Example #1
bool GenmeshAsset::SetSocketTransform(const char* socketName, const SocketDescriptor& desc)
  iSkeletonSocket* sock = skeleton->FindSocket (socketName);
  if (!sock) return false;


  iSkeletonBone* bone = skeleton->FindBone(desc.find("Bone")->second.second.c_str());
  if (bone) sock->SetBone(bone);

  csVector3 offset;
  if (sscanf(desc.find("Offset")->second.second.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f", &offset[0], &offset[1], &offset[2]) != 3)
    return false;
  csReversibleTransform trans = sock->GetTransform();

  csVector3 rot;
  if (sscanf(desc.find("Rotation")->second.second.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f", &rot[0], &rot[1], &rot[2]) != 3)
    return false;
  csReversibleTransform transr = sock->GetTransform();
  csMatrix3 m;
  m *= csXRotMatrix3 (rot.x);
  m *= csYRotMatrix3 (rot.y);
  m *= csZRotMatrix3 (rot.z);

  return true;
Example #2
void psCharAppearance::ProcessAttach(csRef<iMeshWrapper> meshWrap, csRef<iSpriteCal3DSocket> socket)
    const char* socketName = socket->GetName();

    // Given a socket name of "righthand", we're looking for a key in the form of "socket_righthand"
    csString keyName = "socket_";
    keyName += socketName;

    // Variables for transform to be specified
    float trans_x = 0, trans_y = 0.0, trans_z = 0, rot_x = -PI/2, rot_y = 0, rot_z = 0;
    csRef<iObjectIterator> it = meshWrap->GetFactory()->QueryObject()->GetIterator();

    while ( it->HasNext() )
        csRef<iKeyValuePair> key ( scfQueryInterface<iKeyValuePair> (it->Next()));
        if (key && keyName == key->GetKey())

    meshWrap->QuerySceneNode()->SetParent( baseMesh->QuerySceneNode ());
    socket->SetMeshWrapper( meshWrap );
    socket->SetTransform( csTransform(csZRotMatrix3(rot_z)*csYRotMatrix3(rot_y)*csXRotMatrix3(rot_x), csVector3(trans_x,trans_y,trans_z)) );

Example #3
csReversibleTransform WalkTestLights::FlashlightShift (const csReversibleTransform& tf)
  csReversibleTransform newTF (tf);
  // Tilt flashlight a bit down
  csMatrix3 newmat (tf.GetT2O());
  newmat *= csXRotMatrix3 (float ((10.0/180.0)*PI));
  newTF.SetT2O (newmat);
  return newTF;
Example #4
void Simple::Frame ()
  // First get elapsed time from the virtual clock.
  csTicks elapsed_time = vc->GetElapsedTicks ();
  // Now rotate the camera according to keyboard state
  float speed = (elapsed_time / 1000.0) * (0.06 * 20);

  iCamera* c = view->GetCamera();

  if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_SHIFT))
    // If the user is holding down shift, the arrow keys will cause
    // the camera to strafe up, down, left or right from it's
    // current position.
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_RIGHT))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_RIGHT * 4 * speed);
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_LEFT))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_LEFT * 4 * speed);
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_UP))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_UP * 4 * speed);
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_DOWN))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_DOWN * 4 * speed);
    // left and right cause the camera to rotate on the global Y
    // axis; page up and page down cause the camera to rotate on the
    // _camera's_ X axis (more on this in a second) and up and down
    // arrows cause the camera to go forwards and backwards.
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_RIGHT))
      rotY += speed;
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_LEFT))
      rotY -= speed;
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_PGUP))
      rotX += speed;
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_PGDN))
      rotX -= speed;
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_UP))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_FORWARD * 4 * speed);
    if (kbd->GetKeyState (CSKEY_DOWN))
      c->Move (CS_VEC_BACKWARD * 4 * speed);

  // We now assign a new rotation transformation to the camera.  You
  // can think of the rotation this way: starting from the zero
  // position, you first rotate "rotY" radians on your Y axis to get
  // the first rotation.  From there you rotate "rotX" radians on the
  // your X axis to get the final rotation.  We multiply the
  // individual rotations on each axis together to get a single
  // rotation matrix.  The rotations are applied in right to left
  // order .
  csMatrix3 rot = csXRotMatrix3 (rotX) * csYRotMatrix3 (rotY);
  csOrthoTransform ot (rot, c->GetTransform().GetOrigin ());
  c->SetTransform (ot);

