Morpho::Morpho() { // everything is not in use // creates predefined masks masks = new bool*[NUM_MASK]; maskSize[0] = 5; masks[0] = createMask(5); maskSize[1] = 19; masks[1] = createMask(19); maskSize[2] = 9; masks[2] = createMask(9); }
int processBoardGet(char *type) { if( strcmp(type, "vmax") == 0 ) { printf("Board VMAX = %f V.\n", caenv6533GetVMAX(board_addr)*1.0); } else if ( strcmp(type, "imax") == 0 ) { printf("Board IMAX = %d uA.\n", caenv6533GetIMAX(board_addr)); } else if ( strcmp(type, "status") == 0 ) { short int status = caenv6533GetSTATUS(board_addr); printf("Board STATUS bits set:\n|| " ); // Check if on or off int i; for( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { //if( ( status & (1 << i)) >> i ) { if( status & createMask(i,i) ) { printf("%s || ",statusText[i]); } } printf("\n"); } else if ( strcmp(type, "fwrel") == 0 ) { short int fwrel = caenv6533GetFWREL(board_addr); short int minor = fwrel & 0xFF; short int major = fwrel >> 8; printf("Board Firwmare %d.%d\n",major, minor); } else if ( strcmp(type, "chnum") == 0 ) {
void UBMagnifier::setSize(qreal percentFromScene) { if(gView == NULL || mView == NULL) return; // calculate object size params.sizePercentFromScene = percentFromScene; QSize sceneSize = mView->size(); qreal size = params.sizePercentFromScene * sceneSize.width() / 100; QRect currGeom = geometry(); if (circular == mDrawingMode) { if(currGeom.width() == currGeom.height()) { QPoint newPos = mView->mapFromGlobal(updPointMove); setGeometry(newPos.x() - size / 2, newPos.y() - size / 2, size, size); } else setGeometry(0, 0, size, size); } else if (rectangular == mDrawingMode) { QPoint newPos = mView->mapFromGlobal(updPointMove); setGeometry(newPos.x() - size / 2, newPos.y() - size / 2 / 3, size, size/3); } calculateButtonsPositions(); createMask(); }
// PRE: tokens points to the first string argument of operand2 uint32_t handleOperand2(char **tokens, bool *imm) { if (tokens[0][0] == '#') { *imm = true; uint32_t value = getValue(tokens[0]); if (value > MAX_MOV_CONSTANT) { int lastOnePos = getLastOnePos(value); //round lastOnePos down to the nearest multiple of 2. lastOnePos &= createMask(1, (sizeof(int) * 8 - 1)); uint32_t shiftedValue = binaryShift(value, ROR, lastOnePos) .result; if (shiftedValue > MAX_MOV_CONSTANT) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot fit value into operand2"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ((INTWIDTH - lastOnePos) / 2) << 8 | shiftedValue; } else { return value; } } else if (tokens[0][0] == 'r') { uint32_t Rm = getValue(tokens[0]); uint32_t shift = generateShift(&tokens[1]); return shift << REG_FIELD_LENGTH | Rm; } else { fputs("Error in tokenHandlers: handleOperand2: invalid operand 2", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
void UBMagnifier::setDrawingMode(int mode) { mDrawingMode = static_cast<DrawingMode>(mode); QString sMode; if (circular == mDrawingMode) { sMode = "roundeRrectangle"; resize(width(), width()); } if (rectangular == mDrawingMode) { sMode = "circle"; resize(width(), height()/3); if (mView) { qreal newPercentSize = size().width()/3 * 100 / mView->width(); emit magnifierResized_Signal(newPercentSize); } } sChangeModePixmap->load(":/images/"+sMode+".svg"); calculateButtonsPositions(); if (mView && gView) UBApplication::boardController->controlView()->scene()->moveMagnifier(); createMask(); UBSettings::settings()->magnifierDrawingMode->set(mode); }
void HSBackport::initialize() { createMask(); // create effect animation mat int matW = 0; int matH = 0; allKeys = LEDController::getInstance()->getKeyPositions(); vector<CorsairLedPosition>::iterator it = allKeys.begin(); for (; it != allKeys.end(); ) { matW = max(matW, (int)ceil(it->left + it->width)); matH = max(matH, (int)ceil(it->top + it->height)); ++it; } CorsairLedPosition kPos = LEDController::getInstance()->getKeyPositionById(getKey()); bCenterPoint = cv::Point((int)floor(kPos.left + kPos.width / 2), (int)floor( + kPos.height / 2)); effectMat = Mat4b(matH, matW, CV_8UC4); effectColorsMat = ImageFilterMat::loadResourceAsMat(IDB_BACKPORTCOLORS); // effectColorsMat = Mat4b(90, 840, Vec4b(255, 125, 0, 255)); }
