int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n, fd; char buf[BUFFSIZE], line[MAXLINE]; /* read filename to cat from stdin */ while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) { if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n') line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; /* replace newline with null */ /* open the file */ if ((fd = csopen(line, O_RDONLY)) < 0) continue; /* csopen() prints error from server */ /* and cat to stdout */ while ((n = read(fd, buf, BUFFSIZE)) > 0) if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n) != n) { printf("write error\n"); exit(-1); // err_sys("write error"); } if (n < 0) { printf("read error\n"); exit(-1); // err_sys("read error"); } close(fd); } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n, fd; char buf[BUFFSIZE], line[MAXLINE]; //read file to cat from stdin while (NULL != fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin)) { if ('\n' == line[strlen(line)-1]) { line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; } if (0 > (fd = csopen(line, O_RDONLY))) { fprintf(stderr, "csopen failed\n"); continue; } //cat file to std out while (0 < (n = read(fd, buf, BUFFSIZE))) { if (n != write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n)) { perror("write"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } close(fd); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n, fd; char buf[BUFFSIZE], line[MAXLINE]; /* read filename to cat from stdin 从标准输入读一个路径名*/ while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) { if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n') line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; /* replace newline with null */ /* open the file 使用csopen来联系open服务器进程,从其返回一个打开描述符*/ if ((fd = csopen(line, O_RDONLY)) < 0) continue; /* csopen() prints error from server */ /* and cat to stdout 将该文件复制到标准输出*/ while ((n = read(fd, buf, BUFFSIZE)) > 0) if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n) != n) err_sys("write error"); if (n < 0) err_sys("read error"); close(fd); } exit(0); }
int C2Lopen (char *name, char *mode, FILE **ifp, FILE **ofp) { int fd; if ((fd = csopen (name, CS_OPEN_READ)) == -1) return -1; fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); *ifp = fdopen (fd, "r"), *ofp = fdopen (fd, "a+"); return 0; }
int csping(register Cs_t* state, const char* name) { register int fd; register int n; sfsprintf(state->temp, sizeof(state->path), "/dev/tcp/%s/inet.echo", name); if ((fd = csopen(state, state->temp, 0)) < 0) return -1; n = (cswrite(state, fd, M, N) != N || csread(state, fd, state->temp, N, CS_LINE) != N || strncmp(M, state->temp, N)) ? -1 : 0; close(fd); if (n) messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "ping: %s: no contact", name)); return n; }
static int reopen(register Cs_t* state, char* path) { int ret; Cs_t tmp; static int level; if (level >= 8) return -1; tmp = *state; level++; ret = csopen(&tmp, path, CS_OPEN_TEST); level--; state->addr = tmp.addr; state->port = tmp.port; return ret; }
static int svc_connect(void* handle, int fd, Cs_id_t* id, int clone, char** argv) { register State_t* state = (State_t*)handle; register File_t* fp; register char* s; int ad; int flags = 0; Fid_t fid; struct stat st; NoP(id); NoP(clone); if (!argv) return(-1); while ((s = *argv++) && *s != '/') switch (*s) { case 'm': flags |= CAT_MSG; break; } if (!s || (ad = csopen(s, 0)) < 0 && (ad = open(s, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH)) < 0) return(-1); if (fstat(ad, &st)) { close(ad); return(-1); } = st.st_dev; fid.ino = st.st_ino; if (!(fp = (File_t*)hashlook(state->files, (char*)&fid, HASH_CREATE|HASH_SIZE(sizeof(File_t)), NiL))) { close(ad); return(-1); } if (!fp->reference++) fp->fd = ad; else close(ad); fp->flags |= flags; state->cat[fd] = fp; state->active++; state->dormant = 0; return(0); }
int csclient(Cs_t* cs, int fd, const char* service, const char* prompt, char** argv, unsigned int flags) { register int i; char* s; Sfio_t* tmp; int done; int promptlen; int timeout; ssize_t n; int sdf[2]; Cspoll_t fds[2]; char buf[8 * 1024]; if (fd < 0 && (fd = csopen(cs, service, CS_OPEN_TEST)) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) error(3, "%s: server not running", service); else error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot open connect stream", service); } #if _hdr_termios if (flags & CS_CLIENT_RAW) { tcgetattr(0, &state.old_term); atexit(restore); state.new_term = state.old_term; state.new_term.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT|IGNPAR|PARMRK|INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL); state.new_term.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHOK|ICANON|ISIG); state.new_term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; state.new_term.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &state.new_term); } #endif sdf[0] = fd; sdf[1] = 1; if (argv && *argv) { fds[0].fd = 1; fds[0].events = CS_POLL_WRITE; } else { argv = 0; fds[0].fd = 0; fds[0].events = CS_POLL_READ; } fds[1].fd = fd; fds[1].events = CS_POLL_READ; done = 0; if (promptlen = (!argv && prompt && isatty(fds[0].fd) && isatty(1)) ? strlen(prompt) : 0) write(1, prompt, promptlen); timeout = CS_NEVER; tmp = 0; while (cspoll(cs, fds, elementsof(fds), timeout) > 0) for (i = 0; i < elementsof(fds); i++) if (fds[i].status & (CS_POLL_READ|CS_POLL_WRITE)) { if (!i && argv) { if (!