Example #1
void initialiseFileWriting()
  int ret;
  pthread_t thread;
  if(fileWriteThreadInitialized == 0)
    fileOpenList  = createNewList();
    fileWriteList = createNewList();
    fileCloseList = createNewList();

    ret = pthread_create(&thread,NULL,fileWritingThread,NULL);
    if(ret == EAGAIN)
      printf("ERROR: EAGAIN\n");
    else if (ret == EINVAL)
      printf("ERROR: EINVAL\n");
    else if ( ret == EPERM)
      printf("ERROR: EPERM\n");

    // Wait until the writing thread is initialized.
    while(fileWriteThreadInitialized == 0)

Example #2
void initialiseFileRead()
  int ret;
  pthread_t thread;
  readWorkspace = (char*)malloc(sizeof(short)*CHUNK_SIZE);
  if(fileReadThreadInitialized == 0)
    fileOpenList  = createNewList();
    fileReadList  = createNewList();
    fileCloseList = createNewList();

    ret = pthread_create(&thread,NULL,fileReadingThread,NULL);
    if(ret == EAGAIN)
      printf("ERROR: EAGAIN\n");
    else if (ret == EINVAL)
      printf("ERROR: EINVAL\n");
    else if ( ret == EPERM)
      printf("ERROR: EPERM\n");

    // Wait until the writing thread is initialized.
    while(fileReadThreadInitialized == 0)
Example #3
static struct FileWriteObject* createNewWriteObject(char *fileName)
  struct FileWriteObject *object = NULL;
  if(fileName != NULL)
    object = (struct FileWriteObject*)malloc(sizeof(struct FileWriteObject ));
    object->writeObjects = NULL;
    object->stream = NULL;
    object->fileName = NULL;

    object->wav = NULL;

    object->fileName = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*128);
    unsigned length = strlen(fileName);

    if(length >=128)
    object->writeObjects = createNewList();

    int channels = 1;
    int codec = 0;
    object->wav = createWavSink(channels,codec);

  return object;

Example #4
static struct FileReadObject* createNewReadObject(char *fileName)
  struct FileReadObject *object;
  if(fileName != NULL)
    object = (struct FileReadObject*)malloc(sizeof(struct FileReadObject));
    object->wav = NULL;
    object->readObjects = NULL;
    object->stream = NULL;
    object->headerOpen = 0;

    object->fileName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*128);
    unsigned length = strlen(fileName);

    if(length >=128)

    object->readObjects = createNewList(); 

  return object;
Example #5
List *prependAndTag(List *l, void *data, Tag tag) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("\033[32m%s\033[00m\n", __func__);

  if (l == NULL) {
    l = createNewList();

  if (l->head == NULL) {
    // First item being added to the list
    l->head = createNewNode();
    l->head->data = data;
    l->head->tag = tag;
    l->tail = l->head;
  } else {
    // Adding to the front
    Node *newEnd = createNewNode();
    newEnd->data = data;
    newEnd->next = l->head;
    newEnd->tag = tag;
    l->head = newEnd;
    l->tail->next = l->head;


  return l;
Example #6
List *appendAndTag(List *l, void *data, Tag tag, void (*freer)(void *)) {
  if (l == NULL) {
    l = createNewList();

  if (l->head == NULL) {
    // First item being added to the list
    l->head = createNewNodeWithFreer(freer);
    l->head->data = data;
    l->head->tag = tag;
    l->tail = NULL;
    l->head->next = l->tail;
  } else if (l->tail == NULL) {
    l->tail = createNewNodeWithFreer(freer);
    l->tail->data = data;
    l->tail->tag = tag;
    l->head->next = l->tail;
  } else {
    l->tail->next = createNewNodeWithFreer(freer);
    l->tail = l->tail->next;
    l->tail->tag = tag;
    l->tail->data = data;

  return l;
Example #7
void inputData(){

	// If our first node in the list has point to the next struct NULL value
	// we want to initialize a function that will create this new list
	if(pFirstNode == NULL){
	} else {
		struct product *pNewStruct = (struct product *) malloc(sizeof(struct product));

		printf("Enter product name: ");
		scanf("%s", &(pNewStruct)->productName);

		printf("Enter product price: ");
		scanf("%f", &(pNewStruct)->price);

		// Now we want work with the second struct in the list
		if(pFirstNode == pLastNode){
			// Here we place point to next struct our pNewStruct
			pFirstNode->next = pNewStruct;
			// But then our pLastNode is this new struct
			pLastNode = pNewStruct;
			// And also we need to put NULL value inside 'point to next struct' for this last struct
			pNewStruct->next = NULL;
		} else {
			// Here we will work with not the first, not the second
			// but the third and every other node thereafter
			pLastNode->next = pNewStruct;
			// Since it is last item in the list - next is equal to null
			pNewStruct->next = NULL;

			pLastNode = pNewStruct;

Example #8
void inputData() {

	// Special case, trying to insert a node which turns out to be the first new element 
	// in the list
	if (pFirstNode == NULL) {


	} else { // This means we are inserting the second or third element in the list

		// Create a new struct for a new element
									 // Allocating memory for each new struct
		struct product *pNewStruct = (struct product *) malloc (sizeof(struct product)); 
									// Cast not needed for C, but makes it clearer
									// what is going on here. (C++ requires it)

		printf("Enter Product Name: ");
		scanf("%s", &(pNewStruct)->productName);

		printf("Enter Product price: ");
		scanf("%f", &(pNewStruct)->price);

		// Check if this is going to be the second item in the list
		if (pFirstNode == pLastNode) { // This means we only have one node in the list
			pFirstNode->next = pNewStruct;

			pLastNode = pNewStruct;

			pNewStruct->next = NULL;

		} else { // General case for the third and more subsequent new nodes

			pLastNode->next = pNewStruct;

			pNewStruct->next = NULL;

			pLastNode = pNewStruct;
