Example #1
 * store_chunk(buf, buflen, ch, C):
 * Write the chunk ${buf} of length ${buflen} using the chunk layer cookie
 * ${C}, and populate the chunkheader structure ${ch}.
static int
store_chunk(uint8_t * buf, size_t buflen, struct chunkheader * ch,
    CHUNKS_W * C)
	ssize_t zlen;

	/* Hash of chunk. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_CHUNK, buf, buflen, ch->hash))
		goto err0;

	/* Length of chunk. */
	le32enc(ch->len, (uint32_t)(buflen));

	/* Ask chunk layer to store the chunk. */
	zlen = chunks_write_chunk(C, ch->hash, buf, buflen);
	if (zlen == -1) {
		warnp("Error in chunk storage layer");
		goto err0;

	/* Compressed length of chunk. */
	le32enc(ch->zlen, (uint32_t)(zlen));

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #2
 * multitape_metadata_put(S, C, mdat, extrastats):
 * Store archive metadata.  Call chunks_write_extrastats on ${C} and the
 * metadata file length if ${extrastats} != 0.
multitape_metadata_put(STORAGE_W * S, CHUNKS_W * C,
    struct tapemetadata * mdat, int extrastats)
	uint8_t hbuf[32];	/* HMAC of tape name. */
	uint8_t * buf;		/* Encoded metadata. */
	size_t buflen;		/* Encoded metadata size. */

	/* Construct metadata file. */
	if (multitape_metadata_enc(mdat, &buf, &buflen))
		goto err0;

	/* Compute hash of tape name. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_NAME,
	    (uint8_t *)mdat->name, strlen(mdat->name), hbuf))
		goto err1;

	/* Store the archive metadata. */
	if (storage_write_file(S, buf, buflen, 'm', hbuf))
		goto err1;
	if (extrastats)
		chunks_write_extrastats(C, buflen);

	/* Free metadata buffer. */

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #3
 * multitape_metadata_get_byname(S, C, mdat, tapename, quiet):
 * Read and parse metadata for the archive named ${tapename}.  If ${C} is
 * non-NULL, call chunks_stats_extrastats on ${C} and the length of the
 * metadata file.  If ${quiet}, don't print any warnings about corrupt or
 * missing files.  Return 0 on success, 1 if the metadata file does not
 * exist, 2 if the metadata file is corrupt, or -1 on error.
int multitape_metadata_get_byname(STORAGE_R * S, CHUNKS_S * C,
    struct tapemetadata * mdat, const char * tapename, int quiet)
	uint8_t hbuf[32];

	/* Compute the hash of the tape name. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_NAME,
	    (const uint8_t *)tapename, strlen(tapename), hbuf))
		goto err0;

	/* Let multitape_metadata_get do the work. */
	return (multitape_metadata_get(S, C, mdat, hbuf, tapename, quiet));

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #4
 * multitape_metadata_ispresent(S, tapename):
 * Return 1 if there is already a metadata file for the specified archive
 * name, 0 if not, or -1 on error.
multitape_metadata_ispresent(STORAGE_W * S, const char * tapename)
	uint8_t hbuf[32];	/* HMAC of tapename. */

	/* Compute the hash of the tape name. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_NAME,
	    (const uint8_t *)tapename, strlen(tapename), hbuf))
		goto err0;

	/* Ask the storage layer if the metadata file exists. */
	return (storage_write_fexist(S, 'm', hbuf));

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #5
 * multitape_metadata_delete(S, C, mdat):
 * Delete specified metadata file; ${mdat} must have been initialized by a
 * call to multitape_metadata_get_by(hash|name).  Call
 * chunks_delete_extrastats on ${C} and the metadata file length.
multitape_metadata_delete(STORAGE_D * S, CHUNKS_D * C,
    struct tapemetadata * mdat)
	uint8_t hbuf[32];

	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_NAME,
	    (uint8_t *)mdat->name, strlen(mdat->name), hbuf))
		goto err0;
	if (storage_delete_file(S, 'm', hbuf))
		goto err0;
	chunks_delete_extrastats(C, mdat->metadatalen);

