const TriangleSetTopologyContainer::Triangle TriangleSetTopologyContainer::getTriangle (TriangleID i) { if(!hasTriangles()) createTriangleSetArray(); return (d_triangle.getValue())[i]; }
void TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundVertexArray () { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "Warning. [TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundVertexArray] triangle array is empty." << sendl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } if(hasTrianglesAroundVertex()) { clearTrianglesAroundVertex(); } m_trianglesAroundVertex.resize( getNbPoints() ); helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Triangle> > > m_triangle = d_triangle; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_triangle.size(); ++i) { // adding edge i in the edge shell of both points for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j) m_trianglesAroundVertex[ m_triangle[i][j] ].push_back( i ); } }
void ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgeSetArray() { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Warning. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgeSetArray] triangle array is empty." << std::endl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } if(hasEdges()) { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Warning. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgeSetArray] edge array is not empty." << std::endl; #endif // clear edges and all shells that depend on edges EdgeSetTopologyContainer::clear(); if(hasEdgesInTriangle()) clearEdgesInTriangle(); if(hasTrianglesAroundEdge()) clearTrianglesAroundEdge(); } // create a temporary map to find redundant edges std::map<Edge, unsigned int> edgeMap; helper::WriteAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Edge> > > m_edge = d_edge; helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Triangle> > > m_triangle = d_triangle; for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_triangle.size(); ++i) { const Triangle &t = m_triangle[i]; for(unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j) { const unsigned int v1 = t[(j+1)%3]; const unsigned int v2 = t[(j+2)%3]; const Edge e = ((v1<v2) ? Edge(v1,v2) : Edge(v2,v1)); const Edge real_e = Edge(v1,v2); if(edgeMap.find(e) == edgeMap.end()) { // edge not in edgeMap so create a new one const int edgeIndex = edgeMap.size(); edgeMap[e] = edgeIndex; m_edge.push_back(real_e); } } } }
const sofa::helper::vector<TriangleSetTopologyContainer::Triangle> & TriangleSetTopologyContainer::getTriangleArray() { if(!hasTriangles() && getNbPoints()>0) { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "[TriangleSetTopologyContainer::getTriangleArray] creating triangle array." << sendl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } return d_triangle.getValue(); }
void TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray () { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "Warning. [TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray] triangle array is empty." << sendl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } if(!hasEdges()) // this method should only be called when edges exist { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "Warning. [TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray] edge array is empty." << sendl; #endif createEdgeSetArray(); } if(!hasEdgesInTriangle()) createEdgesInTriangleArray(); const unsigned int numTriangles = getNumberOfTriangles(); const unsigned int numEdges = getNumberOfEdges(); if(hasTrianglesAroundEdge()) { clearTrianglesAroundEdge(); } m_trianglesAroundEdge.resize( numEdges ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numTriangles; ++i) { // adding triangle i in the triangle shell of all edges for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j) { m_trianglesAroundEdge[ m_edgesInTriangle[i][j] ].push_back( i ); } } }
void TetrahedronSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesInTetrahedronArray() { if(!hasTriangles()) createTriangleSetArray(); if(hasTrianglesInTetrahedron()) clearTrianglesInTetrahedron(); m_trianglesInTetrahedron.resize( getNumberOfTetrahedra()); helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Tetrahedron> > > m_tetrahedron = d_tetrahedron; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tetrahedron.size(); ++i) { const Tetrahedron &t=m_tetrahedron[i]; // adding triangles in the triangle list of the ith tetrahedron i for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j) { const int triangleIndex = getTriangleIndex(t[(j+1)%4], t[(j+2)%4], t[(j+3)%4]); m_trianglesInTetrahedron[i][j] = (unsigned int) triangleIndex; } } }
void TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgesInTriangleArray() { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "Warning. [TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgesInTriangleArray] triangle array is empty." << sendl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } // this should never be called : remove existing triangle edges if(hasEdgesInTriangle()) clearEdgesInTriangle(); helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Triangle> > > m_triangle = d_triangle; if(!hasEdges()) // To optimize, this method should be called without creating edgesArray before. { #ifndef NDEBUG sout << "Warning. [TriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgesInTriangleArray] edge array is empty." << sendl; #endif /// create edge array and triangle edge array at the same time const unsigned int numTriangles = getNumberOfTriangles(); m_edgesInTriangle.resize(numTriangles); // create a temporary map to find redundant edges std::map<Edge, unsigned int> edgeMap; helper::WriteAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Edge> > > m_edge = d_edge; for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_triangle.size(); ++i) { const Triangle &t = m_triangle[i]; for(unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j) { const unsigned int v1 = t[(j+1)%3]; const unsigned int v2 = t[(j+2)%3]; // sort vertices in lexicographic order const Edge e = ((v1<v2) ? Edge(v1,v2) : Edge(v2,v1)); if(edgeMap.find(e) == edgeMap.end()) { // edge not in edgeMap so create a new one const unsigned int edgeIndex = (unsigned int)edgeMap.size(); /// add new edge edgeMap[e] = edgeIndex; // m_edge.push_back(e); m_edge.push_back(Edge(v1,v2)); } m_edgesInTriangle[i][j] = edgeMap[e]; } } } else { /// there are already existing edges : must use an inefficient method. Parse all triangles and find the edge that match each triangle edge helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Edge> > > m_edge = d_edge; const unsigned int numTriangles = getNumberOfTriangles(); const unsigned int numEdges = getNumberOfEdges(); m_edgesInTriangle.resize(numTriangles); /// create a multi map where the key is a vertex index and the content is the indices of edges adjacent to that vertex. std::multimap<PointID, EdgeID> edgesAroundVertexMap; std::multimap<PointID, EdgeID>::iterator it; bool foundEdge; for (unsigned int edge=0; edge<numEdges; ++edge) //Todo: check if not better using multimap <PointID ,TriangleID> and for each edge, push each triangle present in both shell { edgesAroundVertexMap.insert(std::pair<PointID, EdgeID> (m_edge[edge][0],edge)); edgesAroundVertexMap.insert(std::pair<PointID, EdgeID> (m_edge[edge][1],edge)); } for(unsigned int i=0; i<numTriangles; ++i) { const Triangle &t = m_triangle[i]; // adding edge i in the edge shell of both points for(unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j) { //finding edge i in edge array std::pair<std::multimap<PointID, EdgeID>::iterator, std::multimap<PointID, EdgeID>::iterator > itPair=edgesAroundVertexMap.equal_range(t[(j+1)%3]); foundEdge=false; for(it=itPair.first; (it!=itPair.second) && (foundEdge==false); ++it) { unsigned int edge = (*it).second; if ( (m_edge[edge][0] == t[(j+1)%3] && m_edge[edge][1] == t[(j+2)%3]) || (m_edge[edge][0] == t[(j+2)%3] && m_edge[edge][1] == t[(j+1)%3])) { m_edgesInTriangle[i][j] = edge; foundEdge=true; } } #ifndef NDEBUG if (foundEdge==false) sout << "[TriangleSetTopologyContainer::getTriangleArray] cannot find edge for triangle " << i << "and edge "<< j << sendl; #endif } } } }
void ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray() { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Warning. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray] Triangle array is empty." << std::endl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } if(!hasEdges()) // this method should only be called when edges exist { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Warning. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray] Edge array is empty." << std::endl; #endif createEdgeSetArray(); } if(!hasEdgesInTriangle()) createEdgesInTriangleArray(); if(hasTrianglesAroundEdge()) clearTrianglesAroundEdge(); //Number of different elements needed for this function const unsigned int nbrEdges = getNumberOfEdges(); const unsigned int nbrTriangles = getNumberOfTriangles(); //Temporary objects Triangle vertexTriangle; int cpt; int firstVertex; int vertexInTriangle; //Temporary containers std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> map_edgesInTriangle; std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it; std::pair< std::multimap <unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator, std::multimap <unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator> pair_equal_range; helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Edge> > > m_edge = d_edge; helper::ReadAccessor< Data< sofa::helper::vector<Triangle> > > m_triangle = d_triangle; m_trianglesAroundEdge.resize(nbrEdges); for (unsigned int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < nbrTriangles; ++triangleIndex) { // adding triangle i in the triangle shell of all edges for (unsigned int indexEdge = 0; indexEdge<3 ; ++indexEdge) { map_edgesInTriangle.insert(std::pair < unsigned int, unsigned int> (m_edgesInTriangle[triangleIndex][indexEdge], triangleIndex)); } } for (unsigned int indexEdge = 0; indexEdge < nbrEdges; indexEdge++) { cpt = map_edgesInTriangle.count(indexEdge); if (cpt > 2) { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Error. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundEdgeArray] The mapping is not manifold."; std::cout << "There are more than 2 triangles adjacents to the Edge: " << indexEdge << std::endl; #endif //Even if this structure is not Manifold, we chosed to fill the shell with all the triangles: pair_equal_range = map_edgesInTriangle.equal_range(indexEdge); for (it = pair_equal_range.first; it != pair_equal_range.second; ++it) m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); } else if (cpt == 1) { it = map_edgesInTriangle.find(indexEdge); m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); } else if (cpt == 2) { pair_equal_range = map_edgesInTriangle.equal_range(indexEdge); it = pair_equal_range.first; firstVertex = m_edge[indexEdge][0]; vertexTriangle = m_triangle[(*it).second]; vertexInTriangle = getVertexIndexInTriangle (vertexTriangle, firstVertex); if ((unsigned int)m_edge[indexEdge][1] == (unsigned int)vertexTriangle[(vertexInTriangle+1)%3]) { m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); it++; m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); } else { it++; m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); it--; m_trianglesAroundEdge[indexEdge].push_back((*it).second); } } } }
void ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundVertexArray () { if(!hasTriangles()) // this method should only be called when triangles exist { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Warning. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createTrianglesAroundVertexArray] triangle array is empty." << std::endl; #endif createTriangleSetArray(); } if(hasTrianglesAroundVertex()) { clearTrianglesAroundVertex(); } //Number of different elements needed for this function const unsigned int nbrVertices = getNbPoints(); const unsigned int nbrTriangles = getNumberOfTriangles(); //Temporary objects Triangle vertexTriangle; unsigned int cpt; unsigned int firstVertex; //Temporary containers sofa::helper::vector< std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > map_Triangles; sofa::helper::vector< std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > map_NextVertex; sofa::helper::vector< std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > map_PreviousVertex; std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it1; std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it2; m_trianglesAroundVertex.resize(nbrVertices); map_Triangles.resize(nbrVertices); map_NextVertex.resize(nbrVertices); map_PreviousVertex.resize(nbrVertices); /* Creation of the differents maps: For each vertex i of each triangles: - map_Triangles: key = vertex i+1, value = index triangle - map_Nextvertex: key = vertex i+1, value = vertex i+2 - map_PreviousVertex: key = vertex i+2, value = vertex i+1 */ for (unsigned int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < nbrTriangles; ++triangleIndex) { vertexTriangle = getTriangleArray()[triangleIndex]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) { map_Triangles[vertexTriangle[i]].insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> (vertexTriangle[(i+1)%3], triangleIndex)); //multi map_NextVertex[vertexTriangle[i]].insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> (vertexTriangle[(i+1)%3], vertexTriangle[(i+2)%3])); map_PreviousVertex[vertexTriangle[i]].insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> (vertexTriangle[(i+2)%3], vertexTriangle[(i+1)%3])); } } // General loop for m_trianglesAroundVertex creation for (unsigned int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < nbrVertices; ++vertexIndex) { it1 = map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].begin(); firstVertex = (*it1).first; for (it1 = map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].begin(); it1 != map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].end(); ++it1) { it2 = map_PreviousVertex[vertexIndex].find((*it1).first); if (it2 == map_PreviousVertex[vertexIndex].end()) //it2 didn't find the it1 correspondant element in his map, means it's a border { firstVertex = (*it1).first; break; }//else we are not on a border. we keep the initialised value for firstVertex } m_trianglesAroundVertex[vertexIndex].push_back(map_Triangles[vertexIndex][firstVertex]); cpt=1; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].size(); ++i) { it2 = map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].find(firstVertex); if (((*it2).first == firstVertex) && (it2 == map_NextVertex[vertexIndex].end())) { // Contour has been done without reaching the end of the map break; } firstVertex = (*it2).second; m_trianglesAroundVertex[vertexIndex].push_back(map_Triangles[vertexIndex][firstVertex]); cpt++; } if (cpt != map_Triangles[vertexIndex].size()) { #ifndef NDEBUG std::cout << "Error. [ManifoldTriangleSetTopologyContainer::createEdgesAroundVertexArray] The mapping is not manifold."; std::cout << "There is a wrong connection between triangles adjacent to the vertex: "<< vertexIndex << std::endl; #endif } } map_Triangles.clear(); map_NextVertex.clear(); map_PreviousVertex.clear(); }