QImage YoonEncryptor::encrypt(const QImage &src) { auto result = src; if(result.height() > result.width()) result = result.transformed(QTransform().rotate(90)); QVector<int> seed = dividers(result.height()); int **lookUpTable = createLUT(seed); QImage tempImage; int red,green,blue; QColor oldColor; for(int r = 0; r < K; r++){ tempImage = result; int **mask = createMask(result.height()); for(int i = 0; i < result.height(); i++){ for(int j = 0; j < result.width(); j++){ oldColor = tempImage.pixelColor(j, i); red =^mask[lookUpTable[i][j]][j]; green =^mask[lookUpTable[i][j]][j]; blue =^mask[lookUpTable[i][j]][j]; result.setPixelColor(j, lookUpTable[i][j], QColor(red, green, blue)); } } freeMemory(mask, result.height()); } freeMemory(lookUpTable, result.height()); if(result.height() > result.width()) result = result.transformed(QTransform().rotate(-90)); return result; }
RotoRegion::RotoRegion(const PathV& v) { for (PathV::const_iterator c = v.begin(); c != v.end(); ++c) _rotoPaths.push_back(*c); assert(_rotoPaths.size() > 1); _sides.push_back(RR_RIGHT); // we start first curve 0->1 const RotoPath* last = _rotoPaths.front(); _rotoPaths.front()->setRegion(this, RR_RIGHT); int i = 1; PathV::const_iterator c = _rotoPaths.begin(); ++c; // move one up float d0, d1; for (; c != _rotoPaths.end(); ++c, ++i) { const Vec2f endPt = (*c)->getEnd(getLast(i - 1)); d0 = (*c)->_bez->distanceToEnd2(endPt, 0); d1 = (*c)->_bez->distanceToEnd2(endPt, 1); if (d0 < d1) _sides.push_back(RR_RIGHT); else _sides.push_back(RR_LEFT); (*c)->setRegion(this, _sides[i]); last = *c; } assert(_sides.size() == _rotoPaths.size()); createMask(); }
bool AlertBox::init(Settings* settings) { if ( !Layer::init() ) { return false; } _settings = settings; _dead = false; _size = Size(1040,648); _moved = false; _yPosition = 0; //create fon fon = Sprite::create(PATH_INTERFACE "AlertBox.png"); this->addChild(fon); closeButton = Sprite::create(PATH_INTERFACE "CloseAlertBox.png"); closeButton->setPosition( Point(520, 324) ); this->addChild(closeButton); _scroll = Layer::create(); _scroll->setPosition( Point(0, _size.height/2) ); createMask(); _layerMask->addChild(_scroll); this->addChild(_layerMask); initTouch(); return true; }
void OutlierDetector::findOutliers(const cv::Mat &optical_flow_vectors, cv::Mat &outlier_probabilities, bool include_zeros, int pixel_step, bool print) { cv::Mat angle_matrix = cv::Mat::zeros(optical_flow_vectors.rows, optical_flow_vectors.cols, CV_64F); cv::Mat magnitude_matrix = cv::Mat::zeros(optical_flow_vectors.rows, optical_flow_vectors.cols, CV_64F); outlier_probabilities = cv::Mat::zeros(optical_flow_vectors.rows, optical_flow_vectors.cols, CV_64F); createAngleMatrix(optical_flow_vectors, angle_matrix, pixel_step); //if (print) std::cout << " Angle matrix " << std::endl << angle_matrix << std::endl; createMagnitudeMatrix(optical_flow_vectors, magnitude_matrix, pixel_step); //if (print) std::cout << " Magnitude matrix " << std::endl << magnitude_matrix << std::endl; if (print ) std::cout << "angles " << std::endl; createMask(optical_flow_vectors, angle_matrix, outlier_probabilities, include_zeros, pixel_step, print); //if (print) std::cout << " Mask angle " << std::endl << outlier_probabilities << std::endl; if (print ) std::cout << "lenghts " << std::endl; createMask(optical_flow_vectors, magnitude_matrix, outlier_probabilities, include_zeros, pixel_step, print); //if (print) std::cout << " Mask magn " << std::endl << outlier_probabilities << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int pid, initresult; if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s <proces-number 0..4>\n", argv [0]); return (-1); } pid = atoi(argv[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf ("Starting up process %d\n", pid); #endif if(pid == 0) { initSemSHM(pid); }else{ openSemSHM(pid); } createMask(pid); statement_1(pid); // enter Critical Section sem_wait(sem_flags); // Read flags from shm flags = shm_addr[0]; #ifdef VERBOSE printf ("Flags in store are 0x%02x\n", flags); #endif // mask flags flags = flags | mask; #ifdef VERBOSE printf ("Flags after masking 0x%02x\n", flags); #endif // update flag in shm shm_addr[0] = flags; #ifdef VERBOSE printf ("Flags are 0x%02x in process %d\n", flags, pid); #endif // leave Critical Section sem_post(sem_flags); // Check the flags, do sem_post(sem_sync) or sem_wait(sem_sync) if(flags == 0x0F){ sem_post(sem_sync); }else{ sem_wait(sem_sync); } sem_post(sem_sync); statement_2(pid); // Clean up cleanupSemSHM(pid); }