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #6
static int
multitape_metadata_get(STORAGE_R * S, CHUNKS_S * C,
    struct tapemetadata * mdat,
    const uint8_t tapehash[32], const char * tapename, int quiet)
	uint8_t hbuf[32];
	uint8_t * mbuf;
	size_t mdlen;

	/* Read the tape metadata. */
	switch (storage_read_file_alloc(S, &mbuf, &mdlen, 'm', tapehash)) {
	case -1:
		/* Internal error. */
		goto err1;
	case 1:
		/* ENOENT. */
		goto notpresent;
	case 2:
		/* Corrupt metadata file. */
		goto corrupt;

	/* Adjust chunk statistics. */
	if (C != NULL)
		chunks_stats_extrastats(C, mdlen);

	/* Parse the tape metadata. */
	switch (multitape_metadata_dec(mdat, mbuf, mdlen)) {
	case 1:
		/* Metadata is corrupt. */
		goto corrupt1;
	case -1:
		/* Error. */
		goto err2;

	/* Store metadata length. */
	mdat->metadatalen = mdlen;

	/* Free tape metadata. */

	 * Make sure the name stored in the archive metadata matches the
	 * name of the metadata file.
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_NAME,
	    (uint8_t *)mdat->name, strlen(mdat->name), hbuf))
		goto err0;
	if (crypto_verify_bytes(tapehash, hbuf, 32))
		goto corrupt;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	if (quiet == 0) {
		if (tapename)
			warn0("Archive metadata is corrupt: %s", tapename);
			warn0("Archive metadata file is corrupt");

	/* File is corrupt. */
	return (2);

	if (quiet == 0) {
		if (tapename)
			warn0("Archive does not exist: %s", tapename);
			warn0("Cannot read archive metadata file");

	/* ENOENT. */
	return (1);

	warnp("Error reading archive metadata");
	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #7
static int
callback_register_challenge(void * cookie, NETPACKET_CONNECTION * NPC,
    int status, uint8_t packettype, const uint8_t * packetbuf,
    size_t packetlen)
	struct register_internal * C = cookie;
	uint8_t pub[CRYPTO_DH_PUBLEN];
	uint8_t priv[CRYPTO_DH_PRIVLEN];
	uint8_t keys[96];

	/* Handle errors. */
	if (status != NETWORK_STATUS_OK) {
		goto err0;

	 * Make sure we received the right type of packet.  It is legal for
	 * the server to send back a NETPACKET_REGISTER_RESPONSE at this
	 * point; call callback_register_response to handle those.
		return (callback_register_response(cookie, NPC, status,
		    packettype, packetbuf, packetlen));
	else if (packettype != NETPACKET_REGISTER_CHALLENGE) {
		goto err0;

	/* Generate DH parameters from the password and salt. */
	if (crypto_passwd_to_dh(C->passwd, packetbuf, pub, priv)) {
		warnp("Could not generate DH parameter from password");
		goto err0;

	/* Compute shared key. */
	if (crypto_dh_compute(&packetbuf[32], priv, K))
		goto err0;
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, K, CRYPTO_DH_KEYLEN,
	    C->register_key)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Export access keys. */
	if (crypto_keys_raw_export_auth(keys))
		goto err0;

	/* Send challenge response packet. */
	if (netpacket_register_cha_response(NPC, keys, C->name,
	    C->register_key, callback_register_response))
		goto err0;

	/* We've responded to a challenge. */
	C->donechallenge = 1;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #8
 * crypto_rsa_sign(key, data, len, sig, siglen):
 * Sign the provided data with the specified key, writing the signature
 * into ${sig}.
crypto_rsa_sign(int key, const uint8_t * data, size_t len,
    uint8_t * sig, size_t siglen)
	RSA * rsa;	/* RSA key used for signing. */
	uint8_t mHash[32];
	uint8_t salt[32];
	uint8_t Mprime[72];
	uint8_t H[32];
	uint8_t DB[223];
	uint8_t dbMask[223];
	uint8_t maskedDB[223];
	uint8_t EM[256];
	size_t i;

