Example #1
//MagicPacket versenden (immer 102 Byte)
void wol_request ()
        unsigned int byte_count = 0;

		//sync stream erstellen (sechs mal FF)
		for (; byte_count < 6; byte_count++)
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START + byte_count] = 0xFF;
        //16 mal die MAC-Adresse anhängen / darauf achten, dass nicht zu viel auf dem buffer landet
		for (; byte_count < 102 && byte_count < (MTU_SIZE-(UDP_DATA_START));)
			for (unsigned char i=0; i < 6; i++)
				eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START + byte_count] = wol_mac[i];
		create_new_udp_packet(byte_count,WOL_PORT,WOL_PORT,(*(unsigned long*)&wol_bcast_ip[0]));
		WOL_DEBUG("** MagicPacket gesendet an: %1i.%1i.%1i.%1i (0x%2x-0x%2x-0x%2x-0x%2x-0x%2x-0x%2x) **\r\n",

Example #2
// sending msg to syslog server defined in EEPROM
void syslog_send ( char *msg )
	char *packet = (char *)(eth_buffer+UDP_DATA_START);
	char *pp = packet;
	int i = 0;

	SYSLOG_DEBUG("SYSLOG send %s\r\n", msg);

	(*((unsigned long*)&syslog_server_ip[0])) = para_getip(SYSLOG_IP_EEPROM_STORE,SYSLOG_IP);
	SYSLOG_DEBUG("Server: %1i.%1i.%1i.%1i\r\n",syslog_server_ip[0],syslog_server_ip[1],syslog_server_ip[2],syslog_server_ip[3]);

	//Arp-Request senden
	unsigned long tmp_ip = (*(unsigned long*)&syslog_server_ip[0]);
	if ( syslog_server_ip[3] != 0xFF )	// quickhack for broadcast address
		if ( arp_entry_search(tmp_ip) >= MAX_ARP_ENTRY ) //Arp-Request senden?
			for ( i=0; i<SYSLOG_ARPRETRIES && (arp_request(tmp_ip) != 1); i++ );

	  SYSLOG_ERROR("No SYSLOG server!\r\n");

	// building the packet structure
	*pp++ = '<';
	*pp++ = '0';
	*pp++ = '>';
	strcpy ( pp, msg );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// send an ArtDmx packet
void artnet_sendDmxPacket(void) {
	static unsigned char sequence = 1;
	struct artnet_dmx *msg;

	// clear packet buffer
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct artnet_dmx) + artnet_dmxChannels; i++) { //clear eth_buffer to 0
		eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START + i] = 0;

	msg = (struct artnet_dmx *)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START];
	msg->opcode = OP_OUTPUT;

	msg->versionH = 0;
	msg->version = PROTOCOL_VERSION;

	msg->sequence = sequence++;
	if (sequence == 0) {
		sequence = 1;

	msg->physical = 1;
	msg->universe = ((artnet_subNet << 4) | artnet_inputUniverse1);

	msg->lengthHi = (artnet_dmxChannels >> 8) & 0xFF;
	msg->length = artnet_dmxChannels & 0xFF;

	memcpy(&(msg->dataStart), (unsigned char *)&artnet_dmxUniverse[0], artnet_dmxChannels);

	create_new_udp_packet(sizeof(struct artnet_dmx) + artnet_dmxChannels, artnet_port, artnet_port, (unsigned long)0xffffffff);
//Empfang der IP
void udp_cmd_get (unsigned char index)

	struct IP_Header *ip;
	ip = (struct IP_Header *)&eth_buffer[IP_OFFSET];
	udp_cmd_pollReplyTarget = ip->IP_Srcaddr;
	if(strcasestr_P((char*)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START],PSTR("CMD IP ")) != 0){	
		if ((eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+11] == myip[0] &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+12] == myip[1] &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+13] == myip[2] &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+14] == myip[3])||
			(eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+11] == 255 &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+12] == 255 &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+13] == 255 &&
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+14] == 255))
			//write default port
			unsigned short tmp = 0x1936;
			eeprom_write_block(&tmp,(void *)64, 2);

			if (*((unsigned int*)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+7]) != 0x00000000)
				//value ins EEPROM schreiben
				for (unsigned char count = 0; count<4;count++)
					eeprom_busy_wait ();
					eeprom_write_byte((unsigned char *)(IP_EEPROM_STORE + count),eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+7+count]);

			if (*((unsigned int*)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+15]) != 0x00000000)
				//value ins EEPROM schreiben
				for (unsigned char count = 0; count<4;count++)
					eeprom_busy_wait ();
					eeprom_write_byte((unsigned char *)(NETMASK_EEPROM_STORE + count),eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+15+count]);
			(*((unsigned long*)&myip[0])) = MYIP;
			(*((unsigned long*)&netmask[0])) = NETMASK;