  rm->RenderView (view);
Example #5
bool AnimeshAsset::SetSocketTransform(const char* socketName, const SocketDescriptor& desc)
  uint sockf = animeshsprite->FindSocket(socketName);
  if (sockf == (uint)~0) return false;
  CS::Mesh::iAnimatedMeshSocket* sock = animeshstate->GetSocket(sockf);
  if (!sock) return false;


  int bone;
  sscanf(desc.find("Bone")->second.second.c_str(), "%d", &bone);

  csVector3 offset;
  if (sscanf(desc.find("Offset")->second.second.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f", &offset[0], &offset[1], &offset[2]) != 3)
    return false;
  //csReversibleTransform trans = sock->GetFactory()->GetTransform();
  csReversibleTransform trans = sock->GetTransform();

  csVector3 rot;
  if (sscanf(desc.find("Rotation")->second.second.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f", &rot[0], &rot[1], &rot[2]) != 3)
    return false;
  //csReversibleTransform transr = sock->GetFactory()->GetTransform();
  csReversibleTransform transr = sock->GetTransform();
  csMatrix3 m;
  m *= csXRotMatrix3 (rot.x);
  m *= csYRotMatrix3 (rot.y);
  m *= csZRotMatrix3 (rot.z);

  return true;
Example #6
void psCharAppearance::ApplyRider(csRef<iMeshWrapper> mesh)
    csRef<iSpriteCal3DState> mountstate = scfQueryInterface<iSpriteCal3DState> (mesh->GetMeshObject());
    csRef<iSpriteCal3DSocket> socket = mountstate->FindSocket( "back" );
    if ( !socket )
        Error1("Socket back not found.");
    const char* socketName = socket->GetName();

    // Given a socket name of "righthand", we're looking for a key in the form of "socket_righthand"
    csString keyName = "socket_";
    keyName += socketName;

    // Variables for transform to be specified
    float trans_x = 0, trans_y = 0.0, trans_z = 0, rot_x = -PI/2, rot_y = 0, rot_z = 0;
    csRef<iObjectIterator> it = baseMesh->GetFactory()->QueryObject()->GetIterator();

    while ( it->HasNext() )
        csRef<iKeyValuePair> key ( scfQueryInterface<iKeyValuePair> (it->Next()));
        if (key && keyName == key->GetKey())

    baseMesh->QuerySceneNode()->SetParent( mesh->QuerySceneNode ());
    socket->SetMeshWrapper( baseMesh );
    socket->SetTransform( csTransform(csZRotMatrix3(rot_z)*csYRotMatrix3(rot_y)*csXRotMatrix3(rot_x), csVector3(trans_x,trans_y,trans_z)) );
Example #7
void psLinearMovement::HugGround (const csVector3& pos, iSector* sector)
  csVector3 start, end;
  csIntersectingTriangle closest_tri;
  csVector3 isect[4];
  csPlane3 plane;
  bool hit[4];

  // Set minimum base dimensions of 0.5x0.5 for good aesthetics
  float legsXlimit = csMax(bottomSize.x / 2, 0.5f);
  float legsZlimit = csMax(bottomSize.z / 2, 0.5f);

  start.y = pos.y + shift.y + 0.01;

  // Assuming the bounding box is axis-aligned: (Lower-left point)
  start.x = pos.x - legsXlimit;
  start.z = pos.z - legsZlimit;

  end = start;
  end.y -= 5;

  hit[0] = csColliderHelper::TraceBeam (cdsys, sector, start, end,
  	false, closest_tri, isect[0]) != -1;

  // Assuming the bounding box is axis-aligned: (Upper-left point)
  start.x = pos.x - legsXlimit;
  start.z = pos.z + legsZlimit;

  end = start;
  end.y -= 5;

  hit[1] = csColliderHelper::TraceBeam (cdsys, sector, start, end,
  	false, closest_tri, isect[1]) != -1;

  // Assuming the bounding box is axis-aligned: (Upper-right point)
  start.x = pos.x + legsXlimit;
  start.z = pos.z + legsZlimit;

  end = start;
  end.y -= 5;

  hit[2] = csColliderHelper::TraceBeam (cdsys, sector, start, end,
  	false, closest_tri, isect[2]) != -1;

  // Assuming the bounding box is axis-aligned: (Lower-right point)
  start.x = pos.x + legsXlimit;
  start.z = pos.z - legsZlimit;

  end = start;
  end.y -= 5;

  hit[3] = csColliderHelper::TraceBeam (cdsys, sector, start, end,
  	false, closest_tri, isect[3]) != -1;