	/* Find the required key. */
	if ((rsa = crypto_keys_lookup_RSA(key)) == NULL)
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the key and signature buffer are the correct size. */
	if (!crypto_compat_RSA_valid_size(rsa)) {
		warn0("RSA key is incorrect size");
		goto err0;
	if (siglen != 256) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "signature buffer is incorrect length");
		goto err0;

	/* Generate mHash as specified in EMSA-PSS-ENCODE from RFC 3447. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, data, len, mHash)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Generate random salt. */
	if (crypto_entropy_read(salt, 32)) {
		warnp("Could not obtain sufficient entropy");
		goto err0;

	/* Construct M'. */
	memset(Mprime, 0, 8);
	memcpy(Mprime + 8, mHash, 32);
	memcpy(Mprime + 40, salt, 32);

	/* Construct H. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, Mprime, 72, H)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Construct DB. */
	memset(DB, 0, 190);
	memset(DB + 190, 1, 1);
	memcpy(DB + 191, salt, 32);

	/* Construct dbMask and maskedDB. */
	crypto_MGF1(H, 32, dbMask, 223);
	for (i = 0; i < 223; i++)
		maskedDB[i] = DB[i] ^ dbMask[i];
	maskedDB[0] &= 0x7f;

	/* Construct EM. */
	memcpy(EM, maskedDB, 223);
	memcpy(EM + 223, H, 32);
	memset(EM + 255, 0xbc, 1);

	/* Convert EM to a signature, via RSA. */
	if (RSA_private_encrypt(256, EM, sig, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING) != 256) {
		warn0("%s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
		goto err0;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #9
 * crypto_rsa_decrypt(key, data, len, out, outlen):
 * Decrypt the provided data with the specified key, writing the ciphertext
 * into ${out} (of length ${outlen}).  Set ${*outlen} to the length of the
 * plaintext, and return 0 on success, 1 if the ciphertext is invalid, or
 * -1 on error.
crypto_rsa_decrypt(int key, const uint8_t * data, size_t len,
    uint8_t * out, size_t * outlen)
	RSA * rsa;
	uint8_t EM[256];
	uint8_t lHash[32];
	uint8_t baddata, paddingmask;
	uint8_t maskedSeed[32];
	uint8_t maskedDB[223];
	uint8_t seedMask[32];
	uint8_t seed[32];
	uint8_t dbMask[223];
	uint8_t DB[223];
	size_t msglen;
	size_t i;
	unsigned long rsaerr;

	/* Sanity check. */
	assert(len < INT_MAX);

	/* Find the required key. */
	if ((rsa = crypto_keys_lookup_RSA(key)) == NULL)
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the key and ciphertext buffer are the correct size. */
	if (!crypto_compat_RSA_valid_size(rsa)) {
		warn0("RSA key is incorrect size");
		goto err0;
	if (len != 256) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "ciphertext buffer is incorrect length");
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the plaintext buffer is large enough. */
	if (*outlen < 256) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "plaintext buffer is too small");
		goto err0;

	/* Convert the ciphertext to EM, via RSA. */
	if (RSA_private_decrypt((int)len, data, EM, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING)
	    != 256) {
		 * We can only distinguish between bad ciphertext and an
		 * internal error in OpenSSL by looking at the error code.
		rsaerr = ERR_get_error();
			goto bad;

		/* Anything else is an internal error in OpenSSL. */
		warn0("%s", ERR_error_string(rsaerr, NULL));
		goto err0;

	/* Construct lHash as specified in RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT in RFC 3447. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, NULL, 0, lHash)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	 * The high byte of EM must be zero.  We test this later to avoid
	 * timing side channel attacks.
	baddata = EM[0];

	/* Construct maskedSeed and maskedDB. */
	memcpy(maskedSeed, EM + 1, 32);
	memcpy(maskedDB, EM + 33, 223);