			//UDP_CMD_DEBUG("My IP: %1i.%1i.%1i.%1i\r\n",myip[0],myip[1],myip[2],myip[3]);
			//UDP_CMD_DEBUG("MASK %1i.%1i.%1i.%1i\r\n", netmask[0]  , netmask[1]  , netmask[2]  , netmask[3]);
			//send OK
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START] = 'O';
			eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+1] = 'K';
			create_new_udp_packet(2,UDP_CMD_PORT_TX+3456,UDP_CMD_PORT_TX,(unsigned long)0xffffffff);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// send an ArtIpProgReply packet
void artnet_sendIpProgReply(unsigned long target) {
	struct artnet_ipprogreply *msg;

	// clear packet buffer
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct artnet_ipprogreply); i++) { //clear eth_buffer to 0
		eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START + i] = 0;

	msg = (struct artnet_ipprogreply *)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START];
	msg->opcode = OP_IPPROGREPLY;

	msg->versionH = 0;
	msg->version = PROTOCOL_VERSION;

	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		msg->progIp[i] = myip[i];
		msg->progSm[i] = netmask[i];
	msg->progPort[0] = (artnet_port >> 8) & 0xff;
	msg->progPort[1] = artnet_port & 0xff;

	create_new_udp_packet(sizeof(struct artnet_ipprogreply), artnet_port, artnet_port, target);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// send an ArtPollReply packet
void artnet_sendPollReply(void) {
	struct artnet_pollreply *msg;
	char buffer[LONG_NAME_LENGTH];

	// clear packet buffer
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct artnet_pollreply); i++) { //clear eth_buffer to 0
		eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START + i] = 0;

	msg = (struct artnet_pollreply *)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START];
	msg->opcode = OP_POLLREPLY;

	msg->addr.ip[0] = myip[0];
	msg->addr.ip[1] = myip[1];
	msg->addr.ip[2] = myip[2];
	msg->addr.ip[3] = myip[3];
	msg->addr.port = artnet_port;
	msg->versionInfoH = (FIRMWARE_VERSION >> 8) & 0xFF;
	msg->versionInfo = FIRMWARE_VERSION & 0xFF;

	msg->subSwitchH = 0;
	msg->subSwitch = artnet_subNet & 15;

	msg->oem = OEM_ID;
	msg->ubeaVersion = 0;
	msg->status = 0;
	msg->estaMan = 'S' * 256 + 'K';
	strcpy(msg->shortName, artnet_shortName);
	strcpy(msg->longName, artnet_longName);
	sprintf(buffer, "#%04X [%04u] AvrArtNode is ready", artnet_status, artnet_pollReplyCounter);

	strcpy(msg->nodeReport, buffer);

	msg->numPortsH = 0;
	msg->numPorts = 1;

	if (artnet_dmxDirection == 1) {
		msg->portTypes[0] = PORT_TYPE_DMX_INPUT;
	} else {
		msg->portTypes[0] = PORT_TYPE_DMX_OUTPUT;

	if (artnet_dmxDirection != 1) {
		msg->goodInput[0] = (1 << 3);
	} else {
		if (artnet_dmxChannels > 0) {
			msg->goodInput[0] |= (1 << 7);

	msg->goodOutput[0] = (1 << 1);
	if (artnet_dmxTransmitting == TRUE) {
		msg->goodOutput[0] |= (1 << 7);

	msg->swin[0] = (artnet_subNet & 15) * 16 | (artnet_inputUniverse1 & 15);
	msg->swout[0] = (artnet_subNet & 15) * 16 | (artnet_outputUniverse1 & 15);

	msg->style = STYLE_NODE;

	msg->mac[0] = MYMAC1;
	msg->mac[1] = MYMAC2;
	msg->mac[2] = MYMAC3;
	msg->mac[3] = MYMAC4;
	msg->mac[4] = MYMAC5;
	msg->mac[5] = MYMAC6;

