Example #1
/* This version of ldmemfile2 allows you to specify a callback procedure
   to process the file's data after it is loaded.  This method ensures that
   your procedure is only called once even if the file is "loaded" multiple
   times by several opcodes.  callback can be NULL.

   Callback signature:     int myfunc(CSOUND* csound, MEMFIL* mfp)
   Callback return value:  OK (0) or NOTOK (-1)
MEMFIL *ldmemfile2withCB(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam, int csFileType,
                         int (*callback)(CSOUND*, MEMFIL*))
{                               /* read an entire file into memory and log it */
    MEMFIL  *mfp, *last = NULL; /* share the file with all subsequent requests*/
    char    *allocp;            /* if not fullpath, look in current directory,*/
    int32    len;                /*   then SADIR (if defined).                 */
    char    *pathnam;           /* Used by adsyn, pvoc, and lpread            */

    mfp = csound->memfiles;
    while (mfp != NULL) {                               /* Checking chain */
      if (strcmp(mfp->filename, filnam) == 0)           /*   if match     */
        return mfp;                                     /*   we have it   */
      last = mfp;
      mfp = mfp->next;
    /* Add new file description */
    mfp = (MEMFIL*) csound->Calloc(csound, sizeof(MEMFIL));
    if (last != NULL)
      last->next = mfp;
      csound->memfiles = mfp;
    mfp->next = NULL;
    strncpy(mfp->filename, filnam, 256);

    pathnam = csoundFindInputFile(csound, filnam, "SADIR");
    if (UNLIKELY(pathnam == NULL)) {
      csoundMessage(csound, Str("cannot load %s\n"), filnam);
      delete_memfile(csound, filnam);
      return NULL;
    if (UNLIKELY(Load_File_(csound, pathnam, &allocp, &len, csFileType) != 0)) {
      /* loadfile */
      csoundMessage(csound, Str("cannot load %s, or SADIR undefined\n"),
      csound->Free(csound, pathnam);
      delete_memfile(csound, filnam);
      return NULL;
    /* init the struct */
    mfp->beginp = allocp;
    mfp->endp = allocp + len;
    mfp->length = len;
    if (callback != NULL) {
      if (callback(csound, mfp) != OK) {
        csoundMessage(csound, Str("error processing file %s\n"), filnam);
        csound->Free(csound, pathnam);
        delete_memfile(csound, filnam);
        return NULL;
    csoundMessage(csound, Str("file %s (%ld bytes) loaded into memory\n"),
                  pathnam, (long) len);
    csound->Free(csound, pathnam);
    return mfp;                                          /* rtn new slotadr */
Example #2
void sfopenin(CSOUND *csound)           /* init for continuous soundin */
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *sfname, *fullName;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    int     fileType = (int) TYP_RAW;
    int     isfd = 0;   /* stdin */

    STA(inbufrem) = (uint32) 0;    /* start with empty buffer */
    sfname = O->infilename;
    if (UNLIKELY(sfname == NULL || sfname[0] == '\0'))
      csound->Die(csound, Str("error: no input file name"));

    if (strcmp(sfname, "stdin") == 0) {
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
#ifdef PIPES
    else if (sfname[0] == '|') {
      STA(pin) = _popen(sfname + 1, "r");
      isfd = fileno(STA(pin));
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
    else {
      csRtAudioParams   parm;
      /* check for real time audio input, and get device name/number */
      parm.devNum = check_rtaudio_name(sfname, &(parm.devName), 0);
      if (parm.devNum >= 0) {
        /* set device parameters */
        parm.bufSamp_SW   =
          (unsigned int) O->inbufsamps / (unsigned int) csound->inchnls;
        parm.bufSamp_HW   = O->oMaxLag;
        parm.nChannels    = csound->inchnls;
        parm.sampleFormat = O->informat;
        parm.sampleRate   = (float) csound->esr;
        /* open devaudio for input */
        if (UNLIKELY(csound->recopen_callback(csound, &parm) != 0))
          csoundDie(csound, Str("Failed to initialise real time audio input"));
        /*  & redirect audio gets  */
        csound->audrecv = csound->rtrecord_callback;
        STA(pipdevin) = 2;       /* no backward seeks !     */
        goto inset;             /* no header processing    */
    /* open file */
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
    if (STA(pipdevin)) {
      STA(infile) = sf_open_fd(isfd, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        /* open failed: possibly raw file, but cannot seek back to try again */
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), sfname, sfError);
    else {
      fullName = csoundFindInputFile(csound, sfname, "SFDIR;SSDIR");
      if (UNLIKELY(fullName == NULL))                     /* if not found */
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s"), sfname);
      STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
      if (STA(infile) == NULL) {
        /* open failed: maybe raw file ? */
        memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
        sfinfo.samplerate = (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr);
        sfinfo.channels = csound->nchnls;
        /* FIXME: assumes input sample format is same as output */
        sfinfo.format = TYPE2SF(TYP_RAW) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
        STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);  /* try again */
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), fullName, sfError);
      /* only notify the host if we opened a real file, not stdin or a pipe */
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, fullName,
                              sftype2csfiletype(sfinfo.format), 0, 0);
      sfname = fullName;
    /* chk the hdr codes  */
    if (sfinfo.samplerate != (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr)) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has sr = %d, orch sr = %d"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.samplerate,
                              (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr));
    if (sfinfo.channels != csound->inchnls) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has %d chnls, orch %d chnls_i"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.channels, csound->inchnls);
    /* Do we care about the format?  Can assume float?? */
    O->informat = SF2FORMAT(sfinfo.format);
    fileType = (int) SF2TYPE(sfinfo.format);
    csound->audrecv = readsf;           /* will use standard audio gets  */
    if ((O->informat == AE_FLOAT || O->informat == AE_DOUBLE) &&
        !(fileType == TYP_WAV || fileType == TYP_AIFF || fileType == TYP_W64)) {
      /* do not scale "raw" floating point files */
      csound->spinrecv = sndfilein_noscale;

    /* calc inbufsize reqd */
    STA(inbufsiz) = (unsigned) (O->inbufsamps * sizeof(MYFLT));
    STA(inbuf) = (MYFLT*) csound->Calloc(csound,
                                         STA(inbufsiz)); /* alloc inbuf space */
    if (STA(pipdevout) == 2)
                      Str("reading %d sample blks of %lu-bit floats from %s\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * O->sfsampsize,
                      (unsigned long) sizeof(MYFLT)*8, sfname);
    else {
                      Str("reading %d-byte blks of %s from %s (%s)\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * (int) sfsampsize(FORMAT2SF(O->informat)),
                      getstrformat(O->informat), sfname, type2string(fileType));
    STA(isfopen) = 1;