Example #1
int copy_PBM(struct PBM_Image * pbmImage, struct PBM_Image * copy)
{ // for loop variables
  int row, col;

  // initialize the copy
  if(create_PBM_Image(copy, pbmImage->width, pbmImage->height) == -1)
    return -1;

  // copy the values
  for(row = 0; row < pbmImage->height; row++)
    for(col = 0; col < pbmImage->width; col++)
      copy->image[row][col] = pbmImage->image[row][col];

  // success
  return 0; 
Example #2
int copy_PGM_to_PBM(struct PGM_Image * pgmImage, struct PBM_Image * pbmImage)
{ // for loop variables
  int row, col;

  // initialize the pgm image
  if(create_PBM_Image(pbmImage, pgmImage->width, pgmImage->height) == -1)
    return -1;

  // copy the values
  for(row = 0; row < pgmImage->height; row++)
    for(col = 0; col < pgmImage->width; col++)
      if(pgmImage->image[row][col] >= (pgmImage->maxGrayValue / 2))
        pbmImage->image[row][col] = WHITE;
        pbmImage->image[row][col] = BLACK;

  // success
  return 0; 
Example #3
File: main.c Project: jkaba/School
    This method performs the initial setup before going to the functions
    This method also converts PPM Images to PGM Images
int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // Boolean values used to determine which image to make
    bool pbm = false;
    bool pgm = false;
    bool ppm = false;
    char extension[1024];
    // If there are not enough arguments then return an error message
    if(argc != 6){
        // Message to let the user know what arguments are needed
        printf("Error: This program requires five arguments\n");
        printf("1: Image type (1 for pbm, 2 for pgm, 3 for ppm)\n");
        printf("2: Width of image. (pbm and pgm must be a multiple of 4, ppm a multiple of 6)\n");
        printf("3: Height of image. (must be a multiple of 4)\n");
        printf("4: Output image name\n");
        printf("5: Image format code (0 for ASCII, 1 for Raw)\n");
        // Stop the program as there was an error
        return 0;
    // Switch case to determine what image to make
    switch (argv[1][0]) {
        // If it is 1, we are making a PBM
        case '1':
            pbm = true;
        // If it is 2, we are making a PGM
        case '2':
            pgm = true;
        // If it is 3, we are making a PPM
        case '3':
            ppm = true;
        // If the number is something else, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Image type should be either 1(pbm), 2(pgm), or 3(ppm)\n");
            return 0;
    // The width is given as the second argument
    width = atoi(argv[2]);
    // The height is given as the third argument
    height = atoi(argv[3]);
    // The filename is given as the fourth argument
    strcpy(filename, argv[4]);
    // Switch case for fifth argument to determine whether the image is ascii or raw
    switch (argv[5][0]) {
        // If it is 0, then the image will be saved as an ascii image
        case '0':
            raw = false;
        // If it is 1, then the image will be saved as a raw image
        case '1':
            raw = true;
        // If it is something else, then return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Image format code should be either 0 (ASCII) or 1(raw)\n");
            return 0;
    // If pbm is true, we are making a pbm image
    if(pbm == true){
        // Print statement to let user know what image is being made
        printf("PBM image\n");
        // Width check to ensure that width is proper
        if(width < 4 || width % 4 != 0){
            // If the check fails, then return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Width for pbm must be a multiple of 4\n");
            return 0;
        // Height check to ensure that height is proper
        if(height < 4 || height % 4 != 0){
            // If the check fails, then return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Height for pbm must be a multiple of 4\n");
            return 0;
        // Try to create enough memory for the image
        if(create_PBM_Image(&pbmImage, width, height) != 0){
            // If memory couldn't be allocated return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Memory problem creating the PBM Image\n");
            return 0;
        // Print statement to let user know image dimensions
        printf("Creating PBM image %d W x %d H\n", width, height);
        // Create PBM Image function (Refer to program 1)
        // Add .pbm file extension to the filename
        strcat(filename, ".pbm");
        // Try to save the image
        if(save_PBM_Image(&pbmImage, filename, raw) != 0){
            // If the image couldn't be saved return an error message and stop the program
            printf("An Error occured while trying to save the PBM image to the requested filename\n");
            return 0;
        // If the user wanted to save the image as raw
        if(raw == true){
            // Print message letting the user know what the raw image is saved as
            printf("PBM Raw image saved as: %s\n", filename);
            // Print message letting the user know what the ascii image is saved as
            printf("PBM ASCII image saved as: %s\n", filename);
        // Free memory
    // If pgm is true, we are making a PGM image
    else if(pgm == true){
        // Print statement to let the user know what image is being made
        printf("PGM Image\n");
        // Width check, to ensure that the width is proper
        if(width < 4 || width % 4 != 0){
            // If the width check failed, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Width for pgm image must be a multiple of 4\n");
