Example #1
void csCameraBase::Correct (int n, float *vals[])
  if (vals == 0) return;
  if (vals[0] == 0) return;
  if (vals[1] == 0) return;
  float r;
  if (vals[2] != 0)
    if (*vals[0] < *vals[1])
      r = *vals[2];
      *vals[2] = *vals[0];
      *vals[0] = r;
      r = *vals[2];
      *vals[2] = *vals[1];
      *vals[1] = r;

  float angle;
  angle = (float)atan2 (*vals[1], *vals[0]);
  angle = (TWO_PI / n) * csQround (n * angle / TWO_PI);
  *vals[1] = csQsqrt ((*vals[0]) * (*vals[0]) + (*vals[1]) * (*vals[1]));
  Correct (n, vals + 1);
  r = *vals[1];
  *vals[0] = r * (float)cos (angle);
  *vals[1] = r * (float)sin (angle);
  cameranr = cur_cameranr++;
Example #2
void csDecal::Initialize (iDecalTemplate * decalTemplate,
                          const csVector3 & normal, const csVector3 & pos, const csVector3 & up,
                          const csVector3 & right, float width, float height)
    this->indexCount = 0;
    this->vertexCount = 0;
    this->currMesh = 0;
    this->decalTemplate = decalTemplate;

    this->normal = normal;
    this->pos = pos;

    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;

    radius = csQsqrt (width * width + height * height);

    invWidth = 1.0f / width;
    invHeight = 1.0f / height;

    this->up = up;
    this->right = right;

    life = 0;

    topPlaneDist = 0.0f;
    bottomPlaneDist = 0.0f;

    ClearRenderMeshes ();
Example #3
void csSphere::Union (const csVector3 &ocenter, float oradius)
  // First calculate distance between centers of two spheres.
  float distance = csQsqrt (csSquaredDist::PointPoint (center, ocenter));

  if (radius >= oradius + distance)       // Sphere 2 is inside sphere 1
  else if (oradius >= radius + distance)  // Sphere 1 is inside sphere 2
    center = ocenter;
    radius = oradius;
  else if (ABS (distance) < SMALL_EPSILON)
    // Spheres very close to each other. Because the two tests above
    // succeeded the spheres are actually equal. So nothing has to be done.
    csVector3 direction = (center - ocenter) / distance;
    center = (center + direction * radius + ocenter + direction * oradius)
    	* 0.5f;
    radius = (radius + oradius + distance) * 0.5f;
Example #4
void csPortalContainer::Prepare ()
  if (prepared) return;
  prepared = true;
  movable_nr = -1; // Make sure move stuff gets updated.
  movable_identity = false;
  csCompressVertex* vt = csVector3Array::CompressVertices (vertices);
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < portals.GetSize () ; i++)
    csPortal* prt = portals[i];
    size_t j;
    csArray<int>& vidx = prt->GetVertexIndices ();
    csPoly3D poly;
    csBox3 box;
    box.StartBoundingBox ();
    for (j = 0 ; j < vidx.GetSize () ; j++)
      if (vt) vidx[j] = (int)vt[vidx[j]].new_idx;
      poly.AddVertex (vertices[vidx[j]]);
      box.AddBoundingVertex (vertices[vidx[j]]);
    float max_sqradius = 0;
    csVector3 center = box.GetCenter ();
    for (j = 0 ; j < vidx.GetSize () ; j++)
      float sqdist = csSquaredDist::PointPoint (center, vertices[vidx[j]]);
      if (sqdist > max_sqradius) max_sqradius = sqdist;
    prt->object_sphere = csSphere (center, csQsqrt (max_sqradius));
    prt->SetObjectPlane (poly.ComputePlane ());
  delete[] vt;
  object_bbox.StartBoundingBox ();
  for (i = 0 ; i < vertices.GetSize () ; i++)
    object_bbox.AddBoundingVertex (vertices[i]);

  object_radius = csQsqrt (csSquaredDist::PointPoint (
  	object_bbox.Max (), object_bbox.Min ())) * 0.5f;

Example #5
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawLinePerf ()
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, white, -1, "LINE SLOPE AND PERFORMANCE TEST");

  int w2 = myG2D->GetWidth () / 2;
  int colors [4] = { red, green, blue, yellow };
  int a;
  for (a = 0; a < 360; a += 5)
    float angle = (a * TWO_PI) / 360.0;
    float x = w2 + 80 * cos (angle);
    float y = 100 + 80 * sin (angle);
    myG2D->DrawLine (w2, 100, x, y, colors [a & 3]);

