Example #1
bool CGptBind::run( )
   ifstream in((_options->sourcefile+".sld").c_str());
   GptBindLexer lexer(in);
   GptBindParser parser(lexer);

//   string asmProgram = parser.program(_options->sourcefile);

   string cppOutput = parser.getCpp();
   string hppOutput = parser.getHpp();
   string makefileOutput = parser.getMakefile();

   ofstream cppFile((_options->destfile + ".cpp").c_str(), ios_base::out);
   if (!cppFile) {
      cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl;
      return false;

   cppFile << cppOutput;

   ofstream hppFile((_options->destfile + ".hpp").c_str(), ios_base::out);
   if (!hppFile) {
      cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl;
      return false;

   hppFile << hppOutput;

   ofstream makefileFile(("Makefile." + _options->destfile).c_str(), ios_base::out);
   if (!makefileFile) {
      cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl;
      return false;

   makefileFile << makefileOutput;

   return true;
void D3D11InterfaceWriter::writeCpp(const string &outputCpp)
    auto templateLinesA = util::getFileLines(dataDir + "d3d11InterfaceTemplate.txt");
    auto templateLinesB = util::getFileLines(dataDir + "d3d11InterfaceVoidTemplate.txt");

    ofstream cppFile(outputCpp);
    cppFile << endl << "#include \"main.h\"" << endl;
    cppFile << endl;

    for (const D3D11InterfaceFunction &func : functions)
        for (const string &templateLine : func.returnType == "void" ? templateLinesB : templateLinesA)
            string line = util::replace(templateLine, "#FunctionName#", func.name);
            line = util::replace(line, "#FunctionParameters#", func.getParameterList());
            line = util::replace(line, "#FunctionParameterCall#", func.getParameterCallList());
            line = util::replace(line, "#FunctionReturn#", func.returnType);
            line = util::replace(line, "#InterfaceName#", name);

            cppFile << line << endl;
        cppFile << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    TFile inFile(argv[1],"read");
    if(inFile.IsOpen() && !inFile.IsZombie()){
      std::ofstream cppFile("src/cfa.cpp"), hppFile("inc/cfa.hpp");

      {TTree t("a","b");}//Magically make ROOT link things correctly...

      TChain *chainA(static_cast<TChain*>(inFile.Get("configurableAnalysis/eventA"))), *chainB(static_cast<TChain*>(inFile.Get("configurableAnalysis/eventB")));

      if(chainA!=NULL && chainB!=NULL){
        hppFile << "#ifndef H_CFA\n";
        hppFile << "#define H_CFA\n\n";
        hppFile << "#include <vector>\n";
        hppFile << "#include <string>\n";
        hppFile << "#include \"TChain.h\"\n";
        hppFile << "#include \"TBranch.h\"\n\n";

        hppFile << "class cfA{\n";
        hppFile << "public:\n";
        hppFile << "  int GetTotalEntries() const;\n";
        hppFile << "protected:\n";
        hppFile << "  cfA(const std::string&, const bool);\n";
        hppFile << "  TChain chainA, chainB;\n";
        hppFile << "  TChain* GetChainA();\n";
        hppFile << "  TChain* GetChainB();\n";
        hppFile << "  std::string GetSampleName() const;\n";
        hppFile << "  int GetEntry(const unsigned int);\n";
        hppFile << "  void SetFile(const std::string&, const bool);\n\n";