            return 0;
        // Height check, to ensure that the height is proper
        if(height < 4 || height % 4 != 0){
            // If the height check failed, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Height for pgm image must be a multiple of 4\n");
            return 0;
        // Try to create enough memory for the image
        if(create_PGM_Image(&pgmImage, width, height, 255) != 0){
            // If memory could not be allocated, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Memory problem creating the PGM Image\n");
            return 0;
        // Print out the dimensions of the image
        printf("Creating PGM image %d W x %d H\n", width, height);
        // Create PGM Function (Refer to program 2)
        // Add .pgm file extension to the file name
        strcat(filename, ".pgm");
        // Try to save the PGM Image
        if(save_PGM_Image(&pgmImage, filename, raw) != 0){
            // If the image could not be saved, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("An Error occured while trying to save the PGM image to the requested filename\n");
            return 0;
        // If the user wanted to save the image as raw
        if(raw == true){
            // Print message letting the user know what the raw image is saved as
            printf("PGM Raw image saved as: %s\n", filename);
            // Print message letting the user know what the ascii image is saved as
            printf("PGM ASCII image saved as: %s\n", filename);
        // Free memory
    // If ppm is true, we are making a PPM Image
    else if(ppm == true){
        // Print statement to let the user know what image is being made
        printf("PPM Image\n");
        // Width check to ensure width is proper (note: ppm needs a multiple of 6)
        if(width < 6 || width % 6 != 0){
            // If width check fails, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Width for ppm image must be a multiple of 6\n");
            return 0;
        // Height check to ensure height is proper
        if(height < 4 || height % 4 != 0){
            // If height check fails, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Height for ppm image must be a multiple of 4\n");
            return 0;
        // Try to allocate memory for PPM Image
        if(create_PPM_Image(&ppmImage, width, height, 255) != 0){
            // If memory could not be allocated, return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Memory problem creating the PPM Image\n");
            return 0;
        // Print out dimensions for the image
        printf("Creating PPM image %d W x %d H\n", width, height);
        // Create PPM Function (Refer to program 3)
        // Add .ppm file extension to the file name
        strcat(filename, ".ppm");
        // Try to save the PPM Image
        if(save_PPM_Image(&ppmImage, filename, raw) != 0){
            // If the image could not be saved, then return an error message and stop the program
            printf("An Error occured while trying to save the PPM image to the requested filename\n");
            return 0;
        // If the user wanted to save the image as raw
        if(raw == true){
            // Print message letting the user know what the raw image is saved as
            printf("PPM Raw image saved as: %s\n", filename);
            // Print message letting the user know what the ascii image is saved as
            printf("PPM ASCII image saved as: %s\n", filename);
        // convert and store PPM into 3 PGM through copy_PPM_to_PGM
        printf("Copying PPM Image to PGM Format\n");
        // Allocate memory for the pgm conversion of the ppm image
        if(create_PGM_Image(&pgmImage, width, height, 255) != 0){
            // If memory could not be allocated, then return an error message and stop the program
            printf("Error: Memory problem creating the PGM Image Copy\n");
            return 0;
        // Print out PGM copy dimensions
        printf("Creating PGM image copy %d W x %d H\n", width, height);
        // Converting ppm into 3 pgm, converting one color at a time
        for(color = RED; color <= BLUE; color++){
            // Copy PPM to PGM with current color from the loop
            if(copy_PPM_to_PGM(&ppmImage, &pgmImage, color) != 0){
                // If there was an error converting, return an error message and stop the program
                printf("Error: converting from PPM to PGM\n");
                return 0;
            // Filename setup for the copies
            strcpy(filename, argv[4]);
            strcat(filename, ".ppm.");
            strcat(filename, colorType[color]);
            strcat(filename, ".copy2PGM");
            strcat(filename, ".pgm");
            // Try to save the converted pgm image
            if(save_PGM_Image(&pgmImage, filename, raw) != 0){
                // If the PGM cannot be saved, return an error message and stop the program
                printf("An Error occured while trying to save the converted PGM image to the requested filename\n");
                return 0;
            // If the user wanted to save the image as raw
            if(raw == true){
                // Print message letting the user know what the raw image is saved as
                printf("PGM Raw image saved as: %s\n", filename);
                // Print message letting the user know what the ascii image is saved as
                printf("PGM ASCII image saved as: %s\n", filename);
        // Free memory used for the converted image
        // Free memory used for the PPM image
    // Program reached end successfully, return 0
    return 0;