	/* Construct seedMask and seed. */
	crypto_MGF1(maskedDB, 223, seedMask, 32);
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		seed[i] = maskedSeed[i] ^ seedMask[i];

	/* Construct dbMask and DB. */
	crypto_MGF1(seed, 32, dbMask, 223);
	for (i = 0; i < 223; i++)
		DB[i] = maskedDB[i] ^ dbMask[i];

	 * The leading 32 bytes of DB must be equal to lHash.  Test them all
	 * at once, simultaneous with other tests, in order to avoid timing
	 * side channel attacks.
	baddata = baddata | crypto_verify_bytes(DB, lHash, 32);

	 * Bytes 33 -- 223 of DB must be zero bytes followed by a one byte
	 * followed by the real data.  The following code will set baddata
	 * to a non-zero value if there are non-{0, 1} bytes which are not
	 * separated from the start by a 1 byte.
	paddingmask = 0xff;
	msglen = 191;
	for (i = 32; i < 223; i++) {
		/* If we're still doing padding, DB[i] should be 0 or 1. */
		baddata = baddata | (paddingmask & DB[i] & 0xfe);

		 * If baddata is still 0, paddingmask is either 0xff or 0x00
		 * depending upon whether the current byte is padding or not.
		 * Treating it as a signed integer and adding it to msglen
		 * will result in msglen holding the length of the message
		 * after the padding is removed.
		msglen += (size_t)((int8_t)(paddingmask));

		 * If baddata is still 0, there are 3 cases:
		 * 1. We're no longer looking at padding, and paddingmask is
		 *    0x00, so &ing it with something won't change it.
		 * 2. We're looking at a 0 byte of padding, paddingmask is
		 *    0xff, and we want it to remain 0xff.
		 * 3. We're looking at a 1 byte of padding, paddingmask is
		 *    0xff, and we want it to become 0x00.
		 * In all three cases, &ing the byte minus one does what we
		 * want.
		paddingmask = paddingmask & (DB[i] - 1);

	/* Once we hit the end, the padding should be over. */
	baddata = baddata | paddingmask;

	/* Is the data bad? */
	if (baddata)
		goto bad;

	/* Sanity check the message length. */
	if (msglen > *outlen) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "decrypted message length is insane");
		goto err0;

	/* Copy the message into the output buffer. */
	memcpy(out, DB + 223 - msglen, msglen);
	*outlen = msglen;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Bad signature. */
	return (1);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #10
 * crypto_rsa_encrypt(key, data, len, out, outlen):
 * Encrypt the provided data with the specified key, writing the ciphertext
 * into ${out} (of length ${outlen}).
crypto_rsa_encrypt(int key, const uint8_t * data, size_t len,
    uint8_t * out, size_t outlen)
	RSA * rsa;
	uint8_t lHash[32];
	uint8_t DB[223];
	uint8_t seed[32];
	uint8_t dbMask[223];
	uint8_t maskedDB[223];
	uint8_t seedMask[32];
	uint8_t maskedSeed[32];
	uint8_t EM[256];
	size_t i;

	/* Find the required key. */
	if ((rsa = crypto_keys_lookup_RSA(key)) == NULL)
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the key and ciphertext buffer are the correct size. */
	if (!crypto_compat_RSA_valid_size(rsa)) {
		warn0("RSA key is incorrect size");
		goto err0;
	if (outlen != 256) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "ciphertext buffer is incorrect length");
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the input is not too long. */
	if (len > 190) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		   "input to crypto_rsa_encrypt is too long");
		goto err0;

	/* Construct lHash as specified in RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT in RFC 3447. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, NULL, 0, lHash)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Construct DB. */
	memcpy(DB, lHash, 32);
	memset(DB + 32, 0, 190 - len);
	memset(DB + 222 - len, 1, 1);
	memcpy(DB + 223 - len, data, len);

	/* Generate random seed. */
	if (crypto_entropy_read(seed, 32)) {
		warnp("Could not obtain sufficient entropy");
		goto err0;

