,Y0,X1,Y1]:"); if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 1,stdin) == (char *) NULL) continue; if (sscanf (charBuffer,"%f,%f,%f,%f",&x0,&y0,&x1,&y1) == 4) break; else if (RGPPrintError (mode,entryNum,"Mapextent input error")) goto Stop; } while (true); cpgwnad (x0,x1,y0,y1); do { sprintf (charBuffer,"RiverGIS data file [%d]:",++dataNum); RGPPrintMessage (mode,&entryNum, charBuffer); if ((fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 1,stdin) != (char *) NULL) && (strlen (charBuffer) > 0) && charBuffer [0] != '\n') { if (charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] == '\n') charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] = '\0'; dbData = new DBObjData (); if (dbData->Read (charBuffer) != DBSuccess) { dataNum--; continue; } switch (dbData->Type ()) { case DBTypeVectorPoint: if ((ret = RGPDrawVecPoint (mode, &entryNum, dbData)) == DBFault) goto Stop; break; case DBTypeVectorLine: if ((ret = RGPDrawVecLine (mode, &entryNum, dbData)) == DBFault) goto Stop; break; case DBTypeVectorPolygon: break; case DBTypeGridContinuous: if ((ret = RGPDrawGridContinuous (mode,&entryNum,dbData)) == DBFault) goto Stop; break; case DBTypeGridDiscrete: break; case DBTypeNetwork: if ((ret = RGPDrawNetwork (mode, &entryNum, dbData)) == DBFault) goto Stop; break; default: CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid data type"); dataNum--; break; } delete dbData; } else break; } while (true); cpgbox ("BCMTS",0.0,0,"BCNMTS",0.0,0); cpgslw (2); cpgsch (2.5); cpgmtxt ("T",1.5,0.5,0.5,panelTitle); cpgslw (defaultLW); } Stop: cpgend (); return (ret); }
int main() { /* Set up the lookup table. */ const int M = 2; const int K[] = {K1, K2}; const int map[] = {0, 1}; const double crval[] = {135.0, 95.0}; char text[80]; int ci, i, ilat, ilng, j, k, m, stat[K2][K1], status; float xr[361], yr[361]; double *dp, world[361][2], x[K1], xy[361][2], y[K2]; struct tabprm tab; struct prjprm prj; printf( "Testing WCSLIB inverse coordinate lookup table routines (ttab3.c)\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* List status return messages. */ printf("\nList of tab status return values:\n"); for (status = 1; status <= 5; status++) { printf("%4d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); } printf("\n"); /* PGPLOT initialization. */ strcpy(text, "/xwindow"); cpgbeg(0, text, 1, 1); cpgvstd(); cpgsch(0.7f); cpgwnad(-135.0f, 135.0f, -95.0f, 140.0f); cpgbox("BC", 0.0f, 0, "BC", 0.0f, 0); cpgscr(0, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f); cpgscr(1, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f); cpgscr(2, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); cpgscr(3, 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.80f); cpgscr(4, 0.80f, 0.50f, 0.50f); cpgscr(5, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f); cpgscr(6, 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.80f); cpgscr(7, 0.80f, 0.50f, 0.50f); cpgscr(8, 0.30f, 0.50f, 0.30f); /* Set up the lookup table. */ tab.flag = -1; if ((status = tabini(1, M, K, &tab))) { printf("tabini ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); return 1; } tab.M = M; for (m = 0; m < tab.M; m++) { tab.K[m] = K[m]; tab.map[m] = map[m]; tab.crval[m] = crval[m]; for (k = 0; k < tab.K[m]; k++) { tab.index[m][k] = (double)k; } } /* Set up the lookup table to approximate Bonne's projection. */ for (i = 0; i < K1; i++) { x[i] = 135 - i; } for (j = 0; j < K2; j++) { y[j] = j - 95; } prjini(&prj); prj.pv[1] = 35.0; status = bonx2s(&prj, K1, K2, 1, 2, x, y, tab.coord, tab.coord+1, (int *)stat); dp = tab.coord; for (j = 0; j < K2; j++) { for (i = 0; i < K1; i++) { if (stat[j][i]) { *dp = 999.0; *(dp+1) = 999.0; } dp += 2; } } /* Draw meridians. */ ci = 1; for (ilng = -180; ilng <= 180; ilng += 15) { if (++ci > 7) ci = 2; cpgsci(ilng?ci:1); for (j = 0, ilat = -90; ilat <= 90; ilat++, j++) { world[j][0] = (double)ilng; world[j][1] = (double)ilat; } /* A fudge to account for the singularity at the poles. */ world[0][0] = 0.0; world[180][0] = 0.0; status = tabs2x(&tab, 181, 2, (double *)world, (double *)xy, (int *)stat); k = 0; for (j = 0; j < 181; j++) { if (stat[0][j]) { if (k > 1) cpgline(k, xr, yr); k = 0; continue; } xr[k] = xy[j][0]; yr[k] = xy[j][1]; k++; } cpgline(k, xr, yr); } /* Draw parallels. */ ci = 1; for (ilat = -75; ilat <= 75; ilat += 15) { if (++ci > 7) ci = 2; cpgsci(ilat?ci:1); for (j = 0, ilng = -180; ilng <= 180; ilng++, j++) { world[j][0] = (double)ilng; world[j][1] = (double)ilat; } status = tabs2x(&tab, 361, 2, (double *)world, (double *)xy, (int *)stat); k = 0; for (j = 0; j < 361; j++) { if (stat[0][j]) { if (k > 1) cpgline(k, xr, yr); k = 0; continue; } xr[k] = xy[j][0]; yr[k] = xy[j][1]; k++; } cpgline(k, xr, yr); } cpgend(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char alt = '\0', *header, idents[3][80], *infile, keyword[16], nlcprm[1], opt[2], pgdev[16]; int c0[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; int alts[27], gcode[2], hdunum = 1, hdutype, i, ic, naxes, naxis[2], nkeyrec, nreject, nwcs, stat[NWCSFIX], status; float blc[2], trc[2]; double cache[257][4], grid1[3], grid2[3], nldprm[1]; struct wcsprm *wcs; nlfunc_t pgwcsl_; fitsfile *fptr; /* Parse options. */ strcpy(pgdev, "/XWINDOW"); for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) { if (!argv[i][1]) break; switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'a': alt = toupper(argv[i][2]); break; case 'd': if (argv[i][2] == '?') { cpgldev(); return 0; } if (argv[i][2] == '/') { strncpy(pgdev+1, argv[i]+3, 15); } else { strncpy(pgdev+1, argv[i]+2, 15); } break; case 'h': hdunum = atoi(argv[i]+2); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); return 1; } } if (i < argc) { infile = argv[i++]; if (i < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); return 1; } } else { infile = "-"; } /* Check accessibility of the input file. */ if (strcmp(infile, "-") && access(infile, R_OK) == -1) { printf("wcsgrid: Cannot access %s.\n", infile); return 1; } /* Open the FITS file and move to the required HDU. */ status = 0; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, infile, READONLY, &status)) goto fitserr; if (fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdunum, &hdutype, &status)) goto fitserr; if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, HDU number %d does not contain an image array.\n", hdunum); return 1; } /* Check that we have at least two image axes. */ if (fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "NAXIS", &naxes, NULL, &status)) { goto fitserr; } if (naxes < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, HDU number %d does not contain a 2-D image.\n", hdunum); return 1; } else if (naxes > 2) { printf("HDU number %d contains a %d-D image array.\n", hdunum, naxes); } /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */ if (fits_hdr2str(fptr, 1, NULL, 0, &header, &nkeyrec, &status)) { goto fitserr; } /* Interpret the WCS keywords. */ if ((status = wcspih(header, nkeyrec, WCSHDR_all, -3, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcspih ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcshdr_errmsg[status]); return 1; } free(header); /* Read -TAB arrays from the binary table extension (if necessary). */ if (fits_read_wcstab(fptr, wcs->nwtb, (wtbarr *)wcs->wtb, &status)) { goto fitserr; } /* Translate non-standard WCS keyvalues. */ if ((status = wcsfix(7, 0, wcs, stat))) { status = 0; for (i = 0; i < NWCSFIX; i++) { if (stat[i] > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wcsfix ERROR %d: %s.