*argv) { argv = 0; fds[0].fd = 0; if (flags & CS_CLIENT_ARGV) { if (done++) return 0; timeout = 500; } fds[0].events = CS_POLL_READ; continue; } if (!tmp && !(tmp = sfstropen())) error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space"); for (;;) { s = *argv++; if ((flags & CS_CLIENT_SEP) && *s == ':' && !*(s + 1)) break; if (sfstrtell(tmp)) sfputc(tmp, ' '); sfprintf(tmp, "%s", s); if (!(flags & CS_CLIENT_SEP) || !*argv) break; } sfputc(tmp, '\n'); n = sfstrtell(tmp); s = sfstruse(tmp); } else if ((n = read(fds[i].fd, s = buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) < 0) error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/dev/fd/%d: read error", fds[i].fd); if (!n) { if (done++) return 0; if (!i) write(sdf[i], "quit\n", 5); continue; } if (!i) { #if _hdr_termios register char* u; register int m; s[n] = 0; if ((u = strchr(s, 035))) { if ((m = u - s) > 0 && write(sdf[i], s, m) != m) error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/dev/fd/%d: write error", sdf[i]); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &state.old_term); if (promptlen) write(1, prompt, promptlen); if ((n = read(fds[i].fd, s = buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) <= 0) { write(1, "\n", 1); return 0; } buf[n - 1] = 0; if (*u == 'q' || *u == 'Q') return 0; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &state.new_term); if (*u) error(1, "%s: unknown command", u); continue; } #endif } if (write(sdf[i], s, n) != n) error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/dev/fd/%d: write error", sdf[i]); if (sdf[i] == 1 && promptlen) write(1, prompt, promptlen); } return error_info.errors != 0; }
int _cs_open(const char* apath, int op) { return csopen(&cs, apath, op); }
int sendsmtp(Sfio_t* fp, char* host, char** argv, off_t original) { register char* s; register char* t; char* e; int n; int fd; int r; off_t z; Sfio_t* sp; Sfio_t* rp; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char svc[PATH_MAX]; /* * connect to the service */ sfsprintf(svc, sizeof(svc), "/dev/tcp/%s/inet.smtp", host); if ((fd = csopen(&cs, svc, 0)) < 0) { note(SYSTEM, "smtp: %s: cannot connect to service", svc); return -1; } if (!(sp = sfnew(NiL, NiL, SF_UNBOUND, fd, SF_WRITE)) || !(rp = sfnew(NiL, NiL, SF_UNBOUND, fd, SF_READ))) { if (sp) sfclose(sp); else close(fd); note(SYSTEM, "smtp: %s: cannot buffer service", svc); return -1; } /* * verify */ do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_READY) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); /* * identify */ if (!(s = state.var.domain) || !*s) s = state.var.hostname; if (sfprintf(sp, "HELO %s\r\n", s) < 0) goto bad_send; do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_OK) goto bad_prot; } while (*(unsigned char*)e == SMTP_OK); /* * from */ if (original) { if (!(s = sfgetr(fp, '\n', 1)) || !strneq(s, "From ", 5)) goto bad_mesg; for (s += 5; isspace(*s); s++); for (t = s; *t && !isspace(*t); t++); if (!(n = t - s)) goto bad_mesg; z = sfvalue(fp); if (sfprintf(sp, "MAIL FROM:<%*.*s>\r\n", n, n, s) < 0) goto bad_send; } else { z = 0; if ((state.var.domain ? sfprintf(sp, "MAIL FROM:<%s@%s>\r\n", state.var.user, state.var.domain) : sfprintf(sp, "MAIL FROM:<%s>\r\n", state.var.user)) < 0) goto bad_send; } do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_OK) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); /* * to */ while (s = *argv++) { if ((state.var.domain && !strchr(s, '@') ? sfprintf(sp, "RCPT TO:<%s@%s>\r\n", s, state.var.domain) : sfprintf(sp, "RCPT TO:<%s>\r\n", s)) < 0) goto bad_send; do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_OK) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); } /* * body */ if (sfprintf(sp, "DATA\r\n") < 0) goto bad_send; do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_START) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); tmfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "%+uDate: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UT", NiL); if (sfputr(sp, buf, '\n') < 0) goto bad_send; if (sfprintf(sp, "From: <%s@%s>\n", state.var.user, host) < 0) goto bad_send; while (s = sfgetr(fp, '\n', 1)) { if (sfprintf(sp, "%s%s\r\n", *s == '.' ? "." : "", s) < 0) goto bad_send; if (original && (z += sfvalue(fp)) >= original) break; } if (sfprintf(sp, ".\r\n") < 0) goto bad_send; do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_OK) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); /* * quit */ if (sfprintf(sp, "QUIT\r\n") < 0) goto bad_send; do { if (!(s = sfgetr(rp, '\n', 1))) goto bad_recv; if (strtol(s, &e, 10) != SMTP_CLOSE) goto bad_prot; } while (*e == '-'); r = 0; goto done; bad_mesg: note(0, "smtp: bad message -- no From header"); goto bad; bad_prot: if ((n = strlen(e)) > 0 && e[n - 1] == '\r') e[n - 1] = 0; note(0, "smtp: %s: service error:%s", svc, e); goto bad; bad_send: note(SYSTEM, "smtp: %s: service write error", svc); goto bad; bad_recv: note(SYSTEM, "smtp: %s: service read error", svc); bad: r = -1; done: sfclose(sp); sfclose(rp); return r; }