	/* Construct dbMask and maskedDB. */
	crypto_MGF1(seed, 32, dbMask, 223);
	for (i = 0; i < 223; i++)
		maskedDB[i] = DB[i] ^ dbMask[i];

	/* Construct seedMask and maskedSeed. */
	crypto_MGF1(maskedDB, 223, seedMask, 32);
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		maskedSeed[i] = seed[i] ^ seedMask[i];

	/* Construct EM. */
	memset(EM, 0, 1);
	memcpy(EM + 1, maskedSeed, 32);
	memcpy(EM + 33, maskedDB, 223);

	/* Convert EM to ciphertext, via RSA. */
	if (RSA_public_encrypt(256, EM, out, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING) != 256) {
		warn0("%s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
		goto err0;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
Example #11
 * crypto_rsa_verify(key, data, len, sig, siglen):
 * Verify that the provided signature matches the provided data.  Return 0
 * if the signature is valid, 1 if the signature is invalid, or -1 on error.
crypto_rsa_verify(int key, const uint8_t * data, size_t len,
    const uint8_t * sig, size_t siglen)
	RSA * rsa;
	uint8_t EM[256];
	uint8_t mHash[32];
	uint8_t maskedDB[223];
	uint8_t H[32];
	uint8_t dbMask[223];
	uint8_t DB[223];
	uint8_t salt[32];
	uint8_t Mprime[72];
	uint8_t Hprime[32];
	size_t i;
	unsigned long rsaerr;

	/* Sanity check. */
	assert(siglen < INT_MAX);

	/* Find the required key. */
	if ((rsa = crypto_keys_lookup_RSA(key)) == NULL)
		goto err0;

	/* Make sure the key and signature buffer are the correct size. */
	if (!crypto_compat_RSA_valid_size(rsa)) {
		warn0("RSA key is incorrect size");
		goto err0;
	if (siglen != 256) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "signature buffer is incorrect length");
		goto err0;

	/* Convert the signature to EM, via RSA. */
	if (RSA_public_decrypt((int)siglen, sig, EM, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING)
	    != 256) {
		 * We can only distinguish between a bad signature and an
		 * internal error in OpenSSL by looking at the error code.
		rsaerr = ERR_get_error();
			goto bad;

		/* Anything else is an internal error in OpenSSL. */
		warn0("%s", ERR_error_string(rsaerr, NULL));
		goto err0;

	/* Generate mHash as specified in EMSA-PSS-VERIFY from RFC 3447. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, data, len, mHash)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Verify rightmost octet of EM. */
	if (EM[255] != 0xbc)
		goto bad;

	/* Construct maskedDB and H. */
	memcpy(maskedDB, EM, 223);
	memcpy(H, EM + 223, 32);

	/* Verify high bit of leftmost octet of maskedDB. */
	if (maskedDB[0] & 0x80)
		goto bad;

	/* Construct dbMask and DB. */
	crypto_MGF1(H, 32, dbMask, 223);
	for (i = 0; i < 223; i++)
		DB[i] = maskedDB[i] ^ dbMask[i];

	/* Set high bit of leftmost octet of DB to zero. */
	DB[0] &= 0x7f;

	/* Verify padding in DB. */
	for (i = 0; i < 190; i++)
		if (DB[i] != 0)
			goto bad;
	if (DB[190] != 1)
		goto bad;

	/* Construct salt. */
	memcpy(salt, DB + 191, 32);

	/* Construct M'. */
	memset(Mprime, 0, 8);
	memcpy(Mprime + 8, mHash, 32);
	memcpy(Mprime + 40, salt, 32);

	/* Construct H'. */
	if (crypto_hash_data(CRYPTO_KEY_HMAC_SHA256, Mprime, 72, Hprime)) {
		warn0("Programmer error: "
		    "SHA256 should never fail");
		goto err0;

	/* Verify that H' == H. */
	if (crypto_verify_bytes(H, Hprime, 32))
		goto bad;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* Bad signature. */
	return (1);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);