\n", stat[i], wcsfix_errmsg[stat[i]]); /* Ignore problems with CDi_ja and DATE-OBS. */ if (!(i == CDFIX || i == DATFIX)) status = 1; } } if (status) return 1; } /* Sort out alternates. */ if (alt) { wcsidx(nwcs, &wcs, alts); if (alt == ' ') { if (alts[0] == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING, no primary coordinate representation, " "doing all.\n"); alt = '\0'; } } else if (alt < 'A' || alt > 'Z') { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING, alternate specifier \"%c\" is invalid, " "doing all.\n", alt); alt = '\0'; } else { if (alts[alt - 'A' + 1] == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING, no alternate coordinate representation " "\"%c\", doing all.\n", alt); alt = '\0'; } } } /* Get image dimensions from the header. */ sprintf(keyword, "NAXIS%d", wcs->lng + 1); fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "NAXIS1", naxis, NULL, &status); sprintf(keyword, "NAXIS%d", wcs->lat + 1); fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "NAXIS2", naxis+1, NULL, &status); if ((naxis[0] < 2) || (naxis[1] < 2)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, HDU number %d contains degenerate image axes.\n", hdunum); return 1; } fits_close_file(fptr, &status); /* Plot setup. */ blc[0] = 0.5f; blc[1] = 0.5f; trc[0] = naxis[0] + 0.5f; trc[1] = naxis[1] + 0.5f; if (cpgbeg(0, pgdev, 1, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, failed to open PGPLOT device %s.\n", pgdev); return 1; } cpgvstd(); cpgwnad(blc[0], trc[0], blc[0], trc[1]); cpgask(1); cpgpage(); /* Compact lettering. */ cpgsch(0.8f); /* Draw full grid lines. */ gcode[0] = 2; gcode[1] = 2; grid1[0] = 0.0; grid2[0] = 0.0; /* These are for the projection boundary. */ grid1[1] = -180.0; grid1[2] = 180.0; grid2[1] = -90.0; grid2[2] = 90.0; cpgsci(1); for (i = 0; i < nwcs; i++) { if (alt && (wcs+i)->alt[0] != alt) { continue; } if ((status = wcsset(wcs+i))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcsset ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]); continue; } /* Draw the frame. */ cpgbox("BC", 0.0f, 0, "BC", 0.0f, 0); /* Axis labels; use CNAMEia in preference to CTYPEia. */ if ((wcs+i)->cname[0][0]) { strcpy(idents[0], (wcs+i)->cname[0]); } else { strcpy(idents[0], (wcs+i)->ctype[0]); } if ((wcs+i)->cname[1][0]) { strcpy(idents[1], (wcs+i)->cname[1]); } else { strcpy(idents[1], (wcs+i)->ctype[1]); } /* Title; use WCSNAME. */ strcpy(idents[2], (wcs+i)->wcsname); if (strlen(idents[2])) { printf("\n%s\n", idents[2]); } /* Formatting control for celestial coordinates. */ if (strncmp((wcs+i)->ctype[0], "RA", 2) == 0) { /* Right ascension in HMS, declination in DMS. */ opt[0] = 'G'; opt[1] = 'E'; } else { /* Other angles in decimal degrees. */ opt[0] = 'A'; opt[1] = 'B'; } /* Draw the celestial grid. The grid density is set for each world */ /* coordinate by specifying LABDEN = 1224. */ ic = -1; cpgsbox(blc, trc, idents, opt, 0, 1224, c0, gcode, 0.0, 0, grid1, 0, grid2, 0, pgwcsl_, 1, WCSLEN, 1, nlcprm, (int *)(wcs+i), nldprm, 256, &ic, cache, &status); /* Delimit the projection boundary. */ if ((wcs+i)->cel.prj.category != ZENITHAL) { /* Reset to the native coordinate graticule. */ (wcs+i)->crval[0] = (wcs+i)->cel.prj.phi0; (wcs+i)->crval[1] = (wcs+i)->cel.prj.theta0; (wcs+i)->lonpole = 999.0; (wcs+i)->latpole = 999.0; status = wcsset(wcs+i); ic = -1; cpgsbox(blc, trc, idents, opt, -1, 0, c0, gcode, 0.0, 2, grid1, 2, grid2, 0, pgwcsl_, 1, WCSLEN, 1, nlcprm, (int *)(wcs+i), nldprm, 256, &ic, cache, &status); } cpgpage(); } status = wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs); return 0; fitserr: fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return 1; }
static void _pgvstd (void) { cpgvstd(); }