	create_new_udp_packet(sizeof(struct artnet_pollreply)+20, artnet_port, artnet_port, artnet_pollReplyTarget);
Example #7
//Sendet DHCP messages an Broadcast
void dhcp_message (unsigned char type)
  struct dhcp_msg *msg;
  unsigned char   *options;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < sizeof (struct dhcp_msg); i++) //clear eth_buffer to 0
    eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+i] = 0;
  msg = (struct dhcp_msg *)&eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START];
  msg->op          = 1; // BOOTREQUEST
  msg->htype       = 1; // Ethernet
  msg->hlen        = 6; // Ethernet MAC
  msg->xid[0]      = MYMAC6; //use the MAC as the ID to be unique in the LAN
  msg->xid[1]      = MYMAC5;
  msg->xid[2]      = MYMAC4;
  msg->xid[3]      = MYMAC3;
  msg->flags       = HTONS(0x8000);
  msg->chaddr[0]   = MYMAC1;
  msg->chaddr[1]   = MYMAC2;
  msg->chaddr[2]   = MYMAC3;
  msg->chaddr[3]   = MYMAC4;
  msg->chaddr[4]   = MYMAC5;
  msg->chaddr[5]   = MYMAC6;
  options = &msg->options[0];  //options
  *options++       = 99;       //magic cookie
  *options++       = 130;
  *options++       = 83;
  *options++       = 99;

  *options++       = 53;    // Option 53: DHCP message type DHCP Discover
  *options++       = 1;     // len = 1
  *options++       = type;  // 1 = DHCP Discover
  *options++       = 55;    // Option 55: parameter request list
  *options++       = 3;     // len = 3
  *options++       = 1;     // netmask
  *options++       = 3;     // router
  *options++       = 6;     // dns

  *options++       = 50;    // Option 54: requested IP
  *options++       = 4;     // len = 4
  *options++       = myip[0];
  *options++       = myip[1];
  *options++       = myip[2];
  *options++       = myip[3];

  switch (type)
      dhcp_state = DHCP_STATE_DISCOVER_SENT;
      DHCP_DEBUG("DISCOVER sent\r\n");
      *options++       = 54;    // Option 54: server ID
      *options++       = 4;     // len = 4
      *options++       = cache.serv_id[0];
      *options++       = cache.serv_id[1];
      *options++       = cache.serv_id[2];
      *options++       = cache.serv_id[3];
      dhcp_state = DHCP_STATE_REQUEST_SENT;
      DHCP_DEBUG("REQUEST sent\r\n");
      DHCP_DEBUG("Wrong DHCP msg type\r\n");

  *options++       = 12;    // Option 12: host name
  *options++       = 8;     // len = 8
  *options++       = 'M';
  *options++       = 'i';
  *options++       = 'n';
  *options++       = 'i';
  *options++       = '-';
  *options++       = 'A';
  *options++       = 'V';
  *options++       = 'R';
  *options         = 0xff;  //end option

  create_new_udp_packet(sizeof (struct dhcp_msg),DHCP_CLIENT_PORT,DHCP_SERVER_PORT,(unsigned long)0xffffffff);
Example #8
//send query to DNS server
void dns_query(char *name)
    unsigned char   *nptr;
    unsigned char   n;
    unsigned int    byte_count;
    unsigned long   tmp_ip;

    tmp_ip = (*(unsigned long*)&dns_server_ip[0]);

    if (arp_request(tmp_ip) == 1) // if DNS server is answering to ARP
        nptr = &eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START];
        *nptr++ = 0x12; //ID h
        *nptr++ = 0x34; //ID l
        *nptr++ = 0x01; //Flags h  FLAG_RD ->Standard query
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //Flags l
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //QDCOUNT h
        *nptr++ = 0x01; //QDCOUNT l
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //ANCOUNT h
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //ANCOUNT l
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //NSCOUNT h
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //NSCOUNT l
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //ARCOUNT h
        *nptr++ = 0x00; //ARCOUNT l
        byte_count = 12;
        /* Convert hostname to query format. */
            nptr = &eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count];   //remember the first byte
            for(n = 0; *name != '.' && *name != 0; ++name)  //copy the name
                eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = *name;
            *nptr = n;       //store the length in the first byte
        while(*name != 0); //until name string is finished 
        //end of query:
        eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = 0; //zero string
        eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = 0; //2 bytes QTYPE 1=a host address
        eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = 1; //
        eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = 0; //2 bytes QCLASS 1=Internet
        eth_buffer[UDP_DATA_START+byte_count] = 1; //
        dns_state = DNS_STATE_REQ_SENT;
    dns_state = DNS_STATE_REQ_ERR;
    DNS_DEBUG("No DNS server!!\r\n");