Example #1
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CTarReader::createAndOpenFile(u32 index)
	if (index < Files.size())
		return createLimitReadFile(Files[index].FullName, File, Offsets[Files[index].ID], Files[index].Size);
		return 0;
Example #2
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CWADReader::createAndOpenFile(u32 index)
	if (index >= Files.size() )
		return 0;

	const SFileListEntry &entry = Files[index];
	return createLimitReadFile( entry.FullName, File, entry.Offset, entry.Size );
Example #3
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CPakReader::openFile(s32 index)
	return createLimitReadFile(FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), File, FileList[index].length);
Example #4
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CZipReader::createAndOpenFile(u32 index)
	// Irrlicht supports 0, 8, 12, 14, 99
	//0 - The file is stored (no compression)
	//1 - The file is Shrunk
	//2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
	//3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
	//4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
	//5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
	//6 - The file is Imploded
	//7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
	//8 - The file is Deflated
	//9 - Reserved for enhanced Deflating
	//10 - PKWARE Date Compression Library Imploding
	//12 - bzip2 - Compression Method from libbz2, WinZip 10
	//14 - LZMA - Compression Method, WinZip 12
	//96 - Jpeg compression - Compression Method, WinZip 12
	//97 - WavPack - Compression Method, WinZip 11
	//98 - PPMd - Compression Method, WinZip 10
	//99 - AES encryption, WinZip 9

	const SZipFileEntry &e = FileInfo[Files[index].ID];
	wchar_t buf[64];
	s16 actualCompressionMethod=e.header.CompressionMethod;
	IReadFile* decrypted=0;
	u8* decryptedBuf=0;
	u32 decryptedSize=e.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize;

	case 0: // no compression
			if (decrypted)
				return decrypted;
				return createLimitReadFile(Files[index].FullName, File, e.Offset, decryptedSize);
	case 8:

			const u32 uncompressedSize = e.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize;
			c8* pBuf = new c8[ uncompressedSize ];
			if (!pBuf)
				swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Not enough memory for decompressing %s", Files[index].FullName.c_str() );
				os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
				if (decrypted)
				return 0;

			u8 *pcData = decryptedBuf;
			if (!pcData)
				pcData = new u8[decryptedSize];
				if (!pcData)
					swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Not enough memory for decompressing %s", Files[index].FullName.c_str() );
					os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
					delete [] pBuf;
					return 0;

				//memset(pcData, 0, decryptedSize);
				File->read(pcData, decryptedSize);

			// Setup the inflate stream.
			z_stream stream;
			s32 err;

			stream.next_in = (Bytef*)pcData;
			stream.avail_in = (uInt)decryptedSize;
			stream.next_out = (Bytef*)pBuf;
			stream.avail_out = uncompressedSize;
			stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
			stream.zfree = (free_func)0;

			// Perform inflation. wbits < 0 indicates no zlib header inside the data.
			err = inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS);
			if (err == Z_OK)
				err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
				if (err == Z_STREAM_END)
					err = Z_OK;
				err = Z_OK;

			if (decrypted)
				delete[] pcData;

			if (err != Z_OK)
				swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Error decompressing %s", Files[index].FullName.c_str() );
				os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
				delete [] pBuf;
				return 0;
				return io::createMemoryReadFile(pBuf, uncompressedSize, Files[index].FullName, true);

			return 0; // zlib not compiled, we cannot decompress the data.
	case 12:
			os::Printer::log("bzip2 decompression not supported. File cannot be read.", ELL_ERROR);
			return 0;
	case 14:
			os::Printer::log("lzma decompression not supported. File cannot be read.", ELL_ERROR);
			return 0;
	case 99:
		// If we come here with an encrypted file, decryption support is missing
		os::Printer::log("Decryption support not enabled. File cannot be read.", ELL_ERROR);
		return 0;
		swprintf ( buf, 64, L"file has unsupported compression method. %s", Files[index].FullName.c_str() );
		os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
		return 0;

//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CZipReader::openFile(s32 index)
	//0 - The file is stored (no compression)
	//1 - The file is Shrunk
	//2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
	//3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
	//4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
	//5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
	//6 - The file is Imploded
	//7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
	//8 - The file is Deflated
	//9 - Reserved for enhanced Deflating
	//10 - PKWARE Date Compression Library Imploding

	case 0: // no compression
			return createLimitReadFile(FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), File, FileList[index].header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize);
	case 8:
			u32 uncompressedSize = FileList[index].header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize;			
			u32 compressedSize = FileList[index].header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize;

			void* pBuf = new c8[ uncompressedSize ];
			if (!pBuf)
				os::Printer::log("Not enough memory for decompressing", FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
				return 0;

			c8 *pcData = new c8[ compressedSize ];
			if (!pcData)
				os::Printer::log("Not enough memory for decompressing", FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
				return 0;

			//memset(pcData, 0, compressedSize );
			File->read(pcData, compressedSize );
			// Setup the inflate stream.
			z_stream stream;
			s32 err;

			stream.next_in = (Bytef*)pcData;
			stream.avail_in = (uInt)compressedSize;
			stream.next_out = (Bytef*)pBuf;
			stream.avail_out = uncompressedSize;
			stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
			stream.zfree = (free_func)0;

			// Perform inflation. wbits < 0 indicates no zlib header inside the data.
			err = inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS);
			if (err == Z_OK)
				err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
				if (err == Z_STREAM_END)
					err = Z_OK;
				err = Z_OK;

			delete[] pcData;
			if (err != Z_OK)
				os::Printer::log("Error decompressing", FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
				delete [] (c8*)pBuf;
				return 0;
				return io::createMemoryReadFile (	pBuf,
			return 0; // zlib not compiled, we cannot decompress the data.
		os::Printer::log("file has unsupported compression method.", FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
		return 0;