Example #1
csQuaternion csQuaternion::SLerp (const csQuaternion& q2, float t) const
  float omega, cosom, invsinom, scale0, scale1;

  csQuaternion quato(q2);

  // decide if one of the quaternions is backwards  
  float a = (*this-q2).SquaredNorm ();
  float b = (*this+q2).SquaredNorm ();
  if (a > b)
    quato = -q2;

  // Calculate dot between quats
  cosom = Dot (quato);

  // Make sure the two quaternions are not exactly opposite? (within a little
  // slop).
  if (cosom > -0.9998f)
    // Are they more than a little bit different?  Avoid a divided by zero
    // and lerp if not.
    if (cosom < 0.9998f)
      // Yes, do a slerp
      omega = acosf (cosom);
      invsinom = 1.0f / sinf (omega);
      scale0 = sinf ((1.0f - t) * omega) * invsinom;
      scale1 = sinf (t * omega) * invsinom;
      // Not a very big difference, do a lerp
      scale0 = 1.0f - t;
      scale1 = t;

    return csQuaternion (
      scale0 * v.x + scale1 * quato.v.x,
      scale0 * v.y + scale1 * quato.v.y,
      scale0 * v.z + scale1 * quato.v.z,
      scale0 * w + scale1 * quato.w);

  // The quaternions are nearly opposite so to avoid a divided by zero error
  // Calculate a perpendicular quaternion and slerp that direction
  scale0 = sin ((1.0f - t) * PI);
  scale1 = sin (t * PI);
  return csQuaternion (
    scale0 * v.x + scale1 * -quato.v.y,
    scale0 * v.y + scale1 * quato.v.x,
    scale0 * v.z + scale1 * -quato.w,
    scale0 * w + scale1 * quato.v.z);
Example #2
csQuaternion csQuaternion::Log () const
  // q = w + v, w is real, v is complex vector

  // let u be v / |v|
  // log(q) = 1/2*log(|q|) + u*atan(|v|/ w)
  float vNorm = v.Norm ();
  float qSqNorm = SquaredNorm ();

  float vCoeff;
  if (vNorm > 0.0f)
    vCoeff = atan2f (vNorm, w) / vNorm;
    vCoeff = 0;

  return csQuaternion (v * vCoeff, 0.5f * logf (qSqNorm));
Example #3
csQuaternion csQuaternion::Exp () const
  // q = w + v, w is real, v is complex vector

  // let u be v / |v|
  // exp(q) = exp(w) * (cos(|v|), u*sin(|v|))

  float vNorm = v.Norm ();
  float expW = expf (w);

  float vCoeff;
  if (vNorm > 0.0f)
    vCoeff = expW * sinf (vNorm) / vNorm;
    vCoeff = 0;

  return csQuaternion (v * vCoeff, expW * cosf (vNorm));  
Example #4
  void AnimeshObject::Skin ()
    if (!skeleton)

    CS_ASSERT (SkinV ?
	       skinnedVertices->GetElementCount () >= factory->vertexCount : true);
    CS_ASSERT (SkinN ?
	       skinnedNormals->GetElementCount () >= factory->vertexCount : true);
    CS_ASSERT (SkinTB ?
	       skinnedTangents->GetElementCount () >= factory->vertexCount
	       && skinnedBinormals->GetElementCount () >= factory->vertexCount
	       : true);

    // Setup some local data
    csVertexListWalker<float, csVector3> srcVerts (postMorphVertices);
    csRenderBufferLock<csVector3> dstVerts (skinnedVertices);
    csVertexListWalker<float, csVector3> srcNormals (factory->normalBuffer);
    csRenderBufferLock<csVector3> dstNormals (skinnedNormals);

    csVertexListWalker<float, csVector3> srcTangents (factory->tangentBuffer);
    csRenderBufferLock<csVector3> dstTangents (skinnedTangents);
    csVertexListWalker<float, csVector3> srcBinormals (factory->binormalBuffer);
    csRenderBufferLock<csVector3> dstBinormals (skinnedBinormals);

    csSkeletalState2* skeletonState = lastSkeletonState;

    csAnimatedMeshBoneInfluence* influence = factory->boneInfluences.GetArray ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < factory->vertexCount; ++i)
      // Accumulate data for the vertex
      int numInfluences = 0;

      csDualQuaternion dq (csQuaternion (0,0,0,0), csQuaternion (0,0,0,0)); 
      csQuaternion pivot;

      for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j, ++influence) // @@SOLVE 4
        if (influence->influenceWeight > 0.0f)

          csDualQuaternion inflQuat (
            skeletonState->GetQuaternion (influence->bone),
            skeletonState->GetVector (influence->bone));

          if (numInfluences == 1)
            pivot = inflQuat.real;
          else if (inflQuat.real.Dot (pivot) < 0.0f)
            inflQuat *= -1.0f;

          dq += inflQuat * influence->influenceWeight;

      if (numInfluences == 0)
        if (SkinV)
          dstVerts[i] = *srcVerts;

        if (SkinN)
          dstNormals[i] = *srcNormals;

        if (SkinTB)
          dstTangents[i] = *srcTangents;
          dstBinormals[i] = *srcBinormals;
        dq = dq.Unit ();

        if (SkinV)
          dstVerts[i] = dq.TransformPoint (*srcVerts);

        if (SkinN)
          dstNormals[i] = dq.Transform (*srcNormals);

        if (SkinTB)
          dstTangents[i] = dq.Transform (*srcTangents);
          dstBinormals[i] = dq.Transform (*srcBinormals);