void HazePerfection::morphfill() { readHotImage(); createMask(); invertImage(hotDataset, maskDataset, inverta); createMark(markB); morphologicalReconstruction(markDataset, maskDataset); invertImage(markDataset, maskDataset, inverta); }
Mat HSBackport::getOriginalMatForUI() { createMask(); Mat ret; ret = ScreenHotSpot::getOriginalMatForUI(); if (!ret.empty()) { ImageFilterMat::addAlphaMask(&ret, &mask); } return ret; }
GBitmap::GBitmap(const char *fileName, bool isTrans, COLORREF transCr): mBmp(NULL), mMask(NULL), mWidth(0), mHeight(0), mIsTrans(isTrans), mTransColor(transCr) { load(fileName); if(mIsTrans) createMask(); }
bool GBitmap::loadTransparent(const char *fileName, COLORREF transCr) { if(!load(fileName)) return false; mIsTrans = true; mTransColor = transCr; createMask(); return true; }
int processChannelGet(char *chan, char *type) { short int channel = atoi(chan); if (channel > 5 || channel < 0 ) { printf("Error, invalid channel (%d) specified.\n",channel); return -2; } if( strcmp(type,"vmon") == 0 ) { // Current voltage printf("Channel %d VMON = %f V\n",channel,caenv6533GetVMON(board_addr,channel)); } else if ( strcmp(type, "chstatus") == 0 ) { // Get status unsigned short int status = caenv6533GetCHSTATUS(board_addr,channel); printf("Channel %d CHSTATUS bits set:\n|| ",channel ); // Check if on or off int i; for( i = 0; i < 14; i++ ) { //if( ( status & (1 << i)) >> i ) { if( status & createMask(i,i) ) { printf("%s || ",chstatusText[i]); } } printf("\n"); } else if ( strcmp(type, "vset" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d VSET = %f V\n",channel,caenv6533GetVSET(board_addr,channel)); } else if ( strcmp(type, "pw" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d PW = %s\n",channel, caenv6533GetPW(board_addr,channel) == 0 ? "OFF" : "ON" ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "svmax" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d SVMAX = %f V\n",channel, caenv6533GetSVMAX(board_addr,channel) ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "trip_time" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d TRIP_TIME = %f s\n",channel, caenv6533GetTRIP_TIME(board_addr,channel) ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "imonh" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d ImonH = %f uA\n",channel, caenv6533GetImonH(board_addr,channel) ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "imonl" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d ImonL = %f uA\n",channel, caenv6533GetImonL(board_addr,channel) ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "iset" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d ISET = %f uA\n",channel, caenv6533GetISET(board_addr,channel) ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "polarity" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d POLARITY = %s\n",channel, caenv6533GetPOLARITY(board_addr,channel) == 0 ? "NEGATIVE" : "POSITIVE" ); } else if ( strcmp(type, "imon_range" ) == 0 ) { printf("Channel %d IMON_RANGE = %s\n",channel, caenv6533GetIMON_RANGE(board_addr,channel) == 0 ? "HIGH" : "LOW" ); } else { return -3; } return 0; }
CDMask::CDMask( Vec2i const& size , CFScene* scene ) :size( size ) ,needShow( true ) { spr = scene->createObject( nullptr ); spr->setOpacity( 0.5f ); //spr->createPlane( NULL , 100 , 100 , Vec3D(1,0,0) ); spr->setLocalPosition( Vec3D(0,0,10) ); spr->enableVisibleTest( false ); spr->setRenderOption( CFly::CFRO_CULL_FACE , CFly::CF_CULL_NONE ); int geom = createMask( spr , nullptr ); CFly::MeshBase* shape = spr->getElement( geom )->getMesh(); mGoemBuf = shape->getVertexElement( CFly::CFV_XYZ , mGoemOffset ); }
KisDlgFilter::KisDlgFilter(KisViewManager *view, KisNodeSP node, KisFilterManager *filterManager, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), d(new Private) { setModal(false); d->uiFilterDialog.setupUi(this); d->node = node; d->view = view; d->filterManager = filterManager; d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setView(view); d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->showFilterGallery(KisConfig().showFilterGallery()); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->show(); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(createMask())); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setChecked(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->isFilterGalleryVisible()); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setIcon(QPixmap(KoResourcePaths::findResource("data", "krita/pics/sidebaricon.png"))); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setMaximumWidth(d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->height()); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(sigFilterGalleryToggled(bool)), d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SLOT(showFilterGallery(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotFilterWidgetSizeChanged())); if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->setVisible(false); } d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setPaintDevice(true, d->node->original()); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(accept())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reject())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(enablePreviewToggled(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), SLOT(filterSelectionChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(slotOnAccept())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(slotOnReject())); KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "filterdialog"); d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview->setChecked(group.readEntry("showPreview", true)); }
FunctionMode ImageAnalysis::depth_mask_detection(){ //printf("depth mask detection\n"); if( m_depthMaskCounter > 0){ // Depth mask already detected. Reset m_depthMaskCounter and begin again. m_depthMaskCounter = -NMASKFRAMES; } if( m_depthMaskCounter == -NMASKFRAMES ){ /* First step/frame. */ //Disable clipping in libfreenect driver to get depth mask of //full range. m_pdevice->setRoi(false,Rect(0,0,0,0) ); m_depthMaskWithoutThresh = Scalar(0); m_depthMask = Scalar(255);//temporary full mask } if( m_depthMaskCounter < 0){ // Use (fullsize) early frames to generate mask m_pdevice->getDepth8UC1(m_depthf, Rect(0,0,KRES_X,KRES_Y), m_pSettingKinect->m_kinectProp.minDepth,m_pSettingKinect->m_kinectProp.maxDepth); if( m_depthMaskCounter > 2-NMASKFRAMES)//deprecated filtering of first frames createMask(m_depthf,m_depthMaskWithoutThresh,/*m_pSettingKinect->m_kinectProp.marginBack,*/m_depthMaskWithoutThresh); m_depthMaskCounter++; if( m_depthMaskCounter == 0 ){ /* Last step/frame. */ finishDepthMaskCreation(); /* Re-enable clipping */ if( m_pSettingKinect->m_kinectProp.clipping) m_pdevice->setRoi(true,m_pSettingKinect->m_kinectProp.roi); printf("Depth mask detection finished.\n"); return HAND_DETECTION; } return DEPTH_MASK_DETECTION; }else{ return HAND_DETECTION; } return DEPTH_MASK_DETECTION; }
void MoveRegionTool::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, const CPoint &point) { if(m_copy == NULL) { invertPolygon(); // remove polygon m_rect = m_polygon.getBoundsRect(); // define rect if(m_polygon.size() > 2 && m_rect.Width() > 0 && m_rect.Height() > 0) { // if valid rectangle m_copy = theApp.fetchPixRect(m_rect.Size()); // define copy m_mask = theApp.fetchPixRect(m_rect.Size()); // define mask m_old = theApp.fetchPixRect(m_rect.Size()); // define old m_copy->rop(ORIGIN,m_rect.Size(),SRCCOPY, getImage(),m_rect.TopLeft()); // take a copy m_old->rop( ORIGIN,m_rect.Size(),SRCCOPY, getImage(),m_rect.TopLeft()); // take a copy createMask(); invertPolygon(); // draw polygon } else { m_polygon.clear(); } } else { invertPolygon(); // draw polygon } }
#include "ClangIndexer.h" Hash<Path, uint32_t> Location::sPathsToIds; Hash<uint32_t, Path> Location::sIdsToPaths; uint32_t Location::sLastId = 0; std::mutex Location::sMutex; static inline uint64_t createMask(int startBit, int bitCount) { uint64_t mask = 0; for (int i=startBit; i<startBit + bitCount; ++i) { mask |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << i); } return mask; } const uint64_t Location::FILEID_MASK = createMask(0, FileBits); const uint64_t Location::LINE_MASK = createMask(FileBits, LineBits); const uint64_t Location::COLUMN_MASK = createMask(FileBits + LineBits, ColumnBits); String Location::toString(Flags<ToStringFlag> flags, Hash<Path, String> *contextCache) const { if (isNull()) return String(); const unsigned int l = line(); const unsigned int c = column(); int extra = RTags::digits(l) + RTags::digits(c) + 3; String ctx; if (flags & Location::ShowContext) { ctx += '\t'; ctx += context(flags, contextCache); extra += ctx.size();