  //printf("Isect (%f %f %f %f)\n",hit[0] ? isect[0].y : -999, hit[1] ? isect[1].y : -999, hit[2] ? isect[2].y: -999, hit[3] ? isect[3].y: -999);

  int notHit = 0;
  int lowest = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4 && notHit <= 1; i++)
    if (!hit[i])
      lowest = i;
    if(notHit == 0)
      if(lowest == -1)
        lowest = i;
      else if (isect[lowest].y > isect[i].y)
        lowest = i;
  if (notHit <= 1)
    switch (lowest)
      case 0:
        plane.Set (isect[1], isect[2], isect[3]);
      case 1:
        plane.Set (isect[0], isect[2], isect[3]);
      case 2:
        plane.Set (isect[0], isect[1], isect[3]);
      case 3:
        plane.Set (isect[0], isect[1], isect[2]);
    csVector3 normal = plane.GetNormal ().Unit ();

    float newxRot = atan2 (normal.z, normal.y );
    float newzRot = -atan2 (normal.x, normal.y );
    csMatrix3 rotMat = csZRotMatrix3 (newzRot) * csXRotMatrix3 (newxRot - xRot)
    	* csZRotMatrix3 (-zRot);
    mesh->GetMovable ()->Transform (rotMat);
    xRot = newxRot;
    zRot = newzRot;
bool psEffectObj::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if (!anchor || !anchor->IsReady() || !anchorMesh->GetMovable()->GetSectors()->GetCount()) // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

    const static csMatrix3 UP_FIX(1,0,0,   0,0,1,  0,1,0);
    const static csMatrix3 billboardFix = csXRotMatrix3(-3.14f/2.0f);

    iMovable* anchorMovable = anchorMesh->GetMovable();
    iMovable* meshMovable = mesh->GetMovable();

    csVector3 anchorPosition = anchorMovable->GetFullPosition();

    life += elapsed;
    if (life > animLength && killTime <= 0)
        life %= animLength;
        if (!life)
            life += animLength;

    isAlive |= (life >= birth);

    if (isAlive)
        if (dir == DT_NONE)
            matBase = anchorMovable->GetFullTransform().GetT2O();

    csMatrix3 matTransform;
    if (keyFrames->GetSize() == 0)
        if (dir == DT_CAMERA)
            // note that this is *very* expensive
            csVector3 camDir = -view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetO2TTranslation() 
                             + anchorPosition;
            csReversibleTransform rt;
            rt.LookAt(camDir, csVector3(0.f,1.f,0.f));
            matBase = rt.GetT2O() * UP_FIX;
        else if (dir == DT_BILLBOARD)
            matBase = view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetT2O() * billboardFix;

        baseScale = scale;
        matTransform = matBase / baseScale;
        currKeyFrame = FindKeyFrameByTime(life);
        nextKeyFrame = (currKeyFrame + 1) % keyFrames->GetSize();

        // grab and lerp values - expensive
        float lerpfactor = LERP_FACTOR;
        csVector3 lerpRot = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_ROT,lerpfactor);
        csVector3 lerpSpin = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_SPIN,lerpfactor);
        csVector3 objOffset = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_POS,lerpfactor);

        // calculate rotation from lerped values - expensive
        csMatrix3 matRot = csZRotMatrix3(lerpRot.z) * csYRotMatrix3(lerpRot.y) * csXRotMatrix3(lerpRot.x);
        if (dir != DT_CAMERA && dir != DT_BILLBOARD)
            matRot *= matBase;

        // calculate new position
        csVector3 newPos = matRot * csVector3(-objOffset.x, objOffset.y, -objOffset.z);

        if (dir == DT_CAMERA)
            // note that this is *very* expensive - again
            csVector3 camDir = -view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetO2TTranslation() 
                             + anchorPosition + newPos;
            csReversibleTransform rt;
            rt.LookAt(camDir, csVector3(sinf(lerpSpin.y),cosf(lerpSpin.y),0.f));
            matBase = rt.GetT2O() * UP_FIX;
            newPos = rt.GetT2O() * newPos;

            // rotate and spin should have no effect on the transform when we want it to face the camera
            matTransform = matBase;
        else if (dir == DT_BILLBOARD)
            matBase = view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetT2O() * billboardFix;
            matTransform = matBase;
            matTransform = matRot;
            matTransform *= csZRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.z) * csYRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.y) * csXRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.x);

        // SCALE
        baseScale = LERP_KEY(KA_SCALE,lerpfactor) * scale;
        matTransform /= baseScale;
        // adjust position

    // set new transform

    if (killTime > 0)
        killTime -= elapsed;
        if (killTime <= 0)
            return false;

    return true;