        hppFile << "  std::string sampleName;\n";
        hppFile << "  int totalEntries;\n";
        hppFile << "  short cfAVersion;\n\n";
        hppFile << "  void GetVersion();\n";
        hppFile << "  void AddFiles(const std::string&, const bool);\n";
        hppFile << "  void CalcTotalEntries();\n";
        hppFile << "  void PrepareNewChains();\n";
        hppFile << "  void InitializeA();\n";
        hppFile << "  void InitializeB();\n\n";
        PrintLeaves(chainA, hppFile);
        PrintBranches(chainA, hppFile);
        PrintLeaves(chainB, hppFile);
        PrintBranches(chainB, hppFile);
        hppFile << "};\n\n";
        hppFile << "#endif" << std::endl;
        cppFile << "#include \"cfa.hpp\"\n";
        cppFile << "#include <vector>\n";
        cppFile << "#include <string>\n";
        cppFile << "#include <fstream>\n";
        cppFile << "#include <sstream>\n";
        cppFile << "#include \"TChain.h\"\n";
        cppFile << "#include \"TBranch.h\"\n\n";
        cppFile << "cfA::cfA(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList):\n";
        cppFile << "  chainA(\"eventA\"),\n";
        cppFile << "  chainB(\"eventB\"),\n";
        cppFile << "  sampleName(fileIn),\n";
        cppFile << "  totalEntries(0),\n";
        cppFile << "  cfAVersion(-1),\n";
        PrintNullInit(chainA, cppFile);
        PrintBranchInit(chainA, cppFile);
        cppFile << ",\n";
        PrintNullInit(chainB, cppFile);
        PrintBranchInit(chainB, cppFile);
        cppFile << "{\n";
        cppFile << "  GetVersion();\n";
        cppFile << "  AddFiles(fileIn, isList);\n";
        cppFile << "  PrepareNewChains();\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::GetVersion(){\n";
        cppFile << "  size_t pos(sampleName.rfind(\"_v\"));\n";
        cppFile << "  if(pos!=std::string::npos && pos<sampleName.size()-2){\n";
        cppFile << "    std::istringstream iss(sampleName.substr(pos+2));\n";
        cppFile << "    iss >> cfAVersion;\n";
        cppFile << "    if(iss.fail() || iss.bad()){\n";
        cppFile << "      cfAVersion=-1;\n";
        cppFile << "    }\n";
        cppFile << "  }\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::PrepareNewChains(){\n";
        cppFile << "  InitializeA();\n";
        cppFile << "  InitializeB();\n";
        cppFile << "  CalcTotalEntries();\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::AddFiles(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList){\n";
        cppFile << "  if(isList){\n";
        cppFile << "    std::ifstream infile(fileIn.c_str());\n";
        cppFile << "    std::string file(\"\");\n";
        cppFile << "    while(infile >> file){\n";
        cppFile << "      chainA.Add((file+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventA\").c_str());\n";
        cppFile << "      chainB.Add((file+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventB\").c_str());\n";
        cppFile << "    }\n";
        cppFile << "    infile.close();\n";
        cppFile << "  }else{\n";
        cppFile << "    chainA.Add((fileIn+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventA\").c_str());\n";
        cppFile << "    chainB.Add((fileIn+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventB\").c_str());\n";
        cppFile << "  }\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::SetFile(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList){\n";
        cppFile << "  chainA.Reset(); chainB.Reset();\n";
        cppFile << "  AddFiles(fileIn, isList);\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "int cfA::GetEntry(const unsigned int entryIn){\n";
        cppFile << "  return chainA.GetEntry(entryIn)+chainB.GetEntry(entryIn);\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::CalcTotalEntries(){\n";
        cppFile << "  const int nEntriesA(chainA.GetEntries()), nEntriesB(chainB.GetEntries());\n";
        cppFile << "  if (nEntriesA!=nEntriesB){\n";
        cppFile << "    totalEntries=-1;\n";
        cppFile << "  }else{\n";
        cppFile << "    totalEntries=nEntriesA;\n";
        cppFile << "  }\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "TChain* cfA::GetChainA(){\n";
        cppFile << "  return &chainA;\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "TChain* cfA::GetChainB(){\n";
        cppFile << "  return &chainB;\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "std::string cfA::GetSampleName() const{\n";
        cppFile << "  return sampleName;\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "int cfA::GetTotalEntries() const{\n";
        cppFile << "  return totalEntries;\n";
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::InitializeA(){\n";
        PrintSetNull(chainA, cppFile);
        PrintSetBranchAddressA(chainA, cppFile);
        cppFile << "}\n\n";

        cppFile << "void cfA::InitializeB(){\n";
        PrintSetNull(chainB, cppFile);
        PrintSetBranchAddressB(chainB, cppFile);
        cppFile << "}\n\n";
        std::cout << "Warning in " << argv[0] << ": one or both of chainA and chainB are NULL (" << chainA << " and " << chainB << ").\n";

      std::cout << "Warning in " << argv[0] << ": Could not open " << argv[1] << ".\n";
void TestRunner::compile()
    // Check when is the last time that the test source has been modified
    const QString filePath = inDir_.filePath(fileName_);
    const QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
    const QDateTime lastModified = fileInfo.lastModified();

    // Compile if necessary
    Status s = status();
    bool notCompiledYet = (s == Status::NotCompiledYet) || (s == Status::CompileError);
    bool modified       = (lastCompiled_ < lastModified);
    bool processing     = (s == Status::Compiling) || (s == Status::Running);
    if (notCompiledYet || (modified && !processing))
        lastCompiled_ = lastModified;

        // -------- Go to folder where to compile test --------

        QString compileDirPath = outDir_.absoluteFilePath(testName_);
        compileDir_ = outDir_;
        if (!compileDir_.cd(testName_))
            // Create folder since it doesn't exist
            if (!outDir_.mkdir(testName_))
                failCompilation_("Can't create build folder " + compileDirPath);

            // Go to folder where to compile test
            // This is hard to reach (if we manage to create the folder, surely
            // we can cd to it), but doesn't hurt to check.
            if (!compileDir_.cd(testName_))
                failCompilation_("Can't create build folder " + compileDirPath);

        // -------- Open all files for reading or writing --------

        const QString hFileName   = testName_ + ".gen.h";
        const QString cppFileName = testName_ + ".gen.cpp";
        const QString proFileName = testName_ + ".gen.pro";

        const QString hFilePath   = compileDir_.filePath(hFileName);
        const QString cppFilePath = compileDir_.filePath(cppFileName);
        const QString proFilePath = compileDir_.filePath(proFileName);