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxMtlMapping2D::update() { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->update(); // ---- save mapping to xml if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->saveMapping()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetSaveMapping(); saveShapesList(); } // ---- load mapping from xml if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->loadMapping()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetLoadMapping(); loadShapesList(); } // ---- // Editing or not !? if(!ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->editShapes()) return; // ---- // Create a new shape if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewQuad()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetCreateNewShape(); createQuad(1020/2, 720/2); return; } if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewGrid()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetCreateNewShape(); createGrid(1020/2, 720/2); return; } if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewTriangle()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetCreateNewShape(); createTriangle(1020/2, 720/2); return; } if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewMask()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetCreateNewShape(); createMask(1020/2, 720/2); return; } // ---- // Selected shape with UI if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->selectedShapeChanged()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetSelectedShapeChangedFlag(); list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it = iteratorForShapeWithId(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->selectedShapeId()); if(it != ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end()) { ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it; shape->setAsActiveShape(true); // Put active shape at the top of the list ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.push_front(shape); ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.erase(it); } } // ---- // We changed of mode - Output / Input if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingModeChanged()) { ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->resetMappingChangedFlag(); // ---- OUTPUT MODE if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingMode() == MAPPING_MODE_OUTPUT) { list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it; for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) { ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it; shape->enable(); if(shape->inputPolygon) { // If this Shape is textured and has an 'inputPolygon' shape->inputPolygon->setAsIdle(); } } // ---- INPUT MODE } else if (ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingMode() == MAPPING_MODE_INPUT) { list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it; for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) { ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it; shape->setAsIdle(); shape->inputPolygon->enable(); } } } // ---- // Update the Shapes list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it; for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) { ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it; shape->update(); } }
KisFilterDialog::KisFilterDialog(KisView2 *view, KisNodeSP node, KisImageWSP image, KisSelectionSP selection) : QDialog(view), d(new Private) { setModal(false); d->uiFilterDialog.setupUi(this); d->node = node; d->image = image; d->view = view; d->mask = new KisFilterMask(); d->mask->initSelection(selection, dynamic_cast<KisLayer*>(; d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setView(view); d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->showFilterGallery(KisConfig().showFilterGallery()); if (d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) { qobject_cast<KisLayer*>(d->>setPreviewMask(d->mask); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->show(); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->setEnabled(true); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(createMask())); } else { d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->hide(); } d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->hide(); // TODO fixme, understand why the mask isn't created, and then remove that line