Example #1
Go through command tree and discover all file dependencies.
graphnode_t create_dependency_graph(command_t c){
  graphnode_t  subshell_graph = NULL;
  graphnode_t temp_node = NULL;
  graphnode_t dep_graph = NULL;

  if(c->type == AND_COMMAND || c->type == OR_COMMAND || c->type == PIPE_COMMAND || c->type == SEQUENCE_COMMAND)
      dep_graph = create_dependency_graph(c->u.command[0]);
      if(dep_graph != NULL){
	temp_node = dep_graph;
	while(temp_node->next_node != NULL){
	  temp_node = temp_node->next_node;
	temp_node->next_node = create_dependency_graph(c->u.command[1]);
	dep_graph = create_dependency_graph(c->u.command[1]);
  else if(c->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND || c->type == SIMPLE_COMMAND){ 
   //We want to make a dependency graph for the subshell first
      if(c->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND)
	subshell_graph = create_dependency_graph(c->u.subshell_command);

      if(c->input != NULL){
	temp_node = malloc(sizeof(struct graphnode));
	  error(1,0, "Error allocating memory in create_dependency_graph.\n");
	temp_node->filename = c->input;
	temp_node->next_node = NULL;
	dep_graph = temp_node;
      if(c->output != NULL){
	temp_node = malloc(sizeof(struct graphnode));
	  error(1,0,"Error allocating memory in create_dependency_graph.\n");
	temp_node->filename = c->output;
	temp_node->next_node = NULL;
        if(dep_graph != NULL)
	  dep_graph->next_node = temp_node;
          dep_graph = temp_node;
      if(subshell_graph != NULL){ //This means that the subshell graph was created
	temp_node = dep_graph;
	dep_graph = subshell_graph;
	dep_graph->next_node = temp_node;
      error(7,0,"Cannot determine command type in create_dependency_graph.\n");
  return dep_graph;
Example #2
command_stream_t make_forest (struct token_node_list *list) {
    struct command_stream* current_tree = NULL;
    struct command_stream* previous_tree = NULL;
    struct command_stream* head_tree = NULL;
    struct command_stream* tail_tree = NULL;
    while (list != NULL && list->head->next_node != NULL && 1) {
        struct token_node* current = list->head->next_node;
        //Take the token stream and convert it to a tree.
        command_t command_node = create_tree(current);
        current_tree = malloc(sizeof(struct command_stream));
	current_tree->depend = create_dependency_graph(command_node);

        if (current_tree == NULL){
            fprintf(stderr, "Was not able to allocate memory to standard error");
        current_tree->command = command_node;
        //The first iteration, so set both head and previous tree to current_tree (the first one)
        if (!head_tree) {
            head_tree = current_tree;
            previous_tree = head_tree;
            //head_tree = current_tree;
            //A later iteration, so increment the previous_tree while keeping head_tree constant.
        } else {
            tail_tree = head_tree;
            previous_tree->next = current_tree;
            tail_tree = NULL;
            previous_tree = current_tree;
            tail_tree = previous_tree->next;
            list = list->next;
            tail_tree = NULL;
        //Return the head_tree which should be the first tree linked to the rest of the trees.
        return head_tree;
Example #3
/** \fn int main(int argc, char * argv[])
 * \brief Main program function.
 * \param argc Argument count.
 * \param argv Pointer Pointer to Argument vector
 * \return system int
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	/* Variables for parsing directories */
	int lastd;
	int i;
	/* Error value */
	int rc;
	/* Variable to read in command line input */
	char inputfile[1000];
	char directory[1000];
	char filename[1000];
	char templatename[1000];
	char templatedirectory[1000];
	/* For reading input files */
	input_file * current_input_file;
	/* Structure to hold model data */
	model_data * modeldata;
	/* Hold modeldata data */
	xmachine * xmachines;
	xmachine_message * xmessage;
	variable * envvar;
	env_func * envfunc;
	variable * envdefine;
	variable * allvars;
	variable * constant_filter_vars;
	f_code * it_end_code;
	layer * layers;
	flame_communication * communications;
	model_datatype * datatypes;
	time_data * time_units;
	input_file * temp_input_file;
	/* Allocate memory for modeldata */
	modeldata = (model_data *)malloc(sizeof(model_data));
	/* 0=serial(default) 1=parallel 2=grid */
	modeldata->code_type = 0;
	/* 0=dgraph.dot 1=stategraph.dot */
	modeldata->depends_style = 0;
	modeldata->debug_mode = 1;