        QFile sourceFile(filePath);
        QFile hFile(hFilePath);
        QFile cppFile(cppFilePath);
        QFile proFile(proFilePath);

        if (!sourceFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
            failCompilation_("Can't open " + filePath);

        if (!hFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
            failCompilation_("Can't write " + hFilePath);

        if (!cppFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
            failCompilation_("Can't write " + cppFilePath);

        if (!proFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
            failCompilation_("Can't write " + proFilePath);

        // -------- Read source file --------

        QTextStream sourceStream(&sourceFile);
        const QString testSource = sourceStream.readAll();

        // -------- Generate and write test gen files --------

        QTextStream hStream(&hFile);
        QTextStream cppStream(&cppFile);
        QTextStream proStream(&proFile);

        hStream   << generateH(testName_, testSource);
        cppStream << generateCpp(testName_, testSource);
        proStream << generatePro(testName_, testSource);

        // -------- Run qmake --------

        QString program = QMAKE_QMAKE_QMAKE;
        QStringList arguments;
        arguments << "-spec" << QMAKE_QMAKESPEC << proFilePath;

        compileOutput_ +=
                getCurrentTime() +
                ": Starting: \"" +
                program + "\" " +
                arguments.join(' ') + "\n";

                static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished),

        emit outputChanged();

        process_->start(program, arguments);

        // -> go read qMakeFinished_(int exitCode) now.
        emit compileFinished(true);
Example #5
void wxFormBuilder::DoCreateWxFormBuilderProject(const wxFBItemInfo& data)
	// add new virtual folder to the selected virtual directory
	wxString formbuilderVD;
	formbuilderVD = data.virtualFolder.BeforeFirst(wxT(':'));

	m_mgr->CreateGroupFolder(formbuilderVD, wxT("formbuilder"));
	wxString templateFile(m_mgr->GetInstallDirectory() + wxT("/templates/formbuilder/"));     //todo,todo

	switch (data.kind) {
	case wxFBItemKind_Dialog:
		templateFile << wxT("DialogTemplate.fbp");
	case wxFBItemKind_Frame:
		templateFile << wxT("FrameTemplate.fbp");
	case wxFBItemKind_Panel:
		templateFile << wxT("PanelTemplate.fbp");
	case wxFBItemKind_Dialog_With_Buttons:
		templateFile << wxT("DialogTemplateWithButtons.fbp");

	wxFileName tmplFile(templateFile);
	if (!tmplFile.FileExists()) {
		wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Cant find wxFormBuilder template file '%s'"), tmplFile.GetFullPath().c_str()), wxT("EmbeddedLite"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_WARNING);

	// place the files under the VD's project owner
	wxString err_msg;
	wxString project = data.virtualFolder.BeforeFirst(wxT(':'));
	ProjectPtr proj = m_mgr->GetSolution()->FindProjectByName(project, err_msg);
	if (proj) {
		wxString files_path = proj->GetFileName().GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR|wxPATH_GET_VOLUME);
		// copy the file to here
		wxFileName fbpFile(files_path, data.file + wxT(".fbp"));
		if (!wxCopyFile(tmplFile.GetFullPath(), fbpFile.GetFullPath())) {
			wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to copy tempalte file to '%s'"), fbpFile.GetFullPath().c_str()), wxT("EmbeddedLite"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_WARNING);
		// open the file, and replace expand its macros
		wxString content;
		if (!ReadFileWithConversion(fbpFile.GetFullPath().c_str(), content)) {
			wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to read file '%s'"), fbpFile.GetFullPath().c_str()), wxT("EmbeddedLite"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_WARNING);

		content.Replace(wxT("$(BaseFileName)"), data.file);
		content.Replace(wxT("$(ProjectName)"), data.className);
		content.Replace(wxT("$(Title)"), data.title);
		content.Replace(wxT("$(ClassName)"), data.className);

		if (!WriteFileWithBackup(fbpFile.GetFullPath().c_str(), content, false)) {
			wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to write file '%s'"), fbpFile.GetFullPath().c_str()), wxT("EmbeddedLite"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_WARNING);

		// add the file to the project
		wxArrayString paths;
		m_mgr->AddFilesToGroupFolder(project + wxT(":formbuilder"), paths);

		// // first we launch wxFB with the -g flag set
		wxString genFileCmd;
		genFileCmd << GetWxFBPath() << wxT(" -g ") << fbpFile.GetFullPath();

		wxArrayString dummy, filesToAdd;
		ProcUtils::SafeExecuteCommand(genFileCmd, dummy);

		wxFileName cppFile(fbpFile.GetPath(), data.file + wxT(".cpp"));
		wxFileName headerFile(fbpFile.GetPath(), data.file + wxT(".h"));

		if (cppFile.FileExists()) {

		if (headerFile.FileExists()) {

		if (filesToAdd.GetCount()) {
			m_mgr->AddFilesToGroupFolder(data.virtualFolder, filesToAdd);
