int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GOptionContext *context; gboolean retval; GError *error = NULL; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); context = g_option_context_new (NULL); g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE)); retval = g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error); g_option_context_free (context); if (!retval) { g_print ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); exit (1); } settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.gnect"); g_set_application_name (_(APPNAME_LONG)); prefs_init (); game_init (); /* init gfx */ if (!gfx_load_pixmaps ()) { exit (1); } if (create_app ()) { game_reset (); gtk_main (); } game_free (); return 0; }
/* status_t Broadcast(BMessage *message, BMessenger replyTo) const @case 3 valid message, several apps, one is B_ARGV_ONLY, invalid replyTo @results Should return B_OK and send the message to all (including the B_ARGV_ONLY) apps. Replies go to the roster! */ void BroadcastTester::BroadcastTestB3() { LaunchContext context; BRoster roster; // launch app 1 entry_ref ref1(create_app(appFile1, appType1)); SimpleAppLauncher caller1(ref1); team_id team1; CHK(context(caller1, appType1, &team1) == B_OK); // launch app 2 entry_ref ref2(create_app(appFile2, appType2, false, true, B_SINGLE_LAUNCH | B_ARGV_ONLY)); SimpleAppLauncher caller2(ref2); team_id team2; CHK(context(caller2, appType2, &team2) == B_OK); // launch app 3 entry_ref ref3(create_app(appFile3, appType3)); SimpleAppLauncher caller3(ref3); team_id team3; CHK(context(caller3, appType3, &team3) == B_OK); // launch app 4 entry_ref ref4(create_app(appFile4, appType4)); SimpleAppLauncher caller4(ref4); team_id team4; CHK(context(caller4, appType4, &team4) == B_OK); // wait for the apps to run context.WaitForMessage(team1, MSG_READY_TO_RUN); context.WaitForMessage(team2, MSG_READY_TO_RUN); context.WaitForMessage(team3, MSG_READY_TO_RUN); context.WaitForMessage(team4, MSG_READY_TO_RUN); // broadcast a message BMessage message(MSG_1); BMessenger replyTo; CHK(roster.Broadcast(&message, replyTo) == B_OK); // wait for the apps to report the receipt of the message context.WaitForMessage(team1, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); context.WaitForMessage(team2, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); context.WaitForMessage(team3, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); context.WaitForMessage(team4, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); // check the messages context.Terminate(); // app 1 int32 cookie = 0; CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_STARTED)); CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, &ref1, false)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN)); CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, &message)); // CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_2)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED)); // app 2 cookie = 0; CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_STARTED)); CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, &ref2, false)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN)); CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, &message)); // CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_2)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED)); // app 3 cookie = 0; CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_STARTED)); CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, &ref3, false)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN)); CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, &message)); // CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_2)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED)); // app 4 cookie = 0; CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_STARTED)); CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, &ref4, false)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN)); CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, &message)); // CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_2)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED)); CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static char report[1024]; printf("PJSIP Performance Measurement Tool v%s\n" "(c)2006\n\n", PJ_VERSION); if (create_app() != 0) return 1; if (init_options(argc, argv) != 0) return 1; if (init_sip() != 0) return 1; if (init_media() != 0) return 1; pj_log_set_level(app.log_level); if (app.log_level > 4) { pjsip_endpt_register_module(app.sip_endpt, &msg_logger); } /* Misc infos */ if (app.client.dst_uri.slen != 0) { if ( == PJSIP_INVITE_METHOD) { if (app.client.stateless) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Info: --stateless option makes no sense for INVITE," " ignored.")); } } } if (app.client.dst_uri.slen) { /* Client mode */ pj_status_t status; char test_type[64]; unsigned msec_req, msec_res; unsigned i; /* Get the job name */ if ( == PJSIP_INVITE_METHOD) { pj_ansi_strcpy(test_type, "INVITE calls"); } else if (app.client.stateless) { pj_ansi_sprintf(test_type, "stateless %.*s requests", (int),; } else { pj_ansi_sprintf(test_type, "stateful %.*s requests", (int),; } printf("Sending %d %s to '%.*s' with %d maximum outstanding jobs, please wait..\n", app.client.job_count, test_type, (int)app.client.dst_uri.slen, app.client.dst_uri.ptr, app.client.job_window); for (i=0; i<app.thread_count; ++i) { status = pj_thread_create(app.pool, NULL, &client_thread, (void*)(long)i, 0, 0, &app.thread[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create thread", status); return 1; } } for (i=0; i<app.thread_count; ++i) { pj_thread_join(app.thread[i]); app.thread[i] = NULL; } if (app.client.last_completion.sec) { pj_time_val duration; duration = app.client.last_completion; PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(duration, app.client.first_request); msec_res = PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(duration); } else { msec_res = app.client.timeout * 1000; } if (msec_res == 0) msec_res = 1; if (app.client.requests_sent.sec) { pj_time_val duration; duration = app.client.requests_sent; PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(duration, app.client.first_request); msec_req = PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(duration); } else { msec_req = app.client.timeout * 1000; } if (msec_req == 0) msec_req = 1; if (app.client.job_submitted < app.client.job_count) puts("\ntimed-out!\n"); else puts("\ndone.\n"); pj_ansi_snprintf( report, sizeof(report), "Total %d %s sent in %d ms at rate of %d/sec\n" "Total %d responses receieved in %d ms at rate of %d/sec:", app.client.job_submitted, test_type, msec_req, app.client.job_submitted * 1000 / msec_req, app.client.total_responses, msec_res, app.client.total_responses*1000/msec_res); write_report(report); /* Print detailed response code received */ pj_ansi_sprintf(report, "\nDetailed responses received:"); write_report(report); for (i=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(app.client.response_codes); ++i) { const pj_str_t *reason; if (app.client.response_codes[i] == 0) continue; reason = pjsip_get_status_text(i); pj_ansi_snprintf( report, sizeof(report), " - %d responses: %7d (%.*s)", i, app.client.response_codes[i], (int)reason->slen, reason->ptr); write_report(report); } /* Total responses and rate */ pj_ansi_snprintf( report, sizeof(report), " ------\n" " TOTAL responses: %7d (rate=%d/sec)\n", app.client.total_responses, app.client.total_responses*1000/msec_res); write_report(report); pj_ansi_sprintf(report, "Maximum outstanding job: %d", app.client.stat_max_window); write_report(report); } else { /* Server mode */ char s[10], *unused; pj_status_t status; unsigned i; puts("pjsip-perf started in server-mode"); printf("Receiving requests on the following URIs:\n" " sip:0@%.*s:%d%s for stateless handling\n" " sip:1@%.*s:%d%s for stateful handling\n" " sip:2@%.*s:%d%s for call handling\n", (int)app.local_addr.slen, app.local_addr.ptr, app.local_port, (app.use_tcp ? ";transport=tcp" : ""), (int)app.local_addr.slen, app.local_addr.ptr, app.local_port, (app.use_tcp ? ";transport=tcp" : ""), (int)app.local_addr.slen, app.local_addr.ptr, app.local_port, (app.use_tcp ? ";transport=tcp" : "")); printf("INVITE with non-matching user part will be handled call-statefully\n"); for (i=0; i<app.thread_count; ++i) { status = pj_thread_create(app.pool, NULL, &server_thread, (void*)(long)i, 0, 0, &app.thread[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create thread", status); return 1; } } puts("\nPress <ENTER> to quit\n"); fflush(stdout); unused = fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(unused); app.thread_quit = PJ_TRUE; for (i=0; i<app.thread_count; ++i) { pj_thread_join(app.thread[i]); app.thread[i] = NULL; } puts(""); } destroy_app(); return 0; }