Example #1
   Create or retrieve a dataset for an event input.  The dataset path
   will be /data/event/{class}/{srcFinfo}/{id}_{dataIndex}_{fieldIndex}.

   path : {source_object_id}.{source_field_name}

   TODO: check the returned hid_t and show appropriate error messages.
hid_t NSDFWriter::getEventDataset(string srcPath, string srcField)
    string eventSrcPath = srcPath + string("/") + srcField;
    map< string, hid_t >::iterator it = eventSrcDataset_.find(eventSrcPath);
    if (it != eventSrcDataset_.end()){
        return it->second;
    ObjId source(srcPath);
    herr_t status;
    htri_t exists = -1;
    string className = Field<string>::get(source, "className");
    string path = EVENTPATH + string("/") + className + string("/") + srcField;
    hid_t container = require_group(filehandle_, path);
    stringstream dsetname;
    dsetname << source.id.value() <<"_" << source.dataIndex << "_" << source.fieldIndex;
    hid_t dataset = createDoubleDataset(container, dsetname.str().c_str());
    classFieldToEvent_[className + "/" + srcField].push_back(dataset);
    classFieldToEventSrc_[className + "/" + srcField].push_back(srcPath);
    status = writeScalarAttr<string>(dataset, "source", srcPath);
    assert(status >= 0);
    status = writeScalarAttr<string>(dataset, "field", srcField);
    assert(status >= 0);
    eventSrcDataset_[eventSrcPath] = dataset;
    return dataset;
Example #2
   Traverse the path of an object in HDF5 file, checking existence of
   groups in the path and creating them if required.  */
hid_t HDF5DataWriter::getDataset(string path)
    if (filehandle_ < 0){
        return -1;
    herr_t status = H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);
    // Create the groups corresponding to this path
    string::size_type lastslash = path.find_last_of("/");
    vector<string> pathTokens;
    moose::tokenize(path, "/", pathTokens);
    hid_t prev_id = filehandle_;
    hid_t id = -1;
    for ( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < pathTokens.size()-1; ++ii ){
        // check if object exists
        htri_t exists = H5Lexists(prev_id, pathTokens[ii].c_str(),
        if (exists > 0){
            // try to open existing group
            id = H5Gopen2(prev_id, pathTokens[ii].c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
        } else if (exists == 0) {
            // If that fails, try to create a group
            id = H5Gcreate2(prev_id, pathTokens[ii].c_str(),
                            H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        if ((exists < 0) || (id < 0)){
            // Failed to open/create a group, print the
            // offending path (for debugging; the error is
            // perhaps at the level of hdf5 or file system).
            cerr << "Error: failed to open/create group: ";
            for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj <= ii; ++jj){
                cerr << "/" << pathTokens[jj];
            cerr << endl;
            prev_id = -1;
        if (prev_id >= 0  && prev_id != filehandle_){
            // Successfully opened/created new group, close the old group
            status = H5Gclose(prev_id);
            assert( status >= 0 );
        prev_id = id;
    string name = pathTokens[pathTokens.size()-1];
    htri_t exists = H5Lexists(prev_id, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
    hid_t dataset_id = -1;
    if (exists > 0){
        dataset_id = H5Dopen2(prev_id, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
    } else if (exists == 0){
        dataset_id = createDoubleDataset(prev_id, name);
    } else {
        cerr << "Error: H5Lexists returned "
             << exists << " for path \""
             << path << "\"" << endl;
    return dataset_id;