PyObject * py_cps_obj_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    cps_api_operation_handle_t handle;

    cps_api_return_code_t rc;
        NonBlockingPythonContext l;
        rc = cps_api_operation_subsystem_init(&handle,1);
    if (rc!=cps_api_ret_code_OK) {
        py_set_error_string("Failed to initialize the infrastructure.");
        return nullptr;
    return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize((const char *)&handle,sizeof(handle));
static t_std_error _cps_init ()
    cps_api_operation_handle_t       handle;
    cps_api_return_code_t            rc;
    cps_api_registration_functions_t f;

    rc = cps_api_operation_subsystem_init (&handle,1);

    if (rc != cps_api_ret_code_OK) {
        NAS_ACL_LOG_ERR ("NAS ACL CPS Subsystem Init failed");
        return STD_ERR(QOS, FAIL, rc);

    memset (&f, 0, sizeof(f));

    f.handle             = handle;
    f._read_function     = nas_acl_cps_api_read;
    f._write_function    = nas_acl_cps_api_write;
    f._rollback_function = nas_acl_cps_api_rollback;

     * Register all ACL objects
     * TODO: Need to check with CPS app teams, if ACL needs to register for
     * OBSERVED state.
    cps_api_key_init (&f.key,
                      0, /* register all sub-categories */

    rc = cps_api_register (&f);

    if (rc != cps_api_ret_code_OK) {
        NAS_ACL_LOG_ERR ("NAS ACL CPS object Register failed");
        return STD_ERR(QOS, FAIL, rc);

    return STD_ERR_OK;