	/* Initialise pointers */
	modeldata->name = NULL;
	modeldata->p_xmachines = &xmachines;
	xmachines = NULL;
	modeldata->p_xmessages = &xmessage;
	xmessage = NULL;
	modeldata->p_envvars = &envvar;
	envvar = NULL;
	modeldata->p_envfuncs = &envfunc;
	envfunc = NULL;
	modeldata->p_envdefines = &envdefine;
	envdefine = NULL;
	modeldata->p_allvars = &allvars;
	allvars = NULL;
	modeldata->p_it_end_code = &it_end_code;
	it_end_code = NULL;
	modeldata->p_layers = &layers;
	layers = NULL;
	modeldata->p_communications = &communications;
	communications = NULL;
	modeldata->p_datatypes = &datatypes;
	datatypes = NULL;
	modeldata->p_time_units = &time_units;
	time_units = NULL;
	modeldata->p_files = &temp_input_file;
	temp_input_file = NULL;
	modeldata->p_constant_filter_vars = &constant_filter_vars;
	constant_filter_vars = NULL;
	printf("xparser (Version %d.%d.%d)\n", VERSIONMAJOR, VERSIONMINOR, VERSIONMICRO);
	/* Must be at least the input file name */
	if(argc < 2)
		printf("Usage: xparser [XMML file] [-s | -p] [-f]\n");
		printf("\t-s\tSerial mode\n");
		printf("\t-p\tParallel mode\n");
		printf("\t-f\tFinal production mode\n");
		return 0;
	/* Copy location of xparser */
	/* parser command line */
	while(argc >1){
		if(argv[1][0] == '-') {
			switch (argv[1][1]){
			case 's': modeldata->code_type = 0;
			case 'p': modeldata->code_type = 1;
			case 'f' : modeldata->debug_mode = 0;
			default:  printf("xparser: Error - unknown option %s\n",argv[1]);
				return 0;
			/* printf("XMML input file : %s\n",argv[1]); */
	if(inputfile[1] == '\0') {
		printf("xparser: Error - XMML must be specified\n");
		return 0;
	/* Print what type of code writing */
    printf("Code type       : ");
	if(modeldata->code_type == 0) printf("Serial");
	if(modeldata->code_type == 1) printf("Parallel");
	if(modeldata->debug_mode == 1) printf(" (DEBUG)");
	/* Calculate directory to write files to */
	i = 0;
	lastd = 0;
	while(inputfile[i] != '\0')
	/* For windows directories */
		if(inputfile[i] == '\\') lastd=i;
	/* For unix directories */
		if(inputfile[i] == '/') lastd=i;
	/* If a directory is in the path */
	if(lastd != 0)
		strcpy(directory, inputfile);
		directory[lastd+1] = '\0';
	else directory[0] = '\0';
	/* Calculate directory where xparser and template files are */
	i = 0;
	lastd = 0;
	while(templatedirectory[i] != '\0')
		/* For windows directories */
		if(templatedirectory[i] == '\\') lastd=i;
		/* For unix directories */
		if(templatedirectory[i] == '/') lastd=i;
	/* If a directory is in the path */
	if(lastd != 0)
		templatedirectory[lastd+1] = '\0';
	else templatedirectory[0] = '\0';
	/* Appending templates subdir */
	strcat(templatedirectory, "templates/");
	printf("Input XMML file : %s\n", inputfile);
	printf("Model root dir  : %s\n", directory);
	printf("Template dir    : %s\n", templatedirectory);
	current_input_file = add_input_file(modeldata->p_files);
	current_input_file->fullfilepath = copystr(inputfile);
	current_input_file->fulldirectory = copystr(directory);
	current_input_file->localdirectory = copystr("");
	/* Read model from model xml file */
	current_input_file = * modeldata->p_files;
		if(current_input_file->enabled == 1)
			readModel(current_input_file, directory, modeldata);
		current_input_file = current_input_file->next;
	rc = checkmodel(modeldata);
	if(rc == -1)
		return 0;
	/* Calculate dependency graph for model functions */
	rc = create_dependency_graph(directory, modeldata);
	if(rc == -1)
		return 0;
	/* Looping through Template Directory searching for *.tmpl files */
	DIR *dir = opendir (templatedirectory);
	struct dirent *dp;          /* returned from readdir() */
	if (dir == NULL)
		printf("Error: Opening %s directory failed.\n", templatedirectory);
	    return 0;            /* opendir() failed */
	printf("Processing %s Directory.\n",templatedirectory);
	/* Loop through the directory. */
	while ((dp = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
		int len = (int)strlen(dp->d_name);
		if(dp->d_name[len-1] == 'l' &&
			dp->d_name[len-2] == 'p' &&
			dp->d_name[len-3] == 'm' &&
			dp->d_name[len-4] == 't' &&
			dp->d_name[len-5] == '.')		/* if file ends with *.tmpl */
			strcpy(templatename, templatedirectory); strcat(templatename, dp->d_name);
			strcpy(filename, directory); strcat(filename, dp->d_name);
			filename[strlen(filename)-5] = '\0';
			/* Parse templates to output files */
			parseTemplate(filename, templatename, modeldata);
	parseAgentHeaderTemplate(directory, modeldata);
	/*parseUnittest(directory, modeldata);*/
	/*parser0dtd(directory, modeldata);*/
	/*parser0xsd(directory, modeldata);*/
	printf("\n--- xparser finished ---\n\n");
    printf("To compile and run the generated code, you will need:\n");
    printf(" * libmboard (version %s or newer)\n", LIBMBOARD_MINVER_STR);
	/* Exit successfully by returning zero to Operating System */
	return 0;