d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setPaintDevice(d->node->original()); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonOk->setGuiItem(KStandardGuiItem::ok()); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCancel->setGuiItem(KStandardGuiItem::cancel()); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonOk, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(apply())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonOk, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(accept())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCancel, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(reject())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(previewCheckBoxChange(int))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), SLOT(updatePreview())); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(close())); KConfigGroup group(KGlobal::config(), "filterdialog"); d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview->setChecked(group.readEntry("showPreview", true)); }
//! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! CONSTRUCTOR //! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BrainBot::BrainBot(fV3 position_, NavGrid const* grid_) : GameObject(position_, createView(position_), createMask(grid_)) { }
Status_t vs_event_create (Event_t * ec, unsigned char name[], Eventset_t state) { static const char function[] = "vs_event_create"; uint32_t namesize; Implpriv_Event_t *implpriv; IB_ENTER (function, (unint) ec, (unint) name, (uint32_t) state, (uint32_t) 0U); if (ec == 0) { IB_LOG_ERROR0 ("Event_t parameter is null"); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_ILLPARM); return VSTATUS_ILLPARM; } if (name == 0) { IB_LOG_ERROR0 ("name parameter is null"); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_ILLPARM); return VSTATUS_ILLPARM; } for (namesize = 0U; namesize < VS_NAME_MAX; namesize++) { if (name[namesize] == (unsigned char) 0x00) { (void) memmove (ec->name, name, namesize + 1U); break; } } if (namesize >= VS_NAME_MAX) { IB_LOG_ERROR0 ("name doesn't contain a terminator"); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_ILLPARM); return VSTATUS_ILLPARM; } /* ** this is a run-time check to ensure that the opaque section of Event_t ** is large enough to contain the Implementation private data structure. ** If this test fails, adjust the OPAQUE_EVENT_SIZE_WORDS define in ** cs_g.h and rebuild. */ if (sizeof (Implpriv_Event_t) > sizeof (ec->opaque)) { IB_LOG_ERROR ("Implpriv_Event_t too big:", sizeof (Implpriv_Event_t)); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_ILLPARM); return VSTATUS_ILLPARM; } /* ** this is a run-time check to make sure that the event array is supported by ** the ATI implementation. */ if (sizeof (Eventset_t) > sizeof (uint32_t)) { IB_LOG_ERROR0 ("Implpriv_Event_t does not support size of event array."); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_NODEV); return VSTATUS_NODEV; } implpriv = (Implpriv_Event_t *) (void *) & ec->opaque; memset(implpriv, 0, sizeof(*implpriv)); implpriv->magic = IMPLPRIV_EVENT_MAGIC; ec->event_handle = ec; IB_LOG_INFO("handle: ", ec->event_handle); if((implpriv->id = createMask()) == 0){ IB_LOG_ERROR0 ("Mask Creation Failed"); IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_NODEV); return VSTATUS_NODEV; } IB_EXIT (function, VSTATUS_OK); return VSTATUS_OK; }
uint16_t getValueFromBits(uint16_t extractFrom, int high, int length) { int low= high-length +1; uint16_t mask = createMask(low ,high); return shiftDown(extractFrom & mask, low); }
void RangeMask::getMasks(const optional<uint16_t>& startOpt, const optional<uint16_t>& endOpt, MaskList& out) { out.clear(); if (!startOpt && !endOpt) { return; } if (startOpt && !endOpt) { out.push_back(createMask(startOpt.get(), -1)); return; } if (!startOpt && endOpt) { out.push_back(createMask(endOpt.get(), -1)); return; } uint16_t start = startOpt.get(); uint16_t end = endOpt.get(); if (start > end) { swap(start, end); } if (start == end) { out.push_back(createMask(start, -1)); } else { /* Find first bit from MSB that is different between 'start' & 'end' */ int l2 = 15; while (l2 > 0 && isBitSet(start, l2) == isBitSet(end, l2)) { --l2; } /* Find first from LSB that is set in 'start' */ int l1 = 0; while (l1 < l2 && !isBitSet(start, l1)) { ++l1; } /* Find beginning of trailing 1s in 'end' */ int lto = -1; while (lto < l2 && isBitSet(end, lto+1)) { ++lto; } if (l1 == l2 && l2 == lto) { /* Special case: * start = xxxx0..0 * end = xxxx1..1 */ out.push_back(createMask(start, l2)); } else { out.push_back(createMask(start, l1-1)); int p = l1 + 1; while (p < l2) { if (!isBitSet(start, p)) { out.push_back(createMask(setBit(start, p, true), p-1)); } ++p; } p = l2 - 1; while (p > lto) { if (isBitSet(end, p)) { out.push_back(createMask(setBit(end, p, false), p-1)); } --p; } out.push_back(createMask(end, lto == l2 ? lto-1 : lto)); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ FILE* parameters; /* parameters of the gaussian */ int width; int length; double amplitude; double x_0; double y_0; double sigma_x0; double sigma_y0; double a_0; double b_0; double c_0; int max,min; /* parameters for the cookie cutter */ double x0,y0; double FWHM_x,FWHM_y; int span_x,span_y; int dimx,dimy; int x,y; /* gaussian struct */ fit_t results,test_g; /* indexes */ int i,j; int temp; if(argc != 2){ printf("NUMERO PARAMETRI INVALIDO\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } parameters = fopen(argv[1],"r"); /* LETTURA DEI PARAMETRI */ fscanf(parameters,"%d\t%d\t",&width,&length); fscanf(parameters,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t",&litude,&x_0,&y_0); fscanf(parameters,"%lf\t%lf\t",&sigma_x0,&sigma_y0); fscanf(parameters,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&a_0,&b_0,&c_0); /* GAUSSIAN_MATRIX */ unsigned char matrix[length][width]; #if DEBUG /* STAMPA DI DEBUG DEI PARAMETRI DELLA GAUSSIANA DA INTERPOLARE */ printf("Dimensioni della matrice: %d %d\n",width,length); printf("Ampiezza: %f\nPosizione asse X: %f\nPosizione asse Y: %f\n",amplitude,x_0,y_0); printf("Varianza asse X: %f\nVarianza asse Y: %f\n",sigma_x0,sigma_y0); printf("A(x): %f\nB(y): %f\nC: %f\n",a_0,b_0,c_0); #endif /* ASSEGNAZIONE ALLA STRUCT */ results.A = amplitude; results.x_0 = x_0; results.y_0 = y_0; results.sigma_x = sigma_x0; results.sigma_y = sigma_y0; results.a = a_0; results.b = b_0; results.c = c_0; /* COSTRUZIONE DELL'IMMAGINE */ for (i=0;i<length;i++){ for(j=0;j<width;j++){ temp = (int) evaluateGaussian(&results,j,i); //printf("%d\n",temp); matrix[i][j] = temp; } } /* WRITING THE IMAGE TO BE FITTED ON A TIFF FILE */ writeImage((unsigned char *)matrix,(char *) OUTPUT_MATRIX, width, length); maxmin( (unsigned char*) matrix, width, length, &max, &min); printf("MAX: %d MIN: %d\n", max, min); /* a pixel mask is created in order to reduce the dimensione of the region to analyze with the centroid */ unsigned char *mask = createMask( (unsigned char*) matrix, width, length, max, min, CROP_PARAMETER); #if DEBUG writeImage(mask, (char *) "mask.tiff", width, length); #endif centroid(mask, width, length, &x0, &y0, &FWHM_x, &FWHM_y); #if DEBUG printf("centro in %f - %f\nCon ampiezza %f e %f\n", x0, y0, FWHM_x, FWHM_y); #endif delete mask; /* inizialization for the diameter of the gaussian*/ span_x = (int) (2 * FWHM_x); span_y = (int) (2 * FWHM_y); /* determination of the dimension of the crop */ dimx = 2 * span_x + 1; dimy = 2 * span_y + 1; /* inizialization of the position coordinates */ x = (int) x0; y = (int) y0; /** inizialization of the test_g struct. NOTE: the coordinates of the position (x,y) are relative to the cropped portion of the image. the value of span_x, which is approximately the diameter of the gaussian, is generally not as bad as you may think to start the fit. */ test_g.A = max; test_g.x_0 = span_x; test_g.y_0 = span_y; test_g.sigma_x = FWHM_x; test_g.sigma_y = FWHM_y; test_g.a = 0; test_g.b = 0; test_g.c = min; fprintf(risultati, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", (&test_g)->A, (&test_g)->x_0 + x - span_x, (&test_g)->y_0 + y - span_y, (&test_g)->sigma_x, (&test_g)->sigma_y, (&test_g)->a, (&test_g)->b, (&test_g)->c); /* THIS PART CAN BE ITERATIVE */ unsigned char *cropped = cropImage((unsigned char*) matrix, width, length, x - span_x, x + span_x, y - span_y, y + span_y); #if DEBUG writeImage(cropped, (char *) "./CROP.tiff", dimx, dimy); #endif for(i=0;i<ITERATION;i++){ /* FIT FUNCTION */ iteration(cropped, dimx, dimy, &test_g); fprintf(risultati, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", (&test_g)->A, (&test_g)->x_0 + x - span_x, (&test_g)->y_0 + y - span_y, (&test_g)->sigma_x, (&test_g)->sigma_y, (&test_g)->a, (&test_g)->b, (&test_g)->c); } return 0; }