  // Compute the size for the random lines box
  int sx = 0;
  int sw = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int sy = myG2D->GetHeight () / 2;
  int sh = sy;
  myG2D->DrawBox (sx, sy + 16, sw, sh - 16, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, gray,  -1, "Above this text you should see a uniformly hashed circle,");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, gray,  -1, "while below you should see some random lines, and the");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*0, gray,  -1, "measured line drawing performance in pixels per second.");

  // Test line drawing performance for 1/4 seconds
  sx += 20; sw -= 40;
  sy += 30; sh -= 40;
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;
  float pix_count = 0;
    for (a = 0; a < 5000; a++)
      float x1 = sx + rng.Get () * sw;
      float y1 = sy + rng.Get () * sh;
      float x2 = sx + rng.Get () * sw;
      float y2 = sy + rng.Get () * sh;
      myG2D->DrawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2, colors [rng.Get (4)]);
      x2 = csQint (x2 - x1); y2 = csQint (y2 - y1);
      pix_count += csQsqrt (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
    myG2D->PerformExtension ("flush");
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 500);
  pix_count = pix_count * (1000.0 / delta_time);
  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, green, black, " Performance: %20.1f pixels/second ", pix_count);
Example #6
iDecal * csDecalManager::CreateDecal (iDecalTemplate * decalTemplate, 
  iSector * sector, const csVector3 & pos, const csVector3 & up, 
  const csVector3 & normal, float width, float height, iDecal * oldDecal)
  // compute the maximum distance the decal can reach
  float radius = csQsqrt (width * width + height * height) * 2.0f;

  if (!EnsureEngineReference ())
    return 0;

  // get all meshes that could be affected by this decal
  csRef<iMeshWrapperIterator> it = engine->GetNearbyMeshes (sector, pos, 
    radius, true);
  if (!it->HasNext ())
      return 0;

  // calculate a valid orientation for the decal
  csVector3 n = normal.Unit ();
  csVector3 u = up.Unit ();
  csVector3 right = n % u;
  csVector3 correctUp = right % n;

  // create the decal and fill it with mesh geometry
  csDecal * decal = 0;
  if (oldDecal)
    // we must ensure that this decal is actually active
    const size_t len = decals.GetSize ();
    for (size_t a = 0; a < len; ++a)
      if (decals[a] != oldDecal)

      decal = decals[a];
      decals.DeleteIndexFast (a);
  if (!decal)
    decal = new csDecal (objectReg, this);

  csVector3 relPos;

  decal->Initialize (decalTemplate, n, pos, correctUp, right, width, height);
  decals.Push (decal);
  FillDecal (decal, it, pos, radius);

  return decal;
Example #7
bool StartMe::OnMouseMove (iEvent& ev)
  if (rotationStatus == OVER_EXIT)
    return false;

  // Compute the angle and distance to the bottom right corner of the window
  csRef<iGraphics2D> g2d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics2D> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  float x = g2d->GetWidth () - csMouseEventHelper::GetX(&ev) - 104.0f;
  float y = g2d->GetHeight () - csMouseEventHelper::GetY(&ev) + 4.0f;
  float distance = csQsqrt (x * x + y * y);
  float angle = atan2 (y - 4.0f, x + 104.0f);

  float angleDistance = 1.0f - fabs (PI * 0.27f - angle) / (PI * 0.25f);
  distance -= angleDistance * 50.0f;

  // If the mouse is too far away then rotate at default speed
  if (distance < 170.0f || distance > 380.0f)
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_NORMAL;
    rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED;
    return false;

  // If the mouse is near the center then stop the rotation
  if (angle > PI * 0.166f && angle < PI * 0.333f)
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_SELECTING;

  // If the mouse is on the side, then rotate faster
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_SEARCHING;

    if (angle > PI * 0.333f)
      float distance = angle - PI * 0.333f;
      rotationSpeed = - DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED * distance * 15.0f;

      float distance = PI * 0.166f - angle;
      rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED * distance * 15.0f;

  return false;
Example #8
File: haze.cpp Project: garinh/cs
void csHazeMeshObject::SetupObject ()
  if (!initialized)
    bbox.StartBoundingBox (origin);
    csVector3 pos;
    size_t l;
    int i;
    for(l=0; l<layers.GetSize (); l++)
      for(i=0; i<layers[l]->hull->GetVerticeCount(); i++)
	layers[l]->hull->GetVertex(pos, i);
        bbox.AddBoundingVertex (pos);
    radius = csQsqrt (csSquaredDist::PointPoint (bbox.Max (), bbox.Min ()));
    initialized = true;
Example #9
void csMeshObject::GetRadius (float& radius, csVector3& center)
  csBox3 b (GetObjectBoundingBox ());
  radius = csQsqrt (csSquaredDist::PointPoint (b.Max (), b.Min ())) * 0.5f;
  center